Программа подготовки к экзамену по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский) делового общения опд. 04 по направлению подготовки (специальности ) «Организация обслуживания в общественном питании»

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Профессионально ориентированные тексты по темам программы

The Dining Room

Dining areas in the accommodations and foodservice industries include the front of the house, which the customer sees, and the back of the house, which only the staff sees.

In a restaurant, the back of the house consists of the kitchen, storage, and office areas. In the front of the house there are the dining room, waiting areas and lounges.

The front of the house gives the customer the first impression of the restaurant and is of great importance as a merchandising factor.

One of the most important things is the space provided for each guest. Enough space for the staff to work effectively is very important. Many restaurants also have enough space for serving stands.


  1. What is the difference between the front of the house and the back of the house?

  2. What does the back of the house consist of?

  3. What does the front of the house consist of?

  4. In what way is the appearance of a restaurant dining room an important factor in merchandising?

  5. How important is space in restaurants?

The turnover in a restaurant depends on the length of time the average customer occupies a place at a table. It varies according to the kind of restaurant, from a few minutes at a fast food establishment to two hours or more at a luxury restaurant. In some places there can be a turnover of as many as three or four persons per seat during a serving (breakfast, lunch or dinner), though a more usual rate is two per seat.


  1. What does the turnover in a restaurant depend on?

  2. What does the length of time the customer occupies depend on?

  3. What’s the rate of a turnover in a restaurant?

Another factor the owner or manager must decide on is the kind of table service. The three most often used styles are called French, Russian and American.

French service is often with two people serving each station. One takes drink and food orders, and the other takes the order to the kitchen and returns with the food on plates.

In French service there is often a final preparation – flaming a dish or serving a sauce – that takes place in the dining room.

Russian service is simpler than French because it requires only one person to take the order and serve the food. The food is brought from the kitchen on platters and set on a serving stand.

American service is faster than Russian: one person takes the order and does the serving. The food is placed on plates, not platters – in the kitchen and carried to a serving stand in the dining room.

  1. What kinds of services are there in restaurants?

  2. What is French service like?

  3. How is the food served in the Russian service?

  4. Why is the American service faster than the Russian one?

In addition to the waiters and waitresses, the personnel in the front of the house includes headwaiters or hostesses, bussers and cashiers. Not all restaurants employ all these people. In lower priced places the waiters and waitresses may set tables and clear them, without bussers.

The job of the headwaiter or hostess is to welcome and seat the guests when they arrive and to take reservations in restaurants. Sometimes the headwaiter or hostess also takes drink orders from the guests after they had been seated. Their most important job is to supervise the work of all personnel in the dining room so that everything runs smoothly. The headwaiter is also known as the captain or as the maître d’.

  1. Who is on the staff in the front of the house?

  2. What’s the job of the hostess?

  3. Who supervises the work of the wait staff?

Waiter and waitresses also play an important role in the total merchandising effort because they have more contact with the customers than any other restaurant employee. They must be attentive to the wants and needs of the guests, and they can explain items on the menu and make recommendations on the menu. The wait staff often gets the extra income from tips. In some countries the tip is added to the bill as a ten or fifteen percent service charge, in others the tip rate depends on the customer.


  1. What role do waiters and waitresses play in merchandising?

  2. What do they do?

  3. What extra income does the wait staff get?

  4. What does the tip rate depend on?

In Europe many waiters in luxury or tourist establishments receive training in restaurant schools. In some countries the training is usually given on the job.

Another group of dining room employees consists of the busboys or busgirls. Their duties include clearing tables, pouring water and serving bread and butter.

In some restaurants the bussers serve non-alcoholic beverages to the guests. When the guests leave, the bussers are responsible for resetting the table.


  1. Where do waiters get training?

  2. Who are bussers? What are their job responsibilities

Restaurant Kitchens

The kitchen is command central of any restaurant. It is where food gets delivered, prepped, cooked and plated before being served to customers.

The size, arrangement and equipment in the food preparation area depend on the number of meals and the kind of food the restaurant serves. It must include tables and counters where the chefs and their helpers can work and the necessary stoves or ranges on which the cooking is done.


  1. What kind of place is the restaurant kitchen?

  2. What does the size, arrangement and equipment in the food prep area depend on?

  3. What must it include?

Planning Your Restaurant Kitchen

Restaurant kitchens are made up of various stations. A station is the area where a certain type of food is prepared. Stations help keep a restaurant kitchen running smoothly. There are prep stations, sauté stations, pizza stations, salad stations. Depending on the size and style of your restaurant, you may have kitchen offices, locker rooms and washrooms.

Consider your restaurant menu when planning your kitchen. Do you have a lot of salads? Then a salad station will be ideal. A lot of grilled food? Then a larger grill will help get food out of the kitchen faster. Space is another important consideration. If your restaurant kitchen is going to be housed in a small space, that is going to limit your plans, as well.


  1. What is the kitchen made of?

  2. What is an area?

  3. What stations can be found in the restaurant kitchen?

  4. What does the number of stations depend on?

  5. What is another important consideration in the kitchen planning?

Stocking Your Restaurant Kitchen

Once you have planned your restaurant kitchen, next you need to install the right commercial equipment. You may need restaurant dishes, serving utensils and other small items. Larger pieces of equipment, such as commercial ovens, ranges or grills, should also be installed.


