Методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов-бакалавров I

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ТипМетодические указания
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Английский язык
Часть I
Методические указания

к практическим занятиям

для студентов-бакалавров I курса

факультета экономики и управления

(направление 081100 – «Государственное

и муниципальное управление»)

Составитель: Ж. С. Калустьянц

Владикавказ 2013

Министерство образования и науки рф
Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт

(государственный технологический университет)
Кафедра иностранных языков

Английский язык
Часть I
Методические указания

к практическим занятиям

для студентов-бакалавров I курса

факультета экономики и управления

(направление 081100 – «Государственное

и муниципальное управление»)

Составитель: Ж. С. Калустьянц

Допущено редакционно-издательским советом
Северо-Кавказского горно-металлургического
института (государственного технологического


Владикавказ 2013

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ.



кандидат филологических наук, профессор скгми (гту) Делиева Л. М.

К17 Английский язык. Часть I. Методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов направления 081100 «Государственное и муниципальное управление»» / Сост. Ж. С. Калустьянц; Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт (государственный технологический университет). – Владикавказ: Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт (государственный технологический университет). Изд-во «Терек», 2013. – 50 с.
Настоящее учебное пособие предназначено для овладения английским языком в неязыковом вузе (направление 081100 «Государственное и муниципальное управление»). Оно охватывает круг основных вопросов, представляющих несомненную значимость и интерес для студентов данной специальности: устройство на работу, инновации, организация, деньги, профессиональная этика, изменения, стратегия, лидерство, конкуренция и качество.

УДК 811.111

ББК 81.2 Англ.
Публикуется в авторской редакции

Компьютерная верстка: Цишук Т. С.

 Составление. Северо-Кавказский

горно-металлургический институт

(государственный технологический университет), 2013

 Калустьянц Ж. С., составление, 2013

Подписано в печать 30.09.2013. Формат 60х84 1/16. Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура «Таймс». Печать на ризографе. Усл. п.л. 2,91. Тираж 25 экз. Заказ № .

Северо-Кавказский горно-металлургический институт (государственный технологический университет). Издательство «Терек».

Отпечатано в отделе оперативной полиграфии СКГМИ (ГТУ).

362021, г. Владикавказ, ул. Николаева, 44.

UNIT 1. What is Public Administration?....................................................4

UNIT 2. The Sources of Public Administration Theory………………….19

UNIT 3. Diversity of Public Administration Theory……………………..33

Unit 1

What is Public Administration?
A. Vocabulary
List of the Key Words and Expressions
Learn the following words and word-combinations using the information presented in the Vocabulary section at the end of the book (Unit 1):
public (n)

to appeal to the ~ ; to educate, enlighten the ~ ; to mislead the ~ ; in ~ ; general ~
public (adj)

~ administration; ~ policy; to work in the ~ sector; ~ company; ~ broadcasting; in the ~ interest; a ~ man; a ~ holiday; a ~ sale; ~ transport; a ~ school; a ~ house; to make ~; ~ meeting
administer (v)

to ~ the affairs of the state; to ~ justice; to ~ the law; to ~ an oath to smb.

administrate (v)

administration (n)

public ~– ; business ~

administrative (adj)

~ bill

administrator (n)
authorize (v)

authority (n)

to establish ~ ; local ~

authoritative (adj)
implement (n)

implements of production
implement (v)

implementation (n)

~ period
legitimate (v)

legitimate (adj)

~ government

legitimacy (n)
policy I. (n)

to adopt a ~ ; under the new ~ (policies); evaluation policies and procedures

policy II. (n)

to cancel a ~ ; to issue/write up a ~
govern (v)

to ~ the country

government (n)

local ~

governmental (adj)
specialize (v)

specialist (n)

to consult a ~
agency (n)

advertising ~ ; detective ~ ; employment ~ ; auxiliary ~ ; government ~
defend (v)

defence (n)

to speak out in ~ of justice; a legal ~ ; to conduct (organize/ put up) a ~ ;  Best ~ is offence
register (v)

to be ~ed as voters; to be ~ed at the hotel

registration (n)

to conduct ~ ; gun ~; voter ~
account (v)

He was ~ed (to be) guilty
account (n)

to open an ~; to call to ~ ; to give ~ of smth.
bureaucracy (n)

overgrown, swollen ~ ; government ~ . Syn: red tape, bureaucratism

bureaucrat (n)

office (n)

to be in the ~ ; she works at our ~; Foreign Office

official (n)

appointed ~ ; customs ~

official (adj)

~ duties; ~ statement

officer (n)

public ~ (Syn. civil servant); public-relations ~; revenue ~ ; probation
effective (adj)

The tax becomes ~ next year; with ~ precious stones
efficient (adj)

She was very ~ in reducing waste.
empire (n)

to break up an ~ ; to build up an ~

emperor (n)
sophisticated (adj)

~ modern taste
skill (n)

~ at/in using a computer; to demonstrate, display, show ~

skilled (adj)

~ craftsman
loyalty (n)

to command ~ ; to demonstrate, show ~ ; to swear ~. Syn. commitment
subordinate (v)

to be ~ed to the needs of the family

subordinate (n)

subordination (n)

the yoke of ~
person (n)

not a single ~ ; missing ~ ; a real ~ ; the first ~ ; the second ~

personnel (n)
petition (n)

to circulate a ~ ; to present a ~ ; to grant a ~
judiciary (adj)

~ law ~ Syn: judicial
claim (v)

to ~ for attention; to ~ the inheritance; to ~ that; to ~ against

claim (n)

raise a ~ ; lay ~ ; put smth. in a ~
rule (v)

to ~ over the British Empire; to ~ one's actions; to ~ one’s appetites firmly; to ~ against smb
disrupt (v)

to ~ radio communication
monarch (n)

absolute ~; constitutional ~. Syn: sovereign

monarchy (n)

to establish, set up a ~ ; to overthrow a ~

institution (n)

~ of higher learning (education); charitable, philanthropic ~; ~ of a ceremony
resign (v)

to ~ office

resignation (n)
Vocabulary Exercises
Ex. 1. Which words can you derive from the following?

