Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации06.02.2014
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100-bal.ru > Биология > Документы

  1. Когда я пришел, в комнате был настоящий беспорядок.

  2. Кстати, мама приезжает в понедельник.

  3. Погода была хорошая, и мы с друзьями пошли в парк.

  4. Сколько людей вчера было в этом магазине? Не знаю, я там вчера не был.

  5. В котором часу ты ужинал сегодня? — В 8 часов вечера.

  6. Вы можете сказать нам, когда Вы освободитесь?

  7. Какие домашние животные живут на этой ферме?

  8. Кому ты тогда отдал мою книгу? — Я отдал ее Николаю.

  9. Кто из них переводил 3-й урок вчера? — Николай.

  10. Кто присматривает за Вашим ребенком, когда вы на работе.

  11. Мы еще не сделали упражнение на странице 13.

  12. Мы не знаем, когда он вернется из Лондона, но когда он вернется, он вас навестит.

  13. Позвони мне, как только освободишься.

  14. Сегодня я получил письмо от брата.

  15. Сколько раз в неделю вы бывали в ин­ституте в прошлом году?

  16. Вы можете сказать нам, когда мы будем читать английские книги?

  17. Два года назад она не работала в институте. Она ра­ботала в учреждении.

  18. Не шумите! Он делает упражнение.

  19. В этом году моя сестра окончила школу.

  20. Куда вы пойдете, когда он приедет.

  21. Сколько времени длился урок? — 45 минут.

  22. Спросите ее, когда она закончит читать эту статью. Когда она прочтет, я хочу попросить ее у нее.

  23. Ты был в школе или дома в 5 часов вечера?

  24. Ты можешь подождать? Мы еще не поужинали.

  25. Я встретил ее позавчера и она рассказала мне об этом.

  26. Во сколько вы обычно ложитесь спать?

  27. Вы жили в Киеве или в Минске тогда?

  28. Ее нет дома. Она сделала уроки и сейчас играет в теннис.

  29. За последнее время я выучил много новых французских слов.

  30. Интересно, закончит ли они свою работу вовремя, и если закончит, пойдет ли в парк.

  31. Кому вы вернули эти журналы?

  32. Ты был инженером или студентом три года тому назад? — Я был студентом тогда.

  33. Что вы будете делать, если у вас будет свободное время?

  34. Я люблю сюда приходить. Это очень спокойное и расслабляющее место.

  35. Я не знаю, когда я снова к вам приду. Я сейчас очень занят.

  36. Утром они не были в институте.

  37. Если вы его попросите, он Вам поможет.

  38. В прошлом году мы много работали над французс­ким языком.

  39. В этом году мы купили новый телевизор.

  40. К сожалению, дети не знают, когда вернутся их родители.

  41. Как часто вы играете в шахматы?

  42. Какие изобретения он сделал в последнее время?

  43. Куда он решил поехать на субботу и воскресенье?

  44. Он написал две статьи недавно.

  45. Я не знаю, когда мама придет с работы, но как только она придет, я пойду гулять.

  46. Интересно, закончились ли занятия.

  47. Какие книги вы просмотрели на этой неделе?

  48. Какой проект Вы сейчас делаете?

  49. Мы не знаем, когда закончится собрание, но когда оно закончится, мы пойдем в кино.

  50. Мы поговорим об этом, когда Вы придете ко мне.

  51. Он не работал здесь пять лет назад.

  52. Он очень раздражен. Они еще не починили его машину.

  53. Она никогда раньше не переводила такие трудные статьи.

  54. С кем вы обсуждали этот вопрос позавчера?

  55. Ты видел Петра сегодня? — Да.

  56. Мы не знаем, пойдет ли она смотреть этот фильм, но если она пойдет, то мы к ней присоединимся.

  57. В ко­тором часу вы вчера легли спать? — Я почитал книгу и лег спать в 11 часов.

  58. Вы обычно проводите выходные с друзьями или один?

  59. Где вы были час тому назад?

  60. Интересно, что мы будем делать, если он опоздает.

  61. Мы знаем друг друга целую вечность и всегда хорошо ладили.

  62. Мы недавно переехали на эту квартиру. — Когда вы переехали? — Месяц тому назад.

  63. Они вернулись домой в 8 часов вечера.

  64. Я напишу письмо, после того как сделаю перевод.

  65. Я прочи­тал эту книгу на английском языке и советую вам сделать это.

  66. Я не знаю, когда он купит новую машину, но когда он ее купит, он поедет путешествовать.

