Базовый курс Часть 2 Учебное пособие Второе издание, переработанное Томск 2003 удк 628. 91

НазваниеБазовый курс Часть 2 Учебное пособие Второе издание, переработанное Томск 2003 удк 628. 91
Дата публикации12.09.2014
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ТипУчебное пособие
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Staying at a Hotel

Where do people usually stay when they arrive at a town in which they don’t live?

Have you ever stayed at a hotel?

What hotel in your town would you recommend to your friend?

I. Read the following passage and memorize the information given.

When travelling it is the best to reserve rooms in advance (if you intend to put up at a hotel). Experienced travellers book by cable. As soon as you land and through with the customs, you take the taxi to the hotel. In many hotels the doorman calls one of the porters (bell-boy) who takes your luggage and shows you the way to the reception clerk. The reception clerk will ask you to register. He will hand you an arrival card (a slip) which all guests are required to fill in. The guests’ passports are left at the reception clerk for registration. After all formalities are over the porter will show you up to your room. If you require nothing else the porter is dismissed (it is customary to dismiss people waiting on you with a tip). Once you decide to stay at a hotel you are referred to as a «guest». You will find notices everywhere reminding «Guests leave their keys at the desks when going out».

In the lobby you will usually find a newspaper-stall and stalls where cigarettes, sweets and souvenirs are sold. You can also find a special corner or room to write letters. First class hotels supply their guests with stationery free of charge. Most hotels have snack bars and restaurants.

The desk-clerk is a mine of information. He will answer all you need: when trains depart, when the next liner sails for Odessa, and he gives and receives the keys. He is usually aided by an assistant or 2 and a battery of telephones and press-buttons. Many hotels have special weekly and monthly rates. It is cheaper to pay by the week or by the month (residential rates) than by the day (transient rates). You will find rooms with and without baths, single rooms, double rooms and complete suites consisting of 2 and more rooms. All the hotels run a special laundry service. The chambermaid (maid) who makes your room will also make your bed. The guests are required to notify the clerk in advance when leaving (checking out) so that he can have the bill ready for them in time.

II. Agree or disagree with the following statements using the expressions from the bubble.

  1. If the guest wants his breakfast in his room, the desk-clerk or manager will bring it to him.

  2. Guests should tell the desk-clerk the date when they plan to leave the hotel.

  3. The duty of the porter is to help the guests with their luggage.

  4. The rates for those who stay at a hotel longer are higher than for those who stop for a night or two.

  5. Guests of hotels cannot receive letters or post-cards.

  6. Returning to the hotel late at night, the guests should not make much noise.

  7. The guests must leave the key at the desk when going out.

  8. Suites are usually the cheapest rooms in hotels.

  9. The hotels at seaside resorts are usually full in winter.

  10. There’s a rule at hotels requiring that guests should pay in advance.

III. Read the following letters.

IV. Write a letter to reserve a room at the Hotel Wellington, Waterloo Street, London. And then write a reply from the hotel. Begin your letters Dear Mr.....

V. Read the dialogue and pay attention to the sentences in bold type.

Peter: Good evening. My name’s Almar. I reserved a double room with bathroom for three nights.

Receptionist: Mr. Almar. Yes, room 312. Would you like to register, please? Just fill in this form.

Peter: Thank you.

Receptionist: And could I see your passports, please? Thank you.

Maria: How much do you charge for a double room?

Receptionist: It’s 1500 drachmas a night, which includes a service charge.

Maria: Can we get dinner this evening?

Receptionist: Yes, we’re serving dinner in the Roof Garden.

Peter: And what time is breakfast?

Receptionist: Breakfast is from 7.30 to 9.00 in the ground-floor restaurant.

Peter: And could we have a call in the morning, please?

Receptionist: Certainly. What time would you like it?

Peter: Eight o’clock, please.

Receptionist: Very good, sir. And here’s your key. Room 312.

Peter: Thank you. Oh, are there any letters or telephone messages for us?

Receptionist: No, sir, nothing. I’ll just get a porter to take your luggage up.

VI. You are in a hotel. You have some requests and phone receptionist from your room. Use the following ideas and expressions from the bubble.

  1. There are no towels in your room. You say …

  2. You’d like some tea and a sandwich in your room. You say…

  3. You can’t get the television to work. You say …

  4. You want receptionist to recommend a good place to eat. You say …

  5. You want to be woken at 7.00 in the morning and have breakfast in your room. You say …

VII. Make up a dialogue. Imagine that you arrive at the hotel with which you have reserved a room in advance. Your room is overlooking the street with heavy traffic and there’s no TV in it. But you’d like the room overlooking the Thames and TV.

VIII. Study these problem situations. Discuss and dramatise them.

1. Late at night you arrive at the hotel with which you have reserved a room. The sleepy reception clerk says he can’t find your reservation and the hotel is full. He says you had better wait till morning. Some guests are supposed to sign out at 10 a.m.

When did you arrive at the hotel? What did the clerk tell you? What is your problem? Dramatise your talk with him and describe what you would do.

2. You have been staying at the Stillwater Hotel for 5 days and you found that it isn’t a very happy place to stay in. Everything here is getting on your nerves - the chambermaids shout loudly early in the morning, they don’t change bedlinen in time, the desk-clerk never does what you ask him to. You want to sign out but you have paid in advance for 10 days.

What hotel are you staying at? What’s getting on your nerves? What is your problem? Dramatise your talk with the desk-clerk or the manager.

IX. Answer the questions.

  1. Why is it good to reserve rooms in advance?

  2. In what ways do people usually reserve rooms with hotels?

  3. What are guests required to do first when they arrive at a hotel?

  4. What services does a guest get at a modern hotel?

  5. Can meals be served in his room (at his wish)?

  6. What rules for hotel guests do you know?

  7. What are the duties of the receptionist (chambermaid, porter)?

X. Make up a story based on your own experience of staying at a hotel. Use the plan given:

  1. reason of your staying at a hotel;

  2. town, location; name of the hotel;

  3. standard of service;

  4. whether you liked it or not;

  5. other remarks.
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