Ильина О. К., Тычинский А. А. Сборник упражнений по английскому языку к учебнику

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Exercises to Chapter 5 “Public Relations Departments and Firms”

I) Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. In a recent survey, CEOs credited public relations department with

a) providing little return on investment b) providing a sense of security about crisis situations c) providing almost no real benefit d) providing nearly a 200% return on investment e) providing many fine publication services

  1. Which person is credited with establishing the first corporate public relations department in 1889?

a) Thomas A. Edison b) George Westinghouse c) Henry Ford d) Andrew Carnegie e) John D. Rockefeller

  1. All of the following are examples of the public relations emphasis in a large, complex organization EXCEPT

a) news conferences b) writing executive speeches c) routine news releases d) formal contact with the media e) counseling management

  1. Some public relations managers self-select technician roles because they lack a knowledge base in

a) research b) environment scanning c) problem solving d) managing communication strategy e) all of the above

  1. In many corporations, a person working in product publicity will be found in what department?

a) marketing b) human resources c) manufacturing d) engineering e) legal

  1. Which one of the following is NOT considered a staff person in an organization?

a) director of public relations b) director of human resources c) director of marketing d) director of manufacturing e) director of legal services

  1. Public relations in an organization is considered a

a) staff function b) line function c) horizontal function d) vertical function e) systems function

  1. A person who formulates recommendations and advises management in an organization is fulfilling a _____ function.

a) line b) staff c) consultant d) systems

  1. If an AIDS information brochure prepared by the personnel department must be reviewed by the public relations department before production, the public relations department is described as having

a) advisory authority b) compulsory advisory authority c) concurring authority d) command authority

  1. When the corporate organization chart allows management to ignore or not even request the input of public relations staff regarding a problem, public relations is at the

a) advisory level b) compulsory level c) concurring authority level d) command authority level

  1. If the legal department can order the public relations department to change the content of news releases before they are distributed, the legal department has

a) advisory authority b) compulsory advisory authority c) concurring authority d) command authority

  1. The public relations department may have friction with which other department?

a) legal b) personnel c) marketing d) advertising e) all of the above

  1. Which one of the following, according to the text, is the recommended level of authority for a public relations director?

a) advisory b) compulsory advisory c) concurring authority d) command authority

  1. If the public relations staff reports to the vice-president of marketing, the focus of public relations tends to be on

a) product publicity b) sales literature c) community relations d) investor relations e) specialized advertising inserts

  1. According to one count, about how many public relations firms are there in the United States?

a) 4,500 b) 7,000 c) 8,500 d) 10,500

  1. According to the text, today’s full-fledged public relations firms offer all of the following services EXCEPT

a) executive speech training b) product promotion c) advertising placement d) events management e) media analysis

  1. If a company offers a full range of public relations services, including counseling top management, it prefers to call itself a

a) public relations agency b) public relations firm c) management consulting firm d) public affairs firm e) marketing services firm.

  1. The largest public relations firm in terms of fee income, according to the text, is

a) Burson-Marsteller b) Ketchum Public Relations c) Hill and Knowlton. d) Shandwick e) Ogilvy & Mather PR Group.

  1. When advertising and public relations firms merge, the common practice is for the public relations firm to

a) retain its own name and management b) take the name of the advertising agency c) integrate its staff into the advertising agency d) specialize in product publicity e) also offer advertising services

  1. The most common way for a public relations firm to expand into a new geographical area is to

a) set up branch offices in major cities b) purchase smaller, local public relations firms c) merge with a national advertising agency d) get a hotel chain as a client e) all of the above

  1. When a recent college graduate joins a public relations firm, the usual job title is

a) account executive b) assistant account executive c) secretary d) intern e) staff coordinator

  1. Public relations personnel must keep detailed time sheets in a

a) public relations firm b) corporation c) non-profit agency d) governmental agency e) trade association

  1. A public relations firm can offer a client all of the following EXCEPT

a) extensive resources b) guaranteed media placement c) objectivity d) credibility e) a variety of skills and expertise

