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План урока на тему «Reflexive pronouns. Sports and games», проведенного в 5-м классе
Даулетиярова Акмарал Булатбековна

учительница английского языка школы-лицея №249

Казалинского района Кызылординской области

Республика Казахстан
The aims: a) educational: to explain the forming of the reflexive pronouns; to give some information about the popular sports and games in Britain.

b) Developing: to develop pupils’ skills of reading, tidy writing, listening and speaking, their mental abilities.

c) Cultural: to bring up pupils to respect each other, to be tidy, polite, responsible, to lead a healthy life.

The type of the lesson: mixed lesson

The kind of the lesson: mastering new material

Teaching methods: explaining, listening, reading, comparing, speaking.

Visual aid: an active board
The procedure of the lesson

I. Organization moment

a) greeting

T: Good morning, pupils!

P: Good morning, teacher!

b) warm-up activity

The activity “Find the odd out”

1. Scotland, Wales, England, Canada, Northern Ireland.

2. football, sailing, basketball, hockey, golf.

3. jumping, boxing, rowing, tennis, boating.

c) asking the date

d) checking up the attendance

T: Who is on duty today?

P: I am on duty today.

T: Who is absent?

P: All are present.

e) distributing the evaluating papers

T: Pupils, today you will estimate your neighbors. You have tables, if you want to put “5”, draw circle, if “4”, draw square, if “3”, draw triangle.



Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 5



The name of the pupil

-triangle –“3”

-square – “4”

-circle – “5”

II. Checking up the homework

to learn the new words, write the translations of the words

to go boating – (кататься на лодке)

(rowing) – гребля

invent – (изобретать)

develop – (развивать)

probably – (возможно)

spread – (распространяться)

widespread – (широко распространенный)

team – (команда)

compete – (соревноваться)

competition – (соревнование)

lawn – (газон)

to hold a competition – (провести соревнование)

ІІІ. Presentation of the new lesson

a) the activity “What’s in my mind?”

T: Pupils, you must guess the new theme of the lesson. This activity is called “What’s in my mind?”.

1. It has 5 letters. Rowing, sailing, swimming, boxing are its kinds. What word is it? – sport

2. It has 3 letters. It is a conjunction. It is used to connect the words. What conjunction is it? – and

3. It has 4 letters. We play it and basketball, football, volleyball are its kinds. What word is in my mind? – game

T: The theme of our today’s lesson is “Sports and games”. The grammar theme of the lesson is “Reflexive pronouns”

b) explanation of the new grammar

Reflexive pronouns (Возвратные местоимения)

Возвратные местоимения используются, когда лицо или предмет производят действие, направленное на само себя. В русском языке они соответствуют частице -ся или местоимению себя. Возвратные местоимения образуются с помощью прибавления суффикса –self в единственном числе и суффикса –selves во множественном числе к корню притяжательных местоимении.

Единственное число множественное число

myself ourselves

yourself yourselves

himself themselves



Do it yourself! – Сделай это сам!

Do it yourselves! –Сделайте это сами!

Tom did his home task himself. –Том выполнил домашнее задание сам.

Также возвратные местоимения могут служить для эмоционального усиления, в таком случае их могут называть «усилительными местоимениями» (emphatic pronouns):

But you yourself saw it! / You saw it yourself! – Но ведь Вы сами всё видели!

IV. Level tasks

The first level. Task 1. The activity is called “Segmented sentences”. You must find the right order of the words and make up correct sentences.

1. myself/ angry/ I/ with/am – I am angry with myself

2. in/ looked/ Sue/ herself/ at/ mirror/ the. – Sue looked at herself in the mirror.

3. did/ his/ Tom/ himself/ homework. – Tom did his homework himself

4. and/ Julian/ laughed/ themselves/ Kate/ at. – Julian and Kate laughed at themselves.

5. cut/ yourself/ don’t/ ! – Don’t cut yourselves

6. children/ wash up/ always /the – The children always wash up themselves

7. Sam/Bob/ but/ small/ are/ and/ always/ they/ to/ write/ their/ letters/ themselves/ grandparents - Sam and Bob are small but they always write letters to their grandparents themselves.

The second level. Task 2. Complete the sentences using the reflexive pronouns.

