1. Грамматика: Causative Construction

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1. Грамматика: Causative Construction

2. Обучение чтению (задания на множественный выбор)

3. Устойчивые словосочетания

Теоретический материал

1) Каузативная конструкция используется:

1. когда мы говорим о том, что кто-то другой выполняет действие вместо нас: I had my hair cut last week.

2. когда мы горим или приказываем кому-то сделать что-то: You should have eyes tested.

3. когда мы говорим о неприятном событии: I had my handbag stolen on the bus.

Данная конструкция состоит из Have/get+дополнение + past participle

В разговорной речи вместо Have можно использовать Get.

Have или Get изменяются в зависимости от времени, числа и лица.

Данная конструкция образует отрицание и вопрос в Present Simple и Past simple при помощи вспомогательных глаголов: Don`t have this letter posted yet! Did you have your hair cut?

2) Как работать с текстом, чтобы выполнить тест c заданиями на множественный выбор.

1. Прочитайте вопросы, затем текст, к которому они относятся. В тексте найдите фрагменты, к которым относится каждый из вопросов. Помните, что эти фрагменты могут быть разной длины: это может быть одно слово, выражение, целое предложение или абзац.

2. Определите два неверных ответа. Помните, что в обычном тексте на множественный выбор содержится два совершенно неверных ответа, которые легко определить. Обращайте внимание на детали – неверные ответы могут содержать иную грамматическую форму или слегка измененную информацию из текста.

3. Отметьте верный ответ и проверьте его правильность. Например, найдите и подчеркните то место в тексте, которое подтверждает ваш ответ. Обратите

внимание на тот факт, что правильный ответ должен содержать информацию, данную в тексте.

4. Если вы хотите удостовериться, что ваш ответ верный, обратите внимание на различие между основной идеей и второстепенной информацией. Большое количество ошибок в тестах на множественный выбор предопределено наличием второстепенной информацией в тексте.

5. Когда вы убедились, что ваш выбор правильный, обратите внимание на то, что сформулировано четко и на то, что только подразумевается. Некоторые ответы в тесте на множественный выбор основаны на намерениях и мнениях автора.

3) Следующие словосочетания нужно выучить.

Со следующими словами употребляются глаголы:


Solve, have, deal with, overcome, run into, come up against, encounter, cause, face, be, confronted with, create, pose, work out


Find, have, come up with, work out


Have, overcome, run into, get into/out of, be confronted with, create


Have, be in, cause, get into/out of, create, make


  1. Grammar.

II) Reading.

Read the article and choose the correct answer (a-d) in tasks 1-8.

Food, dangerous food

Tired? Want something to drink? Get a Coke or another fizzy drink and feel the effect on your mind and body!

We all do it, but for many English school kids, this is breakfast. More than 50000 children who are 8-10 years old don`t eat anything in the morning and come to school tired, empty and irritable. And what are the hopes for healthy eating at school? Many schools now have a canteen where kids have a choice. And so they decide to take pizza and chips instead of salad and fish. When you are young, you think you will never die and don`t care about adult problems like obesity (being extremely fat) and heart disease.

The Heart Foundation has just started a campaign to show that bad eating habits from our childhood are often the most important causes of heart problems when we are older.

Modern eating habits are very destructive. Today`s children are in more danger of heart diseases and some forms of cancer than their parents and their grandparents. They also have to decide which food to choose, genetically modified or organic. In Britain today, the second option is becoming more and more popular.

So where do we start if we want to eat in a healthy way? First, we should eat normally but do a lot of physical exercises. It is very hard to keep to a diet, and it`s all too easy to start getting fat again. The best idea is to exercise in the morning and not to eat snacks, especially late at night! Second, if you eat meat, chicken and fish are much better than red meats. They`re good for your body and mind, too.

