Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

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НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации30.03.2014
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ТипМетодические рекомендации
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Практический курс ИЯ

Методические рекомендации для 5 АОД группа 1б 10 семестр.


к.п.н., доцент кафедры рахманина М.Б..

Заведующий кафедрой:

д.п.н., профессор Ромашина С.Я.



Ч Часы


Цветкова: упр. 2, 3, 6, 9, 10 перевод в классе Иосифов: Урок 1 INTRODUCTION, в классе, перевод на слух English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 1+2+3+4;

Шевцова: Урок 1 GETTING KNOWN + упр. все

Практический курс англ.яз. 3 курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ,.- ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 6 - 24. Речевые модели.



Цветкова, Глава 2, упр. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 1, 2 INTRODUCTION, AIR TRAVEL, в классе, перевод на слух

Шевцова: Урок 2, A SAD STORY + упр. Все

E4B, Уроки 5+6+7+8

Практический курс англ.яз. 3 курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ,.- ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 36 - 39. Речевые модели.



Цветкова, Глава 2, упр. 10, 11, в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 1, 2 INTRODUCTION, AIR TRAVEL, перевод на слух – закончить

English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 9+10+11+12;

Шевцова: Урок 3, AT DOVER + упр. Все



Цветкова, Глава 2, упр. 10, 11, в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 1, 2 INTRODUCTION, AIR TRAVEL, перевод на слух – закончить

  • English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 13+14+15+16;

  • Шевцова: 4, THE USE OF FORCE + упр. Все

  • Шевцова: 4, THE USE OF FORCE + упр. Все

  • Практический курс англ.Яз. 3 курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 39 -42. Чтение, перевод текста «Интервью с Ингмаром Бергманом».



Иосифов: Урок 3 AT THE HOTEL, перевод на слух

English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 17+18+19+20;

Шевцова: Урок 5 , RECIPIE FOR MURDER + упр. Все

Цветкова : Глава 3, THE PASSIVE VOICE, упр. 9, 10, 11.

Практический курс англ.Яз. 3 курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 39 -42. Работа над текстом «Интервью с Ингмаром Бергманом».



Цветкова, Глава 3, THE PRIDICATE упр. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 4 DOING BUSINESS IN THE USSR, перевод на слух

Домашнее чтение: THE LOTUS EATER, PART 1, THE ESCAPE, p.p. 5-13,+ чтение, перевод, пересказ

English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 21+22+23+24;

Шевцова: Урок 6, LOUISE + упр. Все

Цветкова : Глава 3, THE PASSIVE VOICE, упр. 18, 19, 20.

Практический курс англ.яз. курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 46 - 49. Послетекстовые упражнения на понимание.



Цветкова, Глава 3, TENSE AND VOICE REVISION упр. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 4 DOING BUSINESS IN THE USSR, перевод на слух, закончить

English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 25+26+27+28;

Шевцова: Урок 7, THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY + упр. Все

Цветкова : Глава 3, THE PASSIVE VOICE, упр. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Практический курс англ.яз. 3 курс: учебник для cryдентов вузов/ под. ред. в.д. Аракина - с. 49 - 56. Отработка активного вокабуляра.


Цветкова, Глава 4, упр. 1, 4, 5, 6, в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 5 FAVOURITE PASTIME, перевод на слух,


English for beginners (E4B), Уроки 29+30+31+32;

Шевцова: Урок 8, THE WAXWORK + упр. Все

Цветкова : Глава 4, упр. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Практический курс англ.ЯЗ. 3 курс: учебник для С1:Удентов вузов/ под. ред. В.Д. Аракина - с. 69 - 71.


Цветкова, Глава 5, WISH CLAUSES упр. 1, 2, 3, 4, в классе, грамматика+перевод на слух

Иосифов: Урок 5 FAVOURITE PASTIME, перевод на слух, закончить

(E4B), Уроки 33+34+35+36;

Шевцова: Урок 9, THE TREASURE SHIP + упр. Все

Цветкова : Глава 6, упр. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Практический курс ангЛ.яз. 3 курс: учебник для С1:Удентов вузов/ под. ред.В.Д.Аракина-с. 71-74.


