Евросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»

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22. Hard drinking is the centuries-old tradition of the Russian people.

Many people like to repeat that the Russian people have always drunk, drink, and will drink. This belief is supported by different kinds of purposefully created "national" creative work: these are both songs, and works of art, and films. All of them draw bright pictures of incessant alcohol intake by the Russians, they depict the Russian people eternally drinking alcohol (as, however, and other nations), promiscuous, and besides, being proud of their tipsy "traditions". And these pictures are veiled by the comic style of narration, that they have so strongly taken roots in the public consciousness that the thought to check up this "truth" rarely comes to someone’s mind.

Actually the age of the drunken "tradition" for the Russian people — no more than one or two centuries. During the last centuries (till 1917) the volumes of up taking these solutions of narcotic poison never exceeded 4-5 liters per capita a year; having addressed to the history of the slavic people till XVI century we will not find any traces of mass consumption of alcoholic products at all. Today, "thanks to" skillfully carried out popularization, the Russian people have become such as ill-wishers try to depict them. At the turn of millennium the Russians started to drink over 20 liters of alcohol per capita a year.

«The history of making alcohol « drinks» goes back to a thousand years» —different printing editions and even history textbooks reiterate in eager rivalry. Yes, nobody argues about it. However, in Russia the quantity of people, taking alcohol was extremely insignificant, and the general level of alcohol consumption was much lower, than during the same time in other European countries, and it was exactly much lower, than now.

On the whole, the people were sober that all historical researches prove (let us remember that some 200-300 years ago alcohol was accessible only at a high price, therefore only "selected" people poisoned themselves by the solutions of ethyl alcohol).
23. «Dry laws» don’t give any good results.

There are widely spread statements: the Prohibition didn't bring any advantage anywhere and can’t bring. In the USA in due course, it was implemented, but they quickly declined it in view of its inefficiency.

Let's underline it especially: no prohibitive system was cancelled because of the population. In the countries where the governments defended it and carried out uncompromising struggle with violators, it was tested by time. The population of many Muslim countries (Libya, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc., of more than 40 countries) has been living soberly for the second millennium and the Prohibition isn't going to be cancelled.

At the beginning of the twentieth century in some countries of Europe (Norway, Iceland) «dry laws» showed high efficiency, but were declined under the pressure of wine producing countries which blackmailed them with economic sanctions. In the USA, during the second «dry law», at the beginning of the twentieth century the general level of alcohol intake decreased, so that after the reversal of this law, the level of alcohol consumption was low for about 20 years, as a result of the political strike. The efforts to solve the alcoholic problem without the use of restrictive and legislative antialcoholic measures practically were not up too much anywhere.
24. Soldiers were given vodka before a fight, it helped them to be at war.

There are no proofs of the fact that at the front the delivery of alcohol somehow «helped to be at war». If we exclude purely medical use of alcohol at the front (for example, the disinfection of wounds in front conditions, or the use of it as a narcosis during operations in the absence of other means) «the cup of people’s commissar» probably prevented to be at war, than it helped. The alcohol delivery before an attack led to the growth of deaths as a result of fighters’ inadequate behavior. The delivery of vodka in winter «for warming up» led to the increase in a number of the frost-bitten people. The cases of hard drinking led to the additional unwarrantable victims at the front.

In the post-war years the dose of people’s commissar was criticized since because of its intake many soldier and officers died during the war (froze, got under the opponent’s bullets, etc.). This dose of people’s commissar was given to the soldiers supposedly for bravery, however, many fighters of that time understood its harm and chose sobriety in fight: “We were given these notorious “a hundred grams” in a landing force, but I didn’t drink, and gave it to the friends. Once at the very beginning of the war we drank hard, and because of it there were great losses. Then I took the pledge not to drink till the end of the war …

By the way, at war practically nobody was ill, though the soldiers slept on the snow, and bog trotted. The nerves were so on edge that they never fell ill. All passed by itself. They managed without a hundred grams. All of us were young and defended the right. And when a person feels his rightness of the cause, he has absolutely other reflexes and another attitude to what is happening» (Director Grigory Chuhraj). «In general, alcohol was given out just before an attack. The sergeant major was going through the trench with a bucket and a mug, and those who wanted, poured for themselves. Those who were older and more skilled, refused from it. Young and from raw troops drank this alcohol. It was them who perished first of all. "The old men" knew that one could not expect any good from vodka” (Director Peter Todorovsky) (Itogy, 2001). «The enthusiastic poets named these traitorous hundred grams "combat". It is difficult to contrive any other blasphemy. After all vodka objectively reduced the fighting capacity of the Red Army» (General of the Army N.Ljashchenko) (Berdnikov, 1989).

