Учебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Английский язык в научной и профессиональной коммуникации»

НазваниеУчебно-методический комплекс по дисциплине «Английский язык в научной и профессиональной коммуникации»
Дата публикации22.04.2015
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ТипУчебно-методический комплекс
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Английский язык
специальность «Политология»

4 курс 8 семестр

Наименование тем



В том числе (час)

Формы контроля






Модуль 1.

Профессиональная и академическая грамматика:

- Повторение условных предложений

- Сослагательное наклонение.

- Эмфатические конструкции.






ческие к/р

Модуль 3.

Профессиональные темы:

- Определение и основные этапы

развития глобализации.

- Антиглобализм.

- Внешнеполитические аспекты глобализации.






лексичес-кие тесты

Итоговый контроль






Список литературы

  1. Bob Obee, Mary Spratt. Mission IELTS 1. Academic: (B2) – Express Publishing, 2010 – 222 c.

  2. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. Academic vocabulary in use. – Cambridge University Press, 2008 – 176c.

  3. Ken Paterson with Roberta Wedge. Oxford Grammar for EAP. – Oxford University Press, 2013 – 223c.

  4. Edward de Chazal. Louis Rogers. Oxford EAP. A course in English for academic purposes. Intermediate/B1+– Oxford University Press, 2013 – 222c.

  5. Andrew Heywood. Global Politics (Palgrave Foundations Series) – Palgrave Macmillan, 2011 – 560c.

Содержание дисциплины по темам:

Профессиональные темы

Формы правления: монархия, олигархия, диктатура, демократия.

Национальные политические системы: унитарные и федеральные системы.

Политическая система Великобритании: конституция, монархия.

Парламент Великобритании, его законотворческая деятельность.

Избирательная система Великобритании.

Политические партии Великобритании.

Исполнительная власть Великобритании.

Судебная система Великобритании.

Политическая система США: конституция США, Конгресс и его деятельность.

Исполнительная ветвь власти США.

Судебная система США.

Избирательная система США.

Политическая система Франции:

  • Государственное устройство

  • Французский парламент: Национальное собрание и Сенат.

  • Выборы и политические партии.

Политическая система России:

  • Государственное устройство.

  • Федеральное собрание: Совет Федерации и Государственная Дума

  • Избирательная система.

История ООН.

Структура ООН.

Основные направления деятельности ООН.

Реформа ООН.

Европейский Союз: история Европейской интеграции.

Эволюция ЕС.

Институты ЕС, политика ЕС.


Определение и основные этапы развития глобализации.


Внешнеполитические аспекты глобализации.