Иосифов: Урок 5 FAVOURITE PASTIME, перевод на слух, закончить

E4B), Уроки 37+38+39+40;

Шевцова: Урок 10, JANE + упр. Все


Ultimate English (UE 1-2);

Шевцова: Урок 11, TO THE CHAPPAREL + упр. Все

Шевцова: Урок 11, TO THE CHAPPAREL + упр. Все

Ultimate English (UE 3-4);

Шевцова: Урок 12 IMPULSE + упр. Все

Практический курс ангЛ.ЯЗ. 3 курс: учебник для С1:Удентов вузов/ под. ред. В.Д. Аракина - с. 77 - 81.



Ultimate English (UE 5-6);

Шевцова: Урок 13, THE REMARCABLE CASE OF MR. BRUHL + упр. Все

Домашнее чтение: DRACULA: слушание, чтение, перевод, пересказ

Практичес:кий курс англ.ЯЗ. 3 курс: учебник для студентов вузов/ под. ред. В.Д. Аракина - с. 81 - 89.

Рекомендуемая литература

  1. Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. III курс, М., 1998.

  2. Иосифов Н.Ю. Практический курс для интенсивного изучения английского языка, М.: Молодая гвардия, 1991

  3. Шевцова С.В. Учебное пособие по английскому языку. М.:ГИС, 2006

  4. Bristol Murder Prowse Philipp, Oxford: Heinemann, 1992

  5. Dracular Stoker Bram, Oxford: Heinemann, 1992

  6. The Speckled Band and other stories about Sh. Holmes F.Doyle, Oxford: Heinemann, 1992

  7. English 4 beginners М.: Дельта паблишинг, 2005

  8. Ultimate English М.: Дельта паблишинг, 2005

  9. Merkulova Y.M. English for University Students. СПб., 2000. I

  10. Jan Bell Soundings. Longman, 2001.

  11. Живой английский. М., 1999.

  12. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Long­man Group UK Limited, 1992.

  13. New English-Russian Dictionary. M., 1998.

  14. Antonia Clare. Total English,. Longman, 2006.

  15. Araminta Greace. Language to go. Longman, 2006.

  16. Liz Soras. New Headway,. Oxford University Press, 2006.

  17. The Hobbit J. R.R. Talkien Oxford: University Press, 2005

  18. When summer comes H. Naylor, Cambridge, 2007


  1. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. Longman Group UK Limited, 1992.

  2. New English-Russian Dictionary. M., 1998.

  3. Cowie A.P,, Mackin R. and McCaig I.R. Oxford Dictionary of English Idioms. Oxford University Press, 1993.



Текст 1

I couldn’t possibly eat another thing. That was a really delicious meal. I don’t know how you have patience to cook such complicated meals. I usually pop out to the fish and chips shop when I’m on my own. It’s quick and fairly cheap. It doesn’t seem worth cooking for myself, somehow. And time! It takes you so much time to cook! But first you should do shopping.

  1. Who do you think the speaker is?

  2. Do you enjoy cooking? What kind of food?

  3. Are you careful about what you eat?

  4. What kind of food do you enjoy? (dislike, avoid?)

  5. Do you think that people who eat meat are healthier than those who don’t?

  6. What is your hobby?

Текст 2

Camping holidays are always popular with students and young people - they are cheap and an easy way to see a country. People often travel by train, by coach or on foot, so you can only take what you can carry - usually in a rucksack on your back. So you must be sure of how much you can carry. Many people who go camping for the first time take too much and then they find that they have forgotten the essentials. But with practice and good advice you can have a fantastic holiday.

