Урока: урок закрепления знаний Цель урока

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100-bal.ru > Информатика > Урок
Шабанова Ирина Сергеевна, учитель английского языка МОУ «Гимназия №6», г. Алатырь

Тема урока: “People are different”
к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой “English –VII”
Тип урока: урок закрепления знаний
Цель урока:

Тренировка тематической лексики в речи учащихся в процессе развития иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.

  1. Учебные:

*Формировать лексические навыки.

*Развивать навыки устной речи, навыки чтения и аудирования.

  1. Развивающие:

*Развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, развивать оперативную память.

*Способствовать развитию аналитического, критического и образного мышления через использование проблемных ситуаций и творческих заданий.

  1. Воспитательные:

*Воспитывать культуру языкового общения, уважительного отношения друг к другу, умение слушать собеседника, а также корректного обсуждения других людей.
Учебные пособия и оборудование:

УМК «English VII” О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева; компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, экран, раздаточный материал.
Motto (девиз): Everyone is special by being different. (a proverb)
1. Оргмомент:
- Good morning!

How are you today? I’m glad that you are all fine!

What date is it? What day is it? Who is absent? …
Now let’s begin. The theme of our lesson is PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT. Today we are going to talk about a person’s appearance and character. And we shall practice a lot of adjectives. The motto of the lesson is:
Everyone is special by being different. (It’s a proverb.)

- Teacher: First of all, let’s answer the question: In what ways can people be different? What are your ideas? (ответы учащихся)
2. Фонетическая зарядка

- Teacher: First of all, we are different because we never look alike. So, let’s repeat some words connected with this topic.




















  • Read all together

  • Name adjectives to describe smb’s figure






















  • Read all together

  • Name good/bad qualities

  • Who is… in your class?

Name the odd word in each column:

Head Hair Eyes Character Body Nose

big big

str straight

ro round






















Give the synonyms:

cheerful – happy, joyful

well-mannered – polite

intellectual – clever
gloomy – moody

good-looking – beautiful, handsome
Here you can see some words. Your task is to give words with the opposite meaning:

thin (about hair) - thick

wavy (about hair) - straight

tall - short

even (about teeth) - uneven

slim – stout

round (about a face) – square

good-looking – unpleasant, ugly
caring – careless

cheerful - moody

well-mannered - ill-mannered

patient – fussy

kind – spiteful, strict

helpful - helpless

sociable - unsociable
What adjective do we use if a person:

  1. never tells a lie – honest

  2. helps other people – helpful

  3. has good manners – well-mannered

  4. is never afraid of anything – brave

  5. likes to communicate with other people – sociable

  6. never tells rude things – considerate, polite

  7. doesn’t like to work – lazy

  8. is happy and joyful – cheerful

  9. knows a lot about life – wise

  10. never gives anything to anybody – greedy

3. Речевая зарядка
Don’t forget!

We use the question “What does he look like?” to speak about a person’s appearance.

The question “What is he like?” is about a person’s character.
Now look at the picture. What does she look like?

What is she like?
What does he look like?

What is he like?

(работа по картинкам)
*It is always difficult to speak about yourself. In fact there are a lot of personality tests, which can help you to understand yourself better. Look at these pictures and tell me the number of the picture you like most of all.

(тест по презентации)
You can make such tests youselves! Look at the pictures! What is the person like if he chooses a … ?

  1. clock – punctual

  2. sun – cheerful

  3. book – intelligent

  4. earth – curious

  5. family portrait – caring

  6. scales – patient

  7. flowers - romantic

  8. the moon and a star - dreamy

  9. turtle – slow

  10. handshake – sociable

*I think, now you are ready to tell us a few words about your personality.

1-2 предложений: I am …

Do you want to know the truth about yourselves? We’ll play a game which is called “A HOT CHAIR”. One of you will sit down on the chair, the others will speak honestly about his (her) character. Use as many adjectives as possible.

Now you know everything about yourself, let’s have a talk about some other people!
1) You must know how to describe other people, because you may need it in different situations. Listen to the texts and find a described person.

