Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Дата публикации14.04.2014
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ТипУчебное пособие
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1   2   3   4   5   6

Complete the sentences with correct words according to sense.

  1. One of the Royal prerogatives is _____ territories.

  2. In the seven states that had ____, the people responded quickly to the appeal of the new president.

  1. When abroad school and home seems to ____ from us.

  2. The economy of the state was in a deep _____.

  3. One could easily _____ to the idea if properly explained.

  4. Most people _____ that little can be done at the political level.

  5. At the end of the Seven Years’ War, France had ____ to Spain the territory west of the Mississippi River.

Exercise 23

Distinguish between precede and proceed

precede предшествовать;

proceed (to do, with)

precedence первенство;

продолжать, продвигаться

precedent прецедент;

proceed to (sth) — приступить к

unprecedented небывалый,

перейти к


procedure — процедура,


procedural — процедурный

a. Translate the illustrating sentences.

  1. The discussion was preceded by short speeches in which the delegates outlined their views.

  2. Members of Parliament keep in mind the Common law and nor­mally act in accordance with precedence.

  3. Yet this position, brilliant though it was, was not merely prece­dent and recent; it was also insecure.

  4. The initial period of the talks preceding the negotiations remained unclear until recently.

  5. Youth still poses emotional problems to the preceding generation.

  1. Complete the sentences with a correct word.

  1. The contents list in a book should _____ the preface.

  2. We had to cut down the undergrowth before we couldn’t _____ any further.

  1. After the terror acts the precaution measures taken were _____.

  2. We were towards Rome when the accident happened.

  3. The ____ questions are to _____ the questions on the agenda.

  4. The official ____ to emphasize that the new administration's aim was to reduce disagreements.

Exercise 24
a. Look back into the text and note the use of linking words
among the paragraphs and ideas.

b. Complete the following sentences appropriately making use of
linking words and phrases to indicate similarity and comparison.

  1. Only one hundred years ago it took at least five days to cross the Atlantic, whereas ______.

  2. Increased ease of travel has led to people becoming more tolerant of each other’s culture s than ______.

  3. Besides being relatively cheap, package holidays _____.

  4. My sister and her family always opt for the ease of a package tour. My family, on the other hand _____.

  1. Personally I dislike being a tourist because one is an observer of another country and its customs without being a part of it. What is more _____.

  2. My husband is usually very cautious about trying foreign food. However _____.

  3. Both Chinese and Indian cooking incorporate a lot of spices, but while the former _____.

  4. A charter flight differs from a scheduled flight in that ____.

  5. Although these two towns are seaside resorts, they differ _____.

10. The more I see the world _____.
Exercise 25

In the following text, one or two of the linking words and phrases are correct, and the others are incorrect. Underline the correct ones.
Dear Mum and Dad,

You must be wondering why you haven't heard from me over the last couple of weeks, (a) Basically / Honestly / Actually, it is (b) on account / because / due to I've been trying to collect my thoughts (c) so as to / to / for find the right words to tell you what has hap­pened, (d) Naturally / Ideally / Surely, I don't want anyone to feel hurt (e) as a result of / on / following any decision I make.

I know I promised when I took the job here that it would be for the maximum of two years and (f) consequently / immediately / after that I would return home and run the family business. Believe me, (g) at that time / at the beginning / in the beginning that was what I genuinely planned to do.

(h) Although / But / However two things have happened to make me want to change those plans — (i) not only / at last / for one thing have I been offered a permanent contract, (j) moreover / but also / and I have fallen in love— with Neil, a colleague in the same department— I've mentioned him often in letters, (k) Per­sonally/Anyway/Naturally, we would like to get married out here quite soon. I do hope you both aren't too shocked and disappointed by all of this. (1) As well, In addition / In any case hasn't Paul al­ways shown more flair for business than me?

(m) In the main / All in all / In conclusion might it not be the best solution that my baby brother run the family firm? (n) Person­ally / Obviously /Eventually, he'd do it very well.

Please write soon. I can't feel truly and completely happy about it all until I hear your reactions. I can't wait for you to meet Neil-1 just know you'll love him.

All my love, Kay.
Exercise 26

Summarize the text in writing, make use of the questions preced­ing it and the link words in exercises 24 and 25. Be ready to speak on the constitutional government in class.
Exercise 27

a. Complete the text with the words below and do the tasks that follows.
Conduct, to rule, government (3), representative (2), according to, provided, legislatures, representatives, had originated, maintain, power (2), established, rule, experienced, sharing, be subject, to ac­cede, ruler, originally, elect
A Glimpse of British Political History
In 1689 the English Parliament, which (1) _____ in the 1200s, passed the English Bill of Rights. The English Bill of Rights set clear limits on what the (2) _____ could and could not do. The idea first appeared in the Magna Carta, or the Great Charter, which was signed by King John inl215. The Magna Carta (3) _____ the principle of limited (4) _____ in which the (5) ______ of the monarch was limited, not absolute.

