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ТипКонтрольная работа
100-bal.ru > Философия > Контрольная работа
Контрольнаяработа № 3


1.Прочитайте текст, устно переведите, письменно ответьте на вопросы и переведите полученные ответы на русский язык.

      1. Does Monster.com make a profit?

      2. What two advantages does Monster.com offer to job-seekers?

      3. Find two advantages for employers of using the Monster.com site

      4. Which two kinds of business are losing money because of Monster.com’s success?

      5. What advice does the article give to people who want to use the site for advice and careerto find a job?

      6. Would you use an online job-search site like Monster to look for a job? Why?/Why not?

The Online Job Market
How Jeff Taylor changed the way, the labour market works

Monster.com, the world’s biggest online job-search site shows how electronic marketplaces reach more people and can offer more efficiency than physical markets. It also shows that money can be made in such markets: Monster has a long record of profitability.

JEFF Taylor, who launched the site in 1994, says that the Monster.com name is the firm’s “single most important success factor”. It introduces an image of youthful fun in what is basically a boring business. Supporting the brand is a big advertising budget, which accounts for a quarter of the firm’s costs. He runs expensive ads during key sporting events such as the Super Bowl.

Job seekers supply resumes and employers pay to scan them or to post job ads. Most of the services that job-seekers get free, but they have to pay for a service that allows them to contact each other questions about, say, what it is like to work for a firm that they are thinking of joining.

The main contribution of Monster has been to speed up hiring and vastly increase the accuracy of the job-search process. “You can post a job at 2 pm and get your first response at 2:01,” Mr. Taylor says proudly. Moreover, an employer who knows exactly what he wants can use Monster’s filters to search vast numbers of resumes with precise accuracy. Monster is a serious threat to newspapers, which historically made 40% of their revenues from carrying ads, up to half of which were for staff. Recruiting firms have also lost business, because demand for their help in filling lower-level jobs has fallen.

The online job market works well for workers and employers who know what they want. It works badly for people who are unsure. Check that you resume says clearly what kind of job you want. The filters will then make sure that it reaches the right human resource departments

  1. Фиона Скотт решает найти работу в Патагонии.

  1. Изучите ее резюме, поставьте следующие пункты резюме в правильном порядке:

References Activities Personal Details

Education Skills Professional Experience


Fiona Scott

52 Hanover Street Edinburgh EH 5LM


Phone: 0131 449 0237

E-mail: Fiona.scott@caledonia net


1991-1992 London Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Diploma in Public Relations

1988-1991 University of London

BA (Honours) in Journalism and Media Studies (ClassII)

1981-1988 Broadfield School, Brighton

A-levels in German (A), English (B). History (B), and Geography (C)


1995-present Public relations Officer, Scottish Nature Trust

Responsible for researching and writing articles on all aspects

of the Tusts’s

Activities and ensuring their distribution to the press

Editor of the Trust’s monthly journal

In charge of relations with European environmental agencies

1992-1995 Press Officer, Highlands Tourist Board

Preparation of promotional materials and brochures

Coordination of media coverage

Summers of 1990 and 1991

The Glasgo Tribune Newspaper

Two-three month training periods as assistant to the Sport


Arranging and Conducting interviews

Preparation of articles covering local community sport events


IT Office 2000 and Windows NT, Excel, Internet, Powerpoint

Languages Fleunt German and proficient in French

Additional Driving licence (car and motocycle)


Cross-country skiing, rock climbing and swimming

Ski instructor (grade II)

Secretary of the local branch of “Action”, an Association organizing sports activities for disabled children


Geoffrey Williams Brenda Denholm

Professor of Journalism Sports Editor

University of London the Glasgo Tribune

  1. Переведите письменно следующий текст:

Letter of Application

The letter of application can be as important as the CV in that in often provides the first direct contact between a candidate and an employer. If this letter is not well written and presented, it will make a poor impression. The letter of application usually contains four paragraphs in which you should:

  • confirm that you wish to apply and say where you learned about the job

  • say why you are interested in the position and relate your interests to those of the company

  • show that you can contribute to the job by highlighting your most relevant skill and expectations

  • indicate your willingness to attend an interview (and possible say when you would be free to attend

  1. Нижепредставленычастиписьма –заявленияФионыСкоттвписьменномвидеоприеменаработу. Напишитеипереведитеданноеписьмовнужномпорядке.

  1. Although I am presently employed by a non-profit making organization, it has always been my intention to work in a commercial environment. I would particularly welcome the chance to work for you company as I have long admired both the quality of the products that it provides and its position as a defender of environmental causes. As you will notice on my enclosed CV, the job you are offering suits both my personal and professional interests

  2. I would be pleased to discuss my curriculum vitae with you in more detail at an interview. In meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information. I look forward to hearing from you.