Игра на аудирование - FACE MATCH (British Council)
2) Well done! I hope you will be able to recognize people you know as well! Guess who I am speaking about (4 портрета, выбрать вариант)

Guess the pupil! (мальчики)

He is about 15. He is not very tall, but good-looking. He wears his hair close-cropped. He is always tidy. His face is oval, his eyes are not big, but shiny and expressive. His nose is big and straight, the mouth is little with thin lips. This boy is serious, polite, intellectual and smart.

Guess the teacher! (женщины)

She is neither tall nor short. She is slender and good-looking. She wears her dark hair close-cropped. She is sociable and having a good sense of humour. She is helpful, cheerful, caring and patient. Sometimes she is strict with us. Her blue eyes are narrow but expressive, the eyebrows are thin, the nose is straight and the mouth is little with thin lips. She likes bright ideas and bright colours.

3) You’ll work in groups:

Irina Nickolaevna – your class teacher - has just received a letter from Great Britain.

She is to meet her British colleague at the airport, but Irina Nickolaevna is afraid that she will not be able to recognize her. Listen to the description and try to make this lady’s portrait using these sets.

Раздаются комплекты для фоторобота. На основе услышанного учащиеся создают портрет (работа в двух группах). Затем сравниваем с оригиналом.

…I am coming next Monday and I hope you’ll be able to meet me at the airport as I have never been to Russia before. So, here’s the way I look like: I am not tall, thin and fair-haired. I wear my hair close-cropped. My face is oval, my eyes are big and round, the nose is small and turned-up, and my mouth is small with full lips. I fact, I am quite ordinary but I am sure we’ll have no problems finding each other.

Hope to see you soon.

With the best wishes,

So, Kate is a teacher and she has brought two new pupils in your class.
The dialogue: Now imagine: you have a new pupil in your class. Make up a dialogue. I want you to use the following phrases:

I heard you have got a new pupil in your class.

What does he (she) look like?

What is he (she) like?

I am looking forward to meeting him (her).

Pupil 1: Hello! I’m very glad to see you!

Pupil 2: Hi! So am I! I haven’t seen you for ages. How are you?

Pupil 1: I’m fine, thank you! And you?

Pupil 2: I’m OK. I heard you have got a new girl in your class.

Pupil 1: That’s right.

Pupil 2: Tell me about her. What does she look like?

Pupil 1: She… (описание внешности)

Pupil 2: Great! And what is she like?

Pupil 1: She… (описание характера)

Pupil 2: Oh, I’m looking forward to meeting her!

You can find friends on the Internet nowadays. Here are some advertisements. Your task is: read the texts, choose a pen pal for you and explain your choice.

Agree or disagree:

  1. Good-looking people have more friends than those who don’t look very well.

  2. It’s better to be good on the outside than on the inside.

  3. Good-looking people are always kind and friendly.

  4. Who is the most beautiful man for you?

  5. Who is the most beautiful woman for you?

You know beauty is different in different times of history.

Beauty is different in different cultures. But good personal qualities are always in fashion.

There is a good proverb about people’s appearances: Appearances are deceptive.

What does it mean?

Meeting people for the first time we always make a judgment based on their appearances though the proverb tells us not to make this mistake. Let’s try to describe some people’s personality. Then I’ll tell you if you are right or not.

Mark David Chapmen

Bill Gates

(по презентации)

Видео – про Susan Boyle

I think, now you are ready to speak about the other people and you will be considerate doing it.

Монологи-описание одноклассника
I think today we all have understood that people can be very different. All people are unique personalities. Let’s read the proverbs:

Handsome is as handsome does.

Appearances are deceptive.

Everybody is different but we are all equal.

Which of them do you like most?
Рефлексия: Look at the board and complete the following sentences:

I have learnt…

It was difficult to…

It was interesting to…
Teacher: Your homework for the next lesson is to write a composition about your friend’s appearance and personality.

Your marks for this lesson are: …

Thank you for the lesson! Good bye!

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