Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Oral Topic: Computers in Education
I. Упражнения на повторение правил чтения
1. Повторите правила словесного ударения и прочтите упраж­нения в чтении:

Правила ударения

Упражнения в чтении

1. В двухсложных словах ударе­ние, как правило, падает на пер­вый слог.

`student, `teacher, `paper, `voltage, `concept, `final, `useful, `unit, `differ, `process, `cursor, `basis

2. В трех- и четырехсложных словах ударение обычно падает на третий слог от конца, причем ударная гласная произносится кратко, согласно своему чтению в закрытом слоге.

`element, `energy, `integral, cur`riculum, `calculate, `processor, `monitor, bi`ology, `comfortable, tech`nology, `seminar, `operate, `quantity, psy`chology

3. Если слово состоит из пяти и более слогов, то оно обычно имеет два ударения: главное - на треть­ем слоге от конца, и второстепен­ное – на пятом слоге от конца слова.

,uni`versity, ,possi`bility, ,elect`ricity, ,engi`neering, ,inex`perienced, ,immo`bility, i,mmuta`bility, ,supple`mentary, i,rregu`larity, o,rigi`nality

4. В существительных с суффик­сом -tion главное ударение падает на гласную, предшествующую суффиксу.

inst`ruction, se`lection, ,insti`tution, ,ope`ration, ,combi`nation, co,mmuni`cation, ,appli`cation, ,calcu`lation

5. В словах с префиксами a-, bе-, соm-, соn-, dis-, mis-, in-, im-, pre-, re- ударение падает на второй слог.

a`mount, a`ssign, be`side, be`long, com`pile, con`cede, con`cave, com`pare, dis`cover, dis`placement, mis`chief, mis`deed, im`pair, im`portant, in`famous, in`frequent, pre`pare, pre`clude, re`lease, re`mainder, con`duct

6. В сложных существительных, как правило, ударение падает на первый слог.

`textbook, `Englishman, `newspaper, `keyboard, `database, `spreadsheet, `feedback, `framework, `hardware, `software, `kilobyte

2. А. Прочтите слова, определив ударную гласную:

member, logic, input, interesting, arithmetic, algebra, conform, become, along, compact, miscarry, display, immoral, inform, rerun, replace, predict, kilobit, network

В. Прочтите слова, определив слоги с главным и второстепенным ударениями:

introductory, anniversary, examination, conversation, agitation, transformation, education, repetition, hexadecimal, indivisible, elasticity, generality, allocation
II. Лексика

3. Догадайтесь о значении следующих интернациональных слов. Проверьте по словарю их транскрипцию и перевод:

ideal, mass, material, final, concept, theory, fact, element, principle, assistant, assist (v), integral, basis

4. Прочтите слова школьного минимума. Вспомните их значение:

become (v), build (v), discover (v), following (a), free (a, v), mistake (n), prepare (v), repeat (v), until (prep), useful (a), vocabulary (n), world (n)

5. Прочтите и запомните новые слова:

1. aim [eım] – цель

Syn. goal

The microcomputer ideally answers the aims of mass education. The aim of this computer programme is to make the process of learning interesting and easy.

2. correct [kə`rekt] – правильный

Syn. right

This answer is correct. The method of the experiment isn’t correct.

3. aid [eıd] – 1) помогать; 2) помощник, помощь

visual aids – наглядные пособия

Computers aid to carry out scientific experiments. We build up large data banks of information with the aid of computers. Computer programs can be good visual aids as, for example, “electronic blackboards”.

4. drill – обучать, тренировать; тренировка

Computers can drill students in vocabulary or arithmetic. They can repeat the drill if students’ answers are not correct.

5. curriculum [kə`rıkjuləm] – учебный план, программа

pl. curricula

The computer is a part of the curriculum in schools and institutes today. Secondary school curricula in England include (включают) mathematics, science, foreign languages, history and other subjects.

6. figure [`fıgə] – 1) цифра; 2) рисунок, чертеж

pl. figures – арифметика

We separate (отделяем) figures of numbers into groups of three so, that it becomes easy to read large numbers. Figure 2 illustrates a magnetic disk. Computers can drill students in figures.

