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Управление образования Советского района г. Красноярска

МОУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа

с углубленным изучением отдельных предметов №5»


(учебный сайт)

Баталова Ж.Ю.,

Поротова Е.К.,

ученицы 11 И класса

Иванова Н.В., учитель

английского языка,

куратор проектной


Горелова Г.А.,

учитель информатики,

заместитель директора

по УВР

Красноярск 2010


Идея проекта родилась на уроках английского языка во время изучения темы «Музыка» (УМК Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. «Английский язык. Учебник для XI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий»). При проведении уроков по теме учитель испытывала нехватку англоязычных пособий для иллюстрации музыкальных произведений разных эпох, стилей и авторов.

Мы решили собрать информацию о музыкальных течениях с XVI по XIX веков и наиболее известных музыкантах и композиторах того времени. Были четко определены музыкальные эпохи, которые будут исследованы и представлены в конечном продукте проекта: ранняя музыка, музыка барокко, классическая, романтическая и музыка в стиле модерн.

Целью проекта стало создание англоязычного сайта об основных

направлениях мировой музыкальной культуры XVI по XIX веков.

Для достижения цели были определены задачи:

  • собрать информацию о жизни и творчестве знаменитых композиторов XVI по XIX веков;

  • подобрать портреты композиторов;

  • отобрать образцы наиболее известных музыкальных произведений для иллюстрации творчества каждого композитора;

  • создать глоссарий музыкальных терминов;

  • создать терминологический кроссворд для контроля и самоконтроля усвоения музыкальных терминов;

  • оформить информацию в форме сайта.

Для удобства использования информации выбрали форму продукта в виде сайта. Создание такого учебного пособия не вызвало у нас затруднений, так как на уроках информатики мы занимались созданием сайтов.
В результате проектной деятельности мы получили учебный сайт как пособие для изучения темы «Музыка» к УМК Афанасьевой О.В. и Михеевой И.В. «Английский язык. Учебник для XI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий». Для удобства в работе с англоязычной информацией создан глоссарий музыкальных терминов. С помощью кроссворда можно проверить уровень усвоения информации, представленной на сайте. Сайт может быть использован учителями английского языка при изучении темы «Музыка» в старших классах профильной школы. Он может также служить пособием для самообразования учащихся. При подготовке к выпускным экзаменам.

Автореферат проекта «Время течет, музыка льется»

Life is going on, music is flowing…

More kinds of music are available to interested listeners today than ever before - on records, on tape, and in live performances. There are two major traditions of music, generally known as classical and popular, although the line between them is not always clear. The term classical music is often used to describe the long tradition of "serious" music from the European Middle Ages to the present. The classics are often associated with orchestral music, but they also include solo music for instruments, opera, and choral music.

Early music

European music grew from the music of the Christian church in the Middle Ages.  In its services the church used chants - simple music for one voice. In time, some churches added a second voice, producing a kind of harmony. By 1400, composers were writing music for four or more voices. By the year 1600, music both for the church and for the courts of kings and nobles was highly developed. Musical plays gradually developed into opera and ballet. Composers wrote many pieces for two or more parts and produced a style of music called polyphony, or many-voiced.

Baroque music

The period of Baroque music (1600 - 1750) began with the development of opera, cantata, oratorio, and e, and ended with the death of its two greatest composers, Handel and Bach. Like the visual arts, the recitatives kind of music was characterized by time dynamism, exuberance, and   forceful emotional expression. Musically, this was shown by ornamented melodies and by a striking use of harmonies and strong rhythms. This idea of stylistic contrast between instruments developed the concerto form. In addition, both the sonata and fugue forms developed.    

George Frederic Handel (1685-1759), a German-born composer, settled in England in 1712. He is considered to be one of the greatest composers of the baroque period. He enjoyed both public favour and royal patronage in his lifetime. Established as an opera composer in Germany and Italy, he turned to oratorio to suit British taste. His most famous such works are ‘Saul’ (1739), ‘Israel in Egypt’(1739), the ‘Messiah’ (1742) and ‘Belshazzar’ (1745). Among the rest of his vast output, the ‘Water Music’ (1747) and the ‘Music for the Royal Fireworks’ (1749) are best known. His career was ended by blindness in 1751-1752.