  1. Can you name three other ways in which people can travel?

  2. What is your favourite way of spending your holidays? Why do you prefer it to others?

  3. What advantages and disadvantages can you see in travelling by yourself? (with other people?)

  4. Which things would you consider to be the essentials for those who go on a camping holiday?

  5. Have you ever gone on a trip? Where? Describe the place. What was the most exciting incident?

Текст 3

At school we have to wear uniforms - so when I go out at weekends I want to wear clothes I like. I have some pocket money and I usually spend this money on clothes. When I go to a disco or a party I want to look good - this means you have to wear fashionable clothes. Nobody talks to you if you don’t. My mother doesn’t understand this. She thinks I spend too much money on clothes and that I worry too much about fashion.

  1. What do you think of school uniforms? Did you like yours? Why? / Why not?

  2. Why does the speaker think it important to wear fashionable clothes? Do you agree?

  3. Why does the speaker’s mother worry?

  4. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

  5. Who often starts fashion?

  6. Do you think the speaker is a boy or a girl?

  7. What else can be fashionable besides clothes?

Текст 4

My name is Janice and I play tennis professionally. I play to show that I’m stronger than my opponent. But the money is important for me too. It makes me play just a bit better - and I’m sure it makes my opponent play better too. If we are going to have the same money at the end of the match, then why play? I’m sure that most professional sports people agree with me. The thought of winning money pushes me all the way.

  1. Which is the most important thing for a professional?

  2. Do you think that money corrupts sportsmen? Why? Why not?

  3. What is your attitude to Russian sportsmen who now play in foreign countries?

  4. Why do some professional sportsmen return to amateur sport?

  5. What is your favourite kind of sport?

Текст 5

Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up. The sense of humor greatly depends on a person’s nationality. A Frenchman, for example might find it hard to laugh at a Russian joke. In the same way, Russians might not see anything funny in a joke, which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. But no matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say Charlie Chaplin’s films.

  1. Do you agree with the statement that humour has international character?

  2. Do you think foreigners understand Russian humour or jokes?

  3. Have you seen any films with Charlie Chaplin? Do you consider him a great comedian?

  4. What Russian comedians are your favourite?

  5. What kind of films do you prefer - comedies or serious films or probably, horror films?

Текст 6

Most of us have a wrong picture of life on a desert island. We sometimes imagine that life there is simple and good. Fruit falls from the trees and you never have to work. The other side of the picture is quite the opposite. Life on a desert island is awful. You either starve to death or live like a Robinson Crusoe, waiting for a boat which never comes. Perhaps there is an element of truth in both these pictures.

  1. Do you like travelling?

  2. How do you like travelling - by car, plane, train?

  3. Why do people travel?

  4. Where would you go if you had a chance?

  5. Is it necessary to know the language of the country you are going to?

Текст 7

A rocket has been set off on its 35 million-mile trip to Mars and scientists are waiting anxiously for the results. The rocket will be travelling for six months before it reaches the planet. There is a television camera on the rocket. And pictures that are taken will have to travel for three minutes before they reach the earth. If the pictures are successful, they may solve a number of problems about Mars.

  1. What country was the first to launch a satellite?

  2. What country was the first to land on the Moon?

  3. Is there any spaceship in the outer space orbiting the earth now?

  4. Has Russia launched any rocket to Mars?

  5. Is there any special institute in Moscow where cosmonauts are prepared?

  6. Have you ever dreamed of travelling to other planets?

  7. Do you like travelling in general?

Текст 8

One of the most interesting tourist attractions in Winchester, at one time the Saxon capital of England, is King Arthur’s Round Table. It is made of wood and has places for the king himself and four of his knights. Now experts have shown that the table did not belong to King Arthur, if King Arthur, the hero of romantic legends, ever existed. The results of the investigation have pleased the experts. But such a terrible disappointment for the romantics!

  1. What are the main tourists' attractions in Moscow?

  2. If your friend comes to Moscow for the first time, where will you take him first?

  3. Have you ever been to the Kremlin? What attracts tourists there?

  4. If you go to London, what will you try to see first?

  5. Do you like travelling?



№ 1.