Third, we should remember that fizzy drinks, tea and coffee are all “diuretics”, which means that they take water away from the body. Fizzy drinks also reduce the amount of healthy substances which the body can take from food. So if you suffer from headaches or a general lack of energy, try putting away all those drinks and having lots of water instead. Sometimes your skin gets clearer and your eyes start shining – so a healthy lifestyle means prettier looks, too!

(adapted from: Neale Anderson, “Food, dangerous food”, Current)

1. More than 50 000 children in Britain

a) get a Coke for breakfast.

b) get bad marks at school.

c) come to school hungry.

d) don`t eat anything at school.

2. There is not much hope for healthy eating at school because

a) the food at the school canteen is not good.

b) children can choose what they want to eat.

c) there is no information which food is good.

d) salad and fish are more expensive than pizza and chips.

3. The campaign started by the Heart Foundation shows the Heart Foundation shows the consequences of

a) obesity and heart disease.

b) the problems of old age.

c) the children`s behaviour.

d) too much eating and drinking.

4. Why are modern eating habits “destructive”?

a) They cause more dangerous diseases.

b) They ruin the health of very young children.

c) They make people choose one type of food only.

d) They make genetically modified food more and more popular.

5. If we want to eat in a healthy way, we should

a) change all our eating habits.

b) go on a diet.

c) eat before physical exercise.

d) give up snacks.

6. For people who eat meat, it is best to

a) eat one meat only.

b) eat only certain meats.

c) choose red meat.

d) do some exercise.

7. Which problem caused by “diuretics” is not given in the text?

a) not enough water in the body.

b) fewer healthy elements from food.

c) worse functioning of the body.

d) too much pain and excitement.

8. If we drink more water, we also

a) look better.

b) work harder.

c) spend less money.

d) have shiny skin.

III. Устойчивые словосочетания

Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.

Windsurfing is one of those sports that seems to appeal to some people, but not to others. I am one of the others. It looked like an exciting sport, and so I decided to learn. I soon discovered that windsurfing means dealing with one (1)… after another. The first one that you (2)… is how to prepare the sail. After fighting with it for half an hour, I asked my teacher to (3)… me out of my difficulty. The second problem (4)… into was when I put the surfer into the water and tried to get onto it. I had tremendous (5)… in keeping my balance. Every time I managed to stand up, I lost my balance and fell into the water. This happened over and over again, until I

got so fed up, I went home. The next day I was ready for more. You may think I was crazy, but I really wanted to (6)… the difficulties and windsurf like everybody else. This time, I managed to stay on the board, but quickly came up (7)… another problem. I could not (8)… out how to hold the sail in the strong wind. In a few minutes I was back in the water, simply because I was not strong enough to hold the sail in the correct position. After a few more hours of this, I couldn`t (9)… the solution, and I came (10)… with a better idea – I gave up for ever, and I haven`t tried again since.

Ответы на задания модуля 1

Ex. 1.

1. Reports are being received of a shipping disaster.

2. The SS Close Encounter was sunk yesterday evening after being hit by an oil tanker.

3. The side of the oil tanker was damaged in the accident.

4. The lives of many seabirds have been endangered by the oil that has leaked from the ship.

5. Assistance was sent immediately by the coastguards.

6. The Mayday signal was picked up by amateur radio enthusiasts.

7. Survivors were taken to shore in lifeboats by rescue teams.\

8. The disaster is being investigated by officials.

9. Their report will be published next month.

10. A law should be brought in to prevent these kinds of accidents.

Ex. 2.

1.are made, 2. was being built, 3. must be typed, 4. have been cleaned, 5. were broken, 6. has been stolen

Ex. 3.

1. has been won by the French team, 2. were being trained by a woman, 3. can be played by people of all ages, 4. was being watched by a large crowd, 5. was sent by the secretary, 6. have been marked by two different teachers, 7. is being followed by a police car.

II) Reading.

1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. F, 5. T, 6. N/I

III) Word Formation

1. well, 2. scientifically, 3. unexpectedly, 4. seriously, 5. separately, 6. entirely, 7. necessarily, 8. incredibly, 9. considerably, 10. easily

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