Дисциплина «Иностранный язык делового общения» Оценочные средства для входного контроля

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Дисциплина «Иностранный язык делового общения»
Оценочные средства для входного контроля.
Test 1

I. Read the text and complete the sentences with one of the terms below.

Types of Bank Accounts

(1) Banks offer its customers three types of accounts: the current account, the savings account and the deposit one. The current account is an account for everyone. It is an account for receiving money from other people: wage earners can have their......paid into the account and businessmen can receive money from their customers. It's an account for paving vour bills rent and other expenses. You can go shopping without having to carry......around with you, which keeps your money safe. There are also other advantages. As a current account ...... you can have money sent abroad, buy and sell stocks and shares. There is a small basic charge every entry month and a smaller additional......for every entry. The charges are debited once a quarter

and will appear on a customer bank........

(2) The savings account is an account for money that you don't need for your day-to-day expenses. Any money put into your savings account begins earning......from the very first day. Private customers hold their savings accounts as a basis for major ...... or to cope with unexpected expenses. Many parents open savings accounts for their children. If you need money you can withdraw up to $2.000 in any 30 days without having to give notice, but if you need more you will have to write one or you will lose interest. Savings accounts are free of charge, which makes them even more profitable.

(3) There is also a deposit account that allows businessmen or private customers to deposit larger amounts of money, which they do not need for a time. Banks pay higher interest on deposit accounts. Deposit accounts may be opened only for a fixed term. But there are some disadvantages: you can...... money only when the amount deposited is due.

(holder / statement / wages / cash / charge / withdraw / interest / investments)

II. Write if these statements are true (T) or false ( F)

1 .Deposit account is an account for wage earners. T/ F

2.Banks pay the highest interest on savings account. T/ F

3. Current accounts are free of charge. T/ F

4 You can go shopping without having to carry cash around with you if you are a deposit account holder. T/F

III. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the current account?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the savings account?

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the deposit account?

4. Which of the accounts cannot be withdrawn without a preliminary notice?

IV. Ask questions to the words underlined in the text

V. Translate passage 2 into Russian.
Test 2

I. Read the text Fill in the gaps with one of the terms below.

( money prices commodity value installments wealth )


Money is one of man's greatest inventions and it is an essential tool of civilization. Money came into use within the barter system as a means whereby the values of different goods could be compared. The use of money as a medium of exchange makes it possible to express....... and values across the borders. Money circulates from person to person and country to country, thus facilitating trade and economic cooperation. A producer changes his goods for money and the.......can be exchanged for whatever goods and services he requires. In an advanced society the use of money allows us to exchange hours of labour for an amazing variety of goods and services, for example a month's labour for a holiday abroad or for a piece of furniture.

Money is the measure of value. When all economic goods are given money value (i.e. prices), we know immediately the......of one commodity in terms of any other........ Money is the principle measure of wealth. It is a great inconvenience to hold wealth in the form of money. But the great disadvantage of holding ......in the form of money has become very apparent in recent years - during periods of inflation its exchange value falls.

An important function of money in the modern world, where so much business is conducted on the basis of credit, is to serve as a means of deferred payments. The goods can be paid for three or six months after delivery or by means of...... spread over some years.

II. Translate paragraphs 2-4 into Russian.

III. Find answers for the following questions.

1. How did money come into use?

2. What are the functions of money? Indicate four of them.

3. In what way does money facilitate trade?

4. What is the disadvantage of holding wealth in the form of money?

IV. Work out questions for the words underlined in the text.

V. Translate these sentences into English using the words from the text.

1. Деньги являются товаром, принимаемым в качестве экономического обмена.

2. Человек может продавать, производимый им товар и покупать любой необходимый ему товар или услугу.

3. Покупатель может оплатить товар через три месяца после его поставки.

VI. Find antonyms among these words:

absence, increase, major, convenient, presence, same, decrease, minor, producer, destroyer, different, inconvenient,

VII. Form antonyms of these words using the suitable prefix:

direct, adequately, advantage, efficient, convenience, acceptable, likely
Оценочные средства текущего контроля.