Примерный список зачётных и экзаменационных

контрольных вопросов

1 курс 1 семестр

  1. What contemporary monarchies in the western and non-western world do you know?

  2. Why have some reigning dynasties in Europe survived?

  3. What was the fate of successful dynasties?

  4. What has happened to most of the hereditary monarchies in the 20th century?

  5. What was the reason for classical oligarchic rule in pre-industrial societies?

  6. What is a ruling caste?

  7. What is a ruling class?

  8. What is the role of industrialization in changing the political situation in pre-industrial societies?

  9. What are the usual causes of dictatorship?

  10. In what way were dictatorships established in the former Western colonies?

  11. Why did the constitutional systems inherited from the colonial powers prove unworkable?

  12. What is the role of constitution in constitutional government?

  13. In what way is political power controlled in constitutional democracies?

  14. What is common for all constitutional democracies?

  15. Why are political parties the key institutions in such systems?

  16. What are the main functions of political parties?

  17. What is the role of the party?

  18. What are the two major types of constitutional democracy in the modern world?

  19. What is the US presidential system based on?

  20. What is the system of separation of powers reinforced by?

  21. What is the essence of the British parliamentary system?

  22. What is the integration of legislature and executive in the British system reinforced by?

  23. What provides reciprocal control in the US political system?

  24. What is the major control device in the British system?

1 курс 2 семестр

  1. What political systems may be distinguished in the modern world?

  2. By what means are all the empires held together?

  3. What are the empires characterized by?

  4. What is the primary instrument of imperial rule?

  5. How were the ancient despotisms legitimized?

  6. What were the major causes of the disintegration of the colonial empires?

  7. When did the majority of the colonies win their independence ?

  8. What is the usual cause of forming leagues?

  9. What are the characteristic features of a league?

  10. When was the Covenant of the League of Nations approved?

  11. How many member states did the League consist of initially?

  12. What was the membership of the League by 1928?

  13. What did the Covenant require?

  14. What did the Covenant provide for to enforce the decisions of the League?

  15. What was the fate of the League of Nations?

  16. What kind of supranational organization is a confederation?

  17. What sort of limitations do the member states agree to in a confederation?

  18. What are the weaknesses of confederations in terms of government?

  19. What right do the members possess?

  20. What did confederations often precede? What are the historical examples of confederations of this type?

  21. What have confederations replaced in some cases?

  22. What is the Commonwealth of Nations?

  23. What are unitary systems?

  24. What does decentralization of power in some unitary states result in?

  25. In what country is decentralization provided for constitutionally?

  26. How is political authority divided in federal systems?

  27. What country has rather strict procedures for the central supervision of local governments?

  28. What systems are termed federal?

  29. In federal systems, where does the National government exercise its authority?

  30. Where do provincial governments exercise their authority?

  31. What countries are organized on a federal basis?

  32. In what way are cultural divisions reflected in some federal arrangements?

  33. What arrangements may ethnic minorities have in the Russian Federation? What does it depend on? What do these divisions provide?

