Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации18.05.2014
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100-bal.ru > Информатика > Документы
Тема: «Exploring the Moon»
Кононова В.М., учитель высшей квалификационной категории

Почётный работник общего образования РФ
Общая информация об уроке
Количество учащихся в группе-9

Уровень : Pre-Intermediate

Класс: 8

Учебно-методические задачи урока

  • Научить составлять монологическое высказывание с использованием аудио, видео и печатных источников информации и извлекать необходимую информацию из прочитанного и прослушанного.

Целевая установка

  • Использование новой лексики в речи, использование модальных глаголов для выражения предположения, использование в речи условных предложений.

Оснащение урока:
Используются: УМК “ Opportunities” Pre- Intermediate, Longman, фрагмент фильма “ Apollo-13”, аудиозапись к 5 модулю УМК, раздел “ Communication”статьи из Internet’a , раздаточный материал для работы с материалами статей.

Активная лексика

Location, size, diameter, atmosphere, magnetic field; extremely, enormous, holiday resort, to solve.
Формы работы

  • Фронтальная индивидуальная

  • В группах

  • В парах.

Этапы урока
I Introduction. Students are offered to watch a 2-minute episode from the film

II After that they are invited to express their guesses about what they saw happening

in the episode. The suppositions should include model verbs may, can, must.

Model: This may be a film about space travels.

Possible answers. This can be a film about traveling to the Moon.

This episode must be about exploring space.

This must be about the first flight to the Moon.

It may be about people’s landing on the Moon.

III Telling the students the aim of the lesson: We are going to read and to listen about exploration of the Moon and you will have to use the information from the lesson for preparing your reports about possibilities of people of using this planet.

IV Pre-reading discussion. What do you know about the Moon?

Possible answers. It’s the satellite of the Earth/ our planet.

People have landed on the Moon.

There are craters /mountains on the Moon.
V Reading the article “The Moon” and filling in the right column of the chart.
VI Discussing the information from the article

  1. with all the group;

  2. listening to a student giving a talk based on the data from the chart.

(Grammar constructions recommended for use: there is /are, there isn’t/aren’t

Passive Voice)
VII Pre-listening tasks.

  1. Now, let’s dream a little bit. What do you think people will be able to do and how their life will change if journeys to the Moon become possible?

Model: If journeys to the Moon become possible, people will spend their holidays there because it’s very cool.

  1. Introducing of the words and phrases that may cause difficulties in understanding while listening

extremely important- very important

enormous- very big

a holiday resort – a place to spend holidays at

to solve a problem – to make a decision on the problem

  1. Reading the questions on page 69 and making guesses ( individual work )

VIII Listening to the documentary and checking the guesses made ( individually)

  1. discussing the answers in groups;

  2. presentation of the material by one group using the questions ;

  3. analysis of the answer by the other groups.

Key:1b, 2c, 3b,4a,5b,6a,7c,8a.

IX You’ve listened and discussed one of the projects of the Moon exploration, but there are several of them. The one you are going to read about is called “The Artemis Project”. Can you guess where the name comes from?--------. Yes, it is the Greek name of the Moon.
X Reading of the article”Exploring the Moon” ( individual work)
XI Now, work in pairs and do the exercise after the article.

Key:1b,2f, 3a, 4c, 5d, 6e, 7g.
XII Discussing the results of the work.

When speaking about the order in which things are going to be done in this project use phrases that will help you to make your speech logical:

first; then; after that; the next step is; after that is done; the next thing to do is; the last stage is; and, finally.

XIII Developing speaking skills.

Students are asked to work in 2 groups of 4or 5 and prepare their own projects of Moon exploration. They may use the information from the Listening task, from the article “Exploring the Moon’ and the picture on page 69 of the Students’ Book. The reports on the projects should

-include information about the stages of exploration;

-mention the things from the picture that are important ;

-give reasons for choosing them.

-consist of 8-10 sentences;

- be logically connected.
XIV Mini-conference.

Groups present their projects and after they have finished the other group may ask questions concerning their ideas.
XV Conclusion of the lesson.

Giving feedback.

Giving details of home work. Prepare a talk on any of the problems.
1 Prospects of Moon Exploration.

2 My Vision of Exploring the Moon.

3 Planning a Holiday Resort on the Moon.

4 How to Spend $Billion on Building a Lunar Holiday Centre


The Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of Earth:

orbit: 384,400 km from Earth

diameter: 3476km

Called Luna by the Romans, Selene and Artemis by the Greeks, and many other names in other mythologies.

The Moon, of course, has been known since prehistoric times. It is the second brightest object in the sky after the Sun. The Moon orbits around the Earth once per month. The time between new moons is 29.5 days (709 hours).

The Moon was first visited by the Soviet spacecraft Luna 2 in 1959. The first landing was on July 20, 1969, the last was in December 1972.

The Moon has no atmosphere. But there may be water ice in some deep craters near the Moon's south pole. There is apparently ice at the north pole as well.

There are the heavily cratered and very old highlands on the Moon and the relatively smooth and younger maria.

The Moon has no global magnetic field.

"What is it?

Other names



Quality compared

to the Sun


Man's visits

Conditions for

man's life

Our primary goal is to establish a permanent, self-supporting

exploration base on the moon. From this initial base, we will

explore the moon to find the best sites for lunar mining operations,

and for a permanent lunar community. Along the way, we begin

commercial flights to the moon. At first, these will be expedition-class

flights for rugged explorers, the sort of trip that will appeal to folks

who enjoy safaris, climbing mountains, and spelunking hidden caves. Eventually, the lunar tourism industry will grow into luxury-class trips on large spaceliners.

Arrange the actions in the order they will be done

  1. to decide where to start mining;

  2. to establish a base which will earn money for functioning;

  3. to choose a place for the first settlement on the Moon;

  4. to start space shuttle journeys;

  5. to organize expeditions for people who are indifferent to the conditions they live in;

  1. to use this base for exploring the Moon;

  2. to build luxury hotels and space liners.

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