Many victories of the past were won in absolute sobriety. Thereby, it is possible to remember, for example, the great Russian generalissimo Suvorov who won many victories and was a convinced nondrinker.
25. The French people have been drinking for centuries and they prosper.

According to the words of the outstanding scientists, Nobel prize winners, professors Jean Dosse and François Zhakoba, in France annually alcohol and tobacco carry away a hundred thousand lives, not taking into consideration a great number of invalids and mentally retarded from birth (Osada, 1990). Within many decades all over the world France has won the first place regarding alcoholism, a liver cirrhosis and other consequences of alcohol intake, thus France has had the lowest birth rate in the world. The Frenchmen weren't rescued by the fact that there, basically, dry natural grape wines are spread as the drinking people say it – "of high quality". Neither the quality, nor the low content of alcohol in wine rescued the Frenchmen from the negative consequences of alcohol. The right cause of many illnesses and the physical inability is the intake of these poisons that cost the national treasury of France approximately 18 billion dollars a year. In France since the 1980s a steady decrease in alcohol intake has begun, and at the same time the average life expectancy has started to increase. The conclusion is unequivocal – the less people drink wine, the more and more successfully they live, and France confirms this conclusion.
26. There are people who drink and smoke and they live long.

Yes, there are such people because in general, the life expectancy quite often depends on a person’s heredity, genetic predisposition. It is impossible to do without the mass statistics so as to find out the influence of alcohol on longevity because separate examples will be of no use. Taking into account mass researches it has been invariably found out that the drinking people live less than non-drinking ones, thus alcohol is the factor reducing the life expectancy. In other words, if a non-drinking person has lived, as they say, for 60 years, but if he had drunk, he would have lived less. And if a drinking and smoking person has lived up to 90, it means, if he had not drunk and hadn’t smoked, he would have lived for some more years and would have been young and full of strength for a longer time.

In the press one can often find a statement that so-called "moderately drinking people" live longer than alcoholics and nondrinkers. During the check-up it was found out that both the former alcoholics who at the moment of research didn't drink, and the chronic patients quite often sick from birth whom doctors had forbidden to drink, that is, those people were obviously with a weak or weakened health were included into the group of "nondrinkers" according to a formal sign. Therefore the yield results were more modest, than the fans of "moderate" libations. But if we take the data of the nondrinkers, who have become such according to their convictions and not because of the state of their health, the results will be different, and the conclusion is unequivocal – alcohol reduces the life expectancy anyway.
27. Alcohol and tobacco intake gives pleasure.

On pullers it is often written: «Alcohol does harm to your health", "Smoking is harmful to your health». Most people, taking these narcotic substances for the first time, distinctly tested poisoning symptoms – a nausea, vomiting, a headache, an alarm, mental and motion lethargy, these are all the signs of the penetration of poison into an organism. There is some similarity of alcohol and tobacco intake with such kind of schizophrenia, as masochism. When a man has this mental insanity, he usually enjoys injuring himself and doing harm. If a person deliberately takes obviously harmful substances, such as alcohol, tobacco, etc., and thus takes "pleasure"– there is direct evidence of all the symptoms of the particular disease. Alcohol intake even in small doses leads to poisoning an organism, and it is evident in science that there cannot be any pleasure from poisoning. It means that those people who like to drink or smoke are alcoholic and tobacco masochists. As a rule, while taking alcohol the feeling of pleasure arises not from its influence on an organism, but from the situation accompanying this libation which is often connected with a holiday, reception of guests, with other joyful events (a wedding, a birthday, a purchase, etc.). Namely these events also cause positive emotions which are attributed to alcohol by mistake.
28. Alcohol helps to relax, it removes stress

Alcohol creates only an illusion of removing the stress. But actually the strain in the brain and in the nervous system remains, and when a state of intoxication fizzles out, then there is even more stress, than before taking alcohol. The stress, as though «is driven to bay» for a while. Then the stress «comes out of the shade» and it starts to torment the person again. The abatement of will-power, physical and mental breakdown are added too.
29. Alcohol cheers up

