1. 13. Английский язык

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1.13. Английский язык

Вариант 1

Read the text at home Write out and translate the words you don't know.

Economics and the Economy?

Economics is the study of how society decides what, how and whom to produce. Every group of people must solve three basic

problems of daily living: what goods and services to produce, how to produce these goods and services and for whom to produce these goods and services.

In many ways, we are all the part of the world economy. When we drink our imported coffee in the morning, when we use a foreign-made videocassette recorder, or when we travel abroad on holiday, we are participating in the growing world of international trade and finance. And it is not only as a consumer of foreign goods and serv­ices that we are part of the world economy.

The world economy is made up of all those interaction among people, businesses, and governments that cross international borders, even the illegal ones. Basically, whatever crosses an international border — whether goods, services, or transfers of funds — is part of the world economy. Food imports, automobile exports, investments abroad, even the trade in services such as movies or tourism contrib­ute to each country's international economic activity.

By goods we mean physical commodities such as steel, cars, and strawberries. By services we mean activities which can be consumed or enjoyed only at the instant they are produced. In exceptional cir­cumstances, society may find that some of the questions about what, how, and for whom to produce have already been answered; until the arrival of Man Friday, Robinson Crusoe need not worry about the for whom question. In general, however, society must answer all three question,'

Read the words give» below:

world business

economy government

foreign border

abroad illegal

participate whether

trade transfer

finance import

consumer export

interaction investment

among contribute

commodity to produce

production daily living
Vocabulary practice

I. Find in the text and give Russian equivalents of the fol­lowing words and word combinations.

The world economy; imported coffee; a foreign-made videocas-sette recorder; to travel abroad; to trave on holiday; we are partici­pating in the international trade and finance; a consumer of foreign goods and services; interactions among people, businesses, and gov­ernments; to cross international borders; illegal; transfer of funds; food imports; automobile exports; investments abroad; the trade in services; to contribute; international economic act vity.
П. Find in the text and give English equivalents of the fol­lowing words and word combinations.

Потребитель иностранных товаров и услуг; перевод денежных средств; путешествовать в отпуске; импортный кофе; пересекать международные границы незаконный; иностранные инвестиции; мировая экономика; вносить вклад; международная экономическая деятельность; взаимодействие (взаимоотношения между) людей предприятий и правительств; путешествовать за границей; мы участвуем в международной торговле.

III. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence. Translate the sentence into Russian.
1.1 like to drink only... coffee. abroad

2. We are all part of the ... economy. consumers

3. We try to avoid ... actions, imported

4.Tourism and automobPe imports ... to the

international economic activity of this country. illegal

5. Every holiday I travel.... contribute

6. The world economy is made up of... world

among people, businesses, and governments.

7. We are a 1... of foreign goods and Interactions

IV. Answer the questions.

1 Are we all part of the world economy?

2 When are we participating in the growing world of interna­tional trade?

3. What is the wor d economy made up of?

4. Is the world economy made up only of legal interactions?

5. What can contribute to country's international economic ac­tivity?
V. Translate the following sentences into English.

1 Импорт продуктов, экспорт автомобилей, иностранные инвестиции являются частью внешней экономической деятель­ности любой страны.

2. Так или иначе мы все являемся частью мировой экономики.

3. Мировая экономика состоит из всех тех взаимоотношений между людьми, различными формами бизнеса и государствами которые пересекают международные границы, даже если эти взаимоотношения являются незаконными.

4. Когда мы утром пьем наш импортный кофе или уезжаем за границу во время отпуска мы все принимаем участие в растущем мире международной торговли и финансов.

VI. Retell the text

Read and translate the letter.

To the Manager

Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs


Your ref: Unknown Ourref: OC/CC/NA
Dear Sir, . 8th November 2003

Our Number: BCD FOR/...(please quote ) Amount: GBP 941.10 Sent: 7th October 2003 Tenor: Payable at Sight Drawee: V/O Medexport

We would advise that we cannot trace the receipt from you of any acknowledgement for the above mentioned collection, dispatched by airmail on 7* October 2003. Pleas confirm that the bill has been presented for payment, advising when the relevant proceeds may be expected in London.