Johann Sebastian Bach(1685-1750) was one of the greatest composers of all time. His music is culmination and enrichment of the polyphonic tradition of Baroque music, but also reflects the harmonic innovations supplanting polyphony. Bach held posts at the courts of the Duke of Weimar and Prince Leopold of Ko’then, and was musical director of St. Thomas’ School, Leipzig. Bach first excelled as an organist, and his works include many organ compositions. Other keyboard works include The-Tempered Clavier and the Goldberg Variations. Among his instrumental masterpieces are the works for solo violin and cello and the six Brandenburg Concertos. The bulk of Bach’s work is religious in inspiration, as seen particularly in his choral works.  In additions to 200 cantatas,  these include the famous ‘St. Matthew Passion’, ‘St. John Passion’, ‘B minor Mass’ and ‘Christmas Oratorio’.

Classical music

By 1750, composers were tired of the complicated many-voiced music of Bach and Handel. So, they were looking for a simpler musical language. The result was the music of the classical period (1760 - 1790):  symphonies, concertos for solo instruments with orchestra, and an increasing amount of music pieces for the newly developed pianoforte. This instrument is an early version of the modern piano. The classical period produced two great composers, Franz Joseph Haydn and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

Franz Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), an Austrian composer, established the accepted classical forms of the symphony, string quartet, and piano sonata. The architect of classicism, Haydn nevertheless drew inspiration from folk music in  his works. His greatest music combines vigor, lyricism and poignancy with frequent flashes of wit. For 48 years court musician to the Esterhazy family, his huge output includes 107 symphonies, hundreds of chamber works as well as violin and piano concertos, some 25 operatic works, a number of great masses, notably the Nelson mass, and other great religious works, such as the oratorio The Creation. In the 1790s he visited England, where he won great acclaim for his 12 ‘London’ or ‘Salomon’ symphonies, which were commissioned

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) was an Austrian composer whose brief career produced of the world’s   greatest music pieces. He was a child prodigy: he could play  the harp, violin and organ at the age of four and toured the European courts. He soon became a prodigious composer. Between 1771-1781 he was a concertmaster to the archbishop of Salzburg. Much of Mozart’s early music is in a pure and elegant classical style, which is also extremely lively and spontaneous. In 1781 he moved to Vienna, where he became Court Composer to Joseph II in 1787. He became a close friend of Haydn and set Lorenzo Da Ponte’s opera librettos ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ (1786) and ‘Don Giovanni’ (1787) to music. In a three-month period during 1788 he wrote three of his greatest symphonies, ‘Numbers 39-41’. Mozart wrote over 600 works, including 50 symphonies, 20 operas, 30 piano concertos, 27 string quartets, 40 violin sonatas and many other instrumental pieces. In all these genres his work shows great expressive beauty and technical mastery.

Romantic music

By 1790, another style was beginning to take over from the classical style. Composers were seeking a musical language that would more easily express their innermost thoughts and feelings. The new style came to be called Romantic, and it influenced serious musicians for more than 100 years. The first great Romantic composer was Ludwig van Beethoven. Among later Romantic composers in Germany were Franz Schubert whose songs for voice and piano are still widely loved and played; Robert Schumann, a great composer for the piano; and Johannes Brahms. The Polish-French pianist Frederic Chopin and the Hungarian Franz Liszt wrote challenging new pieces for piano, while the Russian Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky became a master of the symphony.

Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), a  German composer, was born in Bonn. His prodigious talent was soon recognized: Haydn singled him out and offered to take the young musician on as pupil in Vienna. There Beethoven’s remarkable piano playing attracted attention, as did his eccentric behavior.

Beethoven’s deafness began when he was about 30 and was total by the time he was in his late 40s. This did not interfere with his creativity, but he never heard much of his mature works.

