Программа дисциплины «Banking Systems» «Банковские системы»

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Topic 1. Introduction. Concept and definition of a national banking system, its tiers and structure

  1. Course structure and plan, assessment tools and information sources.

  2. Banking system as an element of a credit system. Banks’ role in the system of financial intermediation.

  3. Concept and definition of a banking system. Banking system tiers.

  4. Central banks: legal status, mission and functions. Central banks conflict of interest.

  5. Banks and non-banking financial institutions. Where is the line between banking and non-banking business? “Shadow banking”. Investment banking.

  6. Commercial banks types.

  7. Standard algorithm for a national banking system analysis.

  8. Choice of a national banking system for case study and for student’s specialization during the course. Relevant banking systems: transition economies, leading industrially developed countries, emerging market countries.

Recommended reading:

[ 19; 21; 22] +

Standard & Poor’s (2011), Shadow No More: the Shadow Banking System Steps into the spotlight, Standard & Poor’s, May 2011.

McKinsey & Company (2011), The State of Global Banking – in Search of a Sustainable Model, McKinsey annual review on the banking industry, September 2011.

The Economist (2011), The Economist Report on International Banking, May 2011.
Topic 2. How to assess and compare the size of the banking industry across countries. Financial depth and its drivers

  1. Quantitative indicators used to assess banking industry development and financial depth.

  2. Absolute and relative size of a banking system.

  3. Significance of banking systems at country and region level.

  4. Quantitative comparison of banking systems. Task: Which of the two countries has a more developed banking system?

Recommended reading:

[ 4; 7; 40; 56; 61 ] +

World Bank, A New Database on Financial Development and Structure (updated November 2010).

Smaghi L. (2010), Has the Financial Sector Grown Too Big? Speech at Nomura Seminar, April 2010.

Economist (2011), Bank Penetration Indicators Around the World, May 2011.

Krippner, G. (2005), The Financialization of the US Economy, Socio-Economic Review 2005, volume 3, pp. 173-208.

Interview with Gerald Epstein on Financialization, 2009.
Topic 3. Structural parameters and features of a national banking system

  1. Number of participants in the banking services market. How many banks does Russia need?

  2. Bank classification parameters: size, type of property or specialization.

  3. Average size of a functioning bank.

  4. Structural parameters (property type, market structure, concentration indicators, competition intensity, return on equity and assets and other).

  5. Balance sheet structure of an average commercial bank in different countries including Russia.

  6. Prudential parameters: capital adequacy, assets quality, liquidity, credit portfolio concentration and diversification, proneness to market, credit and operational risks.

  7. Qualitative characteristics and parameters. Sustainability, reliability, flexibility, management quality, transparency, frequency of banking and other crises types.

  8. Specific credit systems: Islamic banks.

Recommended reading:

[ 5; 7; 19 ] +

Bonin J., Hasan I., Wachtel P. (2005), Banking and the financial sector in transition and emerging market economies, Journal of Banking & Finance 29 (1), 31-53.

Burger A., Moormann J. (2008), Productivity in banks: myths & truths of the Cost Income Ratio, Banks and Bank Systems 3(4), 85-94.

Zaher T.S., Hassan M.K. (2001), A comparative literature survey of Islamic finance and banking, Financial Markets, Institutions & Instruments, 10 (4).

The CityUK (2011), Islamic Finance, The CityUK Financial Markets Series, May 2011.

Hasan, M., Dridi, J. (2010), The Effect of the Global Crisis on Islamic and Conventional Banks: A Comparative Study, IMF Working Paper WP/10/201, September 2010.
Topic 4. Bank regulation: current trends. Deposit insurance and its effects. Overcoming bank failures

  1. Regulatory institutions on the national level.

  2. Deposit insurance – prevalence, intermediaries, principles, forms, coverage limits, moral hazard problem.

  3. International banking regulation: Does it actually exist? Major principles and approaches. BIS. BCBS. ECB. ESCB & Eurosystem. CEBS / EBA. Financial Stability Board (FSB).

  4. Banking crises and mitigation of their consequences: international experience.

Recommended reading:

[ 2; 3; 10; 14; 17; 49; 62 ] +

BIS (2011), Financial Regulatory Reform: accomplishments, pitfalls, prospects. BIS Annual Report, June 2011.

Gorton, G., Metrick, A. (2010), Regulating the Shadow Banking System, NBER Working Paper, September 2010.

Elliott, D. (2010), Basel III, the Banks, and the Economy. Brookings Institution, July 2010.

Levine, R. (2010), The Autopsy of the US Financial System: accident, suicide, or negligent homicide. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, Vol. 2 No. 3, 2010.

Zamil, R. (2009), Too Big to Ignore, IMF Finance & Development, December 2009.

Blundell-Wignall A., Wehinger G., Slovik P. (2009), ‘The elephant in the room: The need to deal with what banks do’, Financial Market Trends 2009 (2), 1-27.

Deposit insurance around the world : issues of design and implementation / edited by Asli Demirgüç-Kunt, Edward J. Kane, and Luc Laeven. MIT Press, Cambridge MA and L., 2008.

US Government (2010), Press Release: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.
Topic 5. Direct government involvement in banking

  1. Theoretical concepts of governmental involvement in banking system (Development theory Vs. Political theory).

  2. Direct governmental involvement in the credit system as one of the banking regulation tools.

  3. Methodology for assessment of government controlled banks’ share in a banking system. “Development banks”.

  4. Cross-country comparison of state banks share.

  5. Bank privatizations and nationalizations.

  6. Comparative performance of state owned banks and private banks.

  7. Influence of direct governmental involvement in banking system on its stability.

Recommended reading:

[ 12; 16; 18; 20 ] +

Andrianova S., Demetriades P., Shortland S.(2009), Is government ownership of banks really harmful to growth?, University of Leicester Working Paper No. 09/11, December 2009.

