Все эти вопросы так или иначе затрагиваются в серии

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Данная серия задумана как справочно-теоретическая.

Реферирование и аннотирование научной литературы
по специальности является прямо или косвенно неотъемлемой частью профессиональной и академической деятельности любого состоявшегося экономиста. Можно не быть собственно референтом по роду своих служебных обязанностей, но оперативно и максимально эффективно пользоваться реферативными текстами, предсказуемо извлекая из них существенную, представленную в конденсированной форме информацию текста-первоисточника, необходимо.

Сказанное справедливо как для работы с родным языком, так и с иностранным. Знание структурно-композиционных, лексических и лексико-синтаксических особенностей организации реферативных текстов на том или ином языке должно сопрягаться с общими для всех языков сведениями о сути реферирования и аннотирования, их основных коммуникативных задачах, используемых процедурах (алгоритмах) их составления. Наконец, оперируя определениями того или иного типа реферативного текста, нужно четко видеть их основные отличия друг от друга уже внутри научного жанра рефератов и аннотаций.

Все эти вопросы так или иначе затрагиваются в серии.

Выпуск I посвящен, с одной стороны, языковому оформлению английских Abstract, Summary, Review, с другой стороны, в нем делается попытка через определения и примеры, если не обособить, то сравнить эти типы текстов как по их основному коммуникативному заданию, так и используемым языковым средствам на уровне семантики, синтаксиса и стилистики.

Выпуск II предлагает процедуры создания в учебных целях реферата и аннотации с использованием схемы передаваемой информации и структурно-языковых средств, описанных в Выпуске I. Даются образы реферата и аннотации, созданных на основе английского оригинального текста по экономике.

Выпуск III требует некоторых уточнений.

По сравнению с предыдущими брошюрами серии он имеет более выраженную практическую направленность. Ее можно определить как движение «от знания к умению». Дальнейшее уяснение принципов организации реферативных текстов осуществляется в процессе работы над подготовкой собственных учебных рефератов и аннотаций. Навык формируется поступательно от отдельного абзаца к законченному тексту путем последовательного выполнения серии заданий (действий) по логико-семантическому анализу текста.

Весь необходимый справочно-теоретический материал можно найти, обратившись к выпускам I и II данной серии.

Изначально вся серия рассматривалась как справочно-теоретическая с тремя основными составляющими:

1. теоретическая (определения; характеристики структуры, композиции; языковые особенности; разница в коммуникативной задаче разных типов реферативных текстов);

2. справочная (списки лексико-синтаксических структур для реферативных текстов, информация более общего характера, необходимая экономисту-практику);

3. экспозитарная (примеры оригинальных Summary, Abstract, Course Description; алгоритмы подготовки учебных рефератов и аннотаций).

Теперь же мы сознательно включаем еще одну составляющую – учебно-методическую, которая направлена на формирование умения реферировать и аннотировать оригинальные тексты по экономике.

С этой целью мы частично использовали главу из книги Е.Э. Бариновой (Ляпуновой), Н.Е. Николаевой «Принципы построения английского текста реферативного характера» (М., Изд-во Московского университета, 1986), искренне надеясь, что оригинальные материалы солидных английских и американских изданий по экономико-математическим проблемам концептуально значимы и сегодня.

Text 1

The steps in an OR problem are most typically: a background study, including the first formulation of the problem (which is usually incorrectly stated at the beginning and is continually refined); choice of measure of effectiveness; elaboration of a mathematical model; gathering data to validate, to supply parameters for, the model; solution of the mathematical problem, including judicious approximations to render it soluble, in an attempt to maximize the chosen measure; implementation, and so evaluation, of the recommendations arising from such solution. Of course these steps may be difficult to separate, or even recognize, in practice; and of course they vary greatly from one problem to another. Furthermore, it is all too easy to confuse the solution of the mathematical model with OR as a whole, particularly in writings and courses on OR, since the mathematics is at least readily definable. Thus, OR is often linked with such important tools as construction of Monte Carlo models, simulation, linear programming and queueing theory. Nevertheless, choices of appropriate problem statements, figures of merit, and mathematical idealizations, and questions of implementation and evaluation, are often more significant, and in practice more difficult.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) What are the steps in an OR problem?

b) What steps are more significant and in practice more difficult?

III. Подчеркните ключевое предложение (key sentence), являющееся авторским обобщением основной идеи (main idea) абзаца. Обычно ключевое предложение находится в начале абзаца.

IV. Подчеркните ключевые слова (key words), являющиеся автор­ским обобщением основного содержания (main content) абзаца,

т.е. его максимальной смысловой компрессией. Обычно ключевые слова повторяются.

