Урока: Образовательная

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по англоговорящим странам»



Учитель английского языка:

Агафонова Л.М.

«Путешествие по англоговорящим странам»

Цели урока:

Образовательная: контроль уровня развития речевых умений.

Развивающая: знакомство с традициями, историей и культурой англоговорящих стран.

Воспитательная: приобщение к культуре стран изучаемого языка.

Интерактивная доска, компьютер, проектор.

Урок проводится в форме викторины.

Ход урока.

1. Greeting.

Teacher: Good morning, everybody! I’m glad to see you.

Today we will take part in a contest “A Journey around the English-Speaking Countries”. You will show everything you know about the English-speaking countries. By the way, which countries I mean, do you think? (In English-speaking countries English is the official language, spoken by everybody.)

Pupils: England, Scotland, Wales – Great Britain and the USA.

Teacher: OK. That’s right. So I propose you to take a short journey about these countries. But to have a safe journey you should stick to the rules.

Вот эти правила:

  • за каждый ответ вы можете получить от 1-го до 3-х баллов (как решит жюри). Чем полнее и грамматически правильнее ответ, тем выше балл.

  • прежде чем ответить, поднимите руку и дождитесь, пока вас спросят.

  • прежде чем поднять руку, выслушайте вопрос.

  • на вопрос отвечает та команда, игрок которой поднял руку первым.

  • если кто-то поднял руку, не дослушав вопрос, право ответа переходит к другой команде.

  • если одна команда дала неверный ответ, право ответа переходит к другой команде.

  • если кто-то выкрикивает ответ на вопрос с места или нарушает дисциплину, его команда штрафуется на 1 балл.

Are the rules clear to you? Do you understand them? So, let’s start.

I. Warming-up.

Teacher: We have two teams. Let’s think of the names of your teams. So, the first team is “Travellers” and the second team is “Discoverers”.

We shall begin with a warming up exercise (разминка). You will get cards with pictures. Look at the pictures and make sentences with complex object according to these pictures. Write these sentences on the cards. You have 1 minute. So, it’s game time. (карточки с рисунками прилагаются).

Now, the time has run out. Give me your cards. (составленные предложения читаются вслух, затем карточки передаются жюри).

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

II. Guessing.

Teacher: The next contest is called “guessing” (угадайка). Say, about which country I am talking. It can be the USA, Great Britain or some of its parts: England, Scotland or Wales:

E.g. The head of this country lives in the White House – This country is the USA.

1. This country has the Houses of Parliament. (England)

2. This country’s currency is dollar. (the USA)

3. This country has two official languages. (Wales)

4. This country’s natives were Indians. (the USA)

5. This country is known for bagpipes, kilts and haggis. (Scotland)

6. The most important festival of this country is called Eisteddfod. (Wales)

7. This country is the motherland of William Shakespeare. (England)

8. This country was founded in the 18th century. (the USA)

9. This country is situated in Europe. (Great Britain)

10. The patron saint of this country is also the patron saint of Russia. (Scotland)

11. This country is ruled by people. (the USA)

12. This country is ruled by the Queen. (Great Britain)

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

III. Connections.

Teacher: The next contest is called “Connections” (ассоциации). You should say how these words are connected:

E.g. Scotland – Nessie: Nessie is the most famous monster in Scotland.

1). Great Britain – Queen Elisabeth (Queen Elisabeth is the ruler of GB)

2). US film – Hollywood (Most US films are made in Hollywood)

3). Wales – St. David (St. David is the patron saint of Wales)

4). St. David – leek (They say St. David had lived on leek and bread for several years)

5). England – rose (The red rose is the symbol of England)

6). Thanksgiving Day – turkey (On Thanksgiving Day Americans eat roast turkey)

7). Climbers – Mountain Rescue Service (Mountain Rescue Service goes out to look for lost climbers)

8. Hallowe’en – ghosts (On Hallowe’en many people dress up as ghosts)

9. The Queen – Buckingham Palace (The Queen lives in Buckingham Palace)

10. Queen Victoria – Prince Albert (Prince Albert was Queen Victoria’s husband)

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

IV. Test.

Teacher: Now I would like one person from each team to go to the blackboard. You will have to fill the table. Meanwhile the others will do a test. You should do this test in writing. Do 2 copies of the test: you will give one copy to the jury and you will read out the other copy. Is it clear? So, you have 2-3 minutes to do the task


Part 1. You should choose the correct ending/answer and underline it.

