Контрольные вопросы и задания для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по итогам освоения дисциплины

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НазваниеКонтрольные вопросы и задания для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации по итогам освоения дисциплины
Дата публикации02.03.2015
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ТипКонтрольные вопросы
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The difference between a polymer and a plastic

Plastic is the general common term for a wide range of synthetic or semisynthetic organic solid materials suitable for the manufacture of industrial products. Plastics are typically polymers of high molecular weight, and may contain other substances (Plasticizer) to improve performance or reduce costs.

A polymer is a large molecule (macromolecule) composed of repeating structural units connected by covalent chemical bonds. Well-known examples of polymers include plastics, DNA and proteins.
The term “plastics” is used to describe a wide variety of resins or polymers with different characteristics and uses. Polymers are long chains of molecules, a group of many units, taking its name from the Greek “poly” (meaning “many”) and “meros” (meaning “parts” or “units”).

The term “polymer” is often used as a synonym for plastic, but many other types of molecules — biological and inorganic — are also polymeric. While all plastics are polymers, not all polymers are plastic. Polymers are rarely useful in themselves and are most often modified or compounded with additives (including colours) to form useful materials. The compounded product is generally termed a plastic. Most people have little contact with "polymers" because most articles that they come across are actually modified and coloured and therefore are actually plastics. Polymers can be classified in many ways, based on how they are developed and perform. For this discussion of recycling, an understanding of two basic types of polymers is helpful:

Thermoplastic polymers can be heated and formed, then heated and formed again and again. The shape of the polymer molecules are generally linear or slightly branched. This means that the molecules can flow under pressure when heated above their melting point.

Thermoset polymers undergo a chemical change when they are heated, creating a three-dimensional network. After they are heated and formed, these molecules cannot be re-heated and re-formed.

Comparing these types, thermoplastics are much easier to adapt to recycling.
Экзаменационный материал для аудирования

Tapesript: Professor David Crystal

English has over the past two or three hundred years repeatedly found itself in the right place at the right time. If you go back to the beginning — why does a language become a world language? The answer is nothing to do with the nature of the language as such. No, no, a language becomes a world language for one reason only and that is the power of the people who use it and power here means political power, military power if you will, originally, economic power, cultural power possibly and various other kinds of power. There’s nothing particularly attractive about the pronunciation system of English, it’s not easier or more difficult than most others. In grammar it has an awful lot of grammatical construction, well over 3,000 identifiably distinct grammatical features in English to be learned, you know, it’s quite a lot of grammar, well up on the scale of grammatical learning in any context. Its spelling is very difficult in many ways, so I think, you know, there are difficulties with learning English. But all of this is beside the point, because if somebody is waving dollar bills under your nose and saying, “If you learn English you are going to get a lot of these”, you will assimilate even quite a complicated language in order to get at some of those dollar bills, and the real reason why one learns English is because of the accessibility to the power that it guarantees.

English has always been a vacuum cleaner of a language. It has sucked in vocabulary from every other language it has come into contact with since it was Anglo Saxon right from back in the 8th and 9th centuries. It was always borrowing, borrowing, borrowing, well, stealing of course, because when you borrow words form other languages you don’t give them back and it’s been that way all the way through. And the thing is this, that if you come from another language background and you approach English, you’ll probably find that some of the words from your mother tongue are already in English and it gives a kind of familiarity to the language, a kind of welcome, you know, some of your words are already there. And certainly over 150 languages, major languages around the world have had their words loaned into English in this way, so I think the range and versatility and size of the vocabulary is quite a plus as far as English is concerned.

Standard English of course exists at the moment in the form of standard written English, standard printed English. It has done for many decades now and when one looks at the way English has moved around the world one doesn’t actually see very much change in the nature of that standard English. If you go for newspapers in Britain or America, or Australia, or for that matter in Athens, or Cairo, or Tokyo, any place which has an English language newspaper and you compare the language as it turns up in those newspapers around the world, you will find precious little difference in the language of those newspapers. As a spoken level, however, it’s a much different scenario, very different scenario and very interesting because of course it is in speech that identity is most readily expressed. The way in which you express your identity is through accent and dialect. And as the language has spread around the world the most noticeable thing everybody’s seen in the last 20 or 30 years is the growth of these new Englishes, as they’re called, so that in, it’s not just America or Britain any more but in West Africa and East Africa and Singapore and Malaysia and India and Bangladesh and Sri Lanka and all of these other places you are not getting these new varieties, localized varieties of English. Chiefly in vocabulary, hardly at all in grammar but quite substantially in pronunciation.
Задания по составлению деловой корреспонденции

On behalf of the Head of your laboratory write a letter of thanks to Mr. Jack Lott. He has given the presentation of the new laboratory equipment supplied to your university. His address is: 1700 Colonial Parkway, Williamsburg, VA 23176 USA.

Write a letter inviting Prof. Markus to participate in the conference on Modern Electrochemistry Research. Inform Prof. Markus about the conference, which will be held in Plyos, Ivanovo region, June 23-27 of the next year. Mention the publication of abstracts. His address is: 291 Redfern Avenue, Dayton, Texas 76109, USA.

Write an e-mail to the editor Mrs. Fabienne Meyers in which you acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to submit a paper for publication in the Journal of Structural Chemistry, express gratitude for the invitation, provide the title of your paper. Her e-mail address is: fabeinne@iupac.org

Write a letter to the editorial office requesting a reprint of the paper that was published in “Chemical Abstracts”, December 23, 2006 under the title… Explain why you need this paper. Use such an address: Boston University, Metcalf Center for Science and Engineering, 590 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA02275, USA.

Write a letter to the Organising Committee of Students’ Conference in Rostov State University in which you inform the sender that you have received the letter of (the date), express gratitude for the invitation to the Students’ Conference, express regret as you have to decline the invitation because… The address is: Russia, 344090, Rostov-on-Don, 5 Zorge St., Rostov State University, Department of Physics.

You received an invitation to the Conference at the Institute of Experimental Physics and accept it. Thank the Organising Committee for the invitation. Use the following address: 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

1 сетка

2 туманность

3 межзвездный

4 небесный

5 священник

6 нить накала

7 импульс, толчок

8 выпрямляться, строиться

9 засушливость

10 пшеничная или ячменная лепешка

11 блюдо из жареных красных водорослей

12 greener: a foreigner recently arrived in a country

13 A very short haircut
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Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости, промежуточной аттестации по итогам освоения дисциплины
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Оценочные средства для текущего контроля успеваемости, промежуточной аттестации по итогам освоения дисциплины

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