Фонетические упражнения

НазваниеФонетические упражнения
Дата публикации12.01.2015
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Тема 1

Упражнение 1. Прочитайте и переведите интернациональные слова:
Aviation, airplane, project, passenger, diameter, cabin, technological, per cent,

efficiency, extreme, temperature, liner, model.
Упражнение 2. Прочитайте следующие слова:
Supersonic, hypersonic, Paris, Tokyo, plane, hours, reliable, combined, engine, generate, generation, in general, require, fuel, liquid, hydrogen, surface, vaporize, in-ject, combustion, chamber.

Прочитайте текст по абзацам и озаглавьте их. Назовите основные проблемы, рассмотренные в каждом абзаце. Скажите, какие абзацы можно объединить под одним заглавием. Переведите текст.
A New Era for Aircraft
Aviation experts expect that today’s aircraft will begin to be replaced with some new form of supersonic transport in a few years time. A 21st century hypersonic aircraft may open a new age of aircraft design.

The designers of this country displayed the project of such a supersonic passenger liner among the prospective models at one of the latest Aerospace Salon held on the old Le Bourget airfield1 in Paris. An elongated fuselage with a sharp nose and without a horizontal stabilizer makes it look more like a rocket. The speed matches the looks. This plane will fly at a speed five to six times above the speed of sound, e.g., it will cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours. The diameter of the fuselage will be 4 meters and the overall length 100 meters, with the cabin accomodating 300 passengers. The future superplanes of such a class will have no windows, but the passengers can enjoy watching the panorama of the Earth on the TV monitor the front of the cabin. They will fly so fast that ordinary aircraft windows would make the structure too weak to withstand the stresses at such a speed. At high velocities the air resistance in the lower atmosphere is so great that the skin is heated to very high temperature. The only way out is to fly higher. Therefore, airliners’ routes will mainly lie in the stratosphere.

In general, to build a reliable hypersonic plane one has to overcome a whole set of tehnological and scientific difficulties. Apart from creating highly economical combined engines and heat-insulating materials, designers have to make such an amount of thermodynamic computations that can’t be performed without using supercomputers. One of the ways to make planes as economical as possible is lightening the aircraft by substituting new composite materials for conventional metal alloys. Accounting for less than 5 per cent of the overall aircraft weight now, the percentage of composite material parts will exceed 25 per cent in new generation models. An extensive use of new materials combined with better aerodynamics and engines will allow increasing fuel efficiency by one-third.

Because of the extreme temperatures generated by the atmosphere friction, a hypersonic craft will also require complicated cooling measures. One possibility is using cryogenic fuels, such as liquid hydrogen, as both coolants and propellants. The fuel flowing through the aircraft’s skin would cool the surfaces as it vaporizes before being injected into combustion chamber.

In addition, specialists in many countries are currently working on new propeller engines considered much more economical and less noisy than jets. The only disadvantage is that propeller planes fly slower than jet planes. However, it has recently been announced that specialists succeeded in solving this problem. As a result a ventilator engine with a propeller of ten fibre-glass blades has been built, each being five meters long. It will be mounted in the experimental passenger plane.
Комментарий к тексту:
1. Le Bourget airfield – аэропорт Ле Бурже

2. the looks – внешний вид

3. can enjoy – с удовольствием (здесь)

4. heat-insulating materials – теплоизолирующие материалы

5. accounting for - составляя

6. by one-third – на одну треть

7. coolants – охлаждающая жидкость

8. succeeded in – удалось
I.Найдите русские эквиваленты:
1. to be replaced 1. недостаток

2. an aircraft design 2. реактивный самолет

3. more like a rocket 3. размещать

4. to accommodate 4. сопротивление воздуха

5. the air resistance 5. быть замененным

6. the combustion chamber 6. камера сгорания

7. the disadvantage 7. более похож на ракету

8. to be mounted 8. конструкция самолета

9. a jet plane 9. быть установленным
II. Вставьте пропущенные слова.

  1. A 21st century hypersonic aircraft may open a new age of … .

  2. An elongated fuselage with a sharp nose and without a … makes it look more like a rocket.

  3. In general, to build a reliable hypersonic plane one has to overcome a whole set of … and … difficulties.

  4. As a result a … with a propeller of ten fibre-glass blades has been built.

5. It will … in the experimental passenger plane.
III. Укажите, какие утверждения соответствуют содержанию текста . Исправьте неправильные утверждения.
1.Today’s aircraft will be replaced with a new form of supersonic transport in a few years’ time.