Beethoven’s musical life is commonly divided into three periods. The ‘Pathetique Piano Sonata’ and the ‘First Symphony’ belong to the first period, ending about 1802, when he was still influenced by Haydn and Mozart. To the middle period, ending about 1816, belong works in his own individual style, such as the ‘Third’ (Eroica) and the ‘Fifth’ symphonies, the ‘Fifth Piano Concerto’ (Emperor), the ‘Kreutzer Violin Sonata’, and the opera ‘Fidelio’.

His later, more intense, highly individual works include the ‘Ninth (Choral) Symphony’, the ‘Messa Solemnis’ (Mass in D) and the innovating late string quartets, including the ‘Grosse Fuge’.

Franz Peter Schubert (1797-1828), a Viennese composer, who wrote nine symphonies, of which the Fifth (1816), the Eighth (1822) and the Ninth (1828) are among the world’s greatest. He is also famous for his piano pieces and chamber music (especially his string quartets), but above all for his  600 lieder (songs), a form he raised to unprecedented heights of expressiveness and virtuosity. As well as individual lieder such as the ‘Earl King’ and the ‘Trout’, he wrote song cycles, among them the ‘Maid of the Mill’ and ‘Winter’s Journey’.

Robert Alexander Schumann (1810-1856) was a major German composer whose compositions and music journal greatly influenced the music of his time. He did much to make known the early music of Chopin and Brahms. Though he wrote orchestral and chamber music, he best expressed his ardent Romanticism in his piano works and lieder (songs), most of the latter composed in 1840, when he married Clara Wieck, a leading pianist.

Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a major German Romantic composer. Though strongly influenced by Beethoven and the Romantic movement, he developed his own rhythmic originality and emotional intensity, while using classical forms. He lived largely in Vienna from 1863. His major works include four symphonies, two piano concertos, a violin concerto, a double concerto for violin and cello, piano and chamber works, songs, part-songs and choral works-notably ‘A German Requiem’ (1868) and the ‘Alto Rhapsody’ (1869).

Frederic Francois Chopin (1810-1849), a Polish composer and pianist, wrote chiefly for the solo piano. His music is Romantic, inspired by introspection and concern for the fate of his native Poland. Chopin gave his first public performance at the age of eight, in Warsaw. In 1831 he moved to Paris (his father was French) where he began serious composition. His chief works include two piano concertos, 24 preludes, 19 nocturnes, three impromptus, four scherzos, four ballades and many waltzes, mazurkas and polonaises. They display an often starling technical virtuosity. In 1837 he began his famous friendship with the novelist George Sand. Their relationship ended unhappily in 1847 and Chopin, already ill with tuberculosis, died in Paris two years later.

Franz Liszt (1811-1886), a Hungarian Romantic composer and virtuoso pianist, revolutionized keyboard technique and became a public idol. He was director of music at Weimar 1843-61, and then lived in Rome where he took minor holy orders in 1865.His highly programmatic music includes 13 symphonic poems, a form he invented; program symphonies such as ‘Faust’ (1854; the ‘Great B Minor Piano Sonata’ (1853); ‘Transcendental Studies for Piano’ (1852); and ‘20 Hungarian Rhapsodies’.

Peter Il’yich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893), a Russian composer, studied with Anton Rubinstein, became professor at Moscow Conservatory and gave concerts of his own music in Europe and the TUS. His gift for melody and brilliant orchestration, plus the drama, excitement and emotional intensity of his music, make him the most popular of all composers. Works such as the ‘First Piano Concerto’ (1875), the ‘Violin Concerto’ (1878) and the ‘Pathetique Symphony’ (№6; 1893) are known and loved by millions, and ballet owes much of its popularity to his ‘Swan ‘1876), ‘Sleeping Beauty’ (1889) and ‘Nutcracker’ (1882). His operas include ‘Eugene Onegin’ (1879) and the ‘Queen of Spades’ (1890).