  67. В выходные мы ездили на прогулку на машине. Это было захватывающе. Мы провели весь день на улице.

  68. Вчера было воскресенье.

  69. Вы были хорошим или плохим сту­дентом? — Я был хорошим студентом.

  70. Как долго вы оставались с вашим братом на прошлой неделе?

  71. Когда я освобожусь, я пойду в библиотеку.

  72. Сегодня я отправила две телеграммы.

  73. Ты по­тратила много времени на домашнее задание?

  74. Я не знаю, будем ли мы читать эти книги в следующем году.

  75. Я посмотрел этот фильм. А ты? — Да, это интересный фильм.

  76. Анна получила новую квартиру. Ты видел ее? — Да, я был там на той неделе.

  77. В прошлом году он хил и работал в Одессе.

  78. Вы не будете знать английского языка, пока не начнете много работать.

  79. Интересно, узнает ли он свой старый дом, когда его увидит.

  80. Какой это был человек? Кем он был по профессии?

  81. Когда вы видели ее в последний раз? — В прошлый вторник.

  82. Мы в отпуске уже неделю.

  83. Мы не знаем, когда он вернется из Киева, но когда он вернется, он вас навестит.

  84. Что он обычно делает в это время?"— Он обычно делает уроки. Но сегодня он уже закончил делать уроки и сейчас играет в шахматы с другом.

  85. Я не люблю гладить, но я всегда помогаю маме убирать со стола.

  86. Интересно, купит ли он новые коньки завтра?

  87. Кем был Ваш брат два года назад? - Он был инженером.

  88. Мы решили послать эту телеграмму вчера.

  89. На днях он купил дорогую машину.

  90. На этой неделе я звонил ему несколько раз.

  91. Посмотри, он написал новые слова на доске.

  92. Спросите ее, когда она закончит читать эту книгу. Когда она прочтет, я хочу попросить ее у нее.

  93. Ты пойдешь гулять только после того, как сделаешь домашнюю работу.

  94. У него роскошная квартира в доме с соседями.

  95. Я проснулся и встал сегодня рано.

  96. В прошлом году мы читали интересные книги на уроках немецкого языка.

  97. Интересно, закончит ли она свою работу вовремя, и если закончит, пойдет ли в кино.

  98. Интересно, навестит ли он их завтра,

  99. Как только я приеду домой, я напишу Вам.

  100. Какой ужасный запах! Откройте окно.

  101. Когда он был в Минске последний раз? — В прошлом году.

  102. Мы обсуждали эти вопросы в пятницу.

  103. Последнее время он делает много работы.

  104. Ты видел этот фильм по телевизору? — Нет, у меня мало времени. Я много работаю последнее время.

  105. Ты показала статью Борису? — Нет, я отдала ее вчера Николаю.

2. Обведите правильный вариант ответа кружком.

1. What's the news? You look happy. ……..… good?

a. Are they b. Is it c. There are d. Are there

2. I want those books. Please give … to me.

a. they b. them c. those d. these

3. ………….I don't know a word I look up in my dictionary.

