Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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Подготовила и провела учитель английского языка Соловьева Ю. А.


Урок- проект в 9 классе на тему: ”Table manners”.

Цель: учить как вести себя за столом.

Aim: to teach how to behave at the table.

Tasks: to remember how to wish each other well on different celebrations, try to congratulate with holiday (Valentine’s Day) and invite friends to take part in celebrating, reading and speaking about some rules at the table.

Актуальность данного проекта в том, чтобы научить ребят правилам этикета, в умении поддерживать разговор за столом и в приглашении на праздник (подготовка и проведение), формирование норм поведения.

  1. Запуск проекта.

А) При прохождении темы “English meals” столкнулись с тем, что правила поведения за столом и другие нормы поведения детям понравились, и они изъявили желание выполнить творческий проект на данную тему. После выбора темы, определились с датой, те они решили приурочить его к дню Святого Валентина – 14 февраля.

Б) Распределение обязанностей в выполнении проекта, ролей внутри группы.

2. Реализация проекта.

А) Сбор информаций о правилах поведения за столом, о праздниках вообще и о дне влюбленных отдельно.

Б) Планирование, создание макета, консультации с учителем.

3. Презентация проекта.

Ход мероприятия.


Сообщение темы, цели и задач урока.

Teacher: Today we shall speak about table manners. First of all we’ll name some holidays you like, wish each other well and try to invite your friends.

Речевая зарядка.

На доске слова для использования: New Year, Christmas, the Independence Day, Thanksgiving Day, Halloween, Easter, St Valentine’s Day, Boxing Day, celebrate, wishes, congratulate, health, wealth, happiness, in a good mood, in high spirit, not alone, be your friend, present, gift, tasty things, enjoy yourself, favourite, fun, visit.

  1. Teacher: As you know, before starting a celebration we congratulate each other on it and now you should congratulate your friend on holidays, then you should respond in a very polite way one by one.

(Учащиеся по цепочке поздравляют друг друга с любым праздником и отвечают на поздравление). Ex. Marry Christmas to you! –The same to you

- Thanks a lot ! -With pleasure! In my opinion it’s the best holiday!

Teacher: Life is constantly changing. Some holidays have become history. One of the old is Shrovetide (only the Day of Pardon is celebrated nowadays). Holidays are always fun. St Valentine’s Day has appeared not long ago. I want you to retell poems devoted to the holiday.

II. Retelling poems.

  1. Just a little note to say:

“Have a happy Valentine’s Day!”

  1. I hope that Valentine’s Day

Will bring you lots of fun!

He thinks you’re extra- specially nice,

And so does everyone!

  1. You’d make the nicest Valentine

That there could ever be!

And so I’m asking:

“Pretty, please, be Valentine with me?”

  1. Here’s a Valentine

And this is what it’s for –

To say that every day

You are loved

More and more and more!

Repeat these words after me:

Cupid, in honour of , a martyr, a priest, a prison, to spread, Christ, to cure, a jailer, blind, an arrow, bow, candy, poem, letter, bishop, to be beheaded, present, ribbon, lace, yarn, to sign, a law, an emperor, to be burned, stake.

III. Now listen to the text. In England and in America the 14th of February is St. Valentine’s Day. It is not a national or religious holiday. It is named in honour of two Christian martyrs. Their names were Valentine. The first Valentine was Christian priest. He was put into prison, because he spread the teaching of Christ. He cured the jailer’s blind daughter and wrote her a letter which he signed “From your Valentine”. He was beheaded. The second Valentine was an Italian bishop. He was put into prison, because he secretly married people, contrary to the laws of the Roman emperor. The legend says he was burned at the stake.

Boys and girls and grown-ups send valentines to their friends on this day. A Valentine is a little picture with a little poem or some kind of words on it. Pupils make Valentines for their teachers. They are made of coloured paper, lace, yarn, ribbons. The symbols of Valentines are red hearts, birds, love letters, candies, chocolates, Kisses and Cupid with a bow and an arrow.

IV. St. Valentine’s Day is one of the favourite holidays in the English-speaking countries. You know how to be polite in such situations, but how to sound polite when you are speaking with a person? Will you answer tag questions?

