Учебно-методическое пособие Петрозаводск 2008 Составитель, автор предисловия и учебно-методического приложения

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НазваниеУчебно-методическое пособие Петрозаводск 2008 Составитель, автор предисловия и учебно-методического приложения
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ТипУчебно-методическое пособие
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Intellectual ability:

intelligent; unintelligent; bright; dull; smart; foolish; clever; silly; witty; half-witted; wise; unwise; brainy; brainless; broad-minded; narrow-minded; gifted; talented; talented; promising; progressive; dogmatic

She is always ….

She has the habit of ….

To be like

To take after somebody

To have a reputation for

To take life as it is /as it comes

To have a tendency to

There’s a touch of the … about him/her

The lack of respect for

The lack of confidence

There’s something … about him/her

Приложение II.

Classes of books: light / heavy reading, fiction / non-fiction, science fiction; biography, poetry; books about political, social, economic subjects; travel books; romances; thrillers; adventure / love stories; detective stories; fairy-tails and fantasies; ghost stories and mysteries; animal stories and family stories.
The physical appearance of the book: to keep books clean and shiny; to bend a book in half; a book with loose / dog-eared pages; a beautifully printed book; a cheap paper-back (edition); an elegantly bound / pocket edition.
Reading habits: to form a reading habit early in life; to motivate and encourage reading; an avid / voluntary / infrequent reader; to read silently to oneself, to read incessantly; to read quickly but accurately; to read slowly and laboriously; to read effortlessly; to read curled up in the chair; to read deep into the night; to read oneself to sleep; to read for pleasure / for examination; to be glued to a book for hours; to get lost in a book; to choose books according to subject / the author's name; to browse through newspapers / periodicals; to scan / skim a magazine / article; to dip into / glance over / thumb through a book.
Library membership: to borrow books, to return / renew / request books; a borrower, a library ticket; a request card; to get / send reminder notices; to keep books which are overdue; to be suspended from the library; books on open reserve; books (not available) from a local library; a subject catalogue; a catalogue of authors and titles; magazine / reference / science sections in a library; to keep abreast of the developments in (electronics).
Appreciation of books and authors: to favour modern / classical authors: a book that is certain delight; to have a good / bad / high / low opinion of; a trend to read relatively more non-fiction; a widespread indifference to (poetry); to get the fullest possible value from a book; to get the whole pleasure from...; to applaud or condemn (with an open mind); to pass judgement; to praise unreservedly.
Positive attributes: exciting, amusing, humorous, informative, entertaining, gripping, absorbing, lively, witty.
Negative characteristics: mediocre, lacking in originality, hackneyed, pompous, sentimental, repetitive, dull, boring, clumsy, rambling, heavy-handed, superficial, pretentious, wordy, dense.
Writing about the plot.

Plot development.

The plot is the sequence of events in a story. It usually follows the pattern below.

In the exposition the author introduces to us the story’s characters, setting and situation.

The narrative hook is the point at which the author catches our attention and establishes the basic conflict that the story will eventually resolve. The narrative hook marks the beginning of the rising action, which adds complications to the story.

The rising action leads up to the climax that usually indicates the way in which the story’s conflict will be solved.

The falling action reveals the outcome of the climax.

The resolution brings the story to a satisfying and logical conclusion.

Task: Draw the map of the plot development. It the story follows the traditional plot structure; identify its narrative hook, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution.
Writing about characters

Concepts to remember.

a) To compare means to examine two or more things, ideas, people for purpose of noting similarities.

To contrast means to examine two or more items for the purpose of noting differences.

b) A character may be flat or round. A flat character’s personality is dominated by a single trait; a round character possesses many different traits.

c) A character may be static or dynamic. A static character does not change from the beginning of the work of literature to the end. A dynamic character changes in some way during the course of the work. This change may be positive or negative.
Writing about the theme.

Concepts to remember.

A piece of literature may have both a subject and a theme. The subject is the specific topic of the story (novel). The theme is the generalization about life that the story leads you to see.

Task: Identify the major theme of the story. How does the author illuminate the theme?

What does the story have to say about people’s relationships?
Writing about the tone.

Concepts to remember.

The tone is the attitude of the author toward the character and events in presenting the story to the reader.

A writer’s tone may be sarcastic, sympathetic, objective, ironic, bitter, sad, serious, comic.

Task: Identify the tone of the story. How does the author communicate the tone of the story?

How does the word choice communicate the author’s attitude?