Текущий контроль призван обеспечивать своевременную обратную связь, способствовать улучшению качества образовательного процесса, что может быть выражено в выявлении отклонений от установок рабочей программы дисциплины. Текущий контроль по дисциплине «Иностранный язык делового общения» проводится преподавателями обеспечивающей кафедры по учебно-методическим материалам, используемым в образовательном процессе.

Текущий контроль реализуется на каждом занятии и включает в себя: письменные домашние задания, письменные отчеты по самостоятельной работе, контрольные работы, рефераты, устные опросы и др.

К сдаче зачёта допускаются студенты, выполнившие всю рекомендуемую программу и представившие реферат объемом не менее 15000 знаков.
Оценочные средства для промежуточной аттестации.

Промежуточный контроль по дисциплине «Иностранный язык делового общения» проводится преподавателями обеспечивающей кафедры по материалам, разработанным преподавателями данной кафедры и проходят внутреннюю экспертизу.

Задание к зачету

1. Текст по специальности, объемом 2000-3.500 знаков без пробелов для выполнения устного пересказа его содержания – 15/20 минут на подготовку (без словаря).

2. Беседа с преподавателем на тему по специальности в рамках дисциплины.

Презентация исследуемой темы/проблемы продолжительностью 5 мин.

3. Написать деловое письмо на иностранном языке (в объеме 1000 печ. зн.), выразив в нем несколько указанных коммуникативных намерений по отношению к конкретному адресату; время написания – 15 мин.

Параметры, по которым оценивается презентация: соответствие устного высказывания предложенной теме, разнообразие использованных грамматических средств языка, степень использования пройденного лексического материала.
Примерные вопросы устной беседы:

1. What are you?

2. What is your special subject?

3. What field of knowledge are you doing research in?

4. Have you been working at the problem long?

5. Is your work of practical or theoretical importance?

6. Who do you collaborate with?

7. When do you consult your scientific adviser?

8. Have you completed the experimental part of your dissertation?

9. How many scientific papers have you published?

10. Do you take part in the work of scientific conferences?

11. Where and when are you going to get Ph.D. degree?
Пример типовых заданий для тестовой проверки / контрольной работы по английскому языку:

I. Выполните тестовые задания:

Choose the correct item.

1. How long……here? 15.”Have you ever been to China?”

A) you live B) do you live “Yes, I…..there in 1990.”

C) have you lived D) are you living A) have gone B) went

2..........I help you with the cooking? C) have been going C) have been

A) Will B)Am 16.”How long have you worked here?” “By the end of

C) Shall D)Have A)’ll work B) I’m going to work

3.He denied…the money. C)’ll have been working D)’ll be working

A) to take B)to have taken 17.”We’ll need some cola for the party.”

C)take D)having taken “I……some.”

4.She…..for 12 hours before she finished A) buy B) will have bought

Everything. C) ve already bought D) had bought

A)had been working B)has been working 18.”I need to give a message to Susan.”

C)is working D)has worked “I….her at the office this afternoon.”

5. When I was a child I…..running every day. A)see B)have seen

A)have gone B)used to go C)’ll have seen D)’ll be seeing

C)was going D)had gone 19.”Have you ever met a famous person?”

6.What….at 10 o’clock last night? “Yes, I…Maria Callas once.”

A)have you done B)were you going A)have met B)met

C)have you been doing D)had you done C)meet D)have been meeting

7.He hasn’t left the office….. 20.”These shoes aren’t at all comfortable.”

A)yet B)before “You shouldn’t…..them.”

C)just D)already A)have bought B)to buy

8.They will have finished….8 o’clock C)bought C)buying

A)until B)by the time 21.”What’s wrong with Lynda?”

C)since D)by “She…..problems at work lately.”

9.I’m afraid I…to come to the party. A)has been having B)will

A)don’t go B)won’t C)was having C)’ll be having

C)won’t be able D)can’t 22.”What’s Pam doing?” “She seems……..”

