Евросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»

НазваниеЕвросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»
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13. Alcohol protects from radiation

Scientists have investigated this problem and have found out that alcohol, overlaying on the radiation damage, strengthens it. It corresponds to the fact that alcohol raises the permeability of all protective barriers. «Alcohol can serve neither preventive, nor medical antiradiation remedy» (The radiation damage of brain. - М: Energoatomuzdat, 1991. p.195). In the places of the cluster of a thyroid gland, lungs, spinal cord and a marrow the reduction of radiating background occurs at the expense of redistribution of radioactive nuclides through the whole blood channel. The in-depth studies carried out by means of marked atoms prove that radiation couldn’t be exterminated from an organism, and have distributed through all the organs not infected earlier. «An instruction to the population on radioactive safety» (p.11) says: «Your special attention must be paid to the fact that by numerous researches it has been established: alcohol intake doesn't render any preventive action on a human body during radiation, and on the contrary it aggravates the development of radiation injury».

Achieving the main objective – the acceleration of taking out radioactive nuclides from an organism doesn't demand any alcohol products for this purpose at all. (Grodzinsky, 1991). In this case, doctors-radiologists recommend, it is necessary to drink green tea which really takes out radioactive nuclides from an organism.
14. Alcohol is specially produced by an organism, it means, that it is harmless and even useful.

Ethyl spirit is really produced by an organism in scanty quantities since it is a link in the energy formation. These doses aren't felt in any way, they don't influence neurotransmitter processes underlying the psychotropic effects of alcohol and consequently don't cause any befuddling (A.M. Carpov). In the course of the further reactions this alcohol is completely destroyed and taken out from an organism. There is a balance between small doses of alcohol developed by an organism and the substances destroying it. Any external addition of alcohol (a drink of beer, wine, etc.) roughly breaks this balance and leads to negative consequences.

Bacterial pollution of blood and other biological material is one of the factors of a new growth of ethyl alcohol (Balyakin, 1962). Besides, alcohol other kinds of poison are also developed in a man’s body, for example, hydrocianic acid. But it will never come to anybody’s mind to drink hydrocianic acid after all. The same attitude should be towards alcohol too.
15. Wine is useful for health

There are judgments that wine promotes blood formation, raises hemoglobin, enriches an organism. If one looks up a specialized directory with numerous tables and schemes it is possible to see what happens to nutrients and vitamins of grapes in the process of their transformation into squash at first, further in a mash and, at last, into the wine-making product: the contents of the basic useful components of grape berries decrease to the smallest sizes (Subbotin, 1972). And the grape juice is useful for cardiovascular system (Reuters, 2007). There are carbohydrates, organic acids, polyphenol, vitamins, ions of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron, etc in it. But the wine made from this juice, in the course of fermentation loses these qualities and can't be considered as a useful "drink".

Dry wines “of high quality” are drunk in France and Italy, however it is imperceptible, that the French or the Italian people got any great advantage from wine. The world statistics show: in France, within centuries per capita consumption of alcohol counting on pure alcohol was in the first place, in Italy - in the second, the level of alcoholization is also high in Spain and Portugal, that is, in the countries where wines are widely spread, there are not fewer alcohol problems, and there are even more of them than in the countries where people drink mainly vodka and beer. It can be explained by the fact that wine is drunk by more people and more often, than vodka. People get used to a smell and taste of wine quickly, start to distinguish "bloom" of one wine from "the bloom" of another one. There are pleasant feelings from one’s favourite "bloom", a person gets used to it, without considering himself to be a drunkard yet .We all know it well what it leads to.

What is this insidious tempter like – the wine "bloom"? It appears, in the process of fermentation of grape mash some substances disappear (for example, vitamins), others are specially expelled (proteins are besieged by liming and are dumped), and the third arise and grow. That the concentration of ethyl alcohol grows, it is a well-known fact to everybody. But not all people know that the concentration of other substances grows, such as aldehydes, acetales, ethers and spirits. Among them there are more than 50 so-called «volatile substances». It appears, it is they that define “wine”.

In this bloom of wine there are such "flowers", as isobotyl, furfural, hexyl alcohol and many others. All these "florets" are narcotic poisons, much stronger, than ethyl alcohol. In some directories about harmful substances these substances are in the same line with cyanides, and in wine the concentration of many of them exceeds significantly the maximum permissible norms for reservoirs of sanitary – domestic use.

People who despise drunkards are, of course, familiar to readers, they don’t drink vodka and don't want to give up drinking wine. In the conversation about wines they can make a brilliant display of a delicate taste of wine and erudition, describing their favourite "bloom" in detail and with pleasure. This person has no dependence on ethanol yet, but other drugs of wine "bloom" have already taken hold of him strongly.