  1. According to the text, clients often criticize public relations firms for all of the following EXCEPT

a) a superficial grasp of client’s problems b) lack of full-time commitment c) hype and elaborate promises of success d) high costs e) the need for prolonged briefing period before any work is done

  1. Which of the following pricing methods is preferred by public relations firms?

a) basic hourly fee, plus out-of-pocket expenses b) retainer fee c) fixed project fee d) fee based on quality and prestige of magazine in which story is placed

  1. The key liaison person between a public relations firm and a client is usually the

a) account supervisor b) vice president c) account executive. d) assistant account executive e) president

  1. The primary income of a public relations firm comes from

a) selling of staff time b) mark-up on goods and services c) advertising placements d) charging a fixed fee for each media placement
(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 149-155)
II) Say whether the statement is true or false.

  1. Research shows that small-scale organizations manufacturing a noncontroversial product tend to involve public relations in the policy-making process.

  2. Today’s modern executives recognize that public relations is a tool for problem solving, not just publicity and increased public attention.

  3. The greatest value of public relations is dealing with situations and events after they have occurred.

  4. Public relations at General Motors is organized by function, such as product press relations, investor relations, and governmental affairs.

  5. In general, corporations have large public relations-departments with 50 or more employees.

  6. In a corporate structure, the vice-president of public relations has the authority to order various department heads to cooperate in an event such as an open house.

  7. There is rarely any friction between a company’s advertising and public relations departments because both are interested in promoting product sales to external publics.

  8. The majority of the ten largest public relations firms in the U.S. are owned by advertising companies/agencies.

  9. In general, the growth of public relations firms is directly related to corporate downsizing.

  10. Most public relations firms, large and small, operate in cities under 100,000 in population.

  11. The trend is for public relations firms to purchase major advertising agencies.

  12. The merger of advertising and public relations services is the next major step in the evolution of modern public relations.

  13. Public relations firms generally try to work on commission, taking a percentage of the profit from sales generated by promotion and publicity.

  14. Account teams for public relations firms are often set up to provide a client with a multifaceted program.

(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 155-156)
III) Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.

  1. a company that is owned by a larger company

  1. news conference

  1. to work all over the world

  1. to counsel man­agement

  1. very few efforts made

  1. corporate bottom line

  1. an organization or company that is con­nected with or controlled by a larger group

  1. scant activity

  1. to develop a relationship between two or more groups involved in an activity to­gether

  1. to be relegated

  1. to give the people who operate an organi­zation advice about what to do in a particular situation

  1. to operate on a global stage

  1. the amount of money that a company makes or loses

  1. common denomi­nators

  1. the same features

  1. an affiliate

  1. to be moved to a less important position

  1. to form partner­ships

  1. a meeting where journalists get informa­tion and ask questions about a particular piece of news

  1. subsidiary

  1. a plan of activities containing many dif­ferent aspects

  1. line function

  1. part of an organization

  1. staff function

  1. disagreement

  1. decision-making discretion

  1. dealing with something by way of orga­nizing the different parts of a plan so that people involved work together ef­fectively

  1. concur

  1. the right to decide what to do about something

  1. friction

  1. an argument over the area that two or more groups considers to be their own

  1. unresponsive to public concerns

  1. not reacting in a suitable way to what people think important

  1. a turf battle

  1. to happen at the same time

  1. coordinated and integral approach

  1. management responsibility

  1. account

  1. work in a particular area

  1. multifaceted pro­gram

IV) Complete the words.