10.We went into town…some new clothes. A)to be working B)working

A)to buy B)for buying C)to have worked D)to work

C)to have bought D)buying 23.”How long have you been working here?”

11.We’d rather…to bed early last night. “……………6 months.”

A)to have gone B)to go A)Since B)For

C)going D)have gone C)From C)Ago

12.Remember…the door when you leave. 24.”I can’t stand this any longer!”

A)to lock B)lock “Calm down. There’s no point….upset.”

C)locking D)have locked A)to get B)get

13.”You look slimmer.” “Yes, I...12 kilos.” C)in getting D)to getting

A)had lost B)lost 25.”how long does it take you to write a novel?”

C)have been losing D)have lost “By December I…..on this one for 3 years.”

14.”I’m having trouble with this exercise.” A)will work B)will have been working

“Don’t worry. I…..you.” C)will be working D)am going to work

A)have helped B)am going to help

C)helped D)ll help

Пример делового письма.

AlphaOmega Industries, Inc.

123456 Motor Parkway

Fresh Hills, CA 91999

December 28, 2000

Ron R. London, Sales Director

Seasonal Product Corp.

5000 Seasonal Place

Wiscasset, ME 04321

Subject: Spring Promotional Effort

Dear Ron:

Since we talked last week, I have completed plans for the spring promotion of the products that we market jointly. AlphaOmega and Seasonal Products should begin a direct mailing of the enclosed brochure on January 28.
I have secured several mailing lists that contain the names of people who have a positive economic profile for our products. The profile and the outline of the lists are attached.
Do you have additional approaches for the promotion? I would like to meet with you on January 6 to work out the details of the project.

Please let me know if a meeting next week at your office accommodates your schedule.


Alan Stone

Director of Special Promotions

cc: Yolanda Lane, Vice President, Marketing

Encl: brochure, outline of mailing lists, customer profile

Пример факсового сообщения.

16 Zaslavskaya Str.

Minsk 220043

Republic of Belarus

Phone (Fax): +372-17-227-6589
Message for: Ms. Julia Collard, secretary, Main Office, School of Business,

Essex University, England.

Fax number: 8-10-44-181-893-5516

From: Nikolai Kapustin, Head, International Division.

Date: May 11, 2000

Number of pages: 2 including this one
Dear Ms. Julia Collard:
In accordance with our previous agreement, I am sending you a list of 13 persons (12 students and one professor) who will participate in your school’s summer internship programme in the period of July 5th – 21st.
For us to apply for the UK visas, we need an official letter of invitation (a hard copy) and a letter of support (by fax) to the UK Embassy in Minsk.
Please find attached the above list with the participants’ surnames, first names and dates or birth on page 2 of this fax.
I look forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,

N. Kaustin

Head, International Division.

Образец целевого резюме.

Ward Gantney

250 Fort Salonga Road

Northport, New York 11678

(516) 725-5237
Job target: Management position in materials Science.

-Write, edit and approve professional reports.

-Provide consultation and support to the government on contamination problems.

-Manage programs in materials and component development.

-Conduct corrosion studies.

-Supervised analytical chemistry lab.

-Conducted comparative analysis in the field.

-Set up non-destructive testing procedures.
Work history:

1991 – Present


Gage-West Corp. Supervisor, Analytical Chemistry Laboratory

Darnell Electronics, Consultant

RET Surface chemicals, Consultant


Hofstra University

Long Island Univ.

1984 Business Administration

1981 M.A. Chemistry

1979 B.A. Microbiology

Образец сопроводительного письма.

Dear Mr.N:
I would like to apply for the position of senior assistant to personnel manager advertised in the “Daily News” on 9th October.
A copy of me resume is enclosed. From this you will see that I am at present working as a junior assistant in the personnel department at James Associates. Although I enjoy my work, I feel I would now like to take on a position with more responsibility and in larger organization.
I can be available for interview at any time, and look forward to hearing from you.
Sincerely yours,

Julia Long (Miss)

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