Евросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»

НазваниеЕвросредиземноморское товарищество против токсикомании общероссийское движение «трезвая россия» международная славянская академия общероссийское объединение «оптималист»
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Myths about alcohol
One of the major reasons for taking alcohol by people is alcoholic programming which leads to forming incorrect views about alcohol, as about the substance which is quite admissible and allowed in this or that amounts. The main component of this programming is spreading myths about alcohol in the information field which forces a person to take it. The myths mastered by people are a kind of an excuse for their alcohol intake. If in people’s minds there are no myths and delusions about alcohol then there are no motives and justifications to drink it. Having got rid of myths, people automatically and naturally come to a normal sober way of life. Alcoholic myth-creation has become a strong and a dangerous means of manipulating mass and individual consciousness in the antisober policy.

Let's describe some of the most widespread myths, delusions and prejudices about alcohol.

  1. Alcohol is as a food product

The product can be foodstuff if it contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances or vitamins. And thus it doesn't contain any harmful admixture in significant amounts.

The excessive use of salt can lead a person even to death. But the small use of salt is necessary, at least in a natural way through vegetables and fruit. Alcohol is poison in any dose (above endogenous) and the person’s organism doesn't need it. In the Medical Encyclopedia of 1961 it is accurately defined: «Alcohol is related to narcotic poison», such documents as State Standards of 1972, 1982 give the following definition: «Alcohol is related to hard drugs». The State Standard of 1993 has no definition of this kind any more, but it doesn't mean that for 15-20 years chemical properties of ethyl alcohol or biological parameters of a human body have changed, this change reflects a turn to a more intensive policy of accustoming people to drinking, being carried out at present in the country.
2. Alcohol improves appetite, promotes digestion, improves food absorbency

It has been scientifically proved that under the influence of alcohol a very important regulator of our organism – a feeling of hunger and appetite changes and is perverted. The natural feeling of hunger is exaggerated, there is an overload of a gastrointestinal tract, and the normal digestion is broken. Unhealthy stoutness, stomach disorder and indigestion can be a consequence of it. Having taken even small doses of alcohol, glands located in the wall of a stomach and developing gastric juice start to allocate a lot of slime at first, and then will atrophy under the influence of alcoholic irritation. Digestion becomes defective in a stomach. There is a gastritis which can lead to a gastric ulcer and a stomach cancer. Having taken alcohol of a dose of 100-150 grams and more just once, a man has the strongest burning pain in the walls of a gullet and a stomach and considerable time for restoring mortified tissue is required. (Uglov, 2004)
3. Alcohol warms, helping to cope with cold weather

Under the influence of alcohol soon a person has a paralysis of skin vessels, they extend, and more blood comes to the surface of a body. It seems to the person that he has got warmed, but this feeling of the general warmth is only an illusion. Only the skin warms up which quickly gives off the received heat. The body temperature goes down, as numerous measurements show it. Under the influence of alcohol the organism loses the normal sensitivity to cold, and the skin ceases to react expediently to its actions by compressing blood vessels. Therefore, drunken people are exposed to catch a cold so easily, and some even freeze to death (Uglov, 2004).
4. Alcohol can prevent a flu, cold and other diseases

Experiments have shown that alcohol doesn't have any anti-inflammatory effect on a flu virus, as well as on any other virus, and that it is impossible to rely on spirit as on the means, able to protect a person from any infection and to stop an epidemic. On the contrary, according to scientific researches, the people who take alcohol are more vulnerable to virus infections (Uglov, 2004).
5. Alcohol helps to treat people, being a compound of various medicines

Alcohol is a solvent and preservative in medicines. Its damaging effect on biological membranes boosts their permeability, and it accelerates and raises the aptitude of absorbing medicines dissolved in spirit that raises their medical action. Alcoholic tinctures are usually taken in drops.

Taking alcohol-containing medicines is widely spread among the degraded alcoholics, for example, hawthorn tinctures by the whole bottles (50 and 100 milliliters). It is very dangerous. Taking alcohol-containing drugs in the doses of alcohol exceeding endogenous synthesis, is undoubtedly harmful both to health, in general, and in respect of forming alcoholic dependence. The harm of spirit has compelled doctors to search for other ways of injecting medicines into a person’s organism. Now there are safer methods of fast absorption, for example, solutions, aerosols, sprays which are aerated by carbonic gas.