7. programming [`prəυgræmıŋ] – программирование

programming languages – языки программирования

There are some forms of programming for the computer. One of the forms of programming is the construction of programs which accept (принимают) instructions in standard words and translate these words into a machine language. BASIC is a programming language for solving mathematical and business problems.

8. select [sı`lekt] – отбирать, сортировать

selection [sı`lek∫ən] – отбор

Every teacher must learn how to select computer programs. This selection is important to make the computer an integral part of the curriculum.
6. Замените слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами:

1. The (цель) of this research is to study the application of laser in computers. 2. The solution to the problem is (правильное). 3. Each group of three (цифры) is called a period. 4. Our new school (учебный план) includes the most important problems of information science. 5. A computer can repeat the (тренировка) over and over again. 6. We'll discuss the principles and methods of (программирование) at this seminar. 7. The (отбор) of educational programs is an important task for a teacher. 8. With the (помощь) of computers teachers can make their lessons more creative and interesting.
7. Заполните пропуски словами из упр. 5:

1. Computer programs ... students in many aspects of knowledge. 2. BASIC and PASCAL are popular ... languages. 3. Help me, please, to ... a useful computer program to study English grammar. 4. The ... of our seminar is to discuss some problems of computer technology. 5. If your answers are ..., you’ll pass the exam. 6. Computers are often used as ... to demonstrate different phenomena. 7. This ... illustrates all the sections of the central processing unit. 8. The primary school ... includes reading, writing, arithmetic, nature study, drawing, etc.
8. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания. Обратите внимание на употребление существительного слева в качестве определения:

laboratory science, laboratory experiment, examination courses, computer equipment, computer language, computer screen, computer technology, computer studies.
9. Обратите внимание на отрицательное значение префиксов in(im)-, un-, il-, ir-, употребляемых с прилагательными. Прочтите и переведите слова:

Model: expensive – дорогой; inexpensive – недорогой

indirect, unusual, illogical, irrational, unimportant, impracticable, illegal, irregular, independent, impossible, incorrect.
10. Определите значение выделенных слов и словосочетаний по контексту и словообразовательным элементам. Укажите индекс соответствующего им перевода:

1. Until 1980s there was a computer assisted instruction primarily in universities. 2. The computer can point out mistakes and repeat the drill. 3. Pupils may learn more about the computer if they become interested. 4. In a well-run school the computer can function as a teacher's assistant. 5. One of the problems in computer assisted instruction is the projection of teaching systems. 6. A computer ideally answers the aims of mass education from primary school on up.

а) обучение с помощью компьютера; б) указывать ошибки; в) и выше; г) заинтересоваться; д) в школе с хорошей организацией дела; е) проектирование обучающих систем; ж) выполнять функции.
11. Прочтите текст и перечислите ключевые вопросы, затронутые в нем:

The use of computers in education is not new but until 1980s there was a computer assisted instruction primarily in universities. With the coming1 of inexpensive microcomputers their applications have become more versatile2. Today we can see the microcomputer in schools, institutes, universities, in training teachers, engineers, businessmen. It ideally answers the aims of mass education from primary school on up.

In many subjects the personal computer helps to do long or complex calculations. In others it builds up large data banks. Computers are very useful to drill students in spelling3, vocabulary or arithmetic. They can point out mistakes and repeat the drill. A student may go on to the next question if his answers are correct. He can learn the material at his own pace.

Computers help much in teaching laboratory sciences. A student can carry out, on the computer screen, long, expensive or otherwise impracticable experiments in physics, chemistry, or social sciences.

So the computer is a part of school or institute curricula today. It can drill students in the facts and figures which they are to know. It can aid to carry out scientific experiments. At the same time students learn something about the computer and programming, and they may learn more if they become interested. In England, for example, most examination courses in computer studies have some or all of the following elements: history of computers, principles of programming, computer languages, computer applications, social problems of computer technology, etc.

