Put the words in the right order and form question

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НазваниеPut the words in the right order and form question
Дата публикации30.08.2013
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Административная контрольная работа

Учащегося (ейся) 8 класса МССУОР №1


  1. Put the words in the right order and form question.

  1. Why, he, call, so often, does?________________________________________________

  2. Where, he, go, did, last, year?________________________________________________

  3. Your children, do, usually, come, or, late, early, after school?______________________


  1. When, he, translate, the text, did?____________________________________________

  2. Who, sent, him, the letter, last week?_________________________________________

2. Translate into Russian.
1. The song we were listening to was a very good one.


2. The tourists they were waiting for didn't come.


3. Unfortunately he didn't get the present he had hoped for.


  1. The report he had to make was very important.


3. Make one sentence from two. Use which, that, those, whom.

  1. I bought a dress. My friend advised me to buy it.


  1. We went to the party. It was very interesting.


  1. That is the village. We used to go there every summer.


  1. This is Nary Jones. I've got a letter from her.


  1. I was looking for the key. I've found it now.


  1. This is the house. They bought it last year.


  1. This is the actor. I like him very much.


4. Translate the words in brackets into English.

  1. I'm afraid we forgot something. We'll have to (распаковать) our backpacks.

  2. (К сожалению) we can't help him.

  3. (Перепишите ) this exercise.

  4. Where did you read this (объявление) ?

  5. I've got an (приглашение) from my friend.

  6. Why is she so (недобрая) ? She is very (несчастлива).

5. Choose the right form.

  1. What the news? a) are b) were c) is

  2. No news is good news, a) aren't they? b) isn't it c) won't they?

  3. Bad news travels fast. a) Does it? b) Do they? c) Don't they?

  4. I've heard good news, a) some b) many c) few

6. Translate the sentences into English.

  1. На прошлой неделе они купили палатку, чтобы идти в поход.


  1. Я должен навестить Мишу, чтобы помочь ему.


  1. Они хотели пойти в магазин, чтобы купить подарок.


  1. Он пришёл домой, чтобы пообедать.


  1. Они подружились год назад.


  1. «Почему все шумят?» - « Он делает доклад уже два часа».


  1. «Вы уже приняли решение?»- «Нет ещё».


  1. Не заставляйте его совершить ошибку.



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