2. The new hypersonic aircraft that looks like a rocket will cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than two hours.

3. The future superliner of this class will have large windows than will allow passengers to watch the panorama of the Earth.

4. Airliner’s routes will mainly lie in the stratosphere because the air resistance in the lower atmosphere is too great.

5. Designers can easily make all the necessary thermodynamic calculations to build a reliable hypersonic plane.

6. It is possible to lighten the aircraft by substituting conventional metal alloys for new composite materials.

7. Cryogenic fuels are used as both coolants and propellants.

8. The great advantage of propeller planes is that they fly faster than jet planes.
IV. Просмотрите текст и ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is this text about?

2. What aircraft was displayed in Paris?

3. What are the characteristics of the new liner?

4. What are the difficulties in building a hypersonic plane?
V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив, определите его функцию ( см. приложение ).

  1. To be able to fly was one of the greatest desires of man.

  2. To fly an aircraft requires deep knowledge.

  3. A force is required to propel the aeroplane through the air.

  4. We can use atomic energy in order to operate an engine.

  5. To learn the principle of lift was very important for the development of aviation.

  6. To send a rocket into space it is necessary compute its path, speed and fuel con-


7. He was the first to translate this article.

8. Our aim is to translate technical articles without a dictionary.
VI. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых встречается инфинитив, опреде-лите его функцию и переведите ( см. приложение ).


Упражнение 1. Прочтите слова и словосочетания, обращая внимание на ударение.
unaccelerated thrust longitudinal

unaccelerated flight artificially imaginary

upward nature imaginary straight line

weight inequality maintaining

downward accelerating climb
Упражнение 2. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания.
four forces-lift useful reaction

downward acting force to be rounded

backward acting force to be called

any inequality relative wind
The aeroplane, in straight-and-level, unaccelerated flight is acted on by four forces-lift, the upward acting force; weight or gravity, the downward acting force; thrust, the forward acting force; and the drag, the backward acting force.

Drag and weight are forces in anything lifted from the earth and moved through the air. Thrust and lift are artificially created forces used to overcome the forces of nature and enable and aeroplane to fly. Any inequality between lift and weight will result in 1) the aeroplane entering a climb or descent. Any inequality between thrust and drag while maintaining straight –and –level flight will result in accelerating and deceleration until the forces become balanced.

An airfoil is a device that gets a useful reaction from air moving over its surface. Wings, horizontal tail surfaces, vertical tail surfaces and propellers are all examples of airfoils. The forward part of airfoil is rounded and is called the leading edge. The aft part is narrow and tapered 2) and is called the trailing edge. A reference line often used in discussing airfoil is the chord, an imaginary straight line joining the extremities 3) of the leading and trailing edges.

The angle of incidence is the angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the aero-

plane and chord of the wing.

The relative wind is the direction of the air flow with respect to the wing.

The angle of attack is the angle between the wing chord line and the direction of the relative wing.
Комментарий к тексту:
1. straight-and-level flight - прямолинейный горизонтальный полет

2. to result in - приводить к чему-либо
3. tapered - сужающаяся

4. extremity - конец, край
I. Подберите соответствующие пары из левой и правой колонок, в результате чего Вы получите словарь для перевода текста.

upward - направленный вниз

downward - направленный вперед

forward - направленный назад

backward - направленный вверх

force - лобовое сопротивление

acting - называться

drag - сила

inequality - аэродинамический профиль

airfoil - действующий

leading edge - задняя кромка

to be rounded - набор высоты

to be called - продольный

trailing edge - передняя кромка

angle of incidence - ось

longitudinal - быть закругленным

axis - несоответствие, неравномерность, неровность

relative wind - угол установки

climb - набегающий поток
II. Прочтите и переведите текст.
III. Озаглавьте текст на английском языке.
IV. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие инфинитив. Переведите на русский язык. Определите его функцию.
V. Найдите герундий в функции обстоятельства, переведите предложения