  1. Privately, the president was being c_______ to end the war.

  2. He keeps a careful eye on the b_______ l_______.

  3. Jen paid s_______ attention to their conversation.

  4. The company has been o_______ in Europe for two years.

  5. What l_______ of business are you in exactly?

  6. Employees are now demanding greater involvement in the d_______ -m_______ process.

  7. There is some f_______ between the various departments in the organization.

  8. Helen has been u_______ to all my suggestions.

  9. A senior embassy official is c_______ efforts to free the cap­tives.

  10. We need a fresh a_______ to sports in education.

  11. He r_______ his wife to the position of the mere housekeeper.

  12. Searching among this raw material of art for the lowest c_______ d________ on which to base a new style.

  13. They are a_______ with the national committee.

  14. All other sorts of words must be regarded as s_______.

  15. She joined the s_______ as an editor.

  16. All the members of the committee c_______ with the chairman when he made his decision.

V) Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Пресс-конференция; консалтинговый менеджмент; доходы; ставить задачи; общий знаменатель; работать над реализацией договорной программы; функционировать на глобальном уровне; представительство (организации); налаживать партнёрские рабочие отношения; филиал; отраслевые и административные функции; свобода в области принятия решений; совмещение полномочий; разногласие; невосприимчивый к общественной реакции; конфликты сфер ответственности; скоординированный комплексный подход; отраслевой исполнительный координатор; программа, подразумевающая несколько задач.
VI) Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using active vocabulary.

  1. Сложно структурированные организации уделяют внима­ние пресс-конференциям, формальным контактам со СМИ, созданию текстов для официальных выступлений и консалтинговому менеджменту по вопросам потенциаль­ной угрозы для доходов корпорации.

  2. В компаниях с низким уровнем организационной сложно­сти наблюдается недостаточная активность связей с обще­ственностью, и перед пиар-персоналом ставятся в основ­ном технические задачи, такие, как создание информаци­онных бюллетеней и выпуск очередных пресс-релизов.

  3. Ассортимент услуг, предоставляемых клиентам, может ме­няться, но существуют и некоторые общие знаменатели.

  4. Независимо от того, является ли фирма большой или малень­кой, она предоставляет консалтинговые услуги, а также предлагает услуги по решению технических задач для реализации договорной программы.

  5. Действительно ли агентства по связям с общественностью всё больше и больше функционируют на глобальном уровне?

  6. Международные агентства и их представительства распола­гаются в наиболее крупных городах мира.

  7. Малые и средние фирмы по всему миру налаживают парт­нёрские рабочие отношения друг с другом.

  8. В каких регионах мира агентства по связям с общественно­стью недавно открыли свои филиалы?

  9. Традиционная теория менеджмента проводит разделение в рамках организации на отраслевые и административные функции.

  10. Подобная процедура не ограничивает свободу менеджера в области принятия решений и способствует правильному использованию особых талантов соответствующих специа­листов агентства.

  11. Другой уровень консультационных отношений в рамках ор­ганизации получил название совмещения полномочий.

  12. Существует четыре области возможных разногласий: юри­дические проблемы, кадровые вопросы, реклама и марке­тинг.

  13. Конфликты по поводу того, какую информацию можно пред­ставлять публике и когда это следует делать, часто оказывают парализующее воздействие на процесс принятия решений, приводя к тому, что организация выглядит не­восприимчивой к общественной реакции на свою дея­тельность.

  14. Традиционный отдел кадров сегодня начинает выполнять всё более широкие функции управления человеческими ре­сурсами; имеют место конфликты сфер ответственности по вопросу о том, кто отвечает за коммуникацию с сотруд­никами организации.

  15. Логика диктует, что организация нуждается в скоординиро­ванном и комплексном подходе к проведе­нию коммуникационной стратегии.

  16. Выпускники вузов, как правило, начинают свою карьеру с должности ассистента отраслевого исполнительного ко­ординатора.

  17. Часто агентства по связям с общественностью организуют проектные группы, особенно в тех случаях, когда для реа­лизации требований клиента необходимо выполнение про­граммы, подразумевающей несколько задач.

VII) Translate the following text from English into Russian.
For a century, public relations departments have served companies and organizations. George Westinghouse is reported to have created the first corporate department in 1889 when he hired two men to publicize his pet project, alternating current (AC) electricity. Their work was relatively simple when compared to the mélange of physical, sociological, and psychological elements that contemporary departments employ. Eventually Westinghouse won out over Thomas A. Edison’s (DC) direct current system, and his method became the standard in the United States. Westinghouse’s public relations department concept has grown into a basic part of today’s electronic world.