  34. How does the Constitution of the US divide the functions between the federal government and the states?

  35. What are the advantages and disadvantages of federal arrangements?

  36. What necessitates cooperation between two levels of government?

2 курс 3 семестр

  1. What type of governmental model operates in Great Britain today?

  2. What sources does the British Constitution draw from?

  3. What are the most important statutes that form a source of British Constitution?

  4. What is the doctrine of precedent?

  5. What does the principle of Parliamentary supremacy mean?

  6. How can British Constitution be changed?

  7. What is the rule of law?

  8. What is the concept of a unitary state?

  9. What powers do the devolved assemblies have?

  10. What responsibilities does the central Parliament retain?

  11. What are the powers of the devolved bodies dependent on?

  12. What is the most recent principle of British Constitution?

  13. What is the secret of stability of the British system of government?

  14. What are the constitutional roles of the monarch in Great Britain?

  15. What is the historical role of the monarch in Great Britain?

  16. What important legislative and executive duties does the monarch still perform?

  17. What is the necessary condition on which the monarchs may perform their duties?

  18. What are the arguments of the opponents of the institution of monarchy?

  19. What are the arguments of the proponents of the monarchy?

  20. What bodies is legislative power in Great Britain vested in?

  21. How many Members of Parliament does the House of Commons consist of?

  22. Who presides over the House of Commons?

  23. What is the function of the Speaker?

  24. Who the first five rows of benches to the right of the Speaker belong to?

  25. Who occupies the first five rows of benches to the left of the Speaker?

  26. Who are the backbenchers?

  27. What categories of peers were there in the House of Lords until 1999?

  28. What is the difference between hereditary and life peers?

  29. How did the composition of the House of Lords change in 1999?

  30. What is the cross-party agreement regarding the future of the House of Lords?

  31. What are the legislative functions of the Lords?

  32. What are the arguments of the proponents of the existence of the Lords?

  33. What are the main functions of Parliament?

  34. Who introduces a Bill into Parliament?

  35. What preliminary work precedes the introduction of a Bill?

  36. What are the most important types of Bills considered by Parliament?

  37. What type of procedure are the First and the Second Readings?

  38. What kind of procedure is a Committee stage?

  39. What is the role of the Standing Committee?

  40. Who are members of the Standing Committee?

  41. What is the Report stage?

  42. What is Third Reading?

  43. What is the usual procedure in the House of Lords?

  44. When does the Bill become an Act of Parliament?

  45. Why is Parliamentary scrutiny so important?

  46. How many constituencies are there in Great Britain now?

  47. Who is eligible to vote in General elections?

  48. Who normally chooses candidates for election to Parliament?

  49. What does a British citizen need to stand as a candidate?

  50. What maximum has national party expenditure been limited to?

  51. What broadcasts may each party have on television?

  52. What is the result of these provisions?

  53. What do all British main political parties publish during general election campaign?

  54. What is the main purpose of these manifestoes?

  55. Is there a fixed day for General Elections in Great Britain?

  56. What is a by-election?

  57. What electoral system is used in the General elections?

  58. What main political parties are represented in British parliament today?

  59. What issues do Labours and Conservatives differ on?

  60. What bodies is executive power in the UK exercised by?

  61. What is the specific feature of the executive in the Westminster system?

  62. What is the advantage of this system?

  63. How did the authority of Prime Minister change during the 20th century?

  64. What are the duties of Prime Minister?

  65. Why is Prime Minister called the Commander-in-Chief without portfolio?

  66. What is the higher executive body of Government? Who is it composed of?

  67. What title do most of the members of the Cabinet have?

  68. What is the position of Minister of state?

  69. What are the functions of the Cabinet?

  70. How many ministers does a British Government have?

  71. What body are all Ministers accountable to?

  72. Who are civil servants?

  73. What is the first responsibility of civil servants?

  74. What is ‘White Hall” a synonym for?

  75. What is the system of local government?

  76. What duties do local governments exercise?

  77. In what way are local authorities funded?

  78. Why does the UK not have a single legal system?

  79. What principles are English law and Northern Ireland law based on?

  80. What is the fundamental feature of the English system of courts?

  81. What body heads the system of courts? What does it consist of?

  82. What cases do the criminal courts consider? Where do most of them commence?

  83. Where must minor offences be tried?

  84. In what ways are Magistrates’ courts made up?

  85. Where must more serious offences be tried?

  86. What is the usual procedure of the trial in the Crown court?

  87. What are the duties of the judge in the process?

  88. What are the responsibilities of the Jury?

  89. Who reaches a verdict of the guilt or innocence of the defendant?

  90. What kinds of cases do the civil courts consider?

  91. What is the purpose of civil courts?

  92. What does the choice of the court in civil cases depend on?

  93. What cases does the Family Division deal with?

  94. What matters does a Chancery Division consider?

  95. What are the responsibilities of the Queen’s Bench Division?

2 курс 4 семестр

  1. What is the type of governmental model in the USA?

  2. When were the majority of all the world’s states constitutions written?

  3. When was a Declaration of Independence issued? What did it declare?

  4. What kind of document was the Articles of Confederation?

  5. What were the weaknesses of the Articles?

  6. When was the Constitution of the United States officially adopted?

  7. Why was inclusion of the federal principle in the Constitution a critical factor in its ratification?

  8. Why did the Founding Fathers decide to separate governmental powers into three branches?

  9. How does the principle of checks and balances work?

  10. Why was the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution in 1791?

  11. What body represents the US legislature? What does it consist of?

  12. How many members are there in the House of Representatives? How long do they serve?

  13. How are the House seats apportioned among states?

  14. How many senators does each state have? Why?

  15. How long do senators serve? Why are their terms staggered?

  16. What are the additional powers granted to Congress under Constitutional amendments?

  17. What is the role of congress in national defense?

  18. What is Congressional oversight? What exclusive poser does Congress have?

  19. Who may introduce a bill into Congress?

  20. What house has the exclusive power to initiate bills imposing taxes?

  21. What does the first stage of passing a bill involve?

  22. What are Committees permitted to do?

  23. What body holds he power to accept or reject amendments?

  24. What is the procedure after the bill is approved by one house?

  25. What is necessary for the bill to become law?

  26. When does the bill pass?

  27. When is a bill submitted to the President?

  28. What options does the President have?

  29. Who is the power of the executive branch vested in?

  30. What is the President responsible for?

  31. What executive appointments does the President make?

  32. When does the President’s power become most pronounced?

  33. Why is president called “chief legislator”?

  34. Why does the congress prefer to find consensus with President if he

vetoes a bill?