  3. Dear MsBaudin d) 8th January 2010

e)I al writhing to apply for the position which was advertised last month in The independent.

f) 52 Hanover Street g) Natalie Baudoin

Edinburgh Patagonia Gmbh

EH2 5LM Ritmorstrasse 50

UK 80000 Munich 22


h) My work experience has familiarized me with many of the challenges involved in public relations today. I’m sure that this together with m understanding o the needs and expectations of sport and nature enthusiasts, would be extremely relevant to the position. Moreover, as my mother is German, I am fluent in this language and would definitely enjoy working in a German-speaking environment.

i) Fiona Scott j) yours sincerely

  1. Прочитайте еще раз резюме и заявление Фионы. Письменно ответьте на английском, есть ли шанс у Фионы получить работу. Почемудаилипочемунет?

  1. Изучитетаблицу

Present Simple/Present Continuous

translate, or he, she, it translates I am translating

Do you write? He (she, it) is translating

Does he translate? They are translating

I don’t translate Are they translating?

He doesn’t translate They are (aren’t) not translating


Every day, usually, always now, at the moment, at present

often, weekdays this week, these days

  1. Найдите глагол-сказуемое в каждом предложении, определите время. Предложения переведите. Соотнесите с a-g, и объясните, почему используется данное время в каждом случае.

  1. Candidates know what question to expect

  2. Companies are getting much more careful about hiring.

  3. Who is she talking to?

  4. I’m meeting the production manager this afternoon.

  5. The flight leaves at 18.00.

  6. James is working at home until the new office is ready.

  7. I get up at 7.00 most mornings.

  1. Temporary situation?

  2. An action that is happening at this moment?

  3. A permanent state or situation?

  4. A future arrangement?

  5. A regular or habitual action?

  6. A changing and developing situation?

  7. A future event based on a timetable?

  1. Complete the sentences with a verb from the list.

Start starts work works is are specialize specializes have has

        1. The company … three subsidiaries in the Far East.

        2. She …. In Manchester today.

        3. We … in the advertising of children’ toys.

        4. The meeting always … at 2.30.

        5. She … for an engineering company.

        6. They usually … work at about 7.00 a.m.

        7. I … one office in Paris and another in Buenos Aries.

        8. He’s a lawyer. He … in company law.

        9. Most of our competitors … in Europe. I … in sales.

  1. Напишите на английском, используя маркеры из таблицы, чем вы обычно занимаетесь каждый день, и чем занимаетесь в данный момент или будете на этой неделе.


Составление любого делового письма на английском языке подчиняется общим правилам: 

  • Весь текст разделяется на абзацы без использования красной строки.

  • В верхнем левом углу письма указывается полное имя отправителя или название компании с адресом.

  • Далее указывается имя адресата и название компании, которой письмо предназначено, а также ее адрес (с новой строки).

  • Дата отправления указывается тремя строками ниже или в верхнем правом углу письма.

  • Основной текст должен быть помещен в центральной части письма.

  • Главная мысль письма может начинаться с причины обращения: "I amwritingtoyouto ..."

  • Обычно письмо заканчивается высказыванием благодарности   ("Thankyouforyourprompthelp...") и приветствием "Yourssincerely," если автор знает имя адресата и 'Yoursfaithfully', если нет.

  • Четырьмя строками ниже ставится полное имя автора и должность.

  • Подпись автора ставится между приветствием и именем.

Образец делового письма на английском:

Office 2002, Entrance 1B 
Tverskaya Street 
RUSSIA                                       20 June 2004


Dear Nikolay,

I'm writing to you in regard of your enquiry. Please find enclosed our information pack which contains our brochures and general details on our schools and summer centres.

In England we have two schools, Brighton and Bath, both beautiful locations which I am sure you and your students will like. Our schools are located in attractive premises in convenient, central positions. Brighton is a clean and safe town with a beautiful bay and countryside nearby. Bath is one of the most famous historic cities in England, famous for its Georgian architecture and Roman Baths. 

Accommodation is provided in host families chosen for the ability to provide comfortable homes, a friendly welcome and a suitable environment, in which students can practice English and enjoy their stay. We have full-time Activities Organisers responsible for sports, cultural activities and weekly excursions.

Please complete and return the enclosed registration form in order to receive more brochures and other promotional materials.

I look forward to hearing from you and later hope to welcome your students to our schools and summer centres.

Yours sincerely, 

Tomas Green 
Managing Director

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1. Прочитайте текст, устно переведите, письменно ответьте на вопросы и переведите полученные ответы на русский язык iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
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