a. Unless b. If c. In case d. As soon as

4. She is a kind of person … likes to go to parties.

a. which b. who c. whom d. where

5. Have you ever been to England? Yes, I … there last year.

a. was being b. had been c. have been d. was

6. Before you …, don't forget to turn off the TV set.

a. will leave b. left c. leave d. have left

7. I heard a knock on the door but when I opened it there was … outside.

a. somebody b. nobody c. anyone d. anything

8. I hope Mike will be … than we were.

a. more lucky b. lucky c. most lucky d. luckier

9. Ann told Mother that she … buy a birthday present for her brother.

a. is going to b. was going to c. was going d. is going

10. She doesn't know if she … in time tomorrow.

a. came b. come c. comes d. will come

11. We are going for a walk. You can go with … .

a. we b. us c. our d. ours

12. A vegetarian is someone … doesn't eat meat.

a. whom b. who c. which d. whose

13. I will give you my address when I … somewhere to live.

a. find b. will find c. found d. have found

14. We don't know … about car engines.

a. nothing b. something c. anything d. everything

15. It's … to cross the river in this place than over there.

a. less dangerous b. little dangerous c. dangerous d. a little dangerous

16. Mother asked Ann what she … to give her friend as a birthday present.

a. is going b. was going c. will be going d. would going

17. I wonder when he … back tomorrow.

a. will come b. would come c. comes d. coming

18. Nick wants the money. Please give … to him.

a. they b. those c. them d. it

19. That is the horse … won the race.

a. who b. whose c. which d. whom

20. When I … in London, I hope to visit a friend of mine.

a. was b. am c. have been d. will be

21. I didn't know about the concert … told me.

a. Somebody b. Anybody c. Everybody d. Nobody

22. She was … than Roy

a. short b. shortest c. shorter d. more short

23. His parents were worried because they … from him for a long time.

a. didn't hear b. haven't heard c. hadn't heard d. don't hear

24. I don't know when I … free next week.

a. am b. will be c. be d. would be

25. Steve asked Pete whether he … skating.

a. would go b. will go c. is going d. has gone

26. I … to the cinema for ages.

a. wasn't b. hadn't c. won't be d. haven't been

27. The bill isn't … as I thought I would be.

a. such expensive b. expensive c. more expensive d. so expensive

28. I met Tom … I was waiting for the bus.

a. while b. during c. then d. for

29. I am right, … I?

a. am not b. don't c. aren't d. am

30. The palace … to public in 1990.

a. has been opened b. is opened c. was opened d. opened

31. I can't buy this watch, … too expensive

a. they are b. them are c. these are d. it is

32. They … on holiday in Spain and became good friends.

a. knew b. found c. met d. encountered

33. In the South … very hot in summer.

a. it is b. there is c. is d. is it

34. … two hours to get there.

a. It took me b. There took me c. Me took d. It me took

35. I asked Ann if she … sports.

a. played b. plays c. is playing d. will play

36. I didn't know the answer because I … the book.

a. wouldn't read b. don't read c. didn't read d. hadn't read

37. We … in Paris for the next two months.

a. will be working b. were working c. had been working d. have been working

38. It was … than I thought, not yet four.

a. early b. earlier c. earliest d. most early

39. It … for two years.

a. hasn't rained b. is raining c. rained d. rains

40. He hasn't arrived yet, … he?

a. hasn't b. doesn't c. isn't d. has

41. My shirt … in Thailand.

a. was made b. are made c. had been made d. made

42. … any furniture in the room?

a. Are there b. There is c. Is there d. There are

43. Last summer … almost every day.

a. it rained b. there rained c. it raining d. it is raining

44. The teacher asked the student if he … a grammar notebook.

a. had b. has c. has got d. will have

45. If you … in time you will miss the train.

a. hadn't come b. didn't come c. don't come d. will not come

46. They live … from school than we do.

a. farther b. more far c. farthest d. as far as

47. The castle … a tourist attraction.

a. made b. has been made c. makes d. is making

48. You will not be able to come to the party, … you?

a. do b. don't c. will d. won't

49. The English language … to Britain by the Anglo-Saxon who came from Germany

a. was introduced b. introduced c. had introduced d. had been introduced

50. Ann was very upset … .

a. lately b. the other day c. one of these days d. the following week

51. Life is much … and more convenient now.

a. easier more b. easier c. easiest most d. easiest

52. In the competition I was nervous and played … than usual.

a. worst b. badly c. worse d. as badly

53. Emma bought a new watch yesterday … very expensive

a. They were b. They was c. It were d. It was

54. I'm thirsty, I'd like some cola, but we haven't got … .

a. some b. any c. nothing d. something

55. I've just seen the news … that it will be hot today.

a. It says b. They say c. It say d. They says

56. He's got a car, … he?

a. isn't b. hasn't c. doesn't d. has

57. Who … by?

a. television was invented b. invented television c. was television invented d. did invent television

58. Ann told her friend that she … the competition.

a. won b. had won c. win d. will win

59. The manager asked the worker … .

a. not to smoke b. don't smoke c. not smoke d. no smoking

60. When Europeans first arrived in America, they thought that they … in the West Indies.

a. landed b. have landed c. had landed d. were landing

61. In winter the water … and people can walk across the ice and snow.

a. is freezing b. freezes c. freeze d. was freezing

62. Some car engines work … than others.

a. more efficiently b. more efficient c. most efficiently d. most efficient

63. You like football, … ?

a. do you b. don't you c. like you d. aren't you

64. Sue asked her brother … while she was on the phone.

a. not to talk b. don't talk c. to not talk d. not talk

65. Last night … a terrible thunder - storm.

a. there is b. it is c. it was d. there was

66. Do … the students in your class learn English?

a. all b. every c. some d. any

67. If I … a vacation next summer, I will probably go to Britain.

a. take b. will take c. taking d. took

68. My father … a big family.

a. comes of b. comes from c. come from d. come out of

69. Modem aeroplanes fly … than old fashioned ones.

a. more higher b. higher c. more high d. most high

70. You met the President, … ?

a. don't you b. didn't you c. do you d. did you

71. Alice told Robert … his music so loud.

a. not play b. don't play c. to not play d. not to play

72. Europeans first … to America in the late fifth century

a. come b. came c. had come d. have come

73. In winter … much snow in England.

a. isn't b. it isn't c. there isn't d. doesn't

74. … student must study one foreign language at our Institute.