Fun and laughter are very important things in the human life. They give a rest to the brain, distracting thoughts from daily problems, thus they strengthen the nervous system and prepare it for new work and cares. But the laughter and fun are only useful in those cases when they arise in a sober person. There is no drunken fun and can't be in the scientific and reasonable understanding of this condition. The drunken "fun" is no other, but excitation under narcosis. It is the first stage of excitation which is observed when a suffering person is given other narcotic drugs (an ether, chloroform, etc.) which are identical to alcohol in their effect and which are related to drugs as well as alcohol. This stage of excitation has nothing to do with fun, and after it there is no rest for the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of rest depression comes with all its consequences (a headache, apathy, a breakdown, unwillingness to work, etc.) that is never observed in a sober fun.
30. Alcohol saves the budget

The losses from alcohol intake on a national scale multiplied up the incomes of its production many times and the sales of alcohol coming in the budget in taxes and excises. It actually means that alcohol ruins both local and state budgets.
31. Alcohol promotes longevity in the Caucasus.

In the Caucasus the phenomenon of longevity can be found just in several limited mountain areas, and basically these are the settlements of Muslims where the intake of wine wasn't welcomed and allowed in the past (Azerbaijan, Dagestan). The longevity can be found more often not in the areas of wine growing and winemaking, but higher in the mountains where grapes don't grow, wine isn’t made, there the primary occupation has always been outrunning sheep breeding. Owing to the natural type of an economy in recent times, in rural families people consumed what they made themselves, therefore in mountain areas wine wasn't «a product of the first necessity», at times it was simply inaccessible, or not in demand under the influence of Islam. In those places where the longevity occurred there was wine in the restricted access, there is no proof that longevity is reached thanks to wine, more often it is vice versa – contrary to it.
32. Beer is less harmful, than vodka.

Harm to health is brought not by wine, beer or vodka, but it is ethyl spirit containing in these products which is absolutely identical in all alcoholic products. What matters only is how much ethyl alcohol an organism gets, for example, for a year, and here by means of which product alcohol has got into an organism – basically is no object. Owing to its cheapness, availability, the aura of "harmlessness" beer is even more socially dangerous, as it promotes familiarizing children and teenagers with alcohol first of all. Beer as well as vodka leads to the development of alcoholism in the same way (the example of it is Germany, Denmark where beer alcoholism is spread). Besides, the surplus of water, that comes into an organism with beer by the fan of this product, in the course of time leads to the heart condition which people call «a beer heart» or «the heart of a bull». There are no advantages of beer over vodka, in respect of harm to a separate person or society.
33. To celebrate birthdays with alcohol is our tradition.

In recent times (before the twentieth century) the basic part of the population (peasants – over 90 %) didn't celebrate birthdays at all, moreover, the majority of peasants didn't know the date of their birth at all, and it means, there could not be any custom simply to celebrate this event by alcoholic libations.
34. At funeral and funeral repast alcohol is our tradition.

The traditional dishes of the Russians at funeral and funeral repast were pancakes, kissel and boiled rice with raisins and honey (first it was wheaten porridge with honey, later – rice with raisin), there are not any grounds to believe that in the past there was a custom to drink vodka at somebody’s funeral banquet. Thus, this "custom" is the introduced innovation, but not a tradition in any way.
35. Alcohol enables a person to have a sound sleep.

By no means one should not resort to alcohol as a soporific. Yes, the intoxicated products, especially beer, cause people to feel slackness, apathy, drowsiness. But the dream under the influence of alcohol isn't deep and doesn't give a normal rest. And at a certain stage the habit to lull oneself to sleep by means of alcohol leads to the inverse– a tough, persistent sleeplessness.

The American scientists from the National Institute on dream problems have come to a conclusion: a sound sleep and alcohol are incompatible. The people who are always on the move, and compelled to sleep in an uncomfortable hotel cot, have often a painful condition of sleeplessness. Some try to struggle with insomnia by means of a dose of alcohol. As researches have shown it, they are mistaken gravely. In the beginning alcohol really causes the similarity of somnolence. However, because of its effect, the important deep processes of the cyclicity of a dream are broken. A person sleeps disquietingly, gets up with a headache and doesn’t have enough sleep.
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