Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Педагогический колледж №4


Конспект открытого урока по теме: «Fashion»

в группе первого курса

специальность 050704(дошкольное образование)

Преподаватель: Лесникова Г.А.

Март 2009 г.

Цель Урока: 1) Систематизировать ранее изученный материал по теме «Clothes».

2) Увеличить объем используемых лексических единиц.

3) продолжать развивать умения выходить из положения в условиях дефицита языковых средств в процессе общения.

4) воспитывать культуру внешнего вида; учить разбираться в стилях и направлениях современной моды.
Оборудование урока
Фотографии или рисунки костюмов; раздаточный материал; компьютер; видеоролик.
Ход урока.

Teacher (T): Good morning, everybody! Glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who is absent?

Student (S): Everybody is present.

T: Today we have some guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them. We are happy to you at our lesson.

S: We like English and try to study it as well as we can.
Introduction of the lesson.

T: Well, let’s start our lesson. Today it will be unusual. Well see three mini-projects. Look at the screen now. Look at the pictures, read these words. Could you tell me the topic of our lesson?

S: The topic of our lesson is «Fashion»

T: You are right and we are going to speak about clothes and fashion. Well speak English a lot; read a quiz, do a crossword, read a text, answer the questions, watch presentations, listen to the tape. First of all, revise the vocabulary. Look at the screen. Match the words and their translations.

  1. Glamorous

  2. Colorful

  3. Tight

  4. Flared

  5. Baggy

  6. Waterproof

  7. Worn

  8. Stylish

  1. поношенный

  2. расклеенный

  3. цветной, пестрый

  4. мешковатый

  5. стильный

  6. роскошный

  7. водоотталкивающий

  8. облегающий

Key:1f, 2c, 3h, 4b, 5d, 6g, 7a, 8e.

T: Well, let’s go on. Clothes come in and go out. Clothes change with the time. Answer some questions, please. Are clothes important to you?

S1: Yes, of course, that’s very true.

S2: Clothes are important to me. I prefer casual clothes. I feel more comfortable in them.

T: Do you try to follow fashion?

S3: As for me, yes, I do. Clothes are important because they tell people who you are.

S4: That’s true. I care about Fashion. My favorite pastime is to look through the latest magazines. I like to look round in the shops and find something peculiar.

T: Do you feel uncomfortable in the company of better- dressed people?

S5: I feel better if I know that I have Good clothes on.

S6: I do not care about it. People spend too much money on clothed. I think it is stupid. I prefer comfy clothes. All I need is a pair pf jeans. They always look cool. You can wear them with a T-shirt and trainers.

T: Do clothes make the man?

S7: I think clothes are a status think. They say, «clothes make the man» and I agree.

S8: I think, it is true. Clothes are a status thing.

T: Than is right. Fashion plays a great role in our life. Lots of teenagers think their clothes are the most important think about them. But there is another saying: « Never judge a look by it is cover»

T: The first group of the students has prepared a small video – film. They asked some student a from our college for their opinion about clothes. Here are some of their answers. Let’s see a video.

(Идет показ видео ролика, где студенты высказываются об одежде). Высказывания студентов смотреть ниже.
Student- correspondent: Hello! My name is Kate. We all- are young. So of course we have some problems. Clothes are one of them. We asked some friends for their opinion about clothes. Here are some of their answers. Are clothes important to you?
S1: Hi! My name is Ann. I am 17. Clothes are very, very important to me. They show my personality, they say who I am. It is the first thing people see when they meet me.

S2: Hi! My name is Max. I am 18. I hate when girls talk about some ones clothes all the time. I think that who you are is more important than your clothes.

S-correspondent: Do you feel uncomfortable in the company of better dressed people?

S3: HI! My name is Olga. I think you feel better if you know you have good clothes on, anything with a reasonably good label.

S4: Hi! I am Vick! I think that the most important thing is to feel comfortable. I always wear jeans and a T- Shirt. They are cool and comfy, and cheap.

S- correspondent: Do you like to look through the latest magazines?

S5: Oh, yes I like to look through the latest magazine.

S- correspondent: Do you try to follow fashion?

S6: Hi! My name is Misha. Clothes make the man. People make up their about you, when they look at your clothes.

S- correspondent: Do you like shopping?

S7: Sure. I like to look round the shop.

T: Good for you. You have done great work. Thanks.let`s go on.

I I I The 2-nd group of students has prepared computer presentation with some information about the fashion of the 20-th century.Let`s look at the screen.

