Урок-дискуссия “People’s Relations. In Search of Happiness” (10 класс)

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  • Урок-дискуссия “People’s Relations. In Search of Happiness” (10 класс)

  • Урок-конференция “We and Our Environment” (11 класс)

  • Урок-проект “ Education for a Happier Life” (11 класс)

Урок-дискуссия “People’s Relations. In Search of Happiness” (10 класс)

Уровень: Upper-Intermediate

Задачи урока:

Учебные: развивать разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), и аудирования.

Развивающие : развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, обобщению, анализу, логичности; развивать

умения выражать своё отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу, выяснить и обсудить мнение и отношение собеседника к

обсуждаемому вопросу.

Воспитывающие: учить критически относиться к своему поведению, критически думать о своих семейных отношениях, уметь находить пути разрешения семейных конфликтов.

• индивидуальная работа (высказывание собственного мнения по проблеме)

• парная ( разные типы диалогов)

• групповая (работа в 2х рабочих группах)

наглядный материал (можно выбрать)

"All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way"( Leo Tolstoy, a Russian

writer 1828-1910)

A house becomes a house with love inside ( a saying)

"A good laugh is sunshine in a house " (W. Thackeray, an English writer 1811-1863)

"Home is a place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in " (Robert Frost, an American poet 1874-


"Happiness is good health and a bad memory " (Ingrid Bergman, a Swedish film actress)

"Act as if you were already happy and that will tend to make you happy" (Dale Carnegie, an American self help


"Happiness is not having what you want, but wanting what you have " (Rabbi Hyman Schachtel, an American


"All the miles of a hard road are worth a moment of true happiness " (Arnold Lobel, an American writer)

"Happiness is a way station between too little and too much " (Channing Pollock, an American actress)

Words of Wisdom:

Life is what you make of it

If you want to be happy for life, love what you do

The shortest distance between two people is a warm smile and a good laugh

Humour adds years to your life and life to your years

Men make house, women make homes (Мужчины создают дома, а женщины- домашний очаг)

video "In Search of Happiness"{ Cutting Edge-video -intermediate/ upper-intermediate, Longman)
Раздаточный материал

• Role-play cards- Card 1 / Card 2 (для ролевой игры)

• Debate-cards (для модулированной ситуации)

• Discussion-cards (для групповой дискуссии)

Методическое содержание урока

Этап урока

Задания, стимулирующие деятельность ученика

Учебный материал



1. Начало


Warm-up: Opinion Talk

  • Expressing your opinion on a

situation ( a 1 -minute talk)

Тема: Family Life

3 мин

Высказывание личного

мнения по заданию (по 1

человеку от рабочей


2. Центральная часть урока

1. Discursive Talk

• For and Against of being the only child in the family

2. Opinion Talk ( a 1-min talk)

• Arguments and conflicts in the


3. Role-play (a 3-min talk)

• Giving an interview

4. Debate on a simulated situation

( a 3- minute talk)

5. Discussion based on video "In

Search of Happiness"

Topic : Family Life
Topic: Generation

Topic : Family


Topic: Family


Topic: In Search of


5 мин
7-8 мин

7-8 мин

7-8 мин

7-8 мин

Работа в 2х рабочих

группах- высказывание «за»

и «против» (индивидуально

или в группе)

Высказывание индивидуально в каждой группе

Парная работа (по одной

паре от группы)

Парная работа (по одной

паре от группы)
Групповая дискуссия

3. Заключительная часть урока

Homework: a 2-minute talk on a

problem :

• What makes you happy? Give

your reasons.

• Do you think people's levels of

happiness remain more or less

the same throughout their lives'?

Based on the video

2 мин

Подведение итогов урока

Ход урока

  1. Warm-up Discussion

Т: Today we have a debate-lesson. Our subject is People's Relations. In Search of Happiness. Leo Tolstoy wrote in his famous "Anna Karenina" "All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way "

*T: What is a happy family in your opinion? (высказывание личного мнения -по 1 человеку от группы)

*Т: What does the 'home' mean to you? ( высказывание личного мнения -по 1 человеку от группы)

  1. Main part.

Discursive Talk

T: So, family is a group of people living in the same house. Some families are large, others are small.

*T: Is it good or bad to grow up in a large family?

1st group: You speak about the advantages of being an only child in the family.

2nd group: You speak about the disadvantages of being an only child in the family

(группы обдумывают ответ в течение 1 минуты, затем высказывают своё мнение)
Opinion Talk

Т: So, if a family is a group of people, there are some problems in any family. Not only the Russian writer Turgenev was interested in the problem of "fathers and sons", every new generation has clashed face to face over such a problem. The flash of the conflict usually takes place, when the children are teenagers.

*T: What issues do you think cause conflicts between parents and children? How can we solve the problems?

( высказывание личного мнения -по 1-2-3 человека от группы)
Role play ( диалог с обменом фактической информацией)

Т: Now I'd like you to role-play the situation. One student is a famous cinema star who is giving an interview. The second student is a reporter who is interested in her/his private life and asks her/him questions.

Role-play card 1 ( for a famous cinema star)
You are a famous cinema star Mr/Ms......You are giving an interview to a reporter from a popular magazine.

You'll have to give information about:

• Your childhood

• Your marriage

• Your relations with children

• Your family celebrations

Remember to:

• Be polite and active

• Ask all the questions

• Find out as much information as possible

• Finish the conversation properly

Role-play card 2 ( for a reporter)
You are a reporter of a popular magazine "X". You have to write an article about a famous cinema star Mr/ Mrs.... You are interested in her/his private life . She/Не is giving an interview to you. You'll have to ask her/him questions about:

• Her/His childhood

• Her/His marriage

• Her/His relations with children

• Her/His family celebrations
Remember to:

• Be polite and active

• Ask all the questions

• Find out as much information as possible

• Finish the conversation properly

Debate on a simulated situation ( диалог с обменом оценочной информацией)

Debate- card ( for both students)
You and your friend have a task to write a report about