a. Some b. Most c. Each d. All

75. The boys were cold and hungry because they … a long way.

a. walked b. had walked c. were walking d. would walk

76. The train wasn't late, … it?

a. was b. wasn't c. isn't d. doesn't

77. He told me that I … pay anything.

a. hadn't b. haven't c. wouldn't d. won't

78. Steve asked me if I … him my skates.

a. would lend b. will c. lend d. have lend

79. … who spread the news.

a. It was he b. He was c. He it was d. It he was

80. You haven't worked … enough at school.

a. hardly b. harder c. hard d. hardest

81. You must go and see a baseball game. It is really … .

a. excitement b. exciting c. excited d. excite

82. Sarah … that Ann lived at number 10.

a. said b. told c. asked d. talked

83. I haven't seen my friend … a very long time.

a. since b. for c. at d. from

84. When I arrived at work I realised that I … my watch at home.

a. left b. had left c. leave d. was leaving

85. By the tune I got to the library, she … .

a. has already left b. had already left c. had been leaving d. have already left

86. 7. You and I both enjoy skating, … ?

a. don't you b. don't I c. do we d. don't we

87. The report will be ready … two days.

a. after b. in c. before d. by

88. She has a very nice voice and always speaks … .

a. quietly b. quiet c. quite d. quit

89. Dancers … are successful usually work hard.

a. who b. whose c. which d. those

90. … a pen and a book on the table?

a. There was b. There were c. Was there d. Were there

91. The windows are being cleaned … .

a. at the moment b. every week c. already d. by 5 o'clock

92. That is the house … Shakespeare was born.

a. who b. whose c. where d. which

93. Jane will pass the exam if she … hard.

a. studied b. will study c. studies d. would study

94. Kate is very … .

a. friend b. friendship c. friendly d. friendless

95. You don't mind if I stay here, … ?

a. do you b. do I c. are you d. am I

96. It is raining hard, so drive … .

a. carefully b. careful c. careless d. carelessly

97. I like small towns … are not crowded.

a. where b. which c. those d. who

98. By the time we came back, the house … by an American.

a. was bought b. bought c. had been bought d. will be bought

99. The monument … away.

a. takes b. took c. is taking d. has been taken

100. If it … I'll watch TV.

a. rain b. rained c. rains d. will rain

101. Let's go to the Zoo, … ?

a. do we b. don't we c. shall we d. shan't we

102. She always works … and does her ………………

  1. hard … best. b. hardly… best. c. harder……good d. hardest…..worst

103. The friend … party I went to is a pianist.

a. who b. whose c. which d. those

104. When my brother was in hospital, he …on by a well - known surgeon.

a. has operated b. was operating c. was operated d. operated

105. Letters have not been sent to our customers … .

a. yet b. still c. else d. already

106. You will have to be … if you don't want to fall.

a. more careful b. careless c.carefuller d. much careful

107. If you … them, they will come.

a. invited b. invite c. will invite d. would invite

108. Who…………….?

a. does he look like b. he looks like c. he likes d. is he looking like

109. They hid in the forest, … they?

a. don't b. didn't c. do d. did

100. Among my friends there are many who ………….a lot.

a. have travelled b. have been travelled c. are travelling d. travels

111. Can you tell us anything … about this monument.

a. more b. still c. else d. yet

112. Their names are known …………… world .

a. the over b. all over the c. all the d. in all the

113. What … books by Cronin have you read?

a. else b. other c. more d. another

114. Who … you this story?

a. said b. spoke c. told d. talked

115. When my friend rang me up, I … TV.

a. watched b. had been watching c. was watching d. am watching

116. I'll have to stay here, … I?

a. haven't b. shan't c. don't d. aren't

117. It was … for John to speak before a large audience.

a. rather a difficult b. enough difficult c. a difficult enough d. rather difficult

118. …………..is a beautiful lake between these two villages.

a. There b. It c. That d. This

119. Don't you want to tell me … has happened to you?

a. what b. that c. this d. than

120. I wonder … come in time.

a. if he comes b. whether he’ll come c. when he’ll come d. when he comes

121. He …………..out of doors … yesterday.

a. hasn't been …from b. was….since c. hasn't been ..since d. was…during

122. I have two rooms. One is a bedroom, and ... is a sitting room.

  1. other, b) the other, c) another, d) others.