V. Озаглавьте абзац.


The distinction between an individual and a group is not a biological-social one but simply a functional one. Any decision maker – a single human being or an organization – which can be thought of as having a unitary interest motivating its decisions be treated as an individual in the theory. Any collection of such individuals having conflicting interests which must be resolved, either in open conflict or by compromise, will be considered to be a group. These are not clearly defined formal words in the theory; rather they are vague classificatory concepts suggesting the identifications one might make in applications. Depending upon one's viewpoint, an industrial organization may be considered as an individual in conflict with other similar organizations or as a group composed of competing departments.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Найдите ключевое предложение и ключевые слова.

III. Укажите предложения, которые развивают основную мысль ключевого предложения.

IV. Сформулируйте основную идею абзаца.

V. Озаглавьте абзац.


Can any individual decision problem be represented by a numerical index called utility? This is not only possible but also possible in a great many ways, provided the preference relations are transitive, historically, there have been so many misuses of this representation that it has been totally discredited. However, once decision making under risk became in issue, the idea of a numerical utility reappeared. Since numbers would have to be attached to the infinity of possible gambles, it seemed conceivable that there might be sufficient constraints on the index to make it unique, or nearly so, thus avoiding some of the troubles usually associated with utility. To achieve such a result, it is necessary that the preference relation meet certain more or less plausible consistency requirements. Among the more important requirements were these: preference shall be transitive, i.e., if is preferred to , and to , then is preferred to any gamble shall be decomposed into its basic alternatives according to the rules of the probability calculus; and if is preferred to and to , then there shall exist a gamble involving and which is judged indifferent to . From these and other axioms it was shown that numbers can be assigned to the basic alternatives in such a fashion that one gamble is preferred to another if and only if the expected utility of the former is larger than the expected utility of the latter. If is such an index, any other is related to it by a linear transformation, i.e., there is positive constant such that is the second index. Such an index is called a linear utility function, where “linear” means that the utility of a gamble is the expected value of the utilities of its components.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Разделите текст на две части, которые можно условно назвать:

  1. Representation of individual decision problem by utility index;

  2. The Index constraints.

Укажите начало каждой части.

III. Найдите ключевые предложения и предложения, иллюстрирующие их основную идею.

IV. Сформулируйте основную идею каждого абзаца.


In showing the existence of equilibrium, we shall be proceeding in the following way. We take an arbitrary set of prices, then consider a set of excess demand vectors that would be consistant with producer and consumer behavior at those prices if they were equilibrium prices. The way in which we construct this set of excess demand vectors is quite artificial and chosen for mathematical reasons. It does not purport to represent any actual process of adjustment. We make this construction for all feasible prices, and obtain a mapping from prices into excess demand vectors, which will be a point-to-set mapping. We then draw on a fixed point theorem to show that at least one of the price vectors maps into a set of excess demand vectors which includes an excess demand vector satisfying the market equilibrium conditions. Since the mapping has been chosen so that the equilibrium conditions for the individual decision makers are always satisfied, we thus prove the existence of at least one point of equilibrium in the economy. Confining our attention to excess demand which satisfies the budget constraint at all prices is quite different from assuming that the excess demand in fact satisfies Walras' Law. It is quite consistent with the approach here that individual's actual behavior out of equilibrium does not satisfy Walras' Law. We would still set up our artificial mapping baaed on the budget constraint and prove that an equilibrium exists, although the actual dynamic processes of the economy may not result in its being attained. Finally we may note that we require only the weak budget constraint , whereas Walras' Law requires equality if the dependence of the excess demand functions is to be established.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Ответьте на вопросы:

a) What is the procedure of showing the existence of equilibrium?

b) What is the difference between Walras' and the author's approaches to the problem of equilibrium?

III. Разделите текст на абзацы. Объясните ваше деление (проанализируйте структуру каждого абзаца).

IV. Сформулируйте тему и озаглавьте каждый абзац.

V. Озаглавьте текст.

What is Information?
The term we need to clarify is information. In the discussion of computers, the word information has a rather special definition: Information is a set of marks that have meaning. Physically, the set of marks is a set of physical objects or a set of arrangements of some physical equipment. Then, out of this set, a selection is made- in order to communicate, to convey meaning. For meaning to exist, there has to be a society of at least two persons or machines, a society that requires communication, that desires to convey meaning. By convention, the society establishes the meaning of the marks. The kinds of physical objects which can be used to express information are extremely varied. Many different kinds of equipment inside a machine may be used to record and manipulate information. In a desk calculating machine, information may be stored and manipulated in small counter wheels bearing geared teeth, and usually having ten po­sitions corresponding to the digits 0,1,2 up to 9. For the purposes of computing machines, information is an arrangement or positioning of equipment, and the social meaning of the arrangement except at the input and the output, makes no difference.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Разделите текст на абзацы и задайте ключевые вопросы к каждому абзацу.