1). There are … parts in Great Britain.

a). two

b). three

c). four

d). five

2). Scotland is divided into …

a). Highlands and Lowlands

b). Mountains and valleys

c). South and North

d). Stars and Stripes

3). Which country has its own Seven Wonders?

a). England

b). Scotland

c). the USA

d). Wales

4). The flag of Great Britain is called …

a). the Union Jack

b). the Stars and Stripes

c). the Red Dragon

d). the White Eagle

5). The symbols of Wales are: …

a). onion and daffodil

b). leek and lily

c). garlic and rose

d). leek and daffodil

6). Rugby is the national game of …

a). the USA

b). England

c). Wales

d). Scotland

7). Pistyll Rhaeadr is …

a). a cathedral

b). a mountain

c). a waterfall

d). a bridge

8. Shakespeare’s parents wanted him to become … .

a). a soldier

b). a glove-maker

c). a writer

d). a farmer

9. The oldest American holiday is … .

a). Independence Day

b). Thanksgiving Day

c). Halloween

d). Memorial Day

10. Which is not a state of the USA?

a). Hawaii

b). California

c). Missouri

d). Dover

11. Robert Burns was … .

a). a British king

b). a president of the USA

c). a Scottish writer

d). a British prime-minister

12. Bluebeard was the nickname of …

a). Henry VIII

b). George Washington

c). William Shakespeare

d). Bill Clinton

Part II.

Write “TRUE” (+) or “FALSE” (-)

1). Great Britain is older than the USA.(+)

2). There used to be 13 states in the USA.(+)

3). English is more difficult to learn than Welsh.(-) (vice versa)
4). Columbus discovered America in 1542.(-) (He did it in 1492)

5). In the past the Tower of London was a prison.(+)

6). Glasgow is the largest city of Scotland.(+)

7). The Statue of Liberty was a present to the USA from Great Britain.(-) (It was a present from France)

8). You can find George Washington’s face on a dollar bill.(+)

9). The turkey is the official symbol of the USA.(-) (The eagle is the official symbol of the USA)

10). The British Prime Minister lives at 10 Downing Street.(+)

11). King Henry VIII had eight wives.(-) (He had six wives)

12). Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery in the USA.(+)

Teacher: Now please give me one copy of the test (учитель передает тест членам жюри). The judges will check your answers. Now let’s find out the right answers together. (учитель читает вслух вопросы, ученики обеих команд отвечают)

Teacher: Fine. Now we shall see what “Travellers” and “Discoverers” have managed to do. (проверяется, как заполнены таблицы).

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

V. Puzzle.

Teacher: The next contest is called “Puzzle” (головоломка). You should make a word, phrase or sentence from the given letters and write it down on these sheets. (2-3 min).

1. ydesildann (Disneyland) – the place that all children want to visit.

2. tehnwoar tiroarr (Heathrow Airport) – the most important airport in London.

3. stea ro estw, omeh si steb (East or West, home is best) – a proverb about travelling.

Teacher: So, the time has run out. Give me your sheets. So, the 1st word is Disneyland, next goes Heathrow Airport and finally the proverb “East or West, home is best.”

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

VI. Travel Agency.

Teacher: The next contest is called “Travel Agency” (турагенство). You should persuade the tourist (that is me) to go to Scotland (“Travellers”) or Wales (“Discoverers”). Choose one speaker. Mind that I will take into account both the quantity and the quality of your speech.


Teacher: OK. Both of you were convincing. Thank you.

Teacher: (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

VII. Charades.

Teacher: The next contest will be “Charades.” You should describe something in English without naming it. Your team should guess what or who you are speaking about. If they fail, the other team can get your points if they guess the word.

The words:

  • Bobby the dog

  • Loch ness monster (Nessie)

  • The flag of the UK or of the USA

  • Columbus

  • “Mayflower”

  • American Indians (Native Americans)

  • Washington, DC; Los Angeles; Edinburgh; Stratford-upon-Avon

  • George Washington or Abraham Lincoln

  • Elisabeth I, Henry VIII, Queen Victoria

  • Eisteddfod, Thanksgiving day

  • The Statue of Liberty, the White House, Disneyland, Mount Snowdon

  • St. David, St. Andrew

  • Leak, eagle

  • Turkey

Teacher (addressing to the judge(s)): So, how many points do you give for this task to “Travellers” ? And to“Discoverers”?

Подведение итогов:

Teacher: So, the team “Travellers” has won the Quiz. Congratulations! I give you this diploma. You have deserved it. Besides, all of you will get excellent marks.

In general, I would like to thank all of you for good work. It was very pleasant for me to work with you. Good by

10. Карточки с заданиями, презентация

Приложение №1.





Location (географическое положение)



Patron Saint


Traditions, holidays and festivals


Interesting facts

Приложение №2

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