Once doctors believed that alcohol can have a positive influence on a man’s body curing different illnesses. And they even prescribed some doses of alcohol as a medicine. Primarily accumulating medical knowledge, doctors often were in the dark, groping their own way, so to speak, and making gross errors. Among different medicines it was possible to find a tincture of cockroaches, the cemeterial earth, alcohol, in due course they even prescribed bloodletting as a treatment of any illnesses .

Today the absurdity of such prescriptions is obvious. But it doesn't mean that in our educated century there are no more dangerous errors and prejudices connected with alcohol and other "medical" remedies.

There are cases when drugs containing alcohol are related to medical remedies, and doctors prescribe not some drops of them as professional medicine allows it (the latter also uses spirit tinctures), and, for example, a table spoonful and more, three times a day, throughout a long time. Thus, the weakened person by illness takes 100 grams of vodka a day. Such "treatment" can cause complications in the disease, weaken an organism.

In social environment of alcohol addicts "the folklore" is widespread which is not dying out in the course of time, the main thing of it is reduced to one false idea at all its variety: as if alcohol, at least, in small doses, not only is harmful to a man’s body, but even...is useful! It is clear, when it is told by an alcoholic, trying to justify his predilection. But, no wonder, similar myths are attributed both to a group of people, who drink in small doses and quite "educated" people. Having forgotten about a Hippocratic Oath, sometimes similar absurd ideas are also stated by unfair workers of medicine. It speaks only for their professional incompetence.
6. Alcohol reduces pain and gives a feeling of relief when one is ill

These statements are an absolute self-deception. Alcohol reduces the painful sensitivity, and it was once applied in big doses as an anesthetic drug. The attempts to remove gastric pains by means of alcohol when one has a stomach ulcer often lead to a strong bleeding and even perforation of this site in an abdominal cavity. It can lead to death.

Alcohol strengthens the pathological processes which have caused pain, for example, an infection, inflammation, allergy, hypoxemia, hypostasis, therefore it doesn't promote, but detains recovery ( Uglov, 2004).
7. Alcohol intake (beer, wine) raises the quantity and improves the quality of the human milk

This statement is completely rejected by science. According to the data of physical and chemical research such "intoxicated" milk is more watery, there is less quantity of proteins in it so necessary for the growing up. Feeding a child with mother’s milk containing alcohol can result in serious consequences for him. There was even a special term «pectoral alcoholism». Such children grow and develop in a slowed-up way if they don't die at an early age. Many cases of poisoning babies are described, up to the occurrence of convulsive attacks because a nursing mother drank wine or beer in the period of breast feeding.
8. Wine protects from a heart attack and other cardiovascular diseases.

Recently many newspapers have printed a note that a group of American (variants: Japanese, Danish and so forth) scientists has established supposedly the fact of beneficial influence of small doses of alcohol on a man’s health, especially on the activity of cardiovascular system. This information is a provocative lie, as the World Health Organization (WHO) reckons. It also considers the idea of taking alcohol for the purpose of preventing cardiovascular diseases to be total nonsense. In the opinion of WHO, similar statements are based not on careful research experiments, but inspired by commercial reasons. «Demon drink» is dangerous in any quantity, the director of the program of WHO Hans Emblad declared at the press conference on harmful substances in Geneva. However, the opinions of serious scientists are not taken into consideration, as if certain wines reduced the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Moreover, the research of small intracardiac vessels shows the radical changes of vessel walls with sclerous stratifications, both in the walls, and in a myocardium surrounding them, arisen under the influence of alcohol. In vessels these changes lead to the same phenomena of myocardial ischemia, that is to the insufficient blood supply with the subsequent cardiosclerosis, as well as stenocardia diseases.

Thus, alcohol intake «for the medical purposes», eventually, causes a failure of cardiovascular system in the form of an alcoholic hypertension and myocardium defeat.

Some people consider that cognac expands vessels, hence, can be considered as a medical remedy. So, the person having a coronary desease abstains from vodka and wine, but he allows himself a wine-glass of cognac before going to bed. However, scientific researches testify only to one thing: any alcohol is always a poison for heart and the whole blood system. Similar statements are only admitted by those irresponsible experts who carry out the social order made by the alcoholic industry.