  1. St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends, hasn’t it?

  2. Cupid, the Roman god of love, is one of the symbols of the day, isn’t it?

  3. Valentine was a Christian priest, wasn’t it?

  4. He married couples contrary to the laws of the Roman Empire, didn’t he?

  5. Most people send ”valentines”, greeting cards, don’t they?

V. Релаксационный момент.

Everyone has a Valentine card. Please, write your wishes on them and give them to any person you like.

VI. To my mind we are ready to invite our friends or you were invited to them.

Don’t forget to write an invitation card, and to come in time to the party.

Teacher: Now children, name rules of behavior at the table. Here they are: a) Wash your hands with soap before breakfast, dinner, supper.

b) Don’t eat fast and don’t talk when you eat.

c) Don’t make faces when you see food that you don’t like.

d) Don’t put your knife in your mouth.

e) Don’t put your elbows on the table.

f) Hold your fork in the left hand and your knife in the right hand when you eat.

g) Say “Please” when you ask people to give you something.

h) Say “Thank you” after each meal.

(Ребята читают предложения и переводят).

VII. Test yourself

  1. What are the places for knives, forks and spoons by each plate?

Answer: fork – to the left of the plate; knife-to the right of the plate (sharp edge towards the plate); spoon – to the right of the knife; napkin – to the left of the fork.

  1. What should you do if someone asks you a question while you have food in your mouth?

Answer: Remember never to talk when a mouth is fool of food. (Hold pointer finger up to your mouth to signal to that person that you have food in your mouth and to please wait a minute; finish chewing food, swallow, and then answer.

  1. When should you begin to eat your meal?

Answer: After all the plates are served, unless the host or hostess asks you to start eating.

  1. When you finish eating, what should you do with the silverware?

Answer: Place your knife, fork and spoon across the dinner plate. It lets other know you have finished eating.

  1. What should you do with the spoon after stirring coffee?

Answer: Place the spoon across the edge of the saucer or on a napkin.

  1. What should you do if you spill food on your clothes?

Answer: Go to a sink. Get clean cloth. Wet it with COLD water. Lemon will help you to get rid of the spots. Gently rub the area with the wet cloth. If the stain does not go away, you may need to change clothes. The longer food remains on clothes, the harder it will be to remove the stain.

  1. Mother has cooked you’re your favorite cake. You’re the first to serve yourself. Answer: You should leave the biggest piece for someone else because others like the dish also.

  2. What should you do if you are eating alone?

Answer: Avoid bad eating habits – like standing when eating – just because there’s no one there to see you. Plan a wholesome menu instead of stand-up snacks, and eat slowly, seated.

A pretty setting, a colourful napkin or a gift mug promotes happy memories and a pleasant state of mind when having a meal alone.

(Клементьева Т.Б, Happy English 2, Reader, Unit 7, p.157)

VIII. The next task: to look at the picture, on which Dennis and his friends are sitting at the table. What is right and what is wrong in their behavior?

  • Speak (talk) with one’s mouth full

  • Put the table napkin on one’s knees

  • Reach across for the salt

  • Use the fork, spoon and knife properly

  • Put one’s elbows on the table

  • Wave the knife/fork in the air

  • Lift a soup bowl to one’s mouth

  • Eat noiselessly

  • Sit up straight

  • Lick your fingers

  • Say thank you when you finish your meal

Say what they should and shouldn’t do at the table.

IX. Quiz : Are you well- mannered?

  1. Who is the first to finish the telephone conversation?

  1. The one who calls

  2. The one who is called

  3. The one who is older

  1. What would you do if a person sneezes (чихает) in your presence?

  1. You say “Be healthy”

  2. You pay no attention to it

  1. What would you do if you sneeze in the presence of other people?

  1. You say “I am sorry”

  2. You keep silence

  1. What would you do if you see a person carrying heavy things?

  1. You offer your help

  2. You pay no attention

Count your score. You get 2 points for each correct answer.

Answers: 1a,2b,3a,4a.

If you have 8 points you are well- mannered. If you have 4 points, you should pay attention to your manners.

X. Your hometask: make a poster, about table manners for your school canteen. You may use: Always eat… You should… You shouldn’t…

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