When the first white men arrived in Samoa, they found blind men, who could see well enough to describe things in detail just by holding their hands over objects. In France just after the first World War, Jules Romain tested hundreds of blind people and found a few who could tell the difference between light and dark. He narrowed their photosensitivity down to areas on the nose or in the fingertips. The phenomenon is obviously not new, but it has reached new peaks of sensitivity in Rosa Kuleshova, a young woman, who can see with her fingers. She is not blind, but because she grew up in a family of blind people, she learned to help them and then went on to teach herself to do other things with her hands. Dr. Shaefer in Moscow made an intensive study with her and found that, blindfolded with only her arms stuck through a screen, she could "see" colours. She also found that she could read newsprint under glass, with no clues given to her by the texture.

In strictly control tests, Rosa read the small print in a newspaper with her elbow.

And, in the most convincing demonstration of all, she repeated these things with someone standing behind her pressing hard on her eyeballs.

  1. The first white men to visit Samoa found men who

  1. described things by touching them.

  2. could see their hands.

  3. could see when they held hands.

  1. Why did Shaefer put the paper under glass?

  1. to make things as difficult as possible.

  2. to stop her from cheating.

  3. to prevent Rosa from feeling the print.

  1. Rosa Kuleshova`s ability

  1. to see was only in her fingers.

  2. to read with her fingers didn`t depend on the feel of the print.

  3. to "see" different colours made her famous.

  1. He narrowed their photosensitivity down to areas on the nose or in the fingertips.

The phrase underlined best means:

  1. limited.

  2. lessened.

  3. decreased.

  1. What was the most difficult test of Rosa`s ability?

  1. to read through glass, blindfolded.

  2. to "see" the colour and shape of light on a screen while securely blindfolded.

  3. to carry out tasks with someone pressing on her eyeballs.

№ 2.

Museums have changed. They are no longer places for the privileged few or bored tourists to visit on rainy days.

Many museums have changed in appearance. Instead of showing everything they have, museums directors show fewer objects and leave open places where visitors can gather and sit down. They also bring together a group of objects in an effort to represent the whole life style of a region or a historical period. In one room, for instance, you may find materials, clothing, tools and art works of a particular place and time.

Now more and more people go to the museums. One cause of all these changes is the increase in wealth and leisure time. Another cause is the rising percentage of young people in the population. Many of these young people are college students.

The effect of all this has been to change existing museums and to encourage the building of new ones.

  1. Museums some more years ago were mainly for___.

  1. the bored visitors

  2. the holiday makers

  3. the people to shelter from the rain

  1. Attendance is increasing because museums are visited by

  1. many old people

  2. many children

  3. more and more young people

  1. Museum directors show fewer objects in order to

  1. represent one particular life style of a region

  2. show that the museum is modern

  3. make the museum big enough for visitors

  1. If you find different materials shown in one room, you know the museum wants to

  1. attract your attention

  2. show everything the museum has

  3. show you the life style of a particular time and place

  1. As more and more people go to the museums

  1. new museums are built

  2. the service in museums is improved

  3. lectures for college students are given there

№ 3.

The study of population statistics is called "demography". All advanced countries now collect detailed statistics on births, marriages and deaths, and every few years a census of the population is taken. In England these figures are published by the General Register Office in London. World figures for population changes are much more difficult to compile because many underdeveloped countries do not keep complete records. However, a very detailed list of the available statistics is published every year in the United Nations Demographic Yearbook.

From a careful study of these figures, demographers have worked out a description of what they think happened in the history of the population of a modern industrial nation. Throughout most of human history, they believe, man has had a very high death- rate and a high birth- rate. The death- rate may have been due to epidemic disease or starvation. Since it was balanced by large numbers of births, the size of the population remained stable.

