Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
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Teleconference:This is Britain
(Holidays and Traditions)

Классный час- телеконференция по теме: «Это Британия. Праздники и традиции» может быть проведен в 10 классе. Класс делится на две группы. Одной группе учащихся предлагается выступить в роли зарубежных студентов из Британии,(British student- BS) а вторая часть группы- студенты из России. (Russian student- RS) Проведению подобного классного часа предшествует большая подготовка, так как учащиеся обсуждают не только пройденную тему, но и дополнительный материал. По моему мнению, такой классный час расширяет и углубляет знания учащихся по определенной теме.
Цель урока: Систематизировать знания, умения и навыки речевой деятельности по теме «This is Britain. Holidays and traditions»

Задачи урока:

Обучающая: Совершенствовать навыки устной речи ( монолог и диалог) по теме : «Это Британия. Праздники и традиции» с целью подготовки к выпускному экзамену.

Коммуникативная: Тренировать разговорные формы речевого общения

Воспитательная: Формировать интерес к стране и традициям изучаемого языка

Культурно-развивающая: Формировать социо-культурную компетенцию.
Оснащение урока:

Магнитофон, микрофон, ИКТ с использованием слайдов к программе

« Power point», дидактический материал для индивидуальной и групповой работы, фото, иллюстрации.

Lesson plan

Objectives: to master skills of monologue and dialogue, to master skills of listening

and understanding foreign language.

Equipment: posters, type-recorder, records, PC programme «Power point», pictures, photos, cards.

Greetings, topic of the lesson
Teacher (T)- -Good morning, everybody.

Students (Ss)- (Good morning, Tatiana Petrovna)

T-I haven't seen you for ages. I am glad to see you again. (We are glad to see you too.)How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

I am fine, thank you.

T-Boys and girls, we have talked a lot about Great Britain. We have spoken about the political system in that country, about cities and towns, population, nature, geography, but I think you haven’t spoken enough about the national holidays, and traditions .Can you guess what topic we’re going to talk about?

Ss We can guess it, the topic for discussion today is«British holidays and , traditions», isn’t it?

Teacher- Yes, you are absolutely right. Every nation and every country has its own customs and traditions In Britain traditions play the major role in the live of the people.

There are some holidays in Great Britain. They are the following:

1.New Year Day

2.St.Valentine’s Day

3.April Fool’s Day


5.May Day

6.Spring Bank Holiday

7.Summer Bank Holiday


9.Guy Fawkes Night

10.Christmas Eve


12. Boxing Day
To day we are going to take part in a programmer broadcasting on television.

Our students will take part in television programme that deals with facts, traditions and historical events. We’ll take part in teleconference. It’s a meeting held among the students in Moscow and in London, using an electronic communication system and sending information by television .The students of the UK are on BBC-1 channel now.

Presenter-(телеведущий) Dear friends! . Our Culture Channel is the most interesting programmer on TV. On behalf of the participants, it’s my honour and duty to open the teleconference. Let me introduce the students Ann, Mary, Lily and Polly. They are specialists on British history and traditions.
British Student ( BS) - -Hello everybody. Glad to meet you. It’s very good that you are interested in our history.
Presenter- I’m going to ask you each to make a very short presentation on British holidays and traditions for the Russian students. They are on the line.
RS( student from Russia) - What holiday would you like to tell us about?

Presenter- Our students will tell you about April Fool’s Day, St.Valentine’s Day, Halloween and Guy Fawkes Night.

BS1- Let’s begin with April Fool’s Day

The origin of this tradition is not certain, but it probably dates back to the Roman festival of Saturnalia. Today, April 1st is a day when people play tricks on their friends and try to fools of them. It is very popular with students, who love to make fun of their teachers!

RS- Impossible! It’s difficult to imagine
BS--Not at all, Teachers sometimes trick their students too by sending them to other classrooms to collect mythical objects like straight hooks.
RS-I know there is one important rule on April Fools Day. What is it?
BS-We never play tricks after midday or the joker becomes the fool.
RS-I see. What do newspapers print to fool their readers? Do people believe the story in the newspapers?
BS-In recent years, newspapers have added a story to the fun and enjoyment on April 1st by trying to fool their readers. They usually print one story, which is completely false. Millions of people believe the story until they look at the date on the newspaper and realize that they have been fooled!
Телеведущий обращается к аудитории с просьбой привести примеры шуток.
Presenter - Can you give the examples of jokes from your real life?
RS- учащиеся в роли русских студентов выполняют задание и рассказывают свои примеры первоапрельских шуток.
BS2-On February 14th, people send cards (called «valentines») and sometimes presents or flowers to their wives, husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends.

RS Is it a legal or national holiday for English people?

BS-It’s neither legal nor national holiday. Banks and offices are not closed, but it’s a happy little festival. You can also send a valentine to someone you would like to be your sweetheart.
RS-Great! Are valentines anonymous?
BS. Traditionally, a valentine is anonymous so that the receiver has to guess who might have sent it. Although this festival is named after a Christian saint, it probably started in the Middle Ages (between the 5th centuries) when people believed that February 14th was the day when birds met to choose new partners for the spring!
Presenter- People give each other presents- sometimes expensive, sometimes little and cheap, but pleasant. I would like to give you a little present too. It’s a song and it suits all tastes. I hope our love of singing will help us to understand each other better. And now listen to one of the most popular songs in the style of blues, «What a wonderful world» and join Louis Armstrong, please.