Группа студентов представляет свою презентацию. «Fashion of the 20-th century».(на экране показываются слайды с текстом и образцами моды 20-го столетия прошлого века .студенты комментируют их.)

S1:Before the First World War, fashion didn`t change very quickly.Men wore dark suits. Among them short hair and moustaches were popular.Women wore long dresses and long hair.
S2:In the Roaring Twenties dresses and hair became much shorter. People saw women`s knees for the fist time. For men trousers with very wide legs became fashionable.They were called Oxford bags.

S3:In the 30s and 40s hair,dresses and coats became longer again. Men`s fashion didn`t change very much. Men wore a suit, a tie and usually a hat, too. Moustaches were less popular.

S4:In the 1950s,people were richer and youth spent a lot of money on clothes. For men this was the age of the Teddy boy.Teddy boys wore long jackets in very bright colours-pink,orange or yellow-and very tight trousers. For women jampers and blouses with wide skirts and short socks were the fashion. Both men and women wore shoes with long pointed toes. The women’s shoes had high heels.

S5:The 1960s saw a revolution in clothes. Everything changed. This was the time of the mini-skirt and long boots. Men had long hair-the famous Beatles haircut.

S6:In the late 1960s and early 70s the “flower power” style was popular. Women wore maxi skirts, men wore jeans and brightly coloured shirts or T-shirts. Clothes were very colourful.

S7: The 80s brought teenagers with punk hairstyles in red, blue, purple, green and brightly coloured make up.

T: Thanks for your mini-project. I think you’ve worked hard. We enjoyed your presentation. Thank you.
IV. T: I have prepared a crossword for you. Please, do it and you will find the name of the most popular clothes.






1. jacket

2. dress

3. sweater

4. apron

5. suit

T: Dear friends, our lesson is almost over. We have done a lot of work. What have we done at our lesson?

S: We have spoken English a lot, done a crossword, watched presentations.

T: Which part of the lesson did you like most of all?

S1: I liked the fashion show.

T: What emotions do you feel?

S: It is important to know about styles of fashion and clothes for different events in our life.

T: Thank you for the lesson, you were very active, attentive and bright.

Your home task : Do the test “Are you a fashion victim?” and find it out.

Test “ Are you a fashion victim?”

  1. You are invited to a party. What would you wear?

  1. Something new and fashionable

  2. A traditional suit or dress

  3. Does it matter?

  1. How much time do you spend in front of the mirror before going out?

  1. More than 15 minutes

  2. Les than 15 minutes

  3. About 5 minutes

  1. What do you usually wear?

  1. Casual clothes, for example a T-shirt and jeans.

  2. Whatever’s fashionable

  3. What I feel like wearing

  1. Why do you like your clothes?

  1. Because I feel comfortable

  2. Because they say something about the sort of person I am

  3. I can’t say I like my clothes

  1. You pass a clothes shop and see just the dress/suit you want. It’s beautiful-but you haven’t got enough money.

  1. I’d forget about it

  2. U wouldn’t buy it, but I would dream about it

  3. I’d borrow money and buy it

  1. How often do you buy fashion magazines?

  1. Very often

  2. From time to time

  3. Never

  1. The most fashionable colour of this year doesn’t suit you. What would you do?

  1. I would wear it anyway-it’s in fashion

  2. I wouldn’t wear it

  3. I don’t care about what’s in fashion

  1. How would you describe your style of dressing?

  1. Fashionable.

  2. Not fashionable

  3. Style? What is it?

New words.

  • casual- повседневный

  • to borrow- занимать

  • to be fashion-conscious- интересоваться модой

  • to add spice to life- придавать вкус жизни

  • for a change- для разнообразия

  • victim – жертва

Your score:

1 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

2 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

3 a) 1 b) 3 c) 2

4 a) 2 b) 3 c) 1

5 a) 1 b) 2 c) 3

6 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

7 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

8 a) 3 b) 2 c) 1

8-15: You aren’t fashion-conscious at all. You think that there are more important things in life than fashion. But don’t you think the world would be a dull place if there were no fashion? It adds some spice to life.
16-24: Clothes aren’t the most important thing in your life. However, you know what suits you and you have a personal style. But you are a little bit conservative. Why not try a different style for a change.
25-32: You are a fashion victim! You go for the latest styles and spend a lot of money on clothes. But there are more important things in life than clothes- try speaking to people and you’ll be surprised to find that they are nice, even if they wear old shoes.

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