  1. In what way does the president coordinate taxing and spending?

  2. What body was originally responsible for the nation’s finances?

  3. Why did the Congress pass the Budget and Accounting Act in 1921?

  4. What is the main function of OMB?

  5. What increased rapidly with F.D.Roosevelt’s election and reelection in

the 1930s?

  1. What did the government do to improve economic and social situation in America in the 1930s?

  2. What did Congress authorize the President to do in 1946?

  3. What program did president Obama propose to alleviate the economic crisis in America?

  4. What factors contribute to President having greater latitude in foreign policy and national defense?

  5. What does successful conduct of foreign affaires require?

  6. Why does the President have a dominant role in foreign affairs?

  7. What is the difference between President and Congress in terms of making decisions in time of military crisis?

  8. What functions does the President perform as Head of state? Why are these functions important?

  9. What is the main function of EOP? When was it created?

  10. What is the range of tasks of EOP? What are the most visible parts of EOP? What are their duties?

  11. Why is Vice President the second highest executive official of the government? What is the constitutional duty of Vice President?

  12. How do Vice Presidents approach their roles?

  13. What does the influence of the Vice President in this role depend on?

  14. Why do Vice Presidents often take harder-line stand on issues?

Пример лексического тестового задания


I. Match the following words with their definitions




4. adjudicate

5. implement

6. alliance

7. league

8. coercion

9. covenant


a). a group of people, organizations or countries who have united to achieve something

b). to make an idea, plan or law start working

c). someone who strongly and publicly supports someone or something

d). formal agreement

e). a government order preventing trade

with another country

f). use of force or threats to make someone do something

g). to make an official decision about a problem

h). the right of the country to rule itself

i). making an agreement necessary to obey

j). a group of people, organizations or countries that join together because they have the same interests or aims

II .Form the word based on the word in brackets to complete the sentence

1. India gained its … from Britain in 1947. (depend)

2. People vote for their representatives in an … .(elect)

3. I’d hate to live in a … . (dictate)

4. Some people feel the British … will soon be abolished. (monarch)

5. An MP is the … of his or her constituency. (represent)

6. The US has a system of presidential … . (govern)

7. In the UK the system is … . (parliament)

8. … are elected for a fixed term. (senate)

9. Would you like to be a … ? (politics)

10. The Prime Minister selects his top …. (office)

III. Choose the most suitable word or phrase

1.The present political system is no longer… .
1. indispensable 2. ultimate 3.viable 4. substantial

2. This party is sure to … its victory in general elections.
1. submit 2. secure 3. endow 4. enhance

3. These are guidelines only, and are not … .
1. initial 2. binding 3. reciprocal 4.imperative

4. The Covenant of he League of Nations … for the use of economic penalties.
1. adjudicated 2. claimed 3. acquired 4. provided

5. The role of the central executive machinery is to … joint activities of member states.
1. supervise 2. maintain 3. compel 4. restrain

6. He claims he was … into admitting his guilt.
1. jeopardized 2. coerced 3. enhanced 4. frustrated

7. Confederations establish some joint machinery of consultation or … .
1. elaboration 2. secession 3. deliberation 4. adjudication

8. Member states of confederations have an acknowledged right of … .
1. separation 2. fusion 3. rejection 4. secession

9. Relations between the two nations had become more and more … since the war.
1. strained 2. fused 3. enforced 4. undermined

10. NATO continuously … plans for the conduct of joint military actions .
1. frustrates 2. bans 3. elaborates 4. reinforces

