This program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of

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НазваниеThis program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of
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ТипДокументы > Информатика > Документы
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The final evaluation is evaluated on the cumulative system:

The resulting score is calculated on a cumulative system for work:

Assessment of students ' knowledge is as follows.




94 -100 %


87 - 93 %


80 - 86 %


73- 79 %


66 - 72 %


59- 65 %


51- 58 %


44-50 %


37-43 %


30-36 %


29% and less

Current control of knowledge (essay) estimated in accordance with the methodological recommendations of writing abstracts, approved be the Department of management in 2013, and is available to students on the Department website.

6.2. The procedure for the estimate’s formation in the discipline

The teacher assesses the student's work on seminar and practical classes:

• speed and correctness of the solution in case - tasks;

• participation in discussions on various topics;

• participation in business games;

• accuracy of solving problems.

1. The teacher assesses the attendance and work of students in seminars: activity in business games, discussions and correctness of the problem solution and case studies in the seminar. Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for the work of the seminars is determined before the final control – Оclasswork (auditornaia)

2. The teacher assesses the independent work of the students: the correctness of homework, a tasks that are given during seminars. Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for homework is determined before the final control - Оself work(samostoiatelnaia rabota)

3. The teacher evaluates the students work: the correct execution of all control forms, that is determined by the working academic plan (control work,homework,essay). Cumulative score on a 10-point scale for the work is determined before the final control – Оcurrent (tekychaia)

7. The discipline consists of two parts.

Накопленная оценказа первую часть курса (1 курс, 4 модуль)

рассчитывается следующим образом:

Онакопленная= 0,4*Отекущая + 0,3* Оаудиторная + 0,3* Осам.работа
где Отекущая рассчитывается как взвешенная сумма всех форм текущего контроля, предусмотренных в рабочем учебном плане:

Отекущая = Оконтрольная работа
Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной восьми, девяти или десяти баллам, то студент освобождается от сдачи зачета, а в зачетную ведомость за зачет выставляется оценка равная накопленной и она же становиться промежуточной.
Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной семи баллам и менее, то студент сдает зачет по дисциплине в форме тестирования через систему LMS. В этом случае промежуточная оценка (Опромежуточная) за первую часть курса рассчитывается следующим образом:

Опромежуточная = 0,4*накопленная + 0,6*зачет

Накопленная оценказа вторую часть курса (2 курс, 1 модуль)

рассчитывается следующим образом:
Онакопленная= 0,2*Ореф + 0,2*Одом.задание + 0,3* Оаудит.работа+ 0,3 О промежут. (1 курс)
Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной восьми, девяти или десяти баллам, то студент освобождается от сдачи экзамена, а в экзаменационную ведомость за экзамен выставляется оценка равная накопленной и она же становиться итоговой.
Если студент, воспользовавшись накопительной системой, получает накопленную оценку (Онакопленная) (после арифметического округления) равной семи баллам и менее, то студент сдает экзамен по дисциплине в форме тестирования через систему LMS. В этом случае итоговая оценка (Оитоговая) за весь курс (выставляется в диплом) рассчитывается следующим образом:

Оитоговая =0,4*О накопленная+ 0,6*экзамен(тест)

Способ округления оценок за текущую работу, самостоятельную работу, аудиторную работу, а также накопленной оценки, оценки за зачет и экзамен: арифметический.

7.1 The lecture’s content for the second part of the course in English language

7.1.2 Part 2 (year 2, 1 module)

Theme 1. The modern concept of management.

The concept of "management" and "organization". Management as a science and as a profession. The basic functions of management. The evolution of the professional management Institute. Modern models of business education. Skills of the Manager. Classification of scientific fundamentals in management. The origin and development of management in Russia. Development of professional management in Russia. Distinctive features of domestic managers. The main elements of organization. The sources of organization.

Theme 2. The organizational environment

The concept of the macro and micro organizational environment. The internal environment of the organization. The factors characterize the state of the organizational environment. Functional area of the internal environment. Values and culture of the company. The concept of organizational culture and its influence on the internal environment of the organization.

Theme 3. Planning in management

Mission and goals of the enterprise. The mission and strategic vision. The mission statement for functional units. The possibility of change the mission of the company. The establishment of the company's goals: requirements, order. Long-term and short-term goals. The concept of strategic goals intention. The hierarchy of objectives. The relationship of mission and goals in the strategic pyramid. The rules for constructing the tree ofobjectives. Tree of the decision making.Management by goals (P. Drucker).

SWOT analysis: assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, the external opportunities and threats. The state of the external environment. Attractiveness of the industry and competitive conditions. Strengths and weaknesses of the organization and its competitive capabilities.

The choice of position in competition. Matrix analysis of the company economic portfolio. Analysis of competitive environment: the model of the five forces. Strategy selection and construction through the BCG matrix, matrix McKinsey.