( см. приложение ).
1. Flying from Los Angeles to Tokyo on board a new supersonic craft will take two hours. 2. On examining the car before starting on a long journey a driver can be sure that he will get to his destination without accidents. 3. By summing up the information about the speed and distance of various objects on the road, the computer detects all possible dangers. 4. A superliner of a new kind will be capable of flying at five times above the speed of the sound. 5. The only way of overcoming the great air resistance at high velocities is flying higher. 6. At low speeds the engine can use turbines for compressing the air before mixing it with fuel in the combustion chamber. 7. In the future, in switching over to the new Earth satellite a driver can be sure of coming safely to his destination. 8. Cryogenic fuels will vaporize before being injected into combustion chamber. 9. In flowing over the aircraft’s surface the fuel cools its skin. 10. On reaching its cruising speed the supersonic liner will fly at 100,000 feet above the Earth. 11. By using supercomputers it is possible to avoid making mistakes in extremely complicated thermodynamic computations. 12. A new carburetor offers easier starting in cold weather. 13. By using the automatic guidance system a driver will be able to make long journeys without concentrating on the road conditions. 14. It is impossible to solve economic problems without using the achievements of the scientific and technological progress.
VI. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие герундий и переведите их.
VII. Назовите по-английски следующие термины:
Передняя кромка, задняя кромка, хорда, подъемная сила, тяга, лобовое сопротивление, сила тяжести, аэродинамический профиль, угол атаки, набе-гающий поток.
VIII. Составьте реферат и подготовьте аннотацию текста (см. приложение).
Упражнение 1. Прочитайте слова и словосочетания.
wing approximately

section thickness

centre enough

considerable compressive strength.

strength wing-body junction

Упражнение 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова:

automatic - automatically

автоматический автоматически

hydraulical - hydraulically

pneumatical - pneumatically

mechanical - mechanically

electromechanical - electromechanically
Упражнение 3. Назовите английские эквиваленты:
Состоять из, ширина, основной, топливный бак, крыло, требуемый, каждый,

тяжелый, толщина, конструкция, обеспечивать.

Boeing 707 Wing
In detail the wing consists of a centre section the width of the fuselage, and the port and starboard main planes are swept back 35° and bolted to the centre section. A considerable volume of the wing is an integral fuel tank.

The bending strength of the wing is provided by several separate pieces of skin approximately 28 in. the wide and extruded stringers.

The wing is so designed that complete fracture of any skin panel can be sustained, and the residual strength of the wing will be maintained at levels greater than required by the fail-safe criteria. At each skin splice a structural member heavy enough to stop a crack is provided.

The maximum skin thickness is 1/2 in. and the design criteria is strength not stiffness. The maximum stress in the compression panels is 66,000 p.s.i. and occurs at 0.3 semi-span.

The materials to three different specifications are used for different parts of the wing.

In the 1 g case the normal tension stress on the lower surface is 14,000 p.s.i.

The stringers are riveted to the skins by rivets, the countersunk heads are formed last in the outer surfaces of the skin.

At the wing-body junction, the attachments are on the neutral axis of the spars, to minimize «pinching» of the frames when the wing flexes.
Комментарий к тексту:

1. in so far that - поскольку

2. p.s.i – pounds per square inch - фунтов на квадратный дюйм

3. g – gravity - ускорение силы тяжести, пе-


4. in. – inch - дюйм
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст, обращая внимание на перевод пассивных конструкций.
II. Дополните предложения и переведите:
1. A considerable volume of the … is an integral fuel tank.

2. At each skin splice a structural member… to stop a crack is provided.

3. The wing … so … that complete fracture of any skin panel can be sustained.

4. The bending strength of the wing … by several separate pieces of skin.

5. The materials to three different specifications … for different parts of the wing.
III. Переведите:
To be bolted, to be called, to be provided, to be designed, can be sustained, will be maintained, to be designed, to be used, to be formed, to be riveted.
IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на пассивный залог ( см. приложение ).

  1. The Bureau is given all opportunities to finish a design of a new plane.

  2. The cockpit was inspected by the crew.

  3. The passenger is offered the opportunity to keep the baggage in the saloon.

  4. Each service area of the plane was completely serviced by the ground crew.

  5. The inspection of the engine was insisted upon.

  6. The force produced by the engine is called thrust.

V. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на пассивные конструкции

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