Методические указания к практическим занятиям для студентов-бакалавров I

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ТипМетодические указания
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D. Post-reading Exercises
Language Study

Ex. 1. Match the words to their definitions:

  1. dominant

  2. scrutiny

  3. profit, v

  4. unemployed

  5. lack, n

  6. security

  7. promote

  8. executive, n

  9. motivate

  10. jeopardize

  11. red tape

  12. effect, n

  1. having no work in return for salary or wages;

  2. to expose to loss or danger;

  3. the deficiency or complete absence of something;

  4. having the most control or influence;

  5. cause to act;

  6. a manager or administrator in an organization;

  7. the state of being safe or free from danger;

  8. a careful examination or a penetrating glance;

  9. to gain an advantage or a financial reward;

  10. to support, to give a higher rank or position;

  11. routines which may cause a delay in process;

  12. something produced by a cause.

Ex. 2. Give synonyms to the words given below in italics or briefly explain their meaning:

  1. Bureaucracy is a dominant form of administration, both in business and government organizations.

  2. The perceptions that public organizations are wasteful and private ones are efficient do no withstand careful scrutiny.

  3. Hard-nosed managers are commonly pictured to worry about profit and consumers.

  4. The despair of the unemployed goes deeper than financial worries.

  5. Routine jobs can generate lack of interest and boredom.

  6. Food, shelter, health care, and future security are fundamental needs of individuals.

  7. Employees are hired and promoted based on their skills and training.

  8. Public administration has a number of participants, such as the executive, the legislature, the courts, and organized groups.

  9. To encourage dependable and innovative performance organizations must motivate people and satisfy them.

  10. It may jeopardize the entire program if a public administrator focuses his attention on only some of his duties and neglects others.

Ex. 3. Insert prepositions where necessary:

  1. Private organizations are commonly pictured to be run by hard-nosed managers who worry … profits and consumers.

  2. Both types of organizations, private and public, have much … common.

  3. Both organizations, especially public ones are crowded … individuals who bring … organizations a complex mix of need.

  4. Fundamental needs of individuals are bought … money earned … work.

  5. People … informal groups get together to share … common interests, not to work, but nevertheless, these activities have a profound effect … their work.

  6. When people think … public administration as an activity they visualize faceless bureaucrats sitting … desks and producing … an endless stream of paperwork.

  7. In case a public administrator focuses the attention … only some of his duties and neglects … others, that may lead … the jeopardy … the entire program.

  8. Each employee in an organization is accountable … the top executive … a chain of commands.

Ex. 4. What is the English for:


  1. волокита, бюрократизм

  2. служащий

  3. злоупотребление (властью)

  4. прибыль, выгода

  5. исполнять (обязанности)

  6. противостоять

  7. заявлять

  8. гарантировать, обеспечивать

  9. удовлетворять (запросы)

  10. недостаток, отсутствие


  1. не выдерживать пристального (внимательного) изучения

  2. создавать проволочки (задержки) в работе

  3. нанимать и продвигать сотрудников (по служебной лестнице)

  4. объявить о банкротстве

  5. система поощрений

  6. вызывать недостаток интереса и скуку

  7. комплекс сотрудничества и взаимозависимости

  8. иметь общие интересы

  9. реальные (ощутимые) размеры

  10. сконцентрировать внимание на …

Ex. 1. Retell the text finishing the following sentences and adding 4-5 phrases of your own:

  1. The text under discussion deals with …

  2. Primary attention in the text is paid to the basic aspects of organization theory which involves …

  3. Bureaucracy, being a dominant form of administration is generally defined as …

  4. To attract and keep individuals, to encourage dependable and innovative performance …

  5. Public administration is an activity involving a lot of participants …

Ex. 2. Translate into English:

  1. Принято считать, что государственные организации расточительны, а частные эффективны, и все же это восприятие не выдерживает пристального изучения.

  2. Государственные и частные организации имеют много общего. Например, и те и другие нанимают и продвигают сотрудников по службе в соответствии с их знаниями и умениями.

