Реферат по предмету английский язык Тема: Легендарная группа "Битлз"

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Департамент образования города Сергиев Посад

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение

"Средняя общеобразовательная школа №4"


по предмету английский язык

Тема: Легендарная группа "Битлз"

Автор: ученица 8"Б" класса

Марченкова Анна.

Реферат допущен к защите с

предварительной отметкой


Емануилова Татьяна Владимировна

Сергиев Посад 2010
Целью данного доклада является рассказ о жизни и творчестве группы "Битлз". Я выбрала эту тему, потому что много слышала от родителей об этой группе и заинтересовалась, чем же она так знаменита и благодаря чему достигла огромной популярности. Множество фанатов сходили с ума по этой группе. Но, к сожалению, в наши дни новое поколение мало знает и не интересуется "Битлз". Этим докладом я хочу показать своим современникам, что у этой группы большая история, и "Битлз" заслуживают внимания и по сей день.
The Beatles

The Beatles are the greatest popular group of all-time. They are among the most influential popular music artists of the second half of the 20th century. Certainly they're the most successful, with global sales reaching past 1.2 thousand million records sold as of 2003. Their influences on popular culture extended far beyond their roles as recording artists, as they branched out into film and even semi-willingly became spokesmen for their generation. The members of the group were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr (Richard Starkey), all from Liverpool, England. The effect of the Beatles on Western culture (and by extension) on the rest of the world has been immeasurable.

John Lennon, James Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Richard Starkey (also known as Ringo Starr) were born during the 1940s in Liverpool, England. During the post war period, Liverpool was a dingy depressed town and money was scarce. Two decades later, these four men born into working class obscurity would take the word by storm in a phenomenon our culture refers to as Beatlemania. John Lennon met Paul McCartney when they were both performing in Skiffle Groups, which were homespun bands that played a combination of folk, rock and jazz. John was in a group called The Quarrymen, which later became John and the Quarrymen. Paul introduced John to George Harrison, who was two years younger but showed extraordinary talent. John, Paul and George, with the addition of John's Friend from art college, Stu Sutcliffe and a guitarist named Pete Best, set out to work in German clubs, where musicians were able to make a paltry living playing strip clubs and low end establishments. Ringo was performing in many of the same establishments with the group Rory Storm and the Hurricanes.

They played a wide variety of musical instruments. Initially the Beatles were a guitars and drums band. In the course of their career every member became a multi-instrumentalist. George Harrison played the lead guitar and also introduced such exotic instruments as ukulele, Indian sitars, flutes, tabla, darbouka, and tampur drums. John Lennon played a variety of guitars, keyboards, harmonicas and horns. Paul McCartney played bass guitar, acoustic and electric guitars, piano and keyboards, as well as over 40 other musical instruments. The Beatles were the first popular band that used a classical touch of strings and keyboard instruments; their producer George Martin scored Baroque orchestrations in several songs, such as Yesterday, Eleanor Rigby, In My Life, and a full orchestra in Sgt. Pepper. John Lennon and Paul McCartney played piano in many of their songs.

In July of 1957, in Liverpool, Paul McCartney met John Lennon and joined his group,The Quarrymen. George Harrison joined them in February of 1958.

In 1959 they played regular gigs at a club called The Casbah.

In 1960 The Beatles toured in Hamburg, Germany .

The Beatles recorded their first full length album, live in the studio, on February 11, 1963 in one 12 hour session.

On February 22, 1963 the Beatles' second single, "Please Please Me" went straight to No. 1.

In the United States, the Beatles' television appearances on "The Ed Sullivan Show" on the 9th of February in 1964 launched Beatlemania and the entire British Invasion on an even bigger scale than it had reached in the UK; it was the day when the Beatles conquered America.

John Lennon was asked by a news reporter in 1964 "How long do you think the Beatles will last?" Lennon answered "About five years." The Beatles began to break up in 1969.

On June 12, 1965, The Beatles were awarded the order of Member of the British Empire (MBE) by the Queen.

On July 2, 1966, The Beatles became the first musical group to perform at the Nippon Budokan Hall in Tokyo.

On June 25, 1967, The Beatles made history becoming the first band globally transmitted on TV to an estimated 400 million people worldwide. Beatles created over 240 songs, they recorded many singles and albums, made films and TV shows. The Beatles represent the collective consciousness of several generations. Millions of viewers and listeners across the universe became conditioned to the sounds and images of The Beatles. Their influence on the modern world never stopped. The Beatles made impact on human history. The Beatles travelled to New York for a number of U.S television appearances and performances.

In 1988, everything that had been officially recorded and released by the Beatles was available on compact disc.

In 1994, "The Beatles Live At The BBC," a double CD of BBC sessions from the early and mid-'60s, was officially released.

On October 5, 2000, "The Beatles Anthology" book was finally published worldwide. It contains 340,000 words and over 1,300 images, including unseen photographs and personal memorabilia.

On 29 November 2001, however, George Harrison has died at the age of 58 after losing his battle against cancer. Therefore, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are the only two surviving Beatles.

On March 31, 2003, "The Beatles Anthology" was finally released on DVD.

The Beatles are the only artist to have back-to-back-to-back number one singles on Billboard's Hot 100. Boyz II Men and Elvis Presley have succeeded themselves on the chart, but the Beatles are the only artist to three-peat.

The Beatles’ "Yesterday" is the most covered song in history, appearing in the Guinness Book of Records with over 3000 recorded versions.

The Beatles broke television ratings records in the U.S. with their first appearance on the Ed Sullivan show.

The Numero Uno English group, Beatles, have most singles and albums that have enjoyed the number one position than any other artist. They are associated with whooping sales of upto over one billion records worldwide, in a single year! The Beatles are internationally acclaimed the 'Greatest Artists of All Time' and their innovative music and impact on youth culture is evident even today. With the musical British Invasion they established a musical style that was a perfect blend of rock and roll, skiffle and contemporary group explored genres. The youth aped everything the Beatles did; their clothes, their hair dos, their styles and even their gestures. Their musically extended trend-setting pattern of social awareness in turn, in a way influenced the cultural revolutions around the world.

Список литературы
1. Александр Николаевич Попов, "Ливерпуль. “Битлз”!"

2. Алексей Багир-заде,""Битлз" - навсегда"

3. Андрей Пономаренко, Николай Козлов, "Энциклопедический справочник группы", 812 страниц

4."Антология-Битлз",2002, 353 страницы

5. Юлий Буркин, "Осколки неба, или Подлинная история "Битлз""

6. Хантер Дэвис, "Авторизованная биография Битлз"

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