Modern music

 Since 1900, serious music has undergone rapid changes. Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel sought to make music more like painting, seeking new "colours" and sounds in the orchestra. Igor Stravinsky's early compositions were so filled with unfamiliar timbers, rhythms, and harmonies, that they caused riots in their first performances. Dmitry Shostakovich gave up traditional scales and harmonies and composed a new musical language. The Hungarian Bela Bartock and the American George Gershwin, a composer of Broadway musicals, searched for folk themes and used them in new and surprising ways.

Claude Debussy (1862-1918), born Achille-Claude, was a French composer whose impact on history of music was revolutionary. He involved music in the Impressionist movement which was affecting painting and poetry at this time. His ideas on harmony and his innovations in orchestration and the use of the piano were highly influential in the development of 20th century music. His works include songs, some outstanding piano music including ‘Clair de Lune’, an opera, ‘Pelleas et Melisande’ (1902), and the orchestral pieces ‘Prelude a l'apres-midi d'un faune’ (1892-94) and ‘La Mer’ (1905).

Maurice Joseph Ravel (1875-1937), an influential French composer, was known for his adventurous harmonic style and the combination of delicacy and power in such orchestral works as ‘Rhapsodie Espagnole’ (1908) and ‘Bolero’ (1928), and the ballets ‘Daphnis and Chloe’ (1912) and ‘La Valsw’(1920). ‘Gaspard de la Nuit’(1908) is among his many masterpieces for the piano, his favorite instrument.

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky (1882-1971), one of the greatest modern composers, born in Russia. Taught by Rimsky-Korsakov, he caused a sensation with his scores for Diaghilev's ballets: the ‘Firebird’ (1910), ‘Petrouchka’ (1911) and the ‘Rite of Spring’ (1913). From 1920 he lived in France, adopting an austere neoclassical style, as in ‘Symphonies of Wind Instruments’ (1920), the opera ‘Oedipus Rex’ (1927) and ‘Symphony of Psalms’(1930). Having emmigrated to the US in 1939, he became a US citizen in 1945. Later works include the ‘Symphony in Three Movements’ (1942-45) and the opera the ‘Rake's Progress’ (1951). He finally adopted twelve-tone composition in works like ‘Agon’ (1953-57) and ‘Threni’ (1958).

Dmitri Shostakovich (1906-1975), a Russian composer. Some of his music is notably partotic. His works include the opera ‘Lady Macbeth of Mzensk’ (1934) and 15 symphonies of which the most famous are the ‘Fifth’ (1937), the ‘Seventh’, the ‘Leningrad’, written during the siege of Leningrad (1941), and the ‘Tenth’ (1953). His important works of chamber music include the ‘Piano Quintet’ (1940).

Bela Bartock (1881-1945), a Hungarian composer, one of the major figures of 20th-century music. He was also a virtuoso concert pianist, and taught piano at the Budapest Academy of Music (1907-34). In 1940, he emmigrated to the US. His work owes much to the rhythmic and melodic vitality of E European folk music, on which he was an authority. Bartok’s works include such masterpieces as his six string quartets (1908-39), ‘Music for Strings’, ‘Percussion and Celesta’ (1936) and ‘Concerto for Orchestra’ (1943).

George Gershwin (1898-1937), US composer. From a Jewish immigrant family, he rose to fame first as a songwriter and then with musical shows such as ‘Lady Be Good!’ (1924), his first Broadway success, and the satirical ‘Of Thee I Sing’ (1931). He also wrote highly regarded orchestral pieces, ‘Rhapsody in Blue’ (1924), ‘Piano Concerto’ (1925), ‘An American in Paris’ (1928), and an opera ‘Porgy and Bess’ (1935), noted for its unusual lyricism and emotional power. These works show the influence of Ravel, Stravinsky and, especially, American jazz.

Список использованных ресурсов:

  1.  Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В. «Английский язык. Учебник для XI класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий», 2009, г. Москва, «Просвещение»;

  2. New American Desk Encyclopedia, The. –New American Library, New York, 1989.







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