How does the author treat the characters?

Does he sympathize with them?

Is the author objective about them?
A critical evaluation of a story (novel).

Task: Give a critical evaluation of the story, using words and word combinations suggested for literary discussion.

Word list:

the plot - сюжет

subject - matter, contents - содержание

explosion, setting - экспозиция

narrative hook - завязка действия

rising action - развитие действия

climax - кульминация

falling action - развязка

conflict - конфликт

subplot - вторая сюжетная линия

events unfold, the action develops - события развертываются

characters - действующие лица, герои

the author shows the development of the character - образ дается в развитии

women (men) characters - женские (мужские) образы

positive character - положительный герой

negative character - отрицательный герой

the plot unfolds dynamically/ slowly - действие разворачивается быстро, медленно

the leading (main) characters - главные герои

the general tone of the story is matter-of-fact, ironic, etc. - общий тон рассказа бесстрастный, иронический…

vivid description - живое повествование

literary and artistic merits - литературные и художественные достоинства

the subject of the novel (story) is drawn from life - тема романа (рассказа) взята из жизни

bitter satire on… - острая сатира на …

profound analysis - глубокий анализ
The parts of the book

The title page usually gives the complete title of the book, the names of authors or editors, the name of the publisher and the place of the publication. The copyright page gives the copyright dates, the names of copyright holders, the dates of editions or printings of the book. The foreword, preface, or introduction is a written commentary that supplies necessary background information.

The table of contents is a summary or outline of the contents of the book, arranged in order of appearance.

The text is the body of the book. It may be divided into chapters or sections.

The appendices contain additional information, often in the form of maps, charts, tables, illustrations or graphs.

The notes section contains footnotes to works cited or explanations of statements made in the text.

The bibliography is a list of sources that were used in preparing the book or that may be of interest to readers who wish further information on the subject.

The glossary is a dictionary of unusual or technical terms used in the text of the book.

The index is an alphabetical list of subjects covered in the book. Each entry is followed by page numbers that enable you locate specific information.

Not all books will contain all of the preceding parts. Before you start to look for the information that you need from a book, glance through it to see what parts the book contains. Then, use these parts to locate the information that you need.
Agree or disagree with the following statements. Give your arguments.

  1. Reading English fiction with a dictionary is very dull.

  2. If the book is very exciting, you "swallow" it.

  3. Nobody reads reference books for relaxation.

  4. Reading thick science fiction books is tiring.

  5. Very intelligent people don't read detective stories.

  6. Non-fiction books can't be inspirational.

  7. Travel books give you a lot of useful information.

  8. Unfortunately many young people are not in the habit of reading poetry.

  9. Great book-lovers never lend their books.

  10. Lots of people buy books for their bright and beautiful jackets.

  11. Bookcases and bookshelves are the best kind of decoration for a living-room.

  12. It's of no use collecting book issues of magazines and newspapers

Answer the questions in groups and sum up common trends.

  1. When did you learn to read? Does your family read a lot of books?

  2. What are the books everybody should read as a child?

  3. Can you name a few books that left a lasting impression on you? Be specific.

  4. Do you enjoy reading books that require an effort to understand their meaning or do you think that it's possible to express with lucidity the most subtle reflection?

  5. Do you prefer emotional or dig and factual tone?

  6. How and why do you select books? Is the physical appearance an important factor? What kind of books do you prefer to read?

  7. Has it ever happened that you first saw a TV or screen version (adaptation) of a classic and later read the book? How can you evaluate the experience?

  8. What do you think about the impact of television on voluntary reading? Would you say that television and watching way actually inspire or discourage reading?

  9. In the modern world are books the only vehicle of learning? Or are they the most important?

Share your opinions on the expressions of famous people.

  1. "Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust and old authors to read". (F. Bacon.)

  2. "Tell me what you read and I will tell you what you are." (W. Goethe.)

  3. "What's the use of a book," thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?" (L Carroll.)

  4. "No furniture is so charming as books, even if you never open them and read a single word." (S. Smith.)

  5. "I would sooner read a time-table or a catalogue than nothing at all." (W. S. Maugham.)

  6. "Never read any book that is not a year old." (R. Emerson.)

  7. "Reading is the best learning." (A. Pushkin.)

  8. "Bad books are worse than useless; they are harmful." (L. Tolstoy.)

  9. "Books are a great thing as long as you know how to use them." (A. Block.)

Comment on the sayings:

  1. The person who doesn't read has no advantage over the person who cannot.

  2. Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.