In a well-run school with creative educational aims, the computer can function as a teacher’s assistant. It can free teachers to do what teachers ought to do – help students to discover the world.

Every teacher should prepare himself for the application of computer technology. The ability to operate the computer is an important basic skill today. A teacher must become familiar4 with computer equipment (hardware) and know how to use this hardware in the classroom. He must learn how to select computer programs (software) to make them an integral part of his lesson plans. He also must have basic knowledge to discuss uses and effects of computer technology with students and other teachers.

There are some groups of problems in computer assisted instruction (CAI): the elaboration5 of the theory of CAI on the basis of modern scientific concepts; the creation of the CAI technology; psychological and pedagogical questions of the projection of teaching systems. The final aim of such systems is to make the process of learning interesting and easy.


1with the coming – с появлением

2have become more versatile [`vɜ:sətaıl] – стали более многосторонними

3spelling – правописание

4to become familiar [fə`mıljə] – близко познакомиться

5elaboration [I,læbə`rеı∫(ə)n] – разработка
12. Подберите из текста 2–3 предложения, дополняющие со­держание данных предложений:

1. The use of computers in education is not new. 2. The microcomputer ideally answers the aims of mass education. 3. The computer in schools and institutes is a part of the curriculum today. 4. Every teacher should prepare himself for the application of computer technology. 5. There are some groups of problems in computer assisted instruction.
13. Подтвердите или опровергните следующие утверждения. Используйте выражения: Thats (not) right. That’s (not) correct, It’s incorrect, It’s possible, It’s impossible.

Models: 1. Until 1980s there was a computer assisted instruction primarily in universities. – That’s right. Until 1980s there was a computer assisted instruction primarily in universities.

2. The microcomputer doesn’t answer the aims of mass education. — That’s incorrect. The microcomputer ideally answers the aims of mass education.

1. In many subjects the personal computer helps to do calculations. 2. Computers are very useful to drill students in vocabulary or arithmetic. 3. A student may go to the next question if his answers are incorrect. 4. A student can carry out on the computer screen experiments in physics, chemistry, or social sciences. 5. The computer can't function as a teacher's assistant. 6. The ability to operate a computer is an unimportant skill. 7. Every teacher must become familiar with the computer equipment. 8. A teacher needn’t know how to select computer programs.
14. Дайте развернутые ответы на следующие вопросы:

1. Is the use of computers in education new? 2. How can computers help students in different subjects? 3. How can computers help in laboratory sciences? 4. Why is the computer a part of the curriculum today? 5. What elements have the examination courses in computer studies in England? 6. Can the computer function as a teacher’s assistant? 7. What should every teacher do to prepare himself for the application of computer technology? 8. What problems are there in computer assisted instruction?
15. Обсудите в парах возможности использования компьютера в учебном процессе.

16. Сделайте сообщение о задачах учителя в деле компьютери­зации учебного процесса.

17. Вы считаете, что компьютеризация значительно повысит эффективность учебного процесса. Убедите в этом своих коллег-учителей.
18. Вы – сотрудник фирмы "Мультимедиа Технологии" (Моск­ва). Прорекламируйте обучающий курс английского языка "English Gold". Следующая информация сделает Вашу рекламу более убеди­тельной:

– Volume – 500 megabytes!

– Dialogue with a computer by microphone!

– Dictations under computer control!

– Slide-films with subtitles in English and Russian!

– 12,000 words with pronunciation patterns!

– 3,000 words with illustrations!

– Grammar with the sound!

– Texts are read by BBC announcers!

– $130

Words and expressions to help you:

1) advantages of the computer assisted teaching course – преимущества компьютерного обучающего курса;

2) to suit the aims of independent work – соответство­вать целям самостоятельной работы;

3) to record all the stages and results of student's work – записывать все стадии и результаты работы обучаю­щегося;

4) to work in a dialogue mode – работать в диалоговом режиме;

5) to display words, still or moving pictures – демон­стрировать слова, неподвижные или двигающиеся кар­тинки;

6) to master vocabulary (grammar) – овладеть лексикой (грамматикой).

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