  1. authority

  2. legitimate

  3. administer

  4. implement

  5. bureau

  1. govern

  2. office

  3. account

  4. resign

  5. special

Ex. 2. Complete each sentence using a word derivationally related to the word given in brackets:

  1. This idea is good but … of such a scheme will be difficult. (implement)

  2. They challenge the very … of the government. (legitimate)

  3. They need to spend less on … . (administrative)

  4. I am not … to approve payments. (authorize)

  5. Lloyd George was threatening to … . (resignation)

  6. Many civil servants are sure that they can … better than the politicians. (government)

  7. There is a lot of … involved in getting an import license. (bureaucrat)

  8. This public corporation is fully … to Parliament. (accountability)

  9. She is a … in Eastern European affairs. (special)

  10. It is the Prime Minister's … residence. (officer)

Ex. 3. Match the words to their definitions:

  1. registration

  2. government

  3. bureaucrat

  4. administrator

  5. resign

  6. legitimate, adj

  7. official, n

  8. empire

  1. an official who works in a bureaucracy, especially one who you think follows rules and procedures too strictly;

  2. the departments, ministries, and committees that carry out the decisions of the political leaders of a country;

  3. the recording of something such as a person’s name or the details of an event in an official list;

  4. this person helps to organize and supervise the way that a country, company, or institution functions;

  5. a number of nations that are controlled by one country;

  6. a person who holds a position of authority in an organization;

  7. allowed or justified by law;

  8. to announce formally that you are leaving a job.

Ex. 4. What is the English for:

  1. законный, легитимный

  2. уполномочивать, разрешать

  3. управлять, руководить

  4. считать, рассматривать

  5. специализироваться (в чем-либо)

  6. защита

  7. бюрократия

  8. ведомство, министерство, управление

  9. верность, преданность

  10. подчиненный

  11. петиция, прошение, ходатайство

  12. уходить (в отставку)

Ex. 5. Translate into English:

  1. Граждане идут на избирательные участки, чтобы выбрать людей, которые будут управлять страной.

  2. Наша армия готова защитить страну от любого врага.

  3. Новый закон о налогах вступает в силу в следующем году.

  4. Королева Виктория правила Британской империей более 60 лет.

  5. Он собирается подать в отставку с поста председателя?

  6. Управляющий убежден в вашей преданности делу.

  7. Для того, чтобы закрепиться на работе, нужно подчинить свои собственные интересы интересам компании.

  8. Оппозиция предприняла все попытки, чтобы сорвать митинг, но это ей не удалось.

Ex. 6. Make up situations using the following words and word combinations:


  1. administrative organization

  2. ancient empires

  3. political rule

  4. sophisticated

  5. functionaries

  6. loyalty

  7. subordinates

  8. personal support


  1. governmental agencies

  2. government policy

  3. to implement

  4. policy making

  5. elected officials

  6. public administrators

  7. bureaucracy

  8. authority

B. Pre-reading Exercises
Ex. 1. Look at the headings of the texts and predict the contents of them.
Ex. 2. Name some words and phrases you know related to the problems under discussion.
Ex. 3. Guess the meaning of the following words and phrases:

policy-making (activity); policy formulation; to be close to the centres of power; street level; bureaucrat; to raise fears; administered society; to be based on personal preferment; to be (not) showy.
Ex. 4. Give your own definitions of 'micro-administration', 'macro-administration' and 'bureaucracy'.
Ex. 5. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is public administration? Have you ever been in contact with public administration?

  2. What institutions are involved in public administration?

  3. What qualities should a public administrator possess?

  4. How does a system based on personal preferment function?

  5. Modern administrative system is based on objective norms rather than on favouritism. What are these objective norms?

C. Reading
Ex. 1. Read the texts for general information to complete the following statements:

  1. The text deals with the problem of … .

  2. Various institutions are involved in public administration … .

  3. The role of public administrators … .

  4. The text tells us about administrative organization of the ancient empires … .

  5. The text views modern administrative system as … .

When people think about government, they think of elected officials. The attentive public knows these officials who live in the spotlight but not the public administrators who make governing possible; it generally gives them little thought unless it is to criticize “government bureaucrats.”

Yet we are in contact with public administration almost from the moment of birth, when registration requirements are met, and our earthly remains cannot be disposed of without final administrative certification. Our experiences with public administrators have become so extensive that our society may be labeled the “administered society”.

Various institutions are involved in public administration.

Much of the policy-making activities of public administration is done by large, specialized governmental agencies (micro-administration). Some of them are mostly involved with policy formulation, for example, the Parliament or Congress.

But to implement their decisions public administration also requires numerous profit and nonprofit agencies, banks and hospitals, district and city governments (macro-administration).

Thus, public administration may be defined as a complex political process involving the authoritative implementation of legitimated policy choices.

Public administration is not as showy as other kinds of politics. Much of its work is quiet, small scale, and specialized. Part of the administrative process is even kept secret. The anonymity of much public administration raises fears that government policies are made by people who are not accountable to citizens. Many fear that these so-called faceless bureaucrats subvert the intensions of elected officials. Others see administrators as mere cogs in the machinery of government.

But whether in the negative or positive sense, public administration is policy making. And whether close to the centers of power or at the street level in local agencies, public administrators are policy makers. They are the translators and tailors of government. If the elected officials are visible to the public, public administrators are the anonymous specialists. But without their knowledge, diligence, and creativity, government would be ineffective and inefficient.
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