Should the bill remain unpaid, please advise us immediately giving drawers reason for refusal.

If unpaid please confirm that protest action has been taken in ac­cordance with our original instructions.

Yours faithfully, p.p. Manager Lloyds Bank
Вариант 2

Read the text at home. Write out and translate the words you don't know.

Economics: The Study of Scarcity and Choice.

Prices of goods, and of resources, such as labour, machinery and land, adjust to ensure that scarce resources are used to produce the goods and services that society demands.

Suppose you buy a hamburger for your lunch. What does this have to do with markets and prices. You chose the cafe because it was fast, convenient and cheep. Because of your desire to eat and you limited resources, the low namburger price told you that was a good way to satisfy your appetite.

Since there is not enough of everything to go around everyone -individuals, business firms, and government — needs to make choices from among the things they want. In the process they will try to economize, to get the most from what they have. The need to choose is imposed on us all by our income, wealth and ability to bor­row. Individuals and families are limited by the size of their personal income, savings and ability to borrow. Similarly, business f rms are limited by their prof ts, savings and borrowing power, and govern-

merits by their ability to tax and borrow. Income, savings, profits and taxes enable people, institutions and government to purchase goods, products you can see or touch and services, work performed for pay that benefits others. Markets bring together buyers and sellers of goods and services. In some cases, such as a local fruit stall, buyers and sellers meet physically. In other cases, such as the stock market, business can be transacted over the telephone, almost by remote con­trol.

Read the words given below:

a) goods, service, business, government, among

b) enough income

individual wealth

process ability

economize borrow

social savings

science similary

analyze power

choose tax

scarce enable

resource buyer/seller

to benefit stock market


Vocabulary practice
I. Find in the text and» give Russian equivalents the following words and word combinations.

Scarcity; individual; to make choices; to try to economi e; to de­fine; to satisfy one's wants; with this in mind; the social science; scarce resources; savings; the need to choose; wealth ability to bor-ow; the size of personal income; similarly; to tax profits, to enable people to purchase goods; ability to borrow.
II. Find in the text and give English equivalents of the fol­lowing words and word combinations.

Достаточно; делать выбор; экономить; ограниченные ресурсы; необходимость выбора благосостояние; возможность занять; размер дохода; подобным образом; облагать налогом; давать возможность; кредитоспособность; покупать товар; удовлетворять потребности; ограниченность; дать определение; помня об этом (имея это в виду); сбережения; прибыль; доход общественная наука.
Ill. Choose the necessary word and put it in the sentence. Translate the sentence into Russian.

1. Every family nowadays tries to choice

2.... is the work performed for pay that income

benefits others.

3. Economics is the study of... and choice. purchase

4. Individuals are limited by the size of their

personal... economize

5. ...business firms are limited by their profits. scarcity

6. Income savings, profits and taxes enable similarly

people to... goods.

7. Everyone needs to make ... from the things service

he wants.
IV. Answer the questions.

1. What choice does everyone need to make?

2. How can we define economics?

3. What is the need to choose imposed on us all by?

4. What are individuals and families limited by?

5. What are business firms limited by? And governments?

6. What are goods?

7. What are services?

8. What enables people to purchase goods and services?
V. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Необходимость выбирать определяется нашим доходом, благосостоянием и кредитоспособностью.

2. Экономика — это учение об ограниченности и выборе.

3. Доходы, сбережения, прибыль и налоги позволяют людям, учреждениям и государству покупать товары и услуги.

4. Аналогичным образом, бизнес фирмы ограничен размером своей прибыли, денежными запасами и кредитоспособностью.

5. Все: отдельные люди, бизнес фирмы и государство — вынуждены делать выбор.
VI. Retell the text.

Список рекомендуемой литературы
1. Банк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник англий­ского языка. Al. Основной курс. Уроки 1-3: Грамматический справочник. М., 1989. С. 1-37.

2. Хведченя Л.В. Английский язык для студентов заочной формы обучения. Минск, 1998. С. 12-18, 64-75.

3. Голицтский Ю.Б. Грамматика: Сб. упражнений. СПб., 2002.
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