Урок обобщение с применением компьютерной технологии

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“Britain and Russia at a Glance”

Тип урока: урок обобщение с применением компьютерной технологии.

Форма проведения: телемост с элементами ролевой игры.

Методы обучения:

1. словесный;

2. иллюстративно-наглядный;

3. поисковый.

Формы обучения: 1. фронтальная работа; 2. групповая работа; 3. парная работа.

Цель: развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся с использованием всех видов речевой деятельности: аудирование, чтение, говорение, письмо.


Учебные: активизировать употребление изученной лексики в речи учащихся, практиковать в аудировании с целью извлечения основной информации, чтении, совершенствовать навыки устной речи;

Развивающая: совершенствовать способность к логическому мышлению;

Социокультурная: развивать умение ориентироваться в лингвострановедческой информации (выполнение квиза)

Воспитательная: формировать национальную гордость за свою страну и уважение к истории другого государства.
Оборудование: доска, мультимедийный проектор, компьютерная программа «Витаминный курс», аудиоматериалы, слайды, презентации учащихся.

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Teacher: Hello, dear friends. We are going to have an unusual lesson today. We

shall practice “Satellite Link Belgorod – London”. You have to imagine

that you are two groups of pupils – Russian and British – on TV. I’m

your leader. Today everybody will have an opportunity to express his or

her opinion on the theme “Britain and Russia at a Glance”. I hope you’ll

find something interesting and new for yourself.

Because our lesson is unusual, the marks will be unusual too – the

autumn leaves – in order it is a beautiful autumn in Russia. Let’s start.

Welcome to Satellite Link Belgorod – Britain!

2. Фонетическая зарядка.

T. Before we start to speak about Britain, let’s repeat the words-associations to see what Britain is for us: (учащиеся называют слова, что они связывают со словом Британия.)

T. And now, make this sentence longer. (предложения записаны на слайде)

P1—Pt2: I've never been to Britain, I've never seen Stonehenge.

I've never walked in London to cross the famous Tower-Bridge.

I've never sailed across the sea or been to Buckingham Palace.

I've only seen the girl in Book of Wonders, whose name was Alice.

I've never visited ancient castles or listened to their stories.

And never collected legends to keep in mankind's memorials

Основная часть урока.

I. – Our English friends have prepared a presentation about Britain. It was impossible to tell you everything about this country. Look and say: what other facts would you like to know?

1 слайд. Geographical position.

The UK is situated in the north-west of Europe between the Atlantic ocean and North sea. The UK includes Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain contains England, Scotland and Wales. The capital of England and the UK is London. The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh. The capitals of Wales and Northern Ireland are Cardiff and Belfast.

2 слайд. Symbols. (the bulldog, the flag, the rose, the shamrock, the daffodil, the thistle).

Different parts have their own emblems. They are all plants. The symbol of England is a red rose. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle. The symbol of Wales is a yellow daffodil. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock. The flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. It is made up of three flags: St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. The symbol of a typical Englishman is John Bull. It is a man with a large stomach and a round face. Usually he wears high boots, an open jacket and a Union Jack waistcoat. He often has a bulldog with him.
3 слайд People. National habits.

4слайд . Реки. Озёра. Леса.

5 слайд Лондон

The capital of Great Britain is London. London is the biggest city in Britain. It’s very beautiful, important and busy. There are a lot of sights in London: the Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument of Admiral Nelson.

(после рассказа русские школьники задают вопросы о Британии, что они ещё хотели бы узнать)

Диалогическая речь.
RP1: I would like to know what kind of a palace is Buckingham palace? Is it a museum?

EP1: Oh, no! It is the official home of our Queen Elizabeth the Second.

RP2: I would like to know why Piccadilly is called ‘circus’?

EP2: Because it’s round. It is the meeting point of 6 streets.

RP3: I want to know something about the Eton Collage. Should the students wear that strange uniform every day?

EP3: In most schools and collages of Britain students should wear a uniform. It is a rule.

T. – I think it will be interesting for our English friends to know something about your native town Belgorod. Then they will have an opportunity to ask you questions.

Картинки города Белгорода.

RP1: Belgorod is quite an old town. It was founded in the 16th century. Although it is very beautiful and modern .

RP2: The main street of Belgorod is Bogdankhmelnitsky Street. It is very long and has a lot of shops, cafes and modern buildings. The Belgorod State University is situated on this street, and thousands of students study here.

RP3: There are many cinemas in Belgorod: ‘Raduga’, ‘Pobeda’, ‘Rodina’, but the largest and the most modern is ‘Rusich’.

