Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
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The United States of America

Quiz «The USA»

The theme of our lesson today is «The United States of America». Today we will speak about this great country and will learn a lot of interesting facts about it. First let’s start with a little quiz. I think you really know something about the USA. You get two points for the right answer in every question. So let’s begin.

1. How many states are there in the USA?

    1. 48

    2. 50

    3. 52 (answer b)

2. What is the American flag is called?

  1. Union Jack

  2. Union Flag

  3. Stars and Strips (answer c)

    1. When did Christopher Columbus discover America?

a) in 1492

b) in 1592

c)in 1692 (answer a)

4. Which of the following is not a US state?

a) Alaska

b) Hawaii

c) Tahiti (answer c)

5. When is birthday of the United States celebrated?

a) on December, 25

b) on July, 4

c) on March, 8 (answer b)

6. The Statue of Liberty of the United States was designed by Frederic Bartholdi and was given to the USA by France in 1884 as a symbol of Franco-American friendship. But who was the model for the statue?

a) Bartholdi’s wife

b) Bartholdi’s mother

c) Bartholdi’s daughter (answer b)

7. The «Big Apple» is a popular nickname ……. but for what?

a) Los Angeles

b) New York

c) Chicago (answer b)

8. Your American friends say to you «Let’s go see a ball game.» What do they mean?

a) volleyball

b) basketball

c) baseball (answer c)

9. Where in the United States can you find the Golden Gate Bridge?

a) San Francisco

b) San Diego

c) New Orleans (answer a)

10. The two largest political parties in the US are the Republicans and the Democrats. The Republican Party is traditionally represented by an elephant. What animal represents the Democratic Party?

a) a monkey

b) a donkey

c) a tiger (answer b)

11. What colour are the taxis in New York?

a) black

b) green

c) yellow (answer c)

12. What is the New York underground called?

a) the metro

b) the subway

c) the tube (answer b)

13. How often do American people choose a new President?

a) every 4 years

b) every 5 years

c) every 3 years (answer a)

14. British people call them chips. What do American call chips?

a) English fries

b) German fries

c) French fries (answer c)

15. What do American people call their police officers?

a) bobbies

b) cops

c) dogs (answer b)

16. Which University did Bill Gates go to?

a) Harvard University

b) Yale University

c) Columbia University (answer a)

English – speaking countries

Today we have a lesson devoted to the topic «English – speaking countries». As it is clear

From the title today we will speak about those countries where the official language is English.

So, the rules of this game are the following: I read you some texts about English speaking countries but I don’t mention the name of the country. You listen to me very attentively and try to guess this country. If the answer is right you will win two points.

«English – speaking countries».
This country is situated on a group of islands lying in the north-west part of the continent of Europe. There are no high mountains, no very long river, and no great forest in this country. The population of the country is almost fifty-six million. It is a capitalist’s country. The head of the state is the Queen. This country consists of four parts. (The United Kingdom of Great Britain)

This country is situated in the central part of the North American continent. The population of the country is more then 236 million people. It | is a highly developed industrial country. It is one of the richest countries in the world. It is washed by two oceans: the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It is the fourth largest nation in the world. The head of the state is President. (The United States of America)

This country has an area of nearly 10 million square kilometers. Its western coast is washed by the Pacific Ocean and its eastern coast by the Atlantic Ocean. The population of the country is over 26 million people. It is a federal state. There are two official languages in this country: English and French. (Canada)

This country is situated south-east of Australia. The country consists of the large islands called North Island, South Island and Stewart Island and also many small islands. The population of the country is over three million people. It is a capitalist self-governing state and a member of the Commonwealth. (New Zeeland)

The territories of this country are the whole continent, the island of Tasmania and number of smaller islands. The country has an area of nearly eight million square kilometers. The population of this country is ou-i sixteen million people. You can meet amazing animals in this country such as panda, kangaroo and many others. {The Commonwealth of Australia)

Задание «Quiz»
Well, the rules of the quiz are the following. Each team should choose a sector they like and 1 read you a question for this sector, For each right answer you'll get three points. If your answer is wrong the other team may answer the same question. Take turns in choosing the sectors. Are the rules clear?

Задания для сектора "Countries "

Which country consists of four parts having their own capitals? {The UK)

What country is famous with constant floods, cyclones and droughts? (Australia)

Which of English-speaking countries has practically every kind of climate? {The USA)

What country is famous for its flora and fauna? {Australia)

The flag of which country is called "Stars and Stripes"?