In about one- forth of the world, modern medicine has reduced the death- rate and here the popular explosion is greatest South- eastern Europe, some South American countries and India are all more or less at this stage. The available statistics suggest that the modern industrial nations of the West passed through a phase like this in the 19-th century.

In the Western nations the birth- rate began to drop, and by the 1930s several North European countries had reached a new stable level with low birth- rates combined with low death-rates.

This phenomenon has 3 stages. Each has a distinctive economic arrangement. In the earliest phase there is a very low level of productivity, and the standard of living is very low. At the middle stage, agriculture becomes more productive but does not always keep up with population growth, and industrial growth begins. The third stage has a very high standard of living, great efficiency and modern technology.

  1. Full details of births, marriages and deaths are recorded

  1. by the United Nations Demographic Yearbook.

  2. by all fully developed countries.

  3. by the General Register Office only.

  1. In past centuries

  1. birth rates were high and death rates were low.

  2. birth rates were low and death rates were high.

  3. birth rates were high and so were death rates.

  1. In the 19-th century the population of the West

  1. began to drop.

  2. suddenly increased.

  3. was stabilized.

  1. The economic conditions in a country with a low birth-rate and a low death-rate would be

  1. productive agriculture and a little industry.

  2. low standards of living and efficient agriculture.

  3. high standards of living and very efficient industry.

  1. World figures for population changes are much more difficult to compile because many underdeveloped countries do not keep complete records. The word underlined means:

  1. collect.

  2. draw up.

  3. send out.

№ 4.

Reaction to noise in hospital was clearly related to custom and background. All patients of professional classes discussed ward noises. The 74 people who made no comment on noise and the 19 who thought that the ward was noisy were either in unskilled work, often factories, or the wives of unskilled workers living a comparatively communal life in rented property.

There is suggestion also that noise is related to the sinuousness of illness, and the resultant length of stay in hospital. Noises, which may not annoy a seriously ill patient, begin to irritate him as he recovers strength.

Because of the structure of the wards in which some patients stayed, exposure to the noise of the other members was inevitable, and accepted by all patients as such, no matter how much it disturbed them both physically and emotionally. The patients suggested the removal of seriously ill or disturbed patients from the main ward, but, so long as the practice is, whether by dictate of policy or staffing, to keep such patients in the ward, this will always be a source of hospital noise.

One hospital noise, which patients felt could, by change of policy, be eliminated was the disturbance caused by emergency admissions direct to the main ward during the night.

Ward - больничная палата; отделение больницы.

  1. The people who noticed the noises in hospital were___.

  1. the poorer people

  2. middle-class people

  3. people who were ill

  1. The unskilled workers mentioned in the passage lived___.

  1. in cottages

  2. near factories

  3. in blocks of flats

  1. It was found that when a patient begins to get better, hospital noises___.

  1. annoy him more

  2. annoy him less

  3. make him feel ill again

  1. "Hospital noises" are___.

  1. a necessary part of life in a hospital

  2. avoidable

  3. unpleasant

  1. Patients wished the noises made by emergency admissions to be___.

  1. made less

  2. stopped altogether

  3. made more endurable


Key to text 1:






Key to text 2:






Key to text 3:






Key to text 4:








  1. She looks _ an actress.

  1. as b. as if c. like.

  1. Could you _ me some sugar?

a. borrow b. lend

  1. It's not so easy _ me to play chess.

a. to teach b. to learn c. to study

  1. I'll have to buy _ trousers.

  1. a couple of b. a pair of

5.As there were only _ of pages left, she decided to finish the book before going to bed.

a. a couple b. a pair

6.We like to listen to him because he always _ very interesting stories.

a. speaks b. says c. tells

7. I'd like _ your attention to this interesting fact.

a. to draw b. to attract c. to pay

8.I saw something glittering at a distance. It _ my attention.