Apparently, here is the solution of that strange matter that the growth of producing wine instead of vodka doesn't reduce, but increases the percentage of alcoholics among the population, it expands promptly a circle of drinking people, involving women, youth and teenagers in it.

Alcohol, in whatever clothes it arrays itself – vodka, cognac, wine, beer is protoplasmatic poison, that is the poison affecting perniciously the central nervous system, or the brain. Raising the viscosity of blood, alcohol worsens an oxygen exchange in tissues that leads to such serious illness, as a heart attack, a stroke, a stenocardia, the blood circulation disorder.

There is a widespread opinion that a person becomes an alcoholic only because of hard drinks, for example, from vodka. And recently in the academic circles they have found out that wine doesn’t lead to alcoholism so quickly as vodka, and wine alcoholism is not so fraught with serious consequences. However, our latest fundamental researches have shown that it is far from true. It has appeared that fans of wine have chronic alcoholism which is formed more quickly, compared to their "colleagues", preferring to ruin their lives by vodka. Wine alcoholism has dozens of concomitant diseases – kinds of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, polynephrites, etc. Wine alcoholism is very hard to be cured, as a rule, an alcoholic addict has a whole bunch of diseases that many drugs are contra-indicated to him. The life expectancy of champagne captives is lower, and the death rate from alcoholic psychosis is higher.

Many of those who turned to the experts in alcohol abuse, began with dry wines and champagne, and switched over to vodka when illness had already seized them with a death grip. It is necessary to mention that dry wines break water -salt metabolism in an organism, and it leads to heavy arthritis, a gout, obesity. It all concerns champagne too. It is also soaked up in blood more actively and faster, "rushes to the head", that poisons, destroys the brain cells. Champagne leads to a fast development of alcoholism. Thanks to its flavoring qualities this is the most insidious alcoholic product; after all it is often taken by women and children. Thereby it forwards wide accustoming to alcohol of those whom the country health depends on in the future. So, gradual raising grape wines production doesn't lead to the decrease of the level of alcoholism.
16. Harm is brought only by surrogates, and "qualitative" alcohol – is harmless.

Some part of the population has a mistaken idea about the fact that namely alcoholic surrogates bring the basic contribution to the alcoholic death rate because of the toxic impurity. Thus, it is forgotten that ethanol is a toxic substance in itself, and that taking a dose of 400 gr. even the most "qualitative" spirit just once is a deadly dose for an ordinary person.

The toxicological research has shown that the basic part of home-distilled vodka consumed in Russia and the forged vodka are no more toxic, than the most "qualitative" vodka.

The most part of harm which the population gets from all alcoholic products, they namely do it from ethyl alcohol, not from various harmful impurities which are a part of many alcoholic products.

As the experts have found out studying different kinds of alcoholic intoxication, that only 6 % of negative influence on the drunkards’ health is caused by harmful impurities which the forged vodka contains. The other 94 % of harm is done by the ethyl alcohol itself that is natural, and even the "purest" and "qualitative" vodka has. Thus, for the change of a catastrophic alcoholic situation to the best it is necessary not only to eliminate the clandestine alcohol production, but also to curtail considerably the production of legal alcoholic products of vodka, beer, wine, etc., up to the full stop of their production. This information drives off those who stand up for "supplanting" of the clandestine vodka by legal one, that is for the further expansion of the alcoholic industry.
17. Only people or nations genetically inclined to alcoholism have negative consequences of alcohol intake and alcohol is harmless to the others.

The population of Russia doesn't differ from other European populations taken into account the frequencies of allele gene of ADH1B which is responsible for an alcohol metabolism. However, the alcoholic situation is very various in different European countries, and in each separate country during different historical periods the alcoholic situation was different. It follows from this that it is senseless to search for an explanation of disastrous alcoholic problems in the genetics sphere since there are many European people having the same frequencies of genes, connected with an alcohol metabolism, as in Russia, but not facing such disastrous problems. And in Russia several decades ago having the same genetic fund, the alcoholic situation was quite another one. It depended on the concrete alcoholic policy carried out by the state, but not on the character of the genes peculiar to these or those people. (Halturina, Korotayev, 2006).
18. If alcohol is banned – people will poison themselves by substitutes.

The history shows – during the periods of sharp decrease in sale of alcohol, the general death rate from poisonings by substitutes doesn't increase. It is proved by the facts of the period of 1914-1916 in Russia when rigid antialcoholic restrictions were imposed (Mendelson, 1916). The same occurred and during antialcoholic campaign of 1985-1987 – after the introduction of restrictive measures the general death rate fell down that is a natural consequence of the decrease in alcohol consumption by the population. That is, illegal alcohol and substitutes couldn't compensate the legal alcohol taken away from the counters. During the period of time when this decree acted there were fewer poisoning fatalities, than it was earlier and later on (Nemtsov, 2001).
19. Alcohol restriction leads to the increase of drug addiction.

