Test the 5-th form

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The 5-th form

Unit II

(Enjoy English – M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) a partner a) a person who does an activity with, b) a person who lives nearby, c) a person who studies with you

2) local a) a particular place, b) the area you live in, c) the place you were born

3) an invitation a) a written or a spoken request to do something or to go somewhere, b) a letter, c) a programme, c) a written or spoken request

4) a rucksack a) a bag, b) a watch, c) a racket

II. Choose the proper word.

1) Let’s … a picnic.

a) arrange, b) spend, c) meet

2) We are … for social programme.

a) local, b) responsible, c) foreign

3. We invited our … partners to visit us in April.

a) social, b) foreign, c) local

4. They usually … when they meet in the morning

a) say ‘Good bye’, b) go out, c) shake their hands


The 5-th form

Unit II

(Enjoy English – M. Biboletova)

I. Choose the right explanation of the word.

1) a partner a) a person who does an activity with, b) a person who lives nearby, c) a person who studies with you

2) local a) a particular place, b) the area you live in, c) the place you were born

3) an invitation a) a written or a spoken request to do something or to go somewhere, b) a letter, c) a programme, c) a written or spoken request

4) a rucksack a) a bag, b) a watch, c) a racket

II. Choose the proper word.

1) Let’s … a picnic.

a) arrange, b) spend, c) meet

2) We are … for social programme.

a) local, b) responsible, c) foreign

3. We invited our … partners to visit us in April.

a) social, b) foreign, c) local

4. They usually … when they meet in the morning

a) say ‘Good bye’, b) go out, c) shake their hands

III. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right.

1) local a) in the hotel

2) to arrange b) task

3) group c) a date and time

4) social d) tennis competition

5) stay e) life

IV. Write down antonyms.

Stay, early, leave, late, take off

V. Complete the sentences. Add the tag endings.

1) They always kiss their mum on both cheeks before going to bed, …?

2) She said ‘Good night’ before going to bed, …?

3) I am responsible for social programme, …?

4) We decided to arrange a party, …?

5) I shall arrive on time tomorrow, …?

VI. Make up sentences.

1) he/ going/to/ his/is/do/homework.

2) my/are/sister/going/I/and/arrange/to/picnic/a.

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

Пожимать руки, целовать в обе щёки, держать дверь открытой, снимать обувь, прийти вовремя, прибыть раньше или позже.
III. Match the verb on the left with a word on the right.

1) local a) in the hotel

2) to arrange b) task

3) group c) a date and time

4) social d) tennis competition

5) stay e) life

IV. Write down antonyms.

Stay, early, leave, late, take off

V. Complete the sentences. Add the tag endings.

1) They always kiss their mum on both cheeks before going to bed, …?

2) She said ‘Good night’ before going to bed, …?

3) I am responsible for social programme, …?

4) We decided to arrange a party, …?

5) I shall arrive on time tomorrow, …?

VI. Make up sentences.

1) he/ going/to/ his/is/do/homework.

2) my/are/sister/going/I/and/arrange/to/picnic/a.

VII. Translate from Russian into English.

Пожимать руки, целовать в обе щёки, держать дверь открытой, снимать обувь, прийти вовремя, прибыть раньше или позже.

Grammar Test 2

1. Fill in the right verbs.

  1. You don’t like to play sports, … you?

  2. They … arrange a party tomorrow, won’t they?

  3. She couldn’t go to the theatre yesterday, … she?

  4. Your mother … at home now, isn’t it?

  5. He invited Linda to his birthday party, … he?

2. Complete the sentences. Add the Tag-endings.

  1. Andrew has a little sister, … ?

  2. It was a nice day yesterday, … ?

  3. The British partners are responsible for the social programme, …?

  4. You won’t go abroad next time, … ?

  5. Your parents like to go to the cinema, … ?

3. What are the Browns going to do in the evening? Write your sentences.

  1. Mr and Mrs Brown … (to go shopping)

  2. Granny … (to visit her friend)

  3. Jane and Mary … (to go to the concert)

  4. Jim … (to walk with his friends in the park)

  5. I … (to meet him at the park)

Grammar Test 2

1. Fill in the right verbs.

  1. You don’t like to play sports, … you?

  2. They … arrange a party tomorrow, won’t they?

  3. She couldn’t go to the theatre yesterday, … she?

  4. Your mother … at home now, isn’t it?

  5. He invited Linda to his birthday party, … he?

2. Complete the sentences. Add the Tag-endings.

  1. Andrew has a little sister, … ?

  2. It was a nice day yesterday, … ?

  3. The British partners are responsible for the social programme, …?

  4. You won’t go abroad next time, … ?

  5. Your parents like to go to the cinema, … ?

3. What are the Browns going to do in the evening? Write your sentences.

  1. Mr and Mrs Brown … (to go shopping)

  2. Granny … (to visit her friend)

  3. Jane and Mary … (to go to the concert)

  4. Jim … (to walk with his friends in the park)

  5. I … (to meet him at the park)

4. Ask questions about the sentences.

  1. My father is going to go to Germany. (Where … )

  2. We are going to write a dictation at the lesson. (What … )

  3. She is going to invite seven classmates to her birthday party. (How many …)

  4. They are going to spend their holidays at home. (Why … )

  5. Mary is going to visit her friend after dinner. (When … )

5. Translate into English:

  1. Наши партнёры пригласили группу из 15 студентов.

  2. Ты отвечаешь за культурную программу, не так ли?

  3. Он собирается остановиться в гостинице.

  4. Это неплохая идея, не так ли?

  5. Мы собираемся организовать пикник в воскресенье.

4. Ask questions about the sentences.

  1. My father is going to go to Germany. (Where … )

  2. We are going to write a dictation at the lesson. (What … )

  3. She is going to invite seven classmates to her birthday party. (How many …)

  4. They are going to spend their holidays at home. (Why … )

  5. Mary is going to visit her friend after dinner. (When … )

5. Translate into English:

  1. Наши партнёры пригласили группу из 15 студентов.

  2. Ты отвечаешь за культурную программу, не так ли?

  3. Он собирается остановиться в гостинице.

  4. Это неплохая идея, не так ли?

  5. Мы собираемся организовать пикник в воскресенье.

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