1. Be careful. Don’t burn_________. (yourself)

2. Betty never thinks about other people, she only thinks about ________. (herself)

3. When we are alone we sometimes talk to __________. (ourselves)

4. He fell off his bike but didn’t hurt ____________. (himself)

5. Fred and Sam! When you ride your bikes, be careful and look after _________. (yourselves)

6. Liz always cooks__________. (herself)

7. Janet always cleans the carpet with the vacuum cleaner _____________. (herself)

The third level. Task 3. Make up sentences using the reflexive pronouns.

for example: I did it myself. Colin never turns on TV himself. etc.

V. Listening, reading the text. Pupils will listen to the text, then they will read it in paragraphs.

The text “Popular sports and games in Britain.”


The British people like sports and games. But if they are asked to name their favorite sport they will probably name football, cricket and tennis, though many of them go in for such sports as golf and hockey, athletics and climbing, horse-riding and boating, rugby and rowing.

Britain invented and developed many of the sports and games which are now played all over the world. Football is one of them. Probably the most popular sport nowadays was first developed in England. It is spread all over the country – in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Their national teams compete with each other every year. They take part in different competitions. The two best teams play in the Cup Final at Wembley Stadium in London. It is one of the most important football matches of the year. National teams of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland take part in European competitions and other international matches. There are many football clubs all over Britain.

Cricket is another popular summer sport. It is sometimes called the English national game. It is known that people played cricket in England as early as 1550. Many cricket clubs were founded in the 18th century. Nowadays this summer game, which is typically British, is played in schools, colleges and universities and in most towns and villages of Britain. Teams play weekly games from late April to the end of September. Cricket is a very long game, and quite dangerous. It is a slow game too. International cricket matches can last for 5 days. Cricket is not played only by men. Girls and women play this game too.

Boxing as a British sport is one of the oldest. It existed even in Saxon times. Golf was developed in Scotland and now is widely spread all over Britain. Tennis, or lawn tennis, is another popular game in Britain. It was first played in England in 1872 and the first championship at Wimbledon was in 1877. Nowadays every summer in June, the British hold their famous International Tennis Championship at Wimbledon, in west London.

Swimming, boating and sailing have always been popular in Britain and are enjoyed by thousands of people. But the British are less interested in skiing and skating, typically Russian types of sport.

VI. Doing the tasks

Task 4. Answer the questions about the text

1. What game was invented and developed in Britain?–Football was invented and developed in Britain.

2. Where is Wembley Stadium? – Wembley Stadium is in London

3. What is the English national game? – The English national game is cricket.

4. When did people play cricket in England? – People played cricket in England as early as 1550.

5. When were many cricket clubs founded? – Many cricket clubs were founded in the 18th century.

6. What sport did exist even in Saxon times? – Boxing existed even in Saxon times.

7. When was the first championship at Wimbledon?–The 1st championship at Wimbledon was in 1877.

Task 5. Complete the sentences

1. ______was invented and developed in Britain. (football)

2. Wembley Stadium is in ________. (London)

3. _______ is sometimes called the English national game. (cricket)

4. People played cricket as early as _____. (1550)

5. _______existed even in Saxon times. (boxing)

6. The first championship on lawn tennis at _______ was in 1877. (Wimbledon)

7. _______was first developed in Scotland. (golf)

Task 6. Write the names of sports and games under the pictures

Sports: swimming, boating, boxing, rowing, sailing.

Games: basketball, volleyball, cricket, golf, rugby, football, hockey, lawn tennis.

Task 7: Give it a name:

1. the sport of fighting with fists – boxing;

2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails – sailing;

3. the sport of one who swims – swimming;

4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball – rugby;

5. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails – boating;

6. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net – tennis;

7. the sport of going on horseback – horse riding.

VII. Consolidation of the lesson

a) Association

b) write the names of sports and games







c) name the sports and games which are popular in Kazakhstan and Britain.

Popular sports and games

Britain Kazakhstan

VIII. Evaluation of the pupils.

Pupils estimate their neighbors and the teacher will put their final marks.

IX. Homework

a) to retell the text

b) to write an essay using reflexive pronouns

X. The end of the lesson

The lesson is over. Good bye.

Список использованной литературы:

1. English V. И.Н.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева. Москва «Просвещение»

2. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – А.И.Каменский, И.Б.Каменская. Харьков: ИНЭМ, 2002 г

3. http://study-english.info/exercises-pronoun.php

4. http://www.native-english.ru/grammar/reflexive-pronouns

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