a. drew b. attracted c. paid

9. You should _ more attention to your spelling.

a. draw b. attract c. pay

10. Helen didn't go to the cinema yesterday. _ her friend.

a. so did b. neither did c. either did d. neither didn't

11. I had to return home because I _my keys there.

a. forgot b. left c. had left d. Had forgotten

12. As far as he is concerned, one piece of music is very much like _.

a. an other b. one other c. other d. another

13. We were in the station for at least half an hour, waiting _ start.

a. for the train b. the train to c. the train's d. for the train to

14. I don't think we've met before. You're confusing me with _.

a. one other b. someone else c. other person d. some other

15. Can you give me some money? Sorry, I haven't got _.

a. some b. any c. one d. many

16. If you _ late, I will have to leave without you.

a. might b. would be c. will be d. are

17. Would you mind _ the window?

a. you open b. to open c. opening d. if you open

18. My brother _ tennis when he was younger.

a. was playing b. has played c. used to play d. was used to play

19. When we _ the monkeys we'll go and look at the lions.

a. see b. have seen c. will see d. will have seen

20. Mr. Brown wouldn't let his son _ to America.

a. leave b. go c. to go d. leave

21. There hasn't been much snow this year, _?

a. hasn't it b. hasn't there c. has there d. does there

22 You look different, what have you done?

a. I had cut my hair b. I've had my hair cut c. I've had cut my hair d. I cut my hair

23. Did the examiner ask you any questions? She asked me _ somewhere to live.

a. do I have b. have I c. if I had d. did I have

24. This umbrella was left in the taxi. Do you know _ it is?

a. who's b. whose c. of whom

25. I'm not used to _ up early at the weekend.

a. getting b. get

26. I _ since breakfast and I'm very tired.

a. travel b. am travelling c. was travelling d. have been travelling

27. I never expected him to turn _ at the meeting. I thought he was abroad

a. in b. around c. up d. on

28. When we arrived at the hotel we asked them _ have.

a. what room we may b. which room we were able

c. which room we could d. what room could we

29. We went out to dinner before _ to the cinema.

a. we were going b. go c. going d. to go

30. The baby is crying. Will you _ while I prepare his milk?

a. wake him up b. bring him up c. look after him d. care him

31. The best _ now is to write to her.

a. thing that you do b. you should do c. thing to do d. to do

32. That's the hotel _ last year.

a. where we stayed at b. which we stayed c. where we stayed d. at which we stayed at

33. I know a new school _ now in our district.

a. is built b. is being built c. has been built

34. Why are you so quiet? _ something.

a. Tell b. Talk c. Say

35. Don't you remember that we _ to the cinema tonight?

a. will be gone b. are going c. would go d. are gone

36. She broke a_ while she was washing up.

a. glass for wine b. wine glass c. glass wine d. glass of wine

37. He didn't mind_ late because he enjoyed it.

a. to work b. work c. working

38. By the time we arrive, the film _.

a. has started b. will have started c. has to start d. started

39. To travel from England to Scotland you _ a passport.

a. haven't got b. mustn't have c. need d. don't need

40. Last Sunday _ thousands of people on the beach.

a. it was b. there were c. there was d. they were



  1. Nick _ TV every day.

a. looks b. sees c. watches

2.The rain hasn't stopped yet. It _ for 6 hours.

a. rained b. is raining c. has been raining

3.I'd like to speak to Max. Wait here till he _.

  1. comes b. will come c. shall come d. was coming

4.Peter doesn't enjoy _ letters.

a. to write b. writing c. write

  1. Bill hasn't yet read the book, and _.

A. Several other boys hasn't either

B. neither has some of the other boys

C. some other boys also haven't either

D. neither have other boys

  1. How long do you want to stay in England? I _ for 3 months.

A. Going to stay b. am going stay c. am going to stay d. am going to staying

  1. This umbrella was left in the taxi. Do you know _ it is?

a. who b. who's c. whose d. of whom

  1. He didn't thank me for the present. That's _ upset me.

a. the thing what b. that which c. what d. which

  1. Your letter _.

a. has arrived two days ago b. arrived two days ago

c. arrived since two days d. has arrived since two days

  1. _ lovely food.