Today, public relations is expanding from its traditional functions, enlarged over the years to exercise its influence in the highest levels of management.

In a changing environment, and faced with the variety of pressures executives increasingly see public relations not as publicity and one-way communication, but as a process of negotiations and compromise with a number of key publics.

When public relations helps that organization build relationships, it saves the organization money by reducing the costs of litigation, regulation, legislation, pressure campaign boycotts, or lost revenue that result from bad relationships with publics – publics that become activist groups when relationships are bad. It also helps the organization make money by cultivating relationships with donors, customers, shareholders and legislators.
(Wilcox, Dennis L., et al. Essentials of Public Relations. New York: Longman., 2001. P. 78)

VIII) Translate the following text from Russian into English.
Существует несколько причин, по которым крупные рекламные конгломераты приобретают агентства по связям с общественностью. Одной из этих причин является естественный эволюционный шаг по объединению многочисленных коммуникационных дисциплин в тотальную коммуникационную сеть. Сторонники этой точки зрения полагают, что объединение рекламы и связей с общественностью под одним корпоративным знаменем может послужить на пользу более эффективной работе по доведению послания до аудитории в ходе сложной и многогранной кампании. Кроме того, объединение усилий специалистов по рекламе и по связям с общественностью может увеличить список потенциальных клиентов, сказаться на приобретении новых контактов и способствовать увеличению географического распространения деятельности фирмы.

Второй причиной является чистый бизнес. Рекламные фирмы и их холдинговые компании считают агентства по связям с общественностью весьма выгодным капиталовложением. Доходы, получаемые от рекламных клиентов, остаются на одном уровне на протяжении пяти лет, в то время, как от агентств по связям с общественностью за тот же период доходы увеличились вдвое.

Другим фактором, способствующим кооперации между рекламными компаниями и агентствами по связям с общественностью, является возросший уровень понимания роли связей с общественностью со стороны рекламных фирм. В связи с этим многие рекламные фирмы начинают использовать правило «90-10»: рекламной деятельности отводится 90% общего бюджета, а 10% приходится на долю связей с общественностью.

Каждая из специальностей – реклама, связи с общественностью, прямая почтовая рассылка, продвижение продаж – может дополнить другие специальности в общем комплексе коммуникационных технологий.
(Аги У., Кэмерон Г., Олт Ф., Уилкокс Д. Самое главное в PR / Пер. с англ. – СПб.: Питер. 2004. – С. 153-155)

IX) Summarize the concepts of the chapter “Public Relations Departments and Firms”.

Exercises to Chapter 6 “Research”

I) Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

  1. The first step in the public relations process is

a) promotion and publicity b) planning c) research d) evaluation e) ethics and professionalism

  1. Broom and Dozier quote a public relations executive who offers all of the following reasons for doing research EXCEPT

a) identifying the right audience b) devising the right message c) focusing on the right perceptions d) guaranteeing program success e) achieving credibility with top management

  1. Which of the following is NOT a qualitative method of re­search?

a) personal contacts b) library research c) probability surveys d) focus groups e) mail and telephone analysis

  1. If one wanted to find the median family income and educational level of people living in Boston, which one of the following would be the best source?

a) Statistical Abstract of the United States b) Boston telephone book c) Congressional Record d) Dun & Bradstreet financing rating service e) Boston superintendent of schools

  1. Representatives of a target audience assembled to discuss an or­ganization’s image and products is called

a) an advisory panel b) a focus group c) a purposive survey d) an audit group e) an intercept group

  1. An important aspect of copy testing a planned employee bro­chure is to have representatives from what group read the mate­rial before it is published?

a) legal staff b) top management c) rank-and-file employees d) personnel staff e) department heads

  1. Interviewing a selection of college students outside the student cafeteria during the lunch hour is called

a) a nonprobability survey b) a probability survey c) a purposive survey d) a quota sample survey e) an omnibus survey

  1. Which of the following is the best method of selecting employ­ees to participate in a probability survey?

a) systematically select names from a master employee list b) ask department supervisors to select employees for interviews c) hand out questionnaires in the lunchroom d) insert a poll into the company newspaper e) randomly interview employees as they leave work

