This program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of

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НазваниеThis program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of
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ТипДокументы > Информатика > Документы
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  1. Field of application and normative references

This program of the discipline “Management” establishes minimum requirements for student’s knowledge and skills and determines the content and the types of training sessions and reporting.

The program is designed for teachers, leading this discipline, teaching assistants and students of the direction 081100.62 “State and municipal management”

The program is developed in compliance with:

• Educational standard of Federal State Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education "National research University “Higher school of Economics”according to its category "national research University" in the direction of training 081100.62 “State and municipal management”. Level of training: Bachelor

• Educational program 080200 (2012).

• Working curriculum of the University 081100.62 “State and municipal management” approved in 2013.

  1. The purpose of learning the discipline:

The purpose of learning the discipline "Management" is a formation of the system of knowledge, skills and practical skills, that is necessary to manage a modern organization at different levels of management, and develop the ability and readiness to adequately and effectively use on the wayof achieving the development goals of the organization.

  1. The competence of the learner, formed as a result of this discipline development

As a result of the discipline development the student should


• aims and subject of study for the basic sections of the course " Management;

• main categories of discipline " Management;

• main stages of management development as a science and profession;

• main trends and schools of management, the reasons for their selection;

• domestic and foreign experience in the field of the enterprise management;

• the roles, functions and tasks of the Manager in the modern organization;

• trends in the development of forms and methods of management under the modern conditions of managing.

• modern and classical literature on the discipline subject.

be able to:

• use the terminology of course with theoretical issues;

• orient and assess the situation in accordance with different conditions of external and internal environment;

• evaluate the effectiveness of management decisions;

• set goals and formulate the tasks associated with the implementation of professional duties;

• planning and organization departments;

• identify economic problems in the analysis of concrete situations, offer ways of their solutions, and to assess the expected results;

have skills:

• use of management theories in practice depending on the current situation and long-term prospects;

• assessment of the organizational environment;

• realize administrative functions;

• build an internal information system organizations to collect information for decision making, planning and control;

• analytically evaluate own behavior and the competitor one under the different market situations.

As a result of development of the discipline the student learns the following competences:


Кодпо НИУ

Дескрипторы – основные признаки освоения (показатели достижения результата)

Формы и методы обучения, способствующие формированию и развитию компетенции

Способен оценивать потребность в ресурсах и планировать их использование при решении задач в профессиональной деятельности


Студент способен осуществлять подбор, разработку и использование методов и инструментов исследования и анализа.

Репродуктивные, индикативные и дедуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа

Способен критически оценивать и переосмыслять накопленный опыт (собственный и чужой), рефлексировать профессиональную и социальную деятельность


В результате студент приобретает навыки по выявлению актуальных проблем и тенденций в области управления


интерактивные и

репродуктивные методы

организации и

осуществления учебно-



деловых и ролевых игр

Способен осуществлять поиск, сбор, первичную обработку и хранение статистических данных, иной информации, необходимых для решения поставленных задач.


Приобретаются навыки формирования организационной структуры управления организациями и сетей бизнес-процессов организаций

Репродуктивные, индикативные и дедуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа

Способен принимать участие в подготовке обобщающих аналитических материалов (докладов, отчётов, рекомендаций, записок и др.).


Приобретаются навыки поиска и оценки новых рыночных возможностей, разработки бизнес-моделей

Деловая игра, методы

групповой дискуссии,

публичной презентации;

разбора конкретных ситуаций, лекции, семинары, домашние задания.

Способен использовать современные управленческие технологии.


Приобретаются навыки поиска, сбора и анализа информации по теме исследования

Репродуктивные, индикативные и дедуктивные методы организации и осуществления учебной деятельности; самостоятельная работа

4. Place of discipline in the structure of educational programs

This discipline relates to a cycle of professional disciplines and disciplines, providing for basic training.

The study of this discipline is based on the following disciplines:

The discipline "Management" refers to a basic part of general scientific subjects, which provides training of bachelors in a direction “State and municipal management”. The discipline "Management" is toughed for the 1 course in the 4th module and for the 2nd course in the 1st module. The discipline "Management" en English language is toughed for the second part of the course - 2nd course students in the 1st module.

In the course reveals the role of management and its basic concepts, principles for the formulation of a vision, objectives and strategy development; discusses the procedures of analysis of the general situation in the industry and analysis of the organizational environment; the process of strategy implementation is studied. Discipline is intended to ensure the development of bachelors basic management skills and adopt the competent managerial decisions.

For the understanding of educational disciplines, students should have acquired the following knowledge and skills:

For the discipline understanding the student should:

• Successfullyterminated the course “Management”, courses ofthe bachelor basic training: "Philosophy", "Sociology", "Psychology".

•To have the skills of active perception and discussion lecturing material, to work independently with the specialized literature in Russian and English languages, to make self-management decisions, to develop analytical skills in applying management models in the solution of tasks, to be capable to create a presentation of results, to participate in team work.

The main content of this discipline should be used further in the study of the following disciplines:

  • "Strategic management";

  • "Innovative management";

  • "Marketing";

  • Research seminar.

  • Term paper, diploma work

  1. Thematic plan of discipline

Part 2 of the course (2d course, 1st module )

Section name

Total hours

Classroom hours

Independent work




Theme 1. The modern concept of management






Theme 2. The organizational environment






Topic 3. Planning in management






Theme 4. The organizational structure of enterprises






Theme 5. The concept of organization life cycle






Theme 6. Leadership in organization






Theme 7. Management through motivation





Preparation for the seminars















6. Control’s forms:

Control forms for the second part of the course:

The control type

Control’s forms

2d part of the course








Control work





12-16 sheets of English printed text (application: drawings, paintings, graphics are not included in total). Presentation in PowerPoint







Writing test in LMS system. Test consists of 25 questions for 40 minutes

6.1. Criteria of knowledgeestimation

At the current control student must demonstrate:

• knowledge of theoretical issues in the field of strategic management.

• theoretical background to solve practical problems;

• knowledge of the basic objectives of the course and its relationship with the other studied disciplines.

• consolidate the basic methods of solving practical tasks;

• mastering by the students a deeper and contingency managerial situations encountered on practice;

• theoretical studies are taught in a lecture course;

• implementthe rules of planning, organization and control of management processes in the company;

Current and intermediate control of course takes in the form of work, based on individual assignments, student’s survey, carrying out the essay, independent work and individual testing.

Assessment on all forms of the current control are set on a 10-point scale.
At the final control stage students should demonstrate:

• study and analysis the specific professional literature and manuals;

• independent study and elaboration of the additional issues and topics under the study discipline;

• knowledge of thedevelopmenttendencies in the tourism management, interaction of economic processes and their social content with emphasis on tourism;

• modern methods of socio-economic diagnostics used in tourism;

• study of the recommended and additional literature for the course;

• passing test on discipline.
To assess student’s knowledge and skills used the following set of processes:

The process №1. The monitoring lectures and practical classes attendance;

The process №2. Assessment of student work in each of lectures and practical exercises (answers to the questions of the teacher, individual and group work, and so on);

The process №3. Evaluation of the results and answers to the theoretical questions in the work;

The process №4. Evaluation of the results to the correctness of calculations, scientific value, practical relevance and innovation of the abstract;

The process №5. Assessment of individual knowledge and group work in the course in case studies and business s games;

The process №6. Evaluation of training presentationskills public speaking skills and discussions;

The process №7. Assessment of preparation quality and presentation of reports on relevant for management topics.

Final control of knowledge in the form of the exam, taking into account the cumulative system.
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