Theme 4. The organizational structure of the enterprises

Basic definitions. The choice of organizational structure. Stages of organizational design. The division of labor and specialization. Centralization and decentralization: advantages and disadvantages. The evolution of organizational structures. Factors influencing organizational structure. Linear-functional organizational structure. Multidimensional organizational structure. Matrix structure: divisional and design. The advantages and disadvantages of multidimensional structures.

Theme 5. The concept of organization life cycle

The life cycle of the organization. Stages and the logic of the organization's move from one stage of development to another one. The size and the life cycle of the organization. Changes in the organization. Resistance to organizational changes.

The essence of control in the organization. Types of control: preliminary, current and final. The advantages of using different types of control.

Organizational communication. Types of communications. The main elements of communications. Noise and interference in the communications, their influence on the message.

Theme 6. Leadership in organization

The concept of power. The classification of leadership’s forms. Leadership and subordinate authority. The concept of emotional intelligence. Types of leaders from the point of control. Leadership and guidance. Classification of leadership theories. Management styles. Problems of modern leadership.

Topic 7. Management through motivation

Basic concepts of motivation. Motivation and stimulation. The concept of needs and their variants. Economic and managerial interpretations of needs. Types of motivation. The problem of demotivation. Theories of motivation. Hierarchy of needs A. Maslow. Two-factor model of motivation F. Herzberg. The expectancy theory of Brum. Porter –Lawler.s model of motivation. Modern theories of motivation.

7.2 The themes of seminars

7.2.2 Part 2 of the course (year 2, 1 module)

Seminar 1. Basic concepts. The modern concept of management. Approaches in management.

The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours

Questions on the topic:

1. Why do you manage?

2. What is modern management?

3. Which is the subject of activities of the Manager?

4. Who are the managers and their difference from other professionals.

5. The role of the Manager.

6. What is the difference between a Manager and a businessman?

7. Explain what methods propose to use in the management representatives of different schools.

Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: business games, case "In good company".

The plan of the seminar:

1. Acquaintance with the group. The main aspects of assessment for the course.

2. The discussion is the concept of "Manager", "effective Manager". The role and skills of managers (video-case "In good company").

3. Discussion of modern management trends

1. Introduction: the rules of survival course

Exercise "snowball". In order to know and remember the names of the participants, each participant calls her name and thinks adjective beginning with the same letter as their name. (optional: it is Very important to say that epithet, which emphasizes the individuality of the participant, and to the others he was not repeated). Each next participant repeats the names and epithets all previous participants, then calls your name and your epithet and so on until the last participant who calls all.

2. Video-case "In good company".

Questions for discussion:

  1. Exercise "Different opinions". 3 pages with current issues on the subject of the lecture (on different boards). Participants are divided into mini group. Each group is located near one of the board with a question. At the signal, the mini-groups within 3 minutes to come up with the answer to the board to write questions, written on their page (or its considerations on this subject). After 3 minutes the trainer asks the group to change places. Each group must within 3 minutes to answer to the questions given by the previous group.

The discussion. You can ask participants, what was difficult and what is easy in this exercise, there were moments when it seemed to them that questions have already been given an exhaustive answer, what new ideas come during the exercise.

"Specify the main features inherent in the modern successful Manager of the company"

"The problems faced by the Manager in its activities, this..."

"The main features of modern society that affect the activities of the organization"

Seminar 2. Evolution of management. Transformation of the profession "Manager".

The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours

Questions on the topic:

1. The main characteristics of scientific management

2. The main characteristics of administrative school.

Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: work in groups on educational case "Management skills"

Seminar 3. The organizational environment and corporate culture

The total amount of classroom work on the topic: 2 hours

Questions on the topic:

3. Elements of anorganizational environment and environment objectives.

4. Adaptation strategies to uncertain and changing external environment.

5. Corporate culture and its examples.

6. Symbols, legends, heroes, slogans and ceremonies organizations and their role in corporate culture.

7. The interaction of the corporate culture and the environment.

Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: review of the case “Organizational environment". Team work over the project.

Seminar 4. Planning organizations

The number of hours of classroom - 2 hours

Forms and methods of training under section used educational technology: Group work: mission constriction, definition of organization’s goal, the external environment of the organization. Team work over the group project.

Questions on the topic:

1. What is the model of "McKinsey 7S"?

2. By whom and when was put forward the concept of management by objectives? What is its essence?

3. Compare concepts I. Ansoff and M. Porter.

4. What they have in common and how they differ?

5. Organization's mission and strategic vision. What are the main features of the company's mission?

6. Examples of missions commercial and non-commercial enterprises.

7. Compare mission of different companies:

Gazprom - its mission in reliable, effective and sustainable provision of consumers with natural gas, other kinds of energy resources and products of their processing.

The Coca Cola

In all that we do, we follow three principles, which we called the mission and formulated so:

To refresh the world, the body, mind and spirit;

To arouse optimism with our drinks and our affairs;

To bring meaning into everything we do.

The Fazer

Our mission is to create taste sensations.
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