  3. A house looks glum and joyless without books.

  4. If the book is worth reading it is worth buying.

  5. Books and friends should be few and good.

  6. A good children's book has no age limit.

Приложение III.
1. Тест-задание на выявление уровня знаний английской и американской литературы

1. Answer the following questions.

  1. Who are your favorite English and American writers?

  2. Can you name a few books of English and American writers that left a lasting impression on you?

2. Match the novel type with its characteristics. (Сопоставьте литературные жанры с их характеристиками).

  1. Adventure novels

  1. Historical novels

  1. Horror and

macabre novels

  1. War novels

  1. Romans and love novels

  1. Animal novels

  1. Satirical novels

  1. Spy and espionage novels

  1. Science fiction

(Sci-fi) novels

10.Crime and detective novels

  1. This type of novel is written on the basis of historical events.

  2. In this type novel some central character usually goes through all sort of unusual and dangerous adventures, often in search of hidden wealth.

  3. These novels may be about monsters, supernatural powers (especially those of evil) or places and buildings (e.g. castles) where strange and frightening happenings occurs.

  4. These novels are about murder or theft. Early in the story a crime is committed and the rest of the book is concerned with solving of it. Such novels are sometimes called “WHODUNNIT” (Who did it?).

  5. This type of novel is about secret agents, espionage and counter espionage and all the mystery and danger that go with them.

  6. These novels usually center round a story which is about the course of love between a man and a woman, its ups and downs, sometimes its final triumph in the uniting of the two lovers.

  7. These novels make fun of human fallings, political and religious organizations, habits and social customs, the rich and the poor, the powerful and the weak.

  8. These novels are written on war themes.

  9. These novels deal with travels to other planets or other solar systems, with imagined galactic wars and empires, with contacts with alien races, with future evolution of the human race.

  10. These novels are centered round an animal.

3. Point out two examples of English or American books on every literary genre? Don’t forget to write the name of the author. (Дайте два примера англоязычных произведений каждого литературного жанра, укажите их авторов.)

4. What is your favorite genre? Why?

5. Make a list of a) positive attributes and b) negative characteristics of books. (Составьте список положительных и отрицательных характеристик книг).

6. What kind of literature do you read? Why?

7. How do you select books for your private home library? Can you point out the definite criterions of your choice? (Как вы выбираете книги для домашней библиотеки? Каковы основные критерии выбора?)

8. Has it ever happened that you first saw a TV or screen version (adaptation) of a classic and later read the book? If yes, name the books. Was the experience positive or disappointing? (Какие англоязычные книги вы прочитали после просмотра экранизации? Был этот опыт положительным или разочаровывающим?)

9. Match the author and his/her literary work(s).

  1. John Steinbeck

  2. Oscar Wilde

  3. William Somerset Maugham

  4. John Fowles

  5. Irwin Shaw

  6. J. Galsworthy

  7. Iris Murdoch

  8. Francis Scott Fitzgerald

  9. Theodore Dreiser

  10. D. Salinger

  11. Ernest Hemingway

  12. William Golding

  13. Graham Greene

  14. Richard Aldington

  15. Daniel Keyes

  1. The Catcher in the Rye

  2. Our Man in Havana

  3. Flowers for Algernon

  4. The Razor’s Edge

  5. Of Human Bondages

  6. Whom the Bell Tolls

  7. The French Lieutenant’s Woman

  8. Rich Man, Poor Man

  9. The Great Gatsby

  10. The Grapes of Wrath

  11. The Moon and Sixpence

  12. Theatre

  13. Sister Carrie

  14. The Picture of Dorian Grey

  15. The Black Prince

  16. Cakes and Ale or the skeleton in the cupboard

  17. Death of a Hero

  18. An American Tragedy

  19. The Old Man and the Sea

  20. Lord of the Flies

  21. The Collector

  22. The Forsyte Saga

10. а) Expand on the list of English and American classical literature that should be read by everyone. (Продолжите список английской и американской классической литературы обязательной для прочтения.); b) Share your opinion of those ones you have read. (Представьте ваше мнение о тех, которые вы прочитали (помимо изученных по программе литературного образования.)

11. Note down 5 main features of the literary manner and style of any author from Task 9. (Напишите 5 основных характеристик манеры и стиля любого писателя из списка в задании 9).

12. Advise your groupmates to read any book from task 9. (Порекомендуйте студентам своей группы прочитать одну из книг в задании 9.)
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