  1. Drawing a sample that matches the proportion of males and fe­males in the selected audience is called

a) purposive sampling b) quota sampling c) random sampling d) nonprobability sampling e) focus group sampling

  1. In order to conduct a survey with only a 3 percent margin of er­ror, the minimum sample size should be

a) 7,500 b) 5,000 c) 2,500 d) 1,500 e) 1,000

  1. The margin of error if 100 people are correctly selected for a sur­vey is

a) 5 percent b) 10 percent c) 15 percent d) 20 percent e) 25 percent

  1. Interviewing or surveying a number of community opinion lead­ers is a good example of

a) purposive interviewing b) quota sampling c) probability sampling d) mail and telephone analysis e) a community relations audit

  1. Which of the following is most likely to conduct a survey through purposive sampling?

a) a hospital planning a major fund campaign b) a company with a new, innovative product c) a corporation seeking information on employee attitudes d) a political candidate getting the “pulse” of registered voters e) all of the above

  1. Which one of the following is a biased question?

a) Do you believe that college bookstores should stop charging excessive prices for textbooks? b) Do you believe that college bookstores should charge students on financial aid less for texts? c) Do you believe college bookstores should sell texts to students at cost? d) Do you believe college bookstores charge a fair price for textbooks? e) all of the above

  1. When people choose the “correct” answer to a survey question, this is called

a) courtesy bias b) insight c) questionable bias d) lying e) secular humanism

  1. Which of the following should be included in any news release about survey results?

a) sponsor of the survey b) population actually sampled c) size of the sample d) sampling error e) all of the above

  1. Medians and means can be calculated in a survey that utilizes

a) Likert scales of agreement and disagreement b) “yes-no” categories c) open-ended questions d) semantic differential e) Q methodology

  1. Which one of the following is the major advantage of mail ques­tionnaires?

a) high response rate b) instant results c) economy d) personalized contact e) high public interest

  1. In general, mail questionnaires should be sent by

a) overnight express mail b) first class mail c) second class mail d) bulk rate e) facsimile machine

  1. Which of the following are advantages accorded to telephone surveys?

a) immediate response b) lower cost than personal interview c) less intrusive than personal interview d) higher response rate than mail questionnaire e) all of the above

  1. The major disadvantage of telephone surveys is

a) the image of “junk” phone calls b) telephone answering machines c) lack of control over who answers the phone d) lack of probability sampling e) unlisted telephone numbers

  1. Which of the following is the most often used informal research technique undertaken by public relations personnel?

a) content analysis of newspaper clippings b) focus groups c) regional and national polls d) communication audits e) database / literature searches

  1. The biggest disadvantage of mail questionnaire is the

a) poor response rate b) cost c) reliability of the postal service d) lack of control on who fills out the questionnaire e) literacy level of respondents
(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 125-131)
II) Say whether the statement is true or false.

  1. Public relations research, including surveys, is often a way for an organization to generate publicity.

  2. Research in public relations consists of scientific surveys and statistical tabulations.

  3. Quota sampling is done by government agencies to meet fed­eral requirements.

  4. Content analysis is a good way to evaluate press coverage.

  5. Sending a survey to every 25th name on a master employee list is a good example of a probability sample

  6. Small samples in the range of 250-500 people are often ade­quate in public relations research because the objective is to measure general attitudes and perceptions.

  7. Pollsters say that a correct, systematic method of sampling can offset the results of poorly worded questions on a question­naire.

  8. A person surveying or interviewing employees should guaran­tee anonymity to the respondents.

  9. In general, “yes-no” questions are good for examining respon­dents’ perceptions and attitudes.

  10. A general rule is to use as many open-ended questions in a sur­vey as possible.

  11. A piggyback survey includes a series of questions that are linked or “piggybacked” together.

  12. Personal interviews are the most expensive form of survey re­search.

(Glen T. Cameron. Instructor’s Manuel / Test Bank with Transparency Masters to accompany Wilcox, Ault, Agee, Cameron. Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics. Sixth Edition. – Longman, 2000. – P. 125-131)
III) Match the following definitions with the word-combinations below.