  1. What equipment should be installed in the kitchen?

Maintain Your Restaurant Kitchen

Among the important considerations in the design of restaurant kitchens are sanitation and safety. Cleanliness is a very important factor in the operation of any restaurant.

Both sanitation and safety require frequent cleaning of the equipment and washing down of the entire area.

Once you are open for business, your restaurant kitchen will always be busy so it is important to have plan for keeping it in clean, smooth running order. Create a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly kitchen cleaning list that outlines everything that needs to be taken care of. Regular cleaning of a restaurant kitchen can also help cut down on food spoilage and waste, saving you money.

Another necessity in a well-planned kitchen is good ventilation. This should be included in the design when the kitchen is planned. The ventilation system should be capable to remove hot air and cooking odours.


  1. What factor is very important in the operation of the kitchen?

  2. What role does the regular cleaning play in the smooth running operation?

  3. What does the cleaning list outline?

  4. What can regular cleaning help cut down on?

  5. What else should be included in the design of the kitchen?

Staff Your Restaurant Kitchen

The most important part of any restaurant kitchen is the people who work in it. Finding the right person for the right kitchen job is essential for a smooth running restaurant. While many jobs in a restaurant kitchen are perfect entry level positions, such as dishwasher or prep cook, others require years of experience. Be selective when hiring restaurant cooks, chefs and managers. Look for people who not only know how to cook but can also work as part of a team.

The boss of the back of the house is the chef who is always the head cook and may sometimes take charge of menu planning and purchasing. In some cases he or she is more manager than cook and is called an executive chef. In larger establishments there may be several specialty chefs – a sauce chef, a vegetable chef, a dessert chef, a baker.

Ranking below the chefs are the cooks. Cooks get orders ready for the waiters and prepare dishes such as grilled steaks that are cooked at the last minute. Most restaurants also employ one or more kitchen helpers whose duties include cutting vegetables, stirring, cleaning and other such chores. The helpers are to the kitchen what the bussers are to dining room.

Another job that must be performed continually in a kitchen is washing dishes and pots. The dish and potwashing area should be located so that it is accessible from both the dining room and the kitchen. Bussers bring dirty dishes to the dishwashers who separate dishes from silver from glassware.

Not all restaurants employ a kitchen staff this large. A small establishment may need only a chef and a helper to do the dishwashing.


  1. What is the most important part of any restaurant kitchen?

  2. What entry level positions can be offered to inexperienced workers?

  3. Why should the restaurant owner be selective when hiring the kitchen staff?

  4. Who is the boss of the back of the house?

  5. What is the head chef responsible for?

  6. What specialty chefs can be found in the restaurant kitchen?

  7. Who is ranking below the chefs?

  8. What are the cooks’ duties?

  9. What other jobs are there in the restaurant kitchen?

Purchasing and storage

Purchasing of food, supplies and equipment is very important for success of a restaurant. Usually the purchasing is done by the manager or chef. Large establishments may employ one or two purchasing agents.

The food buyer must work closely with the menu planner. Most restaurants do their food buying on the open market.

There are different categories of foodstuffs for the purchasing agent to consider. The largest and most important is perishable foods: these include meat poultry, fish, fresh vegetables and fresh fruits.

Another category includes basic foods such as rice, sugar, spices and other items.

Canned and frozen foods are convenience foods because they are ready to serve with a minimum amount of preparation. Other convenience foods are pre-cooked bakery items such as bread, pies, and cakes. Frozen foods have become so important in recent years that many restaurants use vegetables frozen rather than fresh or canned.

Most restaurants have two kinds of storage areas for food: dry storage and refrigerator freezer. The dry storage usually contains shelves on which items are arranged so that the foods most often used are the easiest to reach.

The size of the refrigerator depends on the size of the restaurant. Large restaurants usually have walk-in refrigerators or a refrigerated room. They are equipped with hooks from which cuts of meat are hung, as well as shelves for holding items such as eggs, butter and milk. The usual temperature for a restaurant refrigerator is just above the freezing point. A freezer may be included in the refrigerator or may be a separate unit.

The freezer and refrigerator, like everything else in the restaurant, should be often cleaned.

Checking on the quality of the foodstuffs is usually the responsibility of the chef, dietitian or another expert. In many restaurants there is a storekeeper or steward, though in smaller restaurants the chef or an assistant chef may do this work. One of the duties of the storekeeper is to maintain an inventory or count of all items in the storeroom.

A restaurant operation is complicated and good systems for purchasing, receiving and storage are necessary.


  1. What is very important for the success of a restaurant?

  2. Who is responsible for purchasing in a restaurant?

  3. Who must the food buyer work closely with?

  4. Where do most of the restaurants do the buying?

  5. What foodstuffs do perishable foods include?

  6. What foodstuffs do basic foods include?

  7. Why are canned and frozen foods considered convenience foods?

  8. What kinds of storage areas are used in restaurants?

  9. In what way are shelves usually arranged in the dry storage?

  10. What does the size of the refrigerator depend on?

  11. What kinds of refrigerators are installed in large restaurants?

  12. What are they equipped with?

  13. What is the usual temperature for a restaurant refrigerator?

  14. Where can freezers be located?

  15. Who is responsible for checking on the quality of foodstuffs in restaurants?

  16. What is one of the duties of the storekeeper?

  17. What is necessary for a restaurant operation?

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