Science and Public Policy (spp) Наука и государственная политика

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Science and Public Policy (SPP)
Наука и государственная политика -
ведущий международный журнал, издаваемый в Великобритании с 1973 г.
Том 38, Номер 07, Август 2011г.

ISSN 0302-3427

О журнале

Наука и государственная политика - ведущий международный журнал, издаваемый в Великобритании с 1973 г. Он освещает вопросы государственной политики в области науки и технологии (S&T), а также более широкие проблемы взаимодействия науки и общества. Журнал читают в 70 странах - как в университетах (для обучения и исследований), так и в правительственных учреждениях, в консалтинговых агентствах и т.д.

С февраля 2006 года журнал выходит 10 раз в год.
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Издатель журнала:
William Page, Beech Tree Publishing,
10 Watford Close, Guilford, Surrey
Tel.: +44 1483 824871
Fax: +44 1483 567497

Редакторы журнала:

Dr David H Guston,
Consortium for Science,
Policy and Outcomes,
Arizona State University, PO Box 874401,
Tempe, AZ 85287-4401, USA.
E-mail: and

Dr Barend van der Meulen,
Centre for Studies of Science,
Technology and Society,
University of Twente, PO Box 217,
7500 AE Enschede, Netherlands.

Страницу SPP в "Курьере…" ведет член редколлегии SPP проф. Е.З.Мирская
Переводы и подготовка к публикации поддерживаются грантом РГНФ № 11-03-00818а

Основные статьи


От подарка к обязанности: изменяющаяся политика по отношению к деятельности биобанков
Aaro Tupasela


Европейская конкурентоспособность в информационных технологиях и долговременная научная деятельность

Andrea Bonaccorsi


Исследователи стволовых клеток верят в их двойственность и рефлексивность: основание для улучшения отношений между наукой и обществом

Nicola J Marks


Эффект, возникший от изменения институционального окружения в академической исследовательской практике: три примера из сельскохозяйственной науки
Laurens K Hessels, John Grin и Ruud E H M Smits


Влияние бизнес-центров на способности фирм к сетевой работе и к выполнению общих задач
André Spithoven и Mirjam Knockaert



Книжное обозрение

В данном выпуске журнала Книжное обозрение отсутствует

Наука и государственная политика
Том 38, № 7, август 2011

Переводы рефератов основных статей,

наиболее интересных для российского читателя

Европейская конкурентоспособность в информационных технологиях и долговременная научная деятельность

Andrea Bonaccorsi

(University of Pisa, Italy)

C. 521–540

Причины, обусловливающие слабую конкурентность европейской индустрии информационных технологий (ИТ) по сравнению с таковой в США, обсуждались уже много раз. Автор данной статьи предлагает своё объяснение, которое опирается на проведенный им глубокий анализ. Он считает, что успех в долговременном соревновании промышленностей, основанных на науке, зависит от лежащего в их фундаменте научного базиса – от способности этого базиса сохранять и постоянно развивать свой рост, опирающийся на адекватность режимов проводимых исследований. Для этого требуются институциональные механизмы, которые регулярно обеспечивают 1) некоторую селекцию среди ученых этой очень большой базы, 2) мобильности студентов и исследователей, а также 3) строгое институционализированное взаимодействие между научной базой и индустрией, использующей её новые результаты. В статье сравнены истории ИТ в США, Германии, Великобритании и Франции. Автор изучил curriculum vitae более 1000 ученых-компьютерщиков и в результате обнаружил, что все перечисленные им условия успеха выполнялись только в США.