RP4: There is a theatre in Belgorod. It has the name of Mikhail Shchepkin – one of the greatest actors of Russia in the 18th century.

Rp5: There are many squares and parks in Belgorod. People like to go there on weekends. There are a lot of entertainments for children in Central Park.

RP6: There are some churches in Belgorod. The main and the largest church is the Preobrazhensky Cathedral. It is situated in the center of the town.

RP7: We are proud of our museums: диорама , Historical and Art. Every year hundreds of tourists come to Belgorod. They want to visit the famous historical places of the town and region.

T. Very good. Are there any questions? (обращаясь к английским школьникам).

EP1: The name of your town is translated as “white”. Is that so?

RP1: You’re right. Belgorod is a “white town” because it is very rich in chalk-


EP2: I want to know who is the head of your region?

RP2: It is Yevgeni Stepanovich Savchenko, a noble man who does his best to make our region beautiful and strong.

EP3: I would like to know about the famous people of Belgorod.

RP3: We have many outstanding people: M. Schepkin, Svetlana Sokolova and others. But I’m very proud of Svetlana Khorkina becauses she is the outstanding athlete, who glorified our country, a merited master of sports, two-times Olympic champion, multiple champion of the world, Europe and Russia in gymnastics.

And you? Are there people who are you proud of?

EP. Of course. I’m very prod of Shakespeare because he wrote a well known “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “King Lear”.

III. Монологическая речь.

T.– Dear boys and girls, you have learned a lot about both our countries on Geography lessons. British students learned about Russia and Russian pupils learned about Britain. I’m interested in what do you know?

EP1: Russia is one of the largest countries of the world. It is situated in Europe and in Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers.

There are different kinds of climate on the territory of Russia. It is very cold in the North even in summer. The central part has mild climate. In the South the temperature is usually above zero all year round. The climate of Siberia is continental.

There are a lot of rivers in Russia. The largest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Yenisei and Ob in Asia. The deepest lake is the Baikal.

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It was founded in 1147. You can see there many museums, art galleries, theatres, churches and monuments.

Russia is a unique country, it has a lot to be proud of. That’s why thousands of tourists visit this country every year.

Т. Чтение с детальным пониманием прочитанного текста. (Работа в группах)

Imagine please that I have a pen friend in England. Last week I’ve received a letter from her. She wrote that her daughter for example, Elaine Mary wants to know something about Russia. She is small; she is only 5, that’s why let’s draw a picture for her. But first read the information and then draw on the sheet of paper your symbols.

Text 1.

He was born in Moscow in 1799. He came from an old noble family.

From early childhood he developed a passion for reading. The great influence on him made his grandmother and his nurse Arina Rodionovna, who taught him a lot of Russian folklore. At the age of twelve he was sent to the Lyceum, an aristocratic boarding school for boys. He began to write his first verses there.

He was the outstanding Russian poet, whose simple and beautiful poems have large Russian spirit. But he was not only a great poet, he also wrote prose tales the best known of which are “The Captain’s Daughter”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Dubrovsky” and others which established the literary tradition followed by other great novelists that came after him. When he died in 1837, all Russian people considered his death as a national tragedy.

Text 2

It is the heart of Moscow. It was built on the left bank of the Moskva River. Among the historical monuments inside there are the Cannon Tsar and the Bell Tsar, made by Russian masters. The Armour Chamber is situated here where the historical things are kept. Visitors can find some churches there: the Archangel, the Assumption and the Annunciation Cathedrals. These cathedrals are the oldest churches in Moscow.

Many beautiful ancient buildings are situated there. The only modern building is the Palace of Congresses that was built in 1961. Now Russian and foreign groups and performers give their shows there.

Text 3

Russia has a lot of woods and forests. The largest of them are situated in Siberia. On the European part of the country one can see various trees. Only one of them is a symbol of Russian nature. It is a tree with thin long brunches. Its bark is white with black lines on it. It is very popular on the territory of Russia, a lot of people grow it in front of their houses, in squares and parks. This tree is very beautiful especially in autumn when its leaves are yellow. It is very useful; people use the leaves in medical purposes.

Text 4

The appearance of this popular Russian toy is associated with Elizaveta Mamontova. She kept a toyshop. Once she ordered a set of wooden dolls of different sizes so that they could be inserted into each other. When assembled, they made one toy. When taken to pieces, they made a line of dolls, which looked like, each other and different only in size. This doll attracted everybody’s attention at the World Art Exhibition in Paris in 1900. The doll impressed the visitors so much that it won the Gold Medal for its original design and colorful painting. In Sergiev Posad it got its second birth at the folk arts workshop.
V. – Thank you. I suppose it will help Elaine Mary to understand what Russia is.