IV. Choose the appropriate prefix to complete the sentence

dis- para-(2) super- pre- un- in-(2) ir- pre-

1. An army withdrawal is a …condition for peace talks.

2. An …stable government changes often and must deal with a lot of fighting and protests.

3. A soldier was trained as a …trooper.

4. The opposition, …dictably, accused the government of incompetence.

5. In the past decade China has turned into a …power.

6. The government’s response was condemned as totally …adequate.

7. National security is of …mount importance.

8. If you continue to …obey the rules, you will be punished.

9. The arguments for a change in the law are …resistable.

10. The policy has been largely …effective in cutting crime.

V. Complete the sentences using one of the words from the box

implementation paramount representation retain increasingly multilateral

security in concert predecessor binding

1. Empires are characterized by the absence of effective … of their constituent parts.

2. Leagues are supposed to have an executive organ for the … of the decisions of the assembly.

3. The purpose of NATO is to maintain the … of the North Atlantic area.

4. Britain and France found it … difficult to resist claims to independence.

5. The Communities made … decisions on important matters by majority vote.

6. The League of Nations was the … in several important respacts of the United Nations.

7. For this alliance military objectives were … .

8. The member states of confederations Typically … their separate military establishments.

9. NATO employs … procedures.

10. The nations of the Commonwealth rarely acted … .

VI. One word in each sentence is wrong. Underline it and write the correct one.

1. The Covenant of the League of Nations was drafted with a special commission .

2. Historically, confederations have often proved to be a first or second step toward the dismemberment of a national state.

3. All empires are eventually held together by covenant.

4. The League stood its most important test.

5. Eventually, NATO came to possess several of the features of a multipurpose national organization.

6. The federal constitution of the United States is the predecessor to the government of the Articles of Confederation.

7. History records many cases of multiethnic empires when were governed peaceably for considerable periods.

8. The Commonwealth established its Secretariat for organize meetings and implement its collective decisions.

9. Based in military force and religious belief, the ancient despotisms were legitimized also by other means.

10. The Commonwealth of Nations is an example of a confederation born as the result of the fusion of an empire.

Тестовые грамматические задания по темам курса


I. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence:
1 According to the Publications Department, it will be two years before the new Handbook completes/is completed/will be completed.

2 The President’s plane touched down in Mexico City on Wednesday, two days after he would have arrived/had been to arrive/was due to arrive.

3 By the end of this month, I’ll be/be being/have been a member of this club for ten years.

4 Helena’s not really a party animal, so I doubt whether she comes/’ll come/’ll have come.

5 I was wondering if you wanted/had wanted/would want to go running with me.

6 I didn’t realise I’d left my file at home until the meeting will start/has started/started.

7 I was going to ask her for a date, but I don’t/didn’t/couldn’t bring myself to do it.

8 The noise stopped as soon as the Head Teacher walks/walked/was walking into the room.

9 How long did you say you take/are taking/have been taking these pills?

10 I want a new computer, but I didn’t save/I haven’t saved enough money yet.

11 Don’t worry, I’m not going to be/I won’t be late.

12 How long have you been waiting/are you waiting?

13 When I was younger I was going/I used to go to the seaside every summer.

14 I’ve lived/I lived in Barcelona all my life.

15 While I was cleaning/I had cleaned my room I found this old photograph.

16 You look sad. What are you thinking/do you think about?

17 I go/I’m going to my parents’ house next weekend. Do you want to come?

18 I’ve been looking for my bag, but I still didn’t find/I still haven’t found it.

19 I like your new room! When have you painted/did you paint it?

20 Where will you be working/do you work next year?

21 I know the play is boring, but we can’t leave until it will finish/it finishes.

22 I’m seeing/I will see the doctor tomorrow at 10.00.

23 Where are you go/are you going on holiday?

24 I used to eat/was eating cakes and sweets all the time when I was young.

25 Have you spoken/Did you speak to David yesterday?

26 When I arrived at the theatre, the play already started/had already started.

27 I’m going to buy/I will buy a new PC at the weekend.

28 Roberta, how nice to see you! I haven’t seen/didn’t see you for ages!

29 What awful weather! It’s rained/It’s been raining all day.

30 While I walked/was walking through the park, I saw something very strange.

31 Don’t call after 11pm. I’ll be sleeping/I’ll sleep.

32 By this time next year I’ll be/I’ll have been a member of the film society for ten years.

33 I usually leave/am leaving work at 5 o’clock.
II. Translate into English:

  1. Никто не предполагал, что оратор будет продолжать говорить.

  2. Он работает над этой проблемой больше двух лет и уже опубликовал несколько статей.

  3. Надеюсь, что когда я вернусь, вы уже закончите свой спор.

  4. Известный политик заявил, что он всегда выступал за прогресс.

