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1. Introduction

Each of us in our daily life is trying to communicate effectively and clearly with others by interacting with people from different cultures. This process takes place everywhere; in the fields of business, health, community welfare, counselling and communication studies.

While laying emphasis on the rapid development of technology, which facilitates both communication and travel, it cannot be forgotten that the modern world is becoming more and more intercultural everyday. Constant migration and, consequently, changing demographics form multicultural societies where members of different race, religion and ethnic group who chose to maintain their cultural uniqueness live alongside each other. Due to globalisation and international politics, the former mosaic of isolated cultures has turned into an interdependent and interrelated global network of today. International relations are no longer restricted only to politics and commerce. Both diplomacy and the flow of goods are followed by the exchange of customs and ideas. Hence, successful intercultural communication is a vital issue both on a micro level of individuals and groups as well as on a macro scale of political relations between nations and countries. An increasing number of cultural communication difficulty and dilemma disturbing factors on both levels all over the world make efficient conflict resolution one of the top priorities.

Therefore, in my assignment I will focus on problems of different sources appearing in intercultural communication process, circumstances and effects. How could it be prevented, avoided or minimized?

In spite of the fact that principal causes of intercultural communication problems might have a lot to do with cultural differences, the communication difficulty on the individual area between two interacting persons itself, tends to acquire a cultural character. Whatever the reasons of disagreement, misunderstanding or cultural differences, constitute an additional layer of discrepancy between the participants. Should cultural dissimilarities be taken into consideration by solving intercultural misunderstanding or would it be more effective to build on the similarities instead? Is a cultural lens in communication problems resolution an aid or a hindrance?

Although cultural awareness is helpful in resolving intercultural disputes, the key issue is to be sensitive to its drawbacks and limitations. Without appropriate attention and awareness of the pitfalls of viewing a communication problem form a cultural perspective, resolution is less likely to be effective. In short, it is the cultural approach combined with an awareness of its weaknesses that makes intercultural controversy more successful and satisfactory for both sides. Such hypothesis will be tested in the light of theories, findings and knowledge contained in academic studies in the field of social sciences for example based on Russian Ethnopsycholinguistic model of lacuna.

The study will focus on, examine or simply shortly refer to chosen concepts of the types of “gaps” in understanding and their examples that are relevant for my own empiric experience. Taking into account the complexity of the issue, the aim of this paper is not to discuss specific cases but to provide an answer to the problem on the basis of general overview.

Following this matter, I would like to pay detailed attention, to the main roots of many intercultural disagreements and cultural discrepancies between values and psychological needs. During the socialization process within their culture people, learn which qualities to appreciate and which principles and ideas to follow in their life. An intercultural encounter may, thus, lead to a clash of contrasting values, which could in turn slow down the resolution of an already existing conflict.

“What kinds of negative and positive aspects concerning the intercultural consciousness are the most visible in daily life?” – This question will be the next issue of my work. For this purpose I have prepared a questionnaire form.

With adequate cultural knowledge, dispute parties could be able to identify the sources of disagreement as the clash of values that, consequently, would considerably facilitate the resolution process. In order to classify the conflict as a discrepancy of cultural values, both parties first need to be aware of their own beliefs and attitudes, which they bring into the interaction. Additionally, apart from being the reason of conflict or simply a hindrance of its resolution, distinct values are also important in the context of the ways of problem resolution, which they partly determine.

In the following chapter I will try to answer the following question: “How to avoid and moderate the negative impact on the intercultural communication?” Taking up the points of my assignment in more details I would like to stress that the theoretical background: definitions and methods of avoiding misunderstandings are keywords in any analyses of this topic. However, to better understand the concept relevant to this approach, I will try to find and classify in my empiric experience and personal contact with foreigners some types of “lacunas” - the main subject of Russian intercultural researches and ethnopsycholinguistic studies.

Some remarks based on an observation from a “real life” touched in my paper will be served as variety of a background for understanding interdependences, in respect of this cause.

In spite of its mentioned above advantages of conflict soften, a cultural lens in dilemma solving could also exert a negative impact on the process. The study of the unhelpful influence of a culture-specific perspective will be based on analysing both appropriate theories as well as the potential drawbacks like a phenomenon of universalism of a cultural approach with their underlying explanations. The main theory supporting the argument against cultural awareness in conflict resolution is the concept of universalism. In contrast to cultural relativism, universalism focuses on the similarities between cultures and argues that basic human values, universal human nature and, consequently, mutual understanding transcendent cultural differences. These similarities should become the foundation for universal norms and rules or, as in the case of conflict preventing, the basis for reaching an agreement. Relativism - the main theoretical concept that forms the core of the argument in favour of cultural awareness is cultural relativism. It is based on the idea that beliefs, principles and behaviour can only be understood within their appropriate cultural context. No culture is superior to the other and instead of being judged cultures can only be compared.

In the final chapter I will try to sum up all the aspects of my topic and bring all these considerations into one overall shape. Although the concepts of intra and intercultural orientation are connected with each other and influence our daily life, I am not able to present all existing aspects of the intra- intercultural relations because the subject is too vast. Thus, I will concentrate on the main points mentioned above, taking also my own experience with foreigners as an example. Before I begin to approach these questions, I would like to clarify the important concepts of my work; what factors determine these definitions?

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