Which country is situated between two parts of the other country? (Canada)

Which country is famous for the bird kiwi? (New Zeeland)

Задания к сектору "Cities "

What is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain? {London)

What is the capital of the United States of America? {Washington)

What is the capital of Australia? {Canberra)

What is the capital of New Zeeland? {Wellington)

What is the capital of Canada? {Ottawa)

Where can you visit the Tower? {London)

What city is famous as a city of casinos? {Las Vegas)

Задания к сектору "People "

Who discovered America? {Christopher Columbus)

Who was the first president of the United States of America: Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln or George Washington? (George Washington)

What nationality are the famous writers Mark Twain and Jack jLondon? {They are Americans)

What is the name of the Queen of the United Kingdom? {Elisabeth II)

Задания к сектору "Facts "

Australia is a(n) peninsula, island, continent or city? {Island continent)

What currency is used in New Zeeland: the New Zeeland pound, the INew Zeeland shilling or the New Zeeland dollar? {The New Zeeland dollar)

Canada has two official languages. What are they? English and ppanish, English and French, English and Irish? {English and French)

What is the national symbol of Canada? The bald eagle, the maple leaf or the magnolia tree? {The maple leaf)

What are the colours of the Irish flag: orange, green and white; red, white and blue or red and white? {Orange, green and white)

What is one of the Australia's most famous and best-loved animals: Ihe penguin, the eagle or the koala? {The koala)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain

and Northern Ireland

(Поле чудес)

Сначала мы выберем участников. Слушайте внимательно мои вопросы. Те, кто первыми дадут на них правильные ответы, встанут у нашего чудесного барабана!

Если на барабане выпадает сектор «Приз», в класс вносится черный ящик. Но чтобы получить приз, участник должен отгадать загадку. Если он не знает ответа, то любой другой участник игры или кто-то из зрителей имеет право ответить и получить приз.

What am I?

I am hot.

I live in the sky.

I am bright.

Don't look straight at me.

I disappear in the night. (Sun)
I use a long track.

I transport heavy loads.

Many tourists use me.

Watch for lights to stop for me.

I will show you beautiful scenery. (Train)
Please blow air in me.

I come in many colours.

I'm a symbol of celebration.

Don't touch me with anything sharp.

I only last a day or two. (Balloon)
Children love to play with me.

I am not useful indoors.

Don't tangle my long string.

Look up and watch me dance.

Run if you want me to fly faster. (Kite)
I live in the water.

You can drive me.

I might make you sick.

Don't put a hole in me.

Tie me up when you're done. (Boat)
I am in your body.

I am red.

I am the symbol for love.

Blood pumps through me.

Please don't break me. (Heart)
I am red, green, or yellow.

I am a healthy snack.

I make good juice.

You can bite me or slice me.

Give me to a teacher. (Apple)
I am circular.

I go up and down.

You can throw me.

You can catch me.

Be careful with me near windows. (Ball)
I cry a lot.

I love milk.

Everyone smiles at me.

Please pick me up.

I'm new to the world. (Baby)
I am usually green and brown.

I can live for a long time.

I'm a house for a bird.

Kids love to climb me.

I need rain.

Click for answer (Tree)
I smell nice.

1 am beautiful.

I come in many different colours.

You can pick me.

Don't forget to water me. (Flower)
I have five wheels.

You need a key for me.

You can sit inside me.

Don't make me go too fast.

Please wear my belt. (Car)

I twinkle.

There are millions of me.

I will light your way.

I come out at night.

I hide in the city. (Star)

Вопросы для отборочного тура:

What is the official name of Britain? (The United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland)

What is the capital of Great Britain? (London)

What parts does the United Kingdom consist of? (England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland)

Where is the United Kingdom situated?

(На доске висят эмблемы Англии, Шотландии, Уэльсе Ирландии.) What is the national symbol of Scotland?

What is the national symbol of England?

What is the national symbol of Ireland?

What is the oldest part of London? (the City)

What river is London situated on? (on the Thames)

Учитель: Итак, я приглашаю первую тройку игроков! На барабане вы видите секторы 50, 100, 150, сектор «плюс», сектор«банкрот» и сектор «приз». Пока крутится барабан, я читаю задание

Вопросы для первого, второго и третьего туров игры.

1. Big Ben is a part of the famous building. What is the name of this building? (The Houses of Parliament)

2. What is the home of the Queen? (Buckingham Palace)

3. It is a royal church. (Westminster Abbey)

Задание для зрителей

Who wrote about Winnie-the-Pooh? (Alan Milne)

Задание для финального тура

Who wrote the book «Gulliver's Travels»? (Jonathan Swift)

Задание для суперигры

What is the name of the most famous stadium in London? (Wembley Stadium)

Счастливый случай "GREAT BRITAIN"
Игра состоит из трех туров: I тур — Блицтурнир. II тур — Кто? Что? Где? III тур — Сокращенные имена.

Детям предлагается ряд вопросов и интересных задач.

За правильный ответ дается 2 балла, за неполный ответ — 1 балл, за неправильный ответ — 0 баллов. В конце игры бал­лы суммируются, определяется победитель.

I тур Блицтурнир

Учитель проводит ускоренный индивидуальный опрос с целью определить лучшего эрудита.

1. What is the official name of the country which we call Great Britain? (The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.)

2. Name the capitals of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. (London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast.)