  1. act or manner of expressing in words

  1. sample

  1. analysis of information existing in books, magazine articles, and electronic data­bases

  1. poll

  1. analysis of new and original information

  1. interview

  1. group of people representing a target audi­ence

  1. respondent

  1. group which is chosen out of a larger num­ber and is questioned or tested in or­der to obtain information about the larger group

  1. wording

  1. a plan showing how much money an or­ganization will earn and how much it will be able to spend

  1. in-depth inter­view

  1. meeting at which information is obtained from a person

  1. primary re­search

  1. person who answers a request for informa­tion

  1. focus group

  1. study in which people are asked for their opinions about a subject or person

  1. secondary re­search

  1. interviews with people in public places

  1. budget

  1. a kind of a research conducted when an organization “buys” a question in a national survey conducted by a survey organiza­tion

  1. probability sur­vey

  1. the activity of making certain that some­one or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people

  1. purposive inter­viewing

  1. questions that tend to elicit the “correct response”

  1. publicity

  1. a person possessing necessary training to make things easier or possible

  1. courtesy bias questions

  1. a survey when everyone in the targeted audience has an equal chance of being selected for it

  1. trained facilita­tor

  1. questions that use highly charged words to elicit a particular response

  1. biased wording

  1. interviews with people who are carefully selected for their expertise, influence, or leadership

  1. top management

  1. people occupying highest positions in a company or an organization

  1. piggyback sur­vey

  1. a survey when interviewees in the tar­geted audience are not randomly selected

  1. intercept inter­viewing

  1. a very thorough meeting at which a per­son is questioned for a long time

  1. nonprobability survey

IV) Complete the words.

  1. Unfortunately, we are running on a very tight b_____ this year.

  2. The f____ g_____ survey produced very useful results.

  3. A new p_____ suggests there is widespread support for the pro­posal.

  4. The opinion poll was based on telephone i_______.

  5. They talked to a random s_____ of voters drawn from selected areas of the country.

  6. I______ i______ are very effective, but costly.

  7. Considerable effort goes into the w_______ of questionnaires.

  8. A majority of r________ were against nuclear testing.

  9. He had to look through a number of books and magazines in or­der to conduct a s_____ r______.

  10. At the seminar they were taught p_____ r________ techniques.

  11. One should always avoid b_______ w______ when conducting a survey.

  12. The concert wasn’t given enough p______, so many tickets re­mained unsold.

  13. His role as that of a t______ f________ is to enable other peo­ple to work in the way that suits them best.

  14. The t______ m_______ of the company were accused of tax eva­sion.

  15. If you want to conduct a n________ s_______, you should go to a company’s cafeteria.

  16. Don’t you think that the question about environment is just one of those c_____ b_____ q _______ that will produce no credi­ble results?

  17. I don’t think we have enough funds to conduct a p______ s________.

  18. The best place for i_______ i________ is in a big shopping mall.

  19. P_______ i_______ always takes so much time: you must se­lect all the interviewees and it’s not easy.

  20. They conducted a p_______ s_______ and it produced stunning results.

V) Translate the following word-combinations from Russian into English using active vocabulary.
Финансовая смета; фокус группа; опрос; беседа, собеседование; выборка; всесторонняя беседа; формулировка; опрашиваемый; вторичное исследование; первичное исследование; беседа с респондентом в общественном месте; беседа со специально отобранными респондентами; опрос, осуществляемый агентством на национальном уровне, в котором компания «покупает» себе вопрос; представление информации о товаре, лице или мероприятии; вопросы, на которые респондент стремится дать «корректный» ответ; дипломированный специалист; опрос, при проведении которого любой из респондентов имеет одинаковые шансы быть отобранным; предвзятая формулировка вопросов; высшее руководство; опрос, при проведении которого респонденты отбираются неслучайным образом.

1   ...   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   ...   27


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