123. You have to support your children, ... ?

  1. have you, b) haven't you, c) do you, d) don't you.

124. Something is wrong with the watch. Can you repair ... ?

  1. they, b) it, c) them, d) its.

125. I'll give the book back as soon as he ... it.

  1. will want, b) want, c) wants, d) doesn't want.

126. If it ... rain, we'll have the party outside.

  1. won't, b) wouldn't, c) doesn't, d) didn't.

127. We couldn't find the cat ....

  1. any, b) nowhere, c) anywhere, d) everywhere.

128. ... already dark outside.

  1. There was, b) It was, c) There had been, d) It had been.

3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в нужную видовременную форму.

  1. There /be/ ..................................................a telephone and some magazines on the table.

  2. There is nobody in the house. Everybody ( leave )..................................................

  3. He asked me what questions I ( like )..................................to discuss with my friends.

  4. The museum ( visit )..................................................... by thousands of people every year.

  5. Why didn't you come at 5 o'clock. I'm sorry. I couldn't. I /work/................................at this time.

  6. When he ( arrive ) ................................................. in London he will write you a letter.

  7. He said that my report (discuss)............................................... the next week.

  8. I didn't recognise him. He (change)................................................ a lot.

  9. The English language ( speak )................................................ all over the world.

  10. They ( build )...............................................................that bridge when I was there last year.

  11. Tom said that he never ( be )............................................. to Disneyland.

  12. As soon as the rain ( stop )................................................. we will go for a walk.

  13. There ( be )............................. some chocolate and a piece of cake on this plate.

  14. The weather forecast said that it ( rain ) ......................................................... the next day.

  15. He just (come back ).................................................................

  16. The answer to your question ( give ) ........................................................ tomorrow.

  17. After three days of rain, I'm glad that the sun (shine)..................................................again.

  18. He said that he ( be busy ) .......................................................... next Sunday.

  19. There ( be).......................................................... a table and two chairs in my room.

  20. The guide asked the tourists if they (want)................................to see the cathedral.

  21. This film ( show )............................................................... next week.

  22. He knows London very well. He ( be ) ............................................................ there several times.

  23. When I woke up the rain (stop ) ........................................................... already.

  24. If he ( come ).............................................................. I will tell him about it.

  25. When we came, there (be ).................................... only a girl and two boys in the classroom.

  26. She asked me what time I usually ( return ) ................................................. home after work.

  27. Nobody ( know )........................................................ when he will come.

  28. He was very busy in the evening yesterday, he ( work )................................. in the library.

  29. Our students ( give )...................................................... a lot of homework to do every day.

  30. I’ll tell them about it, when they ( call )............................................ us next week.

  31. He showed me the exercises, which he ( do ) .............................................................. the day before.

  32. He is very busy, so I ( not to see ) ................................................ him this week.

  33. When I called him yesterday, he ( read ) .......................................... a very interesting article.

  34. Everybody ( come ) ........................................................ We can open the meeting.

  35. We couldn’t buy this book, because there ( be )............................... a lot of people in the shop.

  36. We wondered if he ( go ) .............................................. to London the next week.

  37. A new library ( build )...........................................................soon in our town.

  38. We’ll be able to read this article, before the lesson (begin).........................................................

  39. She didn’t explain, why she ( not to do )............................................ her homework for the last lesson.

  40. He ( read )............................................................. five books this month.

  41. When we came into the room, the guests ( sit ) ...............................at the table.

  42. How many houses ( build )....................................................in your city every year?

  43. There ( be ) .................. table and two armchairs in the corner of the room.

  44. Nobody ( like ) ........................................................., when it is raining.

  45. We wondered if he ( go )............................................... to London the next week.

  46. As soon as I ( be ) ............................................................. free, I’ll call you.

  47. He said, that he already ( see )..................................................................... this film.

  48. He is very upset, because he ( not to get )...................................................... any letter from his parents lately.

  49. While mother was cooking dinner, her son ( do ) ..................................................his homework.

  50. This work ( finish ) ...................................................... tomorrow.

  51. He’ll go shopping, while I ( do ) ..................................................... the washing up.

  52. Somebody ( phone )...................................................... me today.

  53. There ( be ) ................. a few books on the table. You can take any of them.

  54. I wondered if they ( finish ) ...........................................their work the next week.

  55. He didn’t tell us, when he ( come ) ................................................................. home after work tonight.