  5. Эксперименты доказали, что недостаток сна чрезвычайно вреден для здоровья.

  6. Они раньше очень много спорили.

  7. Гид предупредил нас, что в этой части города движение довольно сильное.

  8. Неужели они играют в шахматы с самого утра?

  9. Послушай! Кто-то играет на скрипке в пустом зале.

10. На днях мы уезжаем в командировку.



I. Choose the most suitable verb form in each sentence.

1 Let me know about the party as soon as you have made/will make/will have made a decision.

2 It won’t be long now before David will go/goes/be going to school.

3 Jack was about to kiss Julia when he noticed/had noticed/was noticing the ring on her hand.

4 The President was to have visited a hospital; instead he rushed/had been rushing/would have rushed to his wife’s bedside.

5 I’m terribly sorry; I had no idea you are/were/had been appointed deputy director.

6 When I got back home after my holiday, I noticed that someone tampered/used to tamper/had been tampering with the lock on my door.

7 When the fire started, what were you doing/had you done/have you been doing?

8 This is the hottest day we’ve had since I arrive/’ve arrived/arrived in England.

9 Go to the Aer Lingus desk immediately you arrive/when you’ll arrive/on arrival.

10 I was here/I’ve been here since the beginning of June.

11 No, I can’t see the bird. Where are you looking/do you look?

12 Your secret is safe with me. I’m not going to say/I won’t say anything.

13 I’m meeting/I will meet Lisa for lunch tomorrow.

14 I’ve wanted to go to Paris all my life, but I still didn’t go/I still haven’t been there.

15 I’m going to tell her, but I didn’t see/I haven’t seen her yet.

16 I play/I’m playing tennis with John and Chris at the weekend. Do you want to join us?

17 I think we have time for a coffee before the train arrives/will arrive.

18 I haven’t seen you before. When have you started/did you start working here?

19 Where will you be going/do you go for your holidays next year?

20 While I walked/I was walking through the park a dog ran up to me and bit me.

21 Look out of the window! How long has it been snowing/is it snowing?

22 When I was a baby I was carrying/I used to carry a yellow blanket everywhere I went.

23 When the film will end/ends, let’s have a coffee.

24 It’s nice to be back in Budapest. This is the second time I came/I’ve come here.

25 I’m meeting/I’ll meet David at seven in the bar.

26 He still hasn’t arrived! I’ve waited/I’ve been waiting for ages!

27 By the time the plane landed, I finished/had finished the book.

28 How was your holiday in Italy? Did you visit/Have you visited Rome?

29 Who did you talk to/were you talking to when I passed you in the car yesterday?

30 Look at those clouds! It will rain/It’s going to rain.

31 Clare used to be/would be an English teacher.

32 While his team was winning/won the match, he felt really excited.

33 What a view! Have you taken/Did you take a photograph yet?
II. Translate into English:

  1. Она все еще колеблется, продолжать опыты или прекратить эту работу.

  2. Вы когда-нибудь пробовали тренировать свою память?

  3. Только после того как она проверила этот новый метод, она поняла, что он очень эффективен.

  4. Я надеюсь, что к концу переговоров мы придем к соглашению.

  5. Они обсуждают повестку дня конференции уже три часа.

  6. Он думал, что вполне ясно выражает свои мысли.

  7. Раньше он был превосходным лектором.

  8. Ну, уложила ты свои вещи, наконец? Такси уже десять минут ожидает у дверей.

  9. Вчера вечером мы пошли в кафе, чтобы встретиться с друзьями.

  10. Я не могу с уверенностью сказать, будет ли она на конференции.


Variant 1

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. The candidate said this morning that he was fully aware of the obstacles to be faced and the charges that would be made.

  2. The euro is likely to join the dollar as a reserve currency held by central banks around the world, perhaps leading some banks to sell dollars and thereby reduce the value of the American currency.

  3. An official investigating the bribary allegations said payments made by local Olympic officials to members of the IOC appeared to have come from the privately funded budget.

  4. The International Court of Justice is expected to play an increasingly important role in facilitating the peaceful settlement of international legal disputes.

  5. The Turkish economy, which had been growing at an average rate above 6% for the past 6 years, slowed and is likely to expand by only 2% this year.