3. What are the main colours of the Union Flag? (Blue, red and white.)

4. Who lived in Sherwood Forest? (Robin Hood.)

5. What is the famous airport in London? (Heathrow.)

6. Where were "The Beatles" born? (In Liverpool.)

7. What is the favourite hot drink in Britain? (Tea.)

8. What is the difference between English and Russian tea? (English with milk, Russian with lemon.)

9. Name the architectural masterpiece of Christopher Wren. (St Paul's Cathedral.)

10. Who was called "An Iron Lady"? (Margaret Thatcher.)
II тур Кто? Что? Где?

На плакате прикреплены рисунки, внизу — подсказки. Учащиеся должны назвать место, событие, персону, кото­рые изображены на рисунке, с помощью подсказки.

Identify these famous British people, events and places.

He and his "merry men" lived in Sherwood Forest. (Robin Hood.)

His monument stands in the centre of Trafalgar Square. (Horatio Nelson.)

Here many famous Englishmen are buried. (Westminster Abbey.)

The Crown jewels are kept,here. (Tower.) An ideal place for sun-worshippers. (Stonehendge.) A traditional rowing race between 2 universities. (The Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race.)

He wanted to blow up the Houses of Parliament. (Guy Fawkes.)

A famous picture house in Trafalgar Square. (The National Gallery.)

365 feet high and built by Christopher Wren. (St Paul's Cathedral.)

This lady was the queen of Great Britain in 1837—1911. (Queen Victoria.)

The English author known as the Queen of Crime. (Ag­atha Christie.)

The name Julius Caesar gave to Great Britain. (Albion.)

Ill тур — Сокращенные имена

В повседневном общении мы никогда не называем друг друга полным именем, чаще употребляем сокращенное. Поэтому учащимся целесообразно знать как полные, так и сокращенные формы английских имен.

На плакате в колонку записаны полные собственные имена, в другой колонке — сокращенные. Дети должны соединить полное имя с сокращенным.

1. Elizabeth a. Mike

2. Thomas b. Bobby

3. William с. Pat

4. Susan d. Tony

5. Michael e. Sue

6. Robert f. Pam

7. Patric or Patricia g. Bill

8. Anthony h. Tom

9. Pamela i. Liz

Утренник развлечений "THE WORLD AROUND ME"

  1. White-geese game.

Children, what are your favourite games?(Дети называют разные игры на русском языке.)

We have the guests from the USA here. Let's show them our games. Let's play one national game. It's“ While geese”. All of you will be white geese. Who wants to be a mother? Who wants to be a wolf?

Учитель объясняет условия игры и расставляет «гусей» с одной стороны зала, «волка» — с другой, «маму» — напротив- гусей», затем предлагает детям повторить слова «мамы» и «волка».
Mother: My dear geese! Do you want to eat? Fly home, please!

Geese: We can't. A grey wolf wants to eat us.

Wolf: I'm hungry.

Игpa начинается со слов «мамы», которая зовет гусей.
Mother: My dear geese! Do you want to eat? Fly home, please!

Geese.- We can't. A grey wolf wants to eat us.

Mother: It's late. Fly home, please! Be careful!

•Гуси» летят, высоко взмахивая руками. Навстречу им выбегает «волк», громко произнося реплики грубым голосом и ловя детей.

Wolf: I'm very hungry.

Mother (гусям, вернувшимся домой): Eat and drink! Fly to the grass-field again.

Игра продолжается несколько минут.

2. Simon says.

Teacher: Children, do you know any English games? Let's play a game "Simon says". If 1 say "Simon says", do the action, if 1 don't say these words, stand still. Let's start.

Учитель обязательно объясняет правила игры и показывает на одном примере ее принцип. Проигравшим ученикам дается шанс принимать участие в игре в дальнейшем.

Simon says: Clap your hands! Clap your hands again!

Touch your hair! Touch your hair, please!

Touch your nose! Raise your hands! Go to the door! Go to the door, please! Clap your hands three times! Clap your hands again!

3. Sing together.

Teacher: Can you sing together?

Children: Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Teacher: Make a circle, walk round and sing. Clap your hands after each line.

Children (став в круг, держась за руки, хлопают в ладо­ши три раза):

The more we get together, together, together,

The more we get together, together, together,

The happier we'll be.

For your friends are my friends

And my friends are your friends,

The more we get together,

I he happier we'll be.
4. Be my echo.

Teacher: Can you dance? Can you jump? Can you hop?

Children: Yes, we can. Yes, we can.

Teacher.- Speak after me and my echo. 1 can swim.

Дети повторяют последнее слово каждой строки триж­ды и показывают движениями каждый глагол.

Children: Swim, swim, swim.

Teacher: I can hop.

Children: Hop, hop, hop.

Teacher: 1 can dance.

Children: Dance, dance, dance.

Teacher: I can walk.

Children: Walk, walk, walk.

Teacher: 1 can jump.

Children: Jump, jump, jump.

Teacher: I can run.

Children: Run, run, run.

Teacher: Like a frog!

Children: Frog, frog, frog.

Дети продолжают прыгать, повторить движения несколько раз.
Закончить праздник песней «The more we get together, together, together»

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Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...
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Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2 iconПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах...

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