(слова песни раздаются участникам, которые подпевают)
I see trees of green, red roses too,

I see them bloom for me and you

And I think to myself

What a wonderful world.

I see skies of blue and clouds of white

The bright blessed day,

The dogs say goodnight.

And I think to myself:

What a wonderful world!
The colours of the rainbow

So pretty in the sky

Are also on the faces

Of people going by.

I see friends shaking hands

Saying: how do you do!

They’re really saying :

I love you!
RS- I think Louis Armstrong was one of the most famous blues singers. His song expresses the feeling of love greatly. But let’s go on talking about the holiday. . Is there a modern trend or may be a traditional Valentine’s day superstition ?
BS-I think, a modern trend on Valentine’s Day is to send messages of love in the advertisement columns of newspapers – hardly as romantic as sending a beautiful card or bouquet to you sweet heard!
Teacher-By the way, there is one traditional Valentine’s day superstition: some people say that if you are unmarried, the first person of the opposite sex you see on February 14th will become your husband or wife!
Presenter - Now we shall listen to the story of another holiday. Many years ago people believed in witchers and devils. Children put on masks and went to the streets. It was Halloween Day. We celebrate that Day nowadays too.
Учащийся показывает слайд в программе «Power point» - тыкву со свечой внутри
RS When do people celebrate Halloween? -

BS3-The last night of October was when people in pre- Christian Britain celebrated the beginning of their new year. They believed that on that night the spirits or ghost of dead people returned to frighten the living. At that time people were afraid and rarely went out on Halloween, but now it is a time for fun and parties.
RS- That is interesting to know. How do children usually dress up?
BS - Children usually dress up as ghosts and monsters and often wear masks to frighten their parents or friends. Some children also make special Halloween lanterns from a large vegetable called a pumpkin.
RS- How do the children make Halloween lanterns and how does the lantern look like?
BS-First, they take out the middle of the pumpkin. Then they cut holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. After that, they put a candle inside the pumpkin. Finally, they light the candle. In the dark room the lantern looks like the face of a ghost.
RS- I see. And why do children knock on people’s doors calling«trick or treat! »

BS- Since the 1980s an American Halloween tradition called «Trick or Treat » has become popular with British children, though not with most adults. Children dress up in Halloween costumes and knock on people’s doors calling «trick or treat! »

If you do not give them a small treat such as money or sweets they play a trick on you. This new Halloween custom is particularly unwelcome because the tricks the children play are frequently dangerous or destructive.
Presenter: How do the British celebrate Guy Fawkes Night and when?-
BS4: Every year on the 5th of November British boys and girls take an old suit or an old pair of dad's trousers and stuff them with straw or newspapers. As the guy burn, fireworks are set off and everybody says a rhyme:
(показывается картинка и текст стихотворения на слайде для зрителей)

Remember, remember

The fifth of November.

Gunpowder treason and plot.

We see no reason

Why gunpowder treason

Should ever be forgot.
Во время беседы между «диктором ТВ и специалистами показываются слайды по программе «Power point» с незнакомыми лингвострановедческими понятиями и фотографиями. Например, рисунок, изображающий взрыв, и подпись под ним - The Gunpowder plot, картинку с чучелом - The dummy is called a Guy; портрет короля Джеймса I - King James I; treason –измена.

BS-Listen, please. On November 5th 1605 a man called Guy Fawkes tried to kill King James and the members of his government. He and a group of friends who were all opposed to the King put a bomb under the Houses of Parliament.

RS- I find your story about Guy Fawkes are rather exciting. And what happened to him after that?
BS -However, the King’s soldiers discovered Guy Fawkes before he could set off the explosion. He was taken to the tower of London and executed.

RS- Such a sad story! I think a guy is simply a model.
BS- Certainly. But today, we still remember Guy Fawkes on November 5th, although not everyone remembers the political origins of the festival. All over Britain people built wood fires or ‘bonfires’ in their gardens and top of each bonfire they always put a ‘guy’. A guy is a model of Guy Fawkes, which children make from old clothes filled with newspapers. But before they burn the guy on bonfire they normally use it to make money.
RS-Really? How do they make money, I wonder.
BS- They show their guy to people passing in the street and shout «penny for the guy»! They use the money they collect to buy fireworks, which they set off as the bonfire burns. Occasionally, children are hurt in accidents with fireworks or bonfires on November 5th. Some people are worried about this, so Guy Fawkes Day bonfires are now often organized in public parks and stadiums rather than in private gardens. These organized bonfires may be safer but they are seldom as exciting as a fireworks party in your own back garden!
Teacher- Very good. Thank you very much for this interesting talk

Please, ask as many questions as you can on the topic to get more information
Предлагаю остальным учащимся составить и задать свои вопросы ведущим о праздниках и традициях. Демонстрируются постеры, рисунки портреты и дополнительная информация, не рассказанная в передаче.

В конце урока благодарю учащихся за хорошие ответы, выставляю оценки и записываю на доске домашнее задание

Обсуждается вопрос о дате проведении аналогичной телеконференции о любимых праздниках в России.


1Юнева С.А.- Открывая мир с английским языком – Готовимся к ЕГЭ Москва 2012 Интеллект-Центр

2. Конышева А.В. Организация классных часов на английском языке. КАРО Санкт-Петербург 2005.

3 Использование интернет ресурсов –фото

4Журина Т.Ю.Английский язык Тематический сборник для подготовки к устному экзамену по английскому языку Издательство Дрофа М- 2008

5.Гацкевич М.А. Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов. Издательство «Каро»- Санкт-Петербург, 2009

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