Science and

Public Policy

Volume 38, Number 7

ISSN 0302-3427

August 2011

Summaries of articles are repeated on the back cover

Main articles


From gift to waste: changing policies in biobanking practices
Aaro Tupasela


European competitiveness in information technology and long-term scientific performance
Andrea Bonaccorsi


Stem cell researchers’ trust, ambivalence and reflexivity: opportunities for improved science–public relations?
Nicola J Marks


The effects of a changing institutional environment on academic research practices: three cases from agricultural science
Laurens K Hessels, John Grin and Ruud E H M Smits


The role of business centres in firms’ networking capabilities and performance
André Spithoven and Mirjam Knockaert

Back section


Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 7, August 2011
Summaries of the main articles

From gift to waste: changing policies in biobanking practices
Aaro Tupasela (University of Helsinki, Finland)
Pages 510–520

Traditionally the analysis of biomedical discourses surrounding biobanking has focused on the role of donation and gift giving as central aspects related to the procurement and use of tissue samples. More recently, studies have looked at the political underpinnings of building national collections of tissue samples. These national projects draw increasingly on a discourse of waste and efficiency as a way of legitimising activities. This paper draws attention to the way new arguments draw from environmental discourses in an attempt to reframe contentious ethical and legal issues in a more favourable light. Attempts to evoke notions of efficiency draw on a different set of persuasive techniques to foster support for large research and development ventures involving public–private partnerships, but at the same time limit public debate.

European competitiveness in information technology and long-term scientific performance
Andrea Bonaccorsi (University of Pisa, Italy)
Pages 521–540

The reasons behind the poor competitiveness of the European information technology (IT) industry vis-à-vis the US one have been discussed many times. This paper suggests that the long-term competitiveness of science-based industries is dependent on the ability of the underlying scientific base to support fast growing, turbulent and proliferating search regimes. This requires institutional mechanisms that foster severe selection of scholars from a large base, student and researcher mobility, and strong institutional complementarity with user industries. The paper compares the history of IT in the USA, Germany, the UK and France. Based on the analysis of the curriculum vitae of the top 1,000 scientists in computer science, it shows that these conditions were only met in the US academic system.

Stem cell researchers’ trust, ambivalence and reflexivity: opportunities for improved science–public relations?
Nicola J Marks (University of Wollongong, NSW, Australia)
Pages 541–554

Science is a central part of late modern society, but does not automatically command public trust. ‘Reflexivity’ – both in the sense of addressing the unintended consequen­ces of one’s work, and in the sense of examining one’s normative assumptions – has been put forward as a way of improving science–public trust relations. Here, the reflexive potential of stem cell researchers’ discourses is examined. These professionals express feelings of dependence and trust/ambivalence towards their work. They raise
important concerns with regards to the internationalisation of science, clinical trials, informed consent and commercialisation. The analysis of these discourses uncovers examples of reflexivity. These should be encouraged and built upon to offer a chance of improving relations between science and members of the public.

The effects of a changing institutional environment on academic research practices: three cases from agricultural science
Laurens K Hessels (Rathenau Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands), John Grin (Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands) and Ruud E H M Smits (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands). Pages 555–568

This paper investigates the varying effects of a changing institutional environment on academic research practices in three fields of Dutch animal science. Our analysis shows that the shifts in funding have stimulated interactions with societal stakeholders in fields where this has helped to sustain a basic research agenda. In other fields researchers experience a tension between satisfying the needs of application-oriented funding sources and reaching high scores on evaluations dominated by bibliometric indicators. The paper concludes with the identification of three field characteristics that seem to moderate the effects of institutional changes on academic research practices.

The role of business centres in firms’ networking capabilities and performance
André Spithoven (Belgian Science Policy Office, Brussels, Belgium) and Mirjam Knockaert (Ghent University, Belgium).

Pages 569–580

An extensive stream of literature has studied incubators, however, few researchers have focused on business centres, which typically host a broader set of firms, including medium- and low-tech firms. This paper studies the role of business centres in the networking capabilities of their residents and the impact of residence at a business centre on performance. While we find the networking capabilities of business centre residents to be more developed than those of non-residents, this mainly seems to originate from a selection mechanism, with business centres attracting residents with greater networking capabilities. The impact of residence at a business centre on a firm’s performance is less obvious. While we find that residence at a business centre has a (marginal) positive effect on employment growth, no significant impact was found for revenue growth.

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