The Economist (2010), A special report on banking in emerging markets: Mutually assured existence. Public and private banks have reached a modus vivendi. The Economist, May 13th 2010.

Körner T., Schnabel I. (2010), “Public ownership of banks and economic growth – The role of heterogeneity”, Preprints of the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods No. 2010/41, September 2010, Bonn.

Scott D. (2009), Banks in crisis. When Governments take temporary ownership. World Bank Policy Brief. October 2009.

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. Rethinking the Role of National Development Banks. December 2005.

Vernikov A. (2011), Government banking in Russia: Magnitude and new features (July 5, 2011). Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1878970
Topic 6. International trade in banking services

  1. Composition of banking services involved in international trade (under the WTO and GATS rules).

  2. Four basic ways of cross-border banking services delivery.

  3. Volume and dynamics of international trade in banking services: country-specific examples. Record in the balance of payments.

  4. International investment position of a country’s banking sector: concept, structure and information sources. Direct, portfolio and other investment.

  5. Cross-border delivery of banking services – forms, scale, major participants, record in the balance of payments.

  6. Commercial presenceforms, major participants, rules.

Recommended reading:

[ 8; 11; 19; 23 ] +

Moghadam, R. (2011), Mapping Cross-Border Financial Linkages: a Supporting Case for Global Financial Safety Nets. IMF, June 2011.

Fiechter, J. et al. (2011), Subsidiaries or Branches: Does One Size Fit All? IMF Staff Discussion Note SDN/11/04, March 2011.

Minoui, C. and Reyes, J. (2011), A network analysis of global banking: 1978 – 2009. IMF Working Paper WP/11/74, April 2011.

Kamil H., Rai K. (2010), The global credit crunch and foreign banks' lending to emerging markets: Why did Latin America fare better? IMF WP/10/102.
Topic 7. Foreign direct investment in the banking industry and its impact on the recipient economy

  1. Methodology for assessment of foreign direct investment in the banking industry.

  2. Methodology for assessment of foreign direct investment in the banking industry across banking systems of different countries.

  3. Methodology for assessment of foreign direct investment in national economy lending.

  4. Macro and microeconomic consequences of foreign capital involvement in the banking system.

  5. Effectiveness of foreign banks in comparison with local ones.

  6. Bank protectionism: reasons and general manifestations. Arguments for bank protectionism (infant industry protection, “national economic safety”, “financial sovereignty”, currency stability, availability of banking services, political loyalty). “Clever protectionism”.

Recommended reading:

[ 19 ] +

Claessens S., van Horen N. (2009), Being a foreigner among domestic banks: Asset or liability? IMF Working Paper WP/09/273.

Havrylchyk O. (2011), The effect of foreign bank presence on firm entry and exit in transition economies, BOFIT Discussion Papers 11/2011, Helsinki.

Maechler A., Li Lian Ong (2009), Foreign banks in the CESE Countries: In for a penny, in for a pound? IMF WP/09/54.

Mamonov M., Solntsev O. (2009), Foreign banks expansion to Russian banking sector: Interim summation, perspective analysis effort, Journal of the New Economic Association 1-2, 175-189.
Topic 8. Concentration in the banking industry. National, regional and global banking centers. Top market players in each region and country under analysis

  1. Ranking of the leading banking sector players in Russia and in major economic regions of the world.

  2. Main banking clusters location.

  3. International financial and banking centers.

  4. Prospects for Moscow to become a global financial center.

  5. International expansion of Russian commercial banks.

Recommended reading:

[ 19 ] +

The Banker (2011), Top 1000 World Banks 2011, The Banker, June 2011.

Dealogic (2011), Top Investment Banks.

Capelle-Blancard G., Tadjeddine Y. (2010), The impact of the 2007-10 crisis on the geography of finance, CEPII, WP No. 2010-16, Paris.

City of London (2011), Global Financial Centres Index report, City of London, September 2011.

Oliver Wyman (2011), Moscow as a Financial Center. Survey Results. May 2011.

Elliott, D. (2011), Building a Global Financial Center in Shanghai, Brookings Institution, June 2011.
Topic 9. Russian banking industry compared to other transition economies. Comparative analysis of banking across Russia’s regions

  1. The concept of Russian national banking system.

  2. Institutional structure (basic legal acts, state organizations and institutions). Status, functions and role of the central bank.

  3. Level of Russian banking system development in comparison with other countries.

  4. Structure of Russian banking services market, main participants.

  5. Efficiency and profitability of Russian banks.

  6. Assessment of competition on the banking services market.

  7. Regime for direct investment into the banking sector. The level of foreign capital involvement.

  8. Banking sector development across Russian regions.

Recommended reading:

[ 6; 7; 8; 9; 13; 15; 16; 22; 31 ] +

Camara M.K., Montes-Negret F. (2006), Deposit insurance and banking reform in Russia, The World Bank WPS4056, November 2006.

Claeys S. (2005), Optimal regulatory design for the Central Bank of Russia, BOFIT Discussion Papers 07/2005, Bank of Finland, Helsinki.

Drobyshevsky S., Trunin P., Chetverikov S., Lederman L. (2007), Regional banking systems and investment process, IET Paper, Moscow, 2007. (in Russian)

Ivanter A., Selyanin S. (2008), Altruistov net, Ekspert 18 (607), 50-55. (in Russian)

Moiseev S., Lepehin G., Kuzmin M. (2008), Bank Rossii: effektiven ili net? Working paper, CEI MFPA, Мoscow. (in Russian)

Shatkovskaya T. (2007), Razvitie regionalnykh rynkov bankovskih uslug v 2005-2009 godah, Bankovskoe delo, No.12, Moscow. (in Russian)

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