I know how interesting to get and to write letters. I hope you all have made friends today and you will write letters to each other. Please, change the cards but first write down the information about yourselves.






VI. – Аудирование. I know that some of you want to have a pen friend from Britain. And now some students tell you about Where they are from/ You must to listen them and make up the information in order. (Работа с программой «Витаминный курс»)

VII. And now let’s sum up what you know about Britain and Russia. Finish the statements:

1.The capital of Scotland is…

2. The British are great …

3. The Big Ben is the most famous …

4. The traditional Scottish musical instrument is…

5. The greatest English poet was …

6. The British drive on the …

7. Some people in London speak …

8. The national habit in Britain is …

9. The color of buses in the UK is …

10. On the 25th of December the British celebrate …

VIII. Thank you children! Our lesson is over. And now I want to know your opinion about this lesson.

3. Рефлексия работы в группе, с использованием опорных фраз для высказываний:

tried hard

were active, emotional

followed the instructions carefully

helped each other

approached the problems seriously

had own opinion on the...

DUt forward some new ideas

gave out own arguments to solve ...

fulfilled the task

had many volunteers to answer

deserve a reward (a good mark)

I consider ...


More over ...

I want to add ...

Nevertheless/in spite of.

One (some) of us ...

However ...

I want to catch your eye

Frankly speaking ...

  • Домашнее задание:

  • описать природу в нашей области и посоветовать, когда лучше к нам приехать.

  • Подведение итогов. Выставление оценок.


He was born in Moscow in 1799. He came from an old noble family.

From early childhood he developed a passion for reading. The great influence on him made his grandmother and his nurse Arina Rodionovna, who taught him a lot of Russian folklore. At the age of twelve he was sent to the Lyceum, an aristocratic boarding school for boys. He began to write his first verses there.

He was the outstanding Russian poet, whose simple and beautiful poems have large Russian spirit. But he was not only a great poet, he also wrote prose tales the best known of which are “The Captain’s Daughter”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Dubrovsky” and others which established the literary tradition followed by other great novelists that came after him. When he died in 1837, all Russian people considered his death as a national tragedy.

Text 2

It is the heart of Moscow. It was built on the left bank of the Moskva River. Among the historical monuments inside there are the Cannon Tsar and the Bell Tsar, made by Russian masters. The Armour Chamber is situated here where the historical things are kept. Visitors can find some churches there: the Archangel, the Assumption and the Annunciation Cathedrals. These cathedrals are the oldest churches in Moscow.

Many beautiful ancient buildings are situated there. The only modern building is the Palace of Congresses that was built in 1961. Now Russian and foreign groups and performers give their shows there.

Text 3

Russia has a lot of woods and forests. The largest of them are situated in Siberia. On the European part of the country one can see various trees. Only one of them is a symbol of Russian nature. It is a tree with thin long brunches. Its bark is white with black lines on it. It is very popular on the territory of Russia, a lot of people grow it in front of their houses, in squares and parks. This tree is very beautiful especially in autumn when its leaves are yellow. It is very useful; people use the leaves in medical purposes.

Text 4

The appearance of this popular Russian toy is associated with Elizaveta Mamontova. She kept a toyshop. Once she ordered a set of wooden dolls of different sizes so that they could be inserted into each other. When assembled, they made one toy. When taken to pieces, they made a line of dolls, which looked like, each other and different only in size. This doll attracted everybody’s attention at the World Art Exhibition in Paris in 1900. The doll impressed the visitors so much that it won the Gold Medal for its original design and colorful painting. In Sergiev Posad it got its second birth at the folk arts workshop.

The capital of Great Britain is London. London is the biggest city in Britain. It’s very beautiful, important and busy. There are a lot of sights in London: the Trafalgar Square, the National Gallery, the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral, the Monument of Admiral Nelson.

Different parts have their own emblems. They are all plants. The symbol of England is a red rose. The symbol of Scotland is a thistle. The symbol of Wales is a yellow daffodil. The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock. The flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. It is made up of three flags: St. George, St. Andrew and St. Patrick. The symbol of a typical Englishman is John Bull. It is a man with a large stomach and a round face. Usually he wears high boots, an open jacket and a Union Jack waistcoat. He often has a bulldog with him.

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