  3. И те, и другие организации, в особенности государственные, очень многочисленны ( по количеству сотрудников).

  4. Материальные потребности личности, такие как потребности в еде, жилище, медицинском обслуживании, уверенности в будущем удовлетворяются за счет средств, заработанных посредством выполнения определенных обязанностей.

  5. Люди объединяются в неформальные группы по признаку общности интересов. Это могут быть спорт, музыка или любая другая деятельность вне работы.

E. Additional Reading
Civil service organizations exhibit different organizing principles. The four widely accepted principles are:

  1. The intricacies of administrative work requires expert knowledge and the organization of a special workforce.

The civil service is now recognized as a profession all over the world, even in countries that previously did not differentiate politics and administration from other kinds of work.

  1. Entry into the civil service and subsequent promotions should be based on merit and fitness alone.

While the merit principle is accepted universally, issues often arise about the definition of merit. Many countries hold competitive examinations for recruitment to the managerial posts, but how far these examinations and tests can measure future potential and qualities such as integrity, commitment to duty and impartiality is debatable.

  1. The civil service should provide a secure career on a lifetime basis.

In almost all countries, civil service systems provide a secure lifetime career. It is only in rare cases that incoming governments have been known to dismiss officials. The reasons given were usually corruption, unsatisfactory performance and abuse of authority, and the numbers involved were extremely small in relation to the overall size of the civil service.

  1. The civil service should strictly adhere to political neutrality.

Civil services usually continue to serve governments, irrespective of how the latter came into power. There are few instances of officials disagreeing with government policies or resigning in protest. In fact, the civil service has been generally ruler dominated and willing to serve all governments, especially when their interests are not threatened. In rare instances where their interests have been threatened, they have recouped their lost position through subsequent regimes.

(Abridged from Rethinking Public Administration: Overview: pp.69-70)

F. Discussion
Ex. 1. Express your attitude to the following statements. List your pros and cons:

  1. "Public organisations are wasteful, private ones are efficient".

  2. "Most work in organisations depends on ensemble rather than solo effort."

  3. "Professional civil servants are faceless bureaucrats producing an endless stream of paperwork."

Ex. 2. Give your viewpoint on the following questions:

  1. A young specialist, apart from possessing profound knowledge of law or economics, is sure to know the theory of public administration. Why?

  2. The organisation theory viewы an organisation as bureaucracy, human relations, a structure of subgroups, etc. Why?

  3. What is the most adequate system of rewards which should be introduced in a business organisation to attract and motivate employees? Why?

H. Writing
Write a short summary on any new information on the problem under discussion you have found on the Internet or in the press.
Write a short commentary on the problem of mixing in informal groups (common lunch hours, sport group, etc) with your colleagues. List your pros and cons.

Textbooks and Reference Materials

  1. Князев С. Н. Управление: Искусство, наука, практика: Учеб. пособие. Минск.: Армита. Маркетинг. Менеджмент. 2002.

  2. Мескон М. Х., Альберт М., Хедоури Ф. Основы менеджмента. / Пер. с англ. М.: Дело, 1996.

  3. Behn, Robert D. Leadership Counts. Lessons for Public Managers from Massachusetts Welfare, Training and Employment Program. Harvard University Press, 1991.

  4. Hill, Larry B. and Hebert, F.Ted. Essentials of Public Administration: A Text with Readings. Massachusetts: Duxbury Press, 1979.

  5. Introduction to Comparative Government. Michael Curtis, general editor. 4th ed. Longman: 1997.

  6. Palumbo, Dennis and Maynard-Moody, Steven. Contemporary Public Administration. Longman, 1991.

  7. Rethinking Public Administration: An Overview. United Nations publication: New York, 1998.

  8. Rosenbloom, David H. Public Administration. Understanding Management, Politics, and Law in the Public Sector. Third Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993.


  1. ABBYYLingvo 9 многоязычный’. Электронный словарь.

  2. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman, 1986.

  3. Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary. A Merriam-Webster: Springfield, Massachusetts, USA, 1986.
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