Ethanol has a damaging effect both on the cell membranes and the internal structure of cells, it promotes the development of dystrophic manifestations. This process in the course of time leads to a cardiosclerosis. Under the influence of alcoholic intoxication the metabolism gets broken in a cardiac muscle, the stocks of its energy are exhausted, there are abnormalities in the conducting system of heart, loading increases on it, because taking even small doses of alcohol leads to the increase of arterial pressure. Eventually, a man’s heart weakened by «small doses» of alcohol can’t stand it…
9. Under the influence of alcohol physical working capacity increases, the weariness is taken off.

Under the influence of alcohol information and technological components of labour activity, the coordination of movements, exactness and speed of performing labour operations decrease.

Having taken even small doses of alcohol, 30-60 minutes later the working capacity considerably falls, and the further work can lead to a serious exhaustion. The reduction of working capacity can be explained by it. The latter has been found out by measuring muscular work with special devices.

Under the influence of alcohol the normal feeling of exhaustion and burden of work is lost, and the person, having lost these saving regulators in our ordinary life, starts to waste muscular force, thus causing a deep, not long restored exhaustion of normal working capacity.

It is possible to take it for granted that taking only 60 grams of vodka reduces muscular force approximately by 17 percent. The research experiments have been carried out when people were given dry grape wine, and they were offered to do some maths tasks, typewritten work, learning texts by heart, thread a needle and the conclusion was always unequivocal: alcohol even in small doses led to slowing down the pace of work, increased the number of errors and discrepancies.

"Those who don't smoke and don't drink will die healthy ", – drunkards and alcoholics joke plainly. Yes, the person isn't eternal. But each normal person should aspire to live as long as it is possible and in a more interesting way, thus keeping up his health (by a principle – not to prolong an old age but to prolong youth). People taking alcohol live much less than the sober ones, and actually the old age comes much earlier to them.
10. Alcohol promotes a dialogue, removing constraint

Alcohol has received a wide spread unfairly as one of the means reducing psychological and social obstacles in a dialogue. In the condition of an alcoholic befuddling a person becomes more impudent, cynical, light-minded, loses the ability to estimate the surrounding situation precisely, ceases to notice danger. Unlimited vivacity and gesticulation, boasting, aggression are a consequence of the decrease in control over emotions and behaviour. Under the influence of alcohol a person behaves obscenely, some say obscene words at the presence of women and children, make offenses and commit crimes. Thus, alcohol doesn't promote a dialogue, but it makes this dialogue more primitive.
11. Alcohol raises potentiality

Under the influence of alcohol a person can feel an illusion of sexual force, however, the potentiality itself, on the contrary, decreases. Even Shakespeare wrote that «alcohol fires our desires and reduces our possibilities». Alcohol reduces the biological constituent – a level of sexual hormones, and it also destroys the social, cultural, moral and spiritual components forming the structure of the man’s requirements to continue his family.

The alcohol influence on the men’s sexual system is detected even during a usual medical examination, if men have been taking alcohol for several years (in their opinion - "culturally" and "moderatly"). In the last century it was noticed that such men’s genitals of middle age become the same as the old men have. Those who started to drink alcohol under 20 have changes to the worst and they are obvious. And it is clear: the immature sexual system is more sensitive. The examination of 212 men of the middle age drinking "moderately" within 10 years, has shown that 28 men from that group suffered from impotence, and 123 of them had other abnormalities of sexual function complicating their married life (V.D. Kazmin When a feeble-minded child is born //Journal Health. – 1988. - №9. http://zdrav.bibliotekar.ru/511/11.htm)
12. Alcohol increases creative abilities, stimulating imagination

Alcohol ruins the possibility of creativity itself. Difficult mental processes are disturbed – associations which suffer in double: firstly, their formation is slowed down and weakened and, secondly, their quality essentially changes: external associations appear instead of internal associations, they are quite often stereotypic, based on consonance, on casual external similarity of subjects. The integration of all mental functions is needed for creativity, and the essence of alcoholic befuddling is their dissociation.

Taking alcohol even once (according to sociological researches) the highest nervous activity strongly decreases for the period from 8 up to 20 days. If the alcoholic poisoning occurs regularly, thinking becomes standard, losing its freshness and originality. Alcoholics’ impulse to work collapses, they become incapable both of creative work and regular work, in general, they gradually cease to work absolutely. The abilities for creative thinking, synthesis become definitively dull, and further on these higher properties of a human brain disappear at all. A person is degrading.
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