  56. He wanted to help them, but they ( finish ) .................................................. the work already before it.

  57. He couldn’t go to the cinema with us, he ( work )......................................... the whole evening.

  58. The doctor just (send )..................................................... for.

  59. If he ( not to call ) .............................................................. us, we’ll go to the cinema without him.

  60. He told us, that he ( go )............................................... to London the next month.

  61. They asked us why we ( come )....................................................... to their place the day before yesterday.

  62. Something ( happen ).................................................... to him. I haven’t seen him for a week.

  63. There ( be ) ............................................. a lot of people in the library yesterday.

  64. I don’t know, when he ( visit ) ............................................................. us next time.

  65. When we entered the hall, the film already (begin).......................................................................

  66. I didn’t know, that you ( be ).............................. busy, so I came round to you.

  67. If he ( send ).............................................................. you a letter, ring me up, please.

  68. These questions usually ( discuss ) ........................................................... after work.

  69. Your friends ( speak ).....................................in the corridor when we saw them.

  70. .................. anybody ( come ) ...................................? I can see a letter on the table

  71. There ( be ) ................................ somebody in that room when we came.

  72. We didn’t ask him, if he ( translate ) ................................................ this article the next week.

  73. He was upset because his favourite team (lose).......................................the game.

  74. He said that he ( be ).......................................... busy next Sunday.

  75. I will call you when he (buy)................................................... tickets for the train.

  76. There ( be ) .......................................... a table and three chairs at the window.

  77. When we came out of the cinema it ( snow ).........................................................

  78. I can't tell you the time, because I ( leave).................................................. my watch at home.

  79. Every year the museum ( visit )......................................by thousands of people.

  80. After three days of rain, I'm glad that the sun (shine)................................. again.

  81. Can any of ( they )........................................................... do this work?

  82. Ann is crying, because she ( lost ).............................................. her keys and can’t get into the house.

  83. He said that all the telegrams ( send ) ............................................... the next day.

  84. My father bought me a new bicycle because I ( break )...................................... my old one.

  85. When the teacher entered the classroom the pupils (laugh)................................. .

  86. What will we do, if he ( be ) ............................................................ late ?

  87. There ( be ) .............................................. a map and several pictures on the wall.

  88. He said that he ( want )................................................................ some tea.

  89. This popular TV programme usually ( watch ) ........................................ by millions of people.

  90. I couldn't open the office door because someone (lock) ................................................................ it

  91. I shall talk to you when the game (be) ................................................................over.

  92. There ( be) ................................................................ fewer people at the stadium on weekdays than at the weekend.

  93. I saw the accident while I (wait) ................................................................ for the bus.

  94. The latest news always (publish) ................................................................ in morning newspapers.

  95. It's the most comfortable car I ever (drive) ................................................................

  96. She said that she (like) ................................................................ her new house.

  97. I wondered if he (be) ................................................................ back in a week.

  98. There (be) ................................................................ a table and six chairs at the window.

  99. Bill put the money in the bank, ................................................................ he?

  100. The storm started while they (drive) ................................................................ home.

  101. When they soon find out about this, there (be) ................................................................ trouble.

  102. Do you know that they (be) ................................................................friends since childhood.

  103. After he (pass) ................................................................ his driving test he bought a car.

  104. I don't know when this question (discuss) ................................................................ next time.

  105. There is nobody in the house. Everybody just (leave) ................................................................

  106. They asked me if there (be) ................................................................ a shop near my houes.

  107. Tom never takes advice, ................................................................ he?

  108. He'll be ready in a minute. He (clean) ................................................................ his shoes.

  109. If there (be) ................................................................ an interesting programme on TV tomorrow, I’ll watch it.

  110. The other day he (sing) ................................................................ worse than usual.

  111. I was sure that you (know) ................................................................ her address.

  112. It happened when you (talk) ................................................................ to your secretary.

  113. I was nervous during the flight because I (not fly) ................................................................in a plane before.

  114. A very interesting article (publish) ................................................................in the next issue of the magazine.

  115. It often snows in winter, ................................................................ it?

  116. We'll go for a walk, but I don't know when the rain (stop) .................................................................

  117. He lost his job last month and since then he (be) ................................................................out of work.

  118. Service usually (include) ................................................................ in the bill.

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