The myth about the outbreak of drug addiction which took place supposedly as a result of limiting prohibitive measures in 1985 is absolutely untenable. The growth of drug addiction fixed in the country was caused not by the activation of the struggle against alcoholism, but the general tendency of drug addiction spreading, both in Russia, and in other countries according to the law of changeover from "soft" drugs to "hard" ones. At first, a person begins to smoke a cigarette, then starts to drink beer, wine, vodka and only after that he takes to the narcotic needle. Not the absence of alcohol leads to the increase of drug addiction, but the availability of generally accessible alcohol which is the catalyzer of all kinds of drug addiction and glue sniffing (Е.G.Batrakov, 1992). The drug addiction spreads most actively among drinking and smoking people. After rejecting the antialcoholic policy in 1988 drug addiction began to grow in Russia promptly together with the growth of alcohol and tobacco intake, especially among the youth.
20. People drink because they live poorly.

The defenders of alcohol quite often put a cart ahead of a horse. They say that people drink, because “they live badly”; people drink, because «there is not enough culture»; people drink, because «there is no job»; people drink, because they aren't assured of the future life…It is the same myth which can be named conditionally «a cause and effect shift». Yes, really, we see that the people, taking alcohol live worst of all, they are less civilised, they often don't work, and are afraid of tomorrow. But only these problems have already appeared when they started to drink. It is easier to solve all the problems for a sober person since he has enough forces and will-power at least at the average level. It is easier for a sober person to find a job. The sober person isn't afraid of tomorrow, after all his mentality isn't broken by toxic effect of alcohol. More often it happens vice versa in life –a drinking person is not employed for work. And because of alcohol he becomes the unemployed person. The employees aren't interested in drunkards. On the whole, the people taken alcohol live worse than the sober ones at least because it is necessary to subtract those means from their incomes, which they spend on buying alcohol, that is they reduce the level of their life themselves. Almost in all cases alcohol intake becomes the cause, and «bad life», unemployment, low culture and other troubles and disorders are a consequence.
21. Only "abusing" alcohol is harmful, and "the normal" intake is harmless.

In an ordinary life we can often hear such phrases as «one abuses alcohol (beer, wine, vodka)» or «he doesn't abuse alcohol». To use the term "abusing" in relation to alcohol is erroneous and unauthorized. If there is an abuse of alcohol it is meant that a person takes it not to evil ends, but to the good, that is useful intake. But concerning alcohol, there is no such intake, as there is no harmless one either. Any dose of alcohol is harmful. The matter is only in the degree of harm. The scheme of imposing false verbal stereotype is simple: "abusing" – «the norm of alcohol intake» – “harmless alcohol intake” – «useful alcohol intake». Any alcohol intake is abusing. It is correctly to say «to be poisoned by alcohol» (beer, champagne, wine, vodka, etc.) or «not to be poisoned by alcohol».

There are constant prejudices which are supported by mass media that it is possible to drink "culturally" and “moderately", the idea of them is that small doses of alcohol are harmless, and sometimes even useful. It is the most insidious term –"cultural", «moderate alcohol intake». It is enough to urge people to drink alcohol “moderately" and to tell them that it is harmless, and they will follow this piece of advice willingly and many of them will become alcoholics. The popularization of the possibility of "cultural", "moderate" consumption of alcoholic products does a lot of harm to the society, the public consciousness, disorienting it.

The harm done by alcohol is stored like the action of ionizing radiation. The person taking alcohol “culturally” as truly destroys his health, as does the man taking alcohol "in an uncivilized way". “Cultural alcohol intake” is no other, but masking alcoholic poisoning. And if one ponders over it seriously, wild will be the fact of “cultural alcohol intake”: how can a person poison himself culturally by the substance which is poison in any doses?!

The main retribution for "cultural", “the moderate intake” of alcoholic products and popularization of its possibility is the deterioration of the future generations’ health and involving children, teenagers and youth into a vicious circle of alcoholic poisoning, with all the ensuing consequence. Alcohol distribution and popularization of "cultural", “moderate alcohol intake” are held on false conceptions, first of all, and the ignorance of the true effect of alcohol (F.G. Uglov, 2004).

None of the defenders of the thesis about "moderate" alcohol intake have ever given a definition what «a moderate dose» means, and it even can't be so, as alcohol is narcotic poison and it destroys a man’s organism, being taken in any dose. The matter is in the degree of harm: if a man has drunk much alcohol – he has done a lot of harm to his organism, if a person has drunk a little – he has brought less harm to his body, and he will have this harm by all means, which will affect when a person drinks repeatedly. Such scientists, as Bekhterev, Vvedensky and others stated uncompromisingly a long time ago that for alcohol there are neither harmless nor small and moderate doses.
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