This document (6) _____ for protection against unjust punishment and the loss of life, liberty, and property except (7) _____ law. Under the Magna Carta, the king agreed that certain taxes could not be levied without popular consent. The rights in the Magna Carta (8) _____ applied only to the nobility.

Incorporating elements from the Magna Carta, the key ideas of the English Bill of Rights included the following ideas. Monarchs do not have a divine right (9) _____, they (10) _____ with the consent of the people's (11) ____ in Parliament. The monarch must have Parliament’s consent to suspend laws, levy

taxes, or (12) ____ an army. The monarch cannot interfere with parliamentary elections and debates. The people have a right to petition the (13) ____ and to have a fair and a speedy trial by a jury of their peers. The people should not (14) ______ to cruel and unusual punishments or to excessive fines and bail.

American political system is deeply rooted in the principles
developed in the course of British political history. The Bill of
Rights, a landmark in the development of democratic (15) _____ , was very important to the American colonists. The English colonists in North America were willing (16) _____ to the example of the people of England in (17) ____ their rights.

The colonists had a firm belief in (18) _____ government, in which people (19) _____ delegates to make laws and (20) _____ government. The colonists had also (21) _____ representative government. Parliament was a (22) _____ assembly with the (23) _____ to enact laws. In America (24) _____ grew directly out of the English practice of having Parliament pass laws.

  1. Now that you have completed the text, answer the questions:

  1. What kind of document was the Magna Carta?

  2. How did it affect the further development of British and Ameri­can political systems?

  3. Which principles of the British government influenced the Ameri­can early development?

  4. What is the connection between the American and the British po­litical systems?

  5. What are the benefits of the representative government?

Exercise 28

Translate the following passage into English.
Великая хартия вольностей
Великая хартия вольностей — это грамота, подписанная в 1215 году английским королем Иоанном I. Она составлена на латинском языке и содержит 63 статьи. Король был вынужден подписать этот документ как результат недовольства баронов усилением королевской власти, налоговым гнетом (burden) и неудачей внешней политики короля. Большинство статей отра­жало и защищало интересы аристократии. Однако другие со­словия также получили значительные права.

Великая хартия вольностей гарантировала соблюдение королем определенных обязательств по отношению к баронам и запрещала королю взимать налоги без согласия подданных. Хартия положила начало свободе личности. Ни один человек не мог быть арестован, заключен в тюрьму, лишен собственно­сти или покровительства законов, изгнан или подвергнут иному наказанию иначе, как согласно законам страны.

Это был первый в истории Англии документ, ограничи­вавший власть короны и провозглашавший права и свободы подданных. Он сыграл важнейшую роль в английской истории и по сей день входит в число действующих актов конституции Великобритании.
Exercise 29

Listen to the recording of a guide talking to a group of visitors in the Palace of Westminster describing the British government to them.

    1. Say if the following statements are «Тruе» or «False»

  1. There are two pails to government of the UK.

  2. Legislature includes the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

  3. The House of Lords consists of appointed life peers and hereditary peers.

  4. Like the House of Commons, the House of Lords is presided over by the Speaker.

  5. The House of Commons is composed of 635 members of Parliament.

  6. Members of the House of Commons are elected by public ballot for five years.

  7. The Chairman of the House of Commons must belong to a majority party.

  8. The executive branch of government is headed by the Monarch’s ‘first minister’.

  9. All ministers are MPs or peers. Ministers are responsible for affairs that are controlled by local authorities.

  10. Judiciary administers justice and depends on Parliament and Gov­ernment

  11. There are separate legal systems in England, Wales and in Scotland.

  12. Whitehall is the term associated with the activities of the executive.

b. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is legislature referred to as in the guide's speech?

  2. Who is it headed by?

  3. What is the other function of the Lord Chancellor besides presid­ing over the House of Lords?

  4. What is the primary difference between the House of Lords and the House of Commons?

  5. What is the chairman of the House of Commons called? Does he hold this office permanently?

  6. What are the duties of Parliament?

  7. What does the executive branch include?

  8. Where does the Supreme judicial power lie?

Exercise 30

Translate the sentences.

  1. Термин ‘конституционная монархия’ означает, что Британия управляется парламентом, а главой государства является ко­ролева

  2. Высшая законодательная власть осуществляется парламен­том, юридически состоящим из короны, избираемой палата общин и не избираемой палаты лордов.

  3. Исполнительная власть осуществляется кабинетом минист­ров.

  4. Подданные Ее Величества, достигшие 18 лет, не сидящие в тюрьме, не умственно больные и не пэры имеют право голо­совать на всеобщих выборах.

  5. Спикер в палате общин наделен неограниченными полномо­чиями контроля над дебатами.

  6. Палата лордов так же как и палата общин осуществляет за­конодательные функции.

  7. Палата лордов является верховным судебным органом.

  8. Парламент судит о политике правительства также по тому, что говорят средства массовой информации.

1   2   3   4   5   6


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