Урок. 7 класс. Тема: “ would you like me to do it for you?”

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7 класс.



Социокультурный аспект – знакомство с некоторыми особенностями жизни семьи зарубежного сверстника, с распределением обязанностей по дому;
Развивающий аспект – развитие способностей обобщать, формулировать выводы о языковых закономерностях, развитие дедуктивного мышления;
Воспитательный аспект воспитание уважительного отношения к окружающим;
Учебный аспект – формирование грамматических навыков говорения (Complex Object);
Сопутствующая задача: развитие умения читать с полным пониманием прочитанного.
Речевой материал: грамматический – V+Object+(to) Infinitive с глаголами want, ‘d like, ask, make.

  1. Оргмомент.

Teacher: Dear friends! Today at our lesson we are going to speak about a typical British family and the duties in it, you’ll try to explain new grammar material and do a lot of interesting things.

  1. Основная часть.

Teacher: Nearly all the British children say that they help their parents with their housework. But most of them admit that they only do it because they have to. Let’s speak about the Stewarts. They are a typical British Family. The parents are always busy and they cannot do without their children’s help.

Read some notes and tell me who do you think is the busiest in the family? Open your textbooks and do ex.1 p. 57.

(Учащиеся читают сообщения и отвечают на вопрос).
Teacher: It’s well done, thank you. According to these notes find please the sentences where the Stewarts ask each other to do anything about the house.

Pupil 1: My mum often asks me to do the shopping .

Pupil 2: Everybody wants her to cook my favourite chocolate biscuits

Pupil 3: My mum makes him clean it up.

Pupil 4: I want him not to take my things.

Pupil 5: Sometimes he asks me and Steve to help him.

Pupil 6: Nobody asks her to do it.
Teacher: You are right. I would like you to pay attention to these sentences, what is special in them?

(Учащимся предлагается самим вывести правило употребления Complex Object и сверяют свои выводы с таблицей в Grammar in Focus)
Teacher: How clever you are! Please, remember! После глаголов to want, to expect, to consider, to wish, to prefer, to know, to ask, should/would like инфинитив употребляется с частицей to.

Ex. I want him to come.

После глаголов, выражающих физическое восприятие (to see, to watch, to hear, to feel), а также to make, to let частица to не употребляется.

Ex. I have never heard her sing.

Look at the pictures. Here we have the conversations and your task is to answer my questions using Complex Object.

(Учащимся предлагаются картинки с ситуациями. (Приложение №1)

  1. What did Dan persuade you to do?

Pupil 7: Dan persuaded me to go to the cinema.

  1. What did a woman tell you to go?

Pupil 8: A woman told me to turn left after the bridge.

  1. What should you advise Brian to do?

Pupil 9: I advised Brian to go to the doctor.

  1. What did Linda ask you to do?

Pupil 10: She asked me to help her.

  1. What did you tell Tom to do?

Pupil 11: I told Tom to come back in some minutes.

  1. What did Paul let you do?

Pupil 12: Paul let me use his phone.
Teacher: Good for you. Let’s do the following: Complete these sentences with the verbs in the list. Sometimes to is necessary (to wait/ to go); sometimes to is not necessary (go/wait)
(Учащимся раздаются листы с заданиями. (Приложение №2).
Teacher: Now listen to the dialogue. These children are speaking about things they do about the house. Listen to them very carefully and answer the questions: which things do their parents ask Tracy to do? And which things do they want Steve to do? (listening for specific information) Exercise 3 p. 58. will help you.

( Два ученика разыгрывают диалог)
Steve: I can’t understand why mum always makes me clean up my room. Actually, I like it that way.

Tracy: Steve, but it’s so messy. As for me, I don’t mind when my mum asks me to do the ironing or washing up.

Steve: I’m glad, my mum never wants me to go shopping. She knows that I hate shopping. And I am happy my parents don’t ask me to babysit with Paige. This is a girl’s job.

Tracy: My parents want us to take turns in washing dishes and vacuuming. It’s quite fair, I believe. Don’t you think so, Steve? And I like when my mum wants me to help her with cooking dinner. Cooking is my hobby!

Steve: Huh, you like cooking and I like eating. That’s my hobby.

Tracy: Hey, Steve, come on, dad wants us to help him in the garden!

Steve: Oh, my! Why me again?
(Steve: clean up the room, go shopping, to babysit with Paige)

(Tracy: to vacuum, to do the ironing, to do the washing, to wash the dishes, to cook dinner)
Teacher: And now let’s play. Nowadays it is rather very popular to write messages to each other and stick them on the fridge, but as we are at school now I have some messages for you. One by one you’ll come to the board, read the message, tell us what you should do at the lesson.

(На доске висят записки с просьбами и указаниями. Приложение №3. Учащиеся выходят к доске, выполняя задания).
Teacher: Let’s do some more exercises.

I. Make sentences using Complex Object and thinking of the continuation.

  1. I don’t do the housework.

  2. She doesn’t help her sister to dress.

  3. Dad needs our help to repair the car.

  4. Our clothes are in the laundry.

  5. The cat is hungry.

  6. The water in the kettle is cold.

  7. My room is untidy.

  8. Kate’s dress needs ironing.

Complete the sentences.

  1. Her brother wants her … .

  2. Our neighbours ask me … .

  3. My Dad wants me to … .

  4. Grandparents ask us … .

  5. They always make me … .

  6. She wants us … .

  7. Our trainers asks us … .

  8. The teacher asks us … .

  1. III.Заключительная часть.

Teacher: Our time is out. Thank you very much for your work. I think our lesson was interesting for you. You know a lot of different things. Tell me , please, what new information have you got at the lesson? Your marks for the lesson are …. .I see that you are very clever and know English very good. Your hometask will be ex. 4. p. 59; AB ex. 4, 5. Our lesson is over. Good-bye.

Приложение № 2.
Complete these sentences with the verbs in the list. Sometimes to is necessary (to go/ to wait etc.); sometimes to is not necessary (wait/go etc.)/
arrive borrow get go go make repeat tell think wait
1. Please stay here. I don’t want you to go.

2. I didn’t hear what she said, so I asked her …………. it.

3. “Shall we begin?” “no, let’s ………….. a few minutes”.

4. Are they already here? I expected them ……….. much later.

5. Kevin’s parents didn’t want him ………… married.

6. I want to stay here. You can’t make me ……… with you.

7. “Is that your bicycle?” “No, it’s John’s . He let me ……….. it”.

8. Mary can’t come to the party. She told me ……….. you.

9. Would you like a drink? Would you like me ……… some coffee?

10. “Ann doesn’t like me”. “What makes you ………that?”

Приложение №3.
Make sentences using Complex Object and thinking of the continuation.

  1. I don’t do the housework.

  2. She doesn’t help her sister to dress.

  3. Dad needs our help to repair the car.

  4. Our clothes are in the laundry.

  5. The cat is hungry.

  6. The water in the kettle is cold.

  7. My room is untidy.

  8. Kate’ dress needs ironing.

Complete the sentences.

  1. Her brother wants her … .

  2. Our neighbours ask me …. .

  3. My Dad wants me to … .

  4. Grandparents ask us … .

  5. They always make me … .

  6. She wants us … .

  7. Our trainers asks us … .

  8. The teacher asks us … .

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