  6. While party leaders still say they support the goals of the program, and promise that it will receive expeditious consideration on Capital Hill, Democratic anger at many of the proposals appears to be mounting daily.

  7. In a document released today a Harvard University Professor discloses that studies he made in one medium-sized U.S.city showed mayors, police chiefs, and other officials to have been on a gambling syndicate’s payroll for many years.

  8. Britain both could have and should have stayed out of the Second World War, leaving Russia to crush Hitler’s Germany.

  9. Such is the speed of history today that, when this is published, so many new and perhaps more shocking developments may have taken place that the events herein detailed may seem even more remote.

  10. It must have been hard for them to agree to this resolution, but at that time there was no alternative course open to them.

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Сообщают, что Х человек было убито в результате атаки террориста-смертника.

  2. Правительство надеялось, что поисково-спасательная операция поможет избежать значительных потерь среди гражданского населения.

  3. Внутренние конфликты, безусловно, имеют тенденцию перерастать/переходить в межгосударственные конфликты.

  4. Правительство, должно быть, ошиблось в расчетах ядерного потенциала своего противника.

  5. Общественность добилась того, чтобы правительство отказалось от политики устрашения.

  6. Ожидалось, что значительные ресурсы будут инвестированы в военные технологические программы, чтобы добиться стратегического превосходства.

  7. Государственный секретарь будет выступать посредником в переговорах, которые состоятся на следующей неделе.

  8. Россия первой осудила террористический акт, который поставил под угрозу отношения между двумя странами.

  9. Не может быть, чтобы Россия не приняла участия в спасательной операции.

  10. Оказалось, что одна из сторон не сдержала свои обязательства.


Variant 2

  1. Translate from English into Russian:

  1. Mr. Cook is not the first British foreign secretary to arrive in office determined to change things, nor will he be the last to run up against the diplomats’ natural skepticism about his ability to do it.

  2. The achievement of Ireland is certainly not to be dismissed, as some would have it. But lessons for would-be tigers are either difficult to infer or of little use.

  3. The Home Secretary is expected to make a statement next week on the validity of of the practice of allowing outside observers, photographers and television cameramen to be present at the counting of the votes at a Parliamentary election.

  4. The US trade representative is said to have reported, in detail, on the latest developments to the EU trade commissioner who plans to visit Beijing for talks on its WTO application next month.

  5. No one will refuse to pay less tax, but if they think that by this means they will bribe the electors to vote for them in large numbers, they are likely to be disappointed.

  6. The rise of homeless emphasizes the desperate need for the Government to fulfill

its pledge to meet the problem with a lower rate of interest for housing.

  1. Berlin let open the possibility that its assistance program could be paid for through outright grants.

  2. EU sources said France will favor protectionist measures in critical sectors, but because of German resistance this may not be agreed to at the EU level.

  3. The candidate for presidency must have underestimated the importance of mass media during the election campaign.

  4. The Prime Minister mentioned that a more radical stand on some issues might have enabled the party to have avoided defeat.

  1. Translate from Russian into English:

  1. Наше руководство считает, что правительство этой страны непредсказуемо и способно пойти на любые действия, чтобы расширить свое влияние.

  2. Единственное, что может сделать правительство, чтобы предотвратить гуманитарную катастрофу и поток беженцев - это обратиться за помощью к мировому сообществу.

  3. Не может быть, чтобы они не включили в повестку дня вопрос о распространении оружия массового распространения.

  4. Многие люди ожидали, что ООН сможет поддержать порядок и сдержать этнические столкновения в этом регионе.

  5. Общественность добилась того, чтобы правительство отказалось от политики устрашения.

  6. Выход США из ПРО, безусловно, усилил напряжённость.

  7. Участники конфликта могли бы пойти на взаимные уступки.

  8. ООН, вероятно, урегулирует конфликт в этом регионе мирными средствами.

  9. Маловероятно, что ситуация в лагере беженцев улучшится в ближайшее время.

  10. Им следовало бы просить ООН посредничать в этом конфликте и принять участие в поддержании порядка.


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