III. Найдите ключевое предложение в каждом абзаце.

IV. Проследите, как слово "информация" (ключевое слово всего текста, доминирующее существительное, предельно сжато выражающее его тему и обычно встречающееся в заголовке или подзаголовках) трансформируется в соответствующие эквиваленты и местоимения.

V. Подчеркните все словосочетания со словом «информация» и его эквивалентами. Выпишите словосочетания, являющиеся наиболее важными с точки зрения содержания текста.

VI. Сформулируйте главную идею текста на основе предыдущего упражнения, при необходимости используя средства межфразовой связи.


Operations Research (OR) is the application of research (i.e. scientific) techniques to operations (i.e., to management problems as distinguished from straight forward technical problems) It has been variously defined as “the scientific approach to operational problems for the greater fulfillment of objectives”, “a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative basis for decisions regarding the operations under their control”, and “the application of scientific methods, techniques, and tools to problems involving the operations of systems so as to provide those in control of the operations with optimum solutions to the problems”. The steps in an OR problem are most typically: a background study, including a first formulation of the problem (which is usually incorrectly stated at the beginning and is continually refined); choice of measure of effectiveness; elaboration of a mathematical model; gathering data to validate, and supply parameters for, the model; solution of the mathematical problem, including judicious approximations to render it soluble, in an attempt to maximize the chosen measure; implementation, and so evaluation, of the recommendations arising from such solution. Of course these steps may be difficult to separate, or even recognize, in practice; and of course they vary greatly from one problem to another. Furthermore, it is all too easy to confuse the solution of the mathematical model with OR as a whole, particularly in writings and courses oh OR, since the mathematics is at least readily definable. Thus, OR is often linked with such important tools as construction of Monte Carlo models, simulation, linear pro­gramming and queueing theory. Nevertheless, choices of appropriate

problem statements, figures of merit, and mathematical idealizations, and questions of implementation and evaluation, are often more significant, and in practice more difficult. A classical example of OR in World War II concerned the search of German submarines in the Atlantic ocean by shorebased US, aircraft. The true situation was not obvious, to the operational commanders, partly because the pertinent data were hidden in an enormous mass of records, and partly because the correct questions had never been asked. This is a common problem. OR is in some sense an approach or a state of mind, in the sense that asking the correct questions is often more important than supplying the correct answers. This particular problem is almost ideal, because the model may be formulated with little or no approximation, and because exact costs are available. When one must estimate the cost of customer attitudes, or, worse, the cost of human life, or the value of deterring a war, the situation is far more difficult. In some cases, the problem involves large numbers of variables, so that even if the parameters were known (and they are likely to be very uncertain) the problem would be hopelessly complex. Consider the design of a battlefield surveillance system, where the variables include many tactical and strategic situations, various weather and visibility conditions, and so forth. How is one to rank in value such desiderata as accuracy, precision, timeliness, coverage, range, security, feasibility, cost, and logistic supportability? Worse, how does one combine them to obtain a parameter that one wishes to maximize if one could in fact construct a model of reasonable accuracy that was capable of manipulation? Even in such difficult situations, it is the almost unanimous opinion of those who have had experience in such matters that OR can help. An objective and quantitative study of the situation by technically trained persons cannot hurt, except for the cost (which is frequently trivial compared to the overall system cost), and in most cases it has given valuable insight and aid to the system managers.
I. Прочитайте текст.

II. Разделите текст на абзацы и задайте ключевые вопросы к ним.

III. В каждом абзаце найдите ключевое предложение и предложения, его иллюстрирующие.

IV. Найдите ключевое/ые слово/а и проследите, как оно /они трансформируется/ются в соответствующие эквиваленты и местоимения.

V. Подчеркните все словосочетания с ключевым/ыми словом/ами и его /их эквивалентами. Выпишите основные словосочетания.

VI. Выделите избыточную информацию по внешним формальным признакам, а именно: примеры, цитаты, добавления. Укажите, какие элементы помогают вам выделить избыточную информацию.

VII. Проследите логику изложения текста. Какие мысли и положения первого абзаца находят развитие в последующих абзацах.

VIII. Сформулируйте главную идею текста на основе предыдущих упражнений, используя средства межфразовой связи.
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