a. What b. Which a c. Which d. What a

  1. _ like a cup of milk?

a. Do you b. Will you c. Would you d. Could you

12 _ life in London like?

a. How is b. What sort is c. What is d. Which is

13Look, the window's broken. Who _?

a. did it break b. broke it c. did break it

14.Cuba is _ sugar growing countries in the world.

f. one of the large b. one of largest c. one of the largest d. one of the larger

15. Do you like Moscow? Yes, _.

  1. it's very interested b. It's very interesting c. It's very interest d. It interests very much

16. _ I read the text? Do, please.

a. Must b. Shall c. May d. Can

17. We _ us at 10 o'clock.

a. would like that you find b. would like you to meet

c. want that you look for d. want you to wait

18. Look what my father _ me when he came home from work.

a. fetched b. carried c. brought d. took

19. This question is _ difficult for me.

a. so much b. too c. that much d. enough

20. _ of them knew about the plan because it was secret.

a. some b. none c. no one d. anybody

21. The girl _ mother was ill was crying.

a. who's b. of whom c. whose d. which

22.I didn't see any animals. I don't think _ in that park.

a. they were any b. there were any ones c. they were any ones d. there were any

  1. Yesterday Ben _ the bus.

a. waited for ten minutes b. was expecting ten minutes

c. had waited for ten minutes d. waited ten minutes for

  1. _ these girls do you know?

a. Who of b. Which of c. How many d. What of

  1. We had plenty of time. We _ leave so early.

a. needn't b. mustn't c. didn't have to

  1. We haven't got much time. We _ hurry.

a. need b. must c. can

  1. She's going to study and _.

a. so does her brother b. so is her brother c. her brother too

  1. My friends say that I _ my mother.

a. look like b. look after c. remind

  1. The reason I left is _ I was bored.

a. why b. what c. that d. for

30. _ if you aren't careful.

a. You must fall b. You fall c. You'll fall

  1. Are these books _?

a. yours' or Johns' b. your's or John's c. your or John's d. yours or John's

  1. I live about 20 km _ here.

a. away of b. away from c. near d. near from

  1. _ a letter here for you

a. It's b. It has c. There's

  1. He isn't very popular. He has _ friends.

a. many b. little c. few d. a few c. a little f. much

  1. A few days ago _ was a storm.

a. it b. there

  1. Do you want tea or coffee? _ . I really don't mind.

a. Both b. Either c. Neither

  1. I don't know much Spanish. Only _ words.

a. little b. a little c. a few d. few.

  1. Bad news _ make people happy.

a. doesn't b. don't

  1. I saw Sue in town yesterday but she didn't see me. She _ the other way.

a. looked b. was looking c. had looked

  1. You'll find the information you need at the top of _ page 5.

a. a b. the c. -


  1. C

  2. B

  3. A

  4. B

  5. A

  6. C

  7. A

  8. B

  9. C

  10. B

  11. C

  12. D

  13. D

  14. B

  15. B

  16. D

  17. C

  18. C

  19. B

  20. B

  1. C

  2. B

  3. C

  4. B

  5. A

  6. D

  7. C

  8. C

  9. C

  10. C

  11. C

  12. C

  13. B

  14. C

  15. B

  16. B

  17. C

  18. B

  19. D

  20. B


  1. c

  2. c

  3. a

  4. b

  5. d

  6. c

  7. c

  8. c

  9. b

  10. a

  11. c

  12. c

  13. b

  14. c

  15. b

  16. b

  17. b

  18. c

  19. b

  20. b

  21. c

  22. d

  23. d

  24. b

  25. c

  26. b

  27. b

  28. a

  29. c

  30. c

  31. d

  32. b

  33. c

  34. c

  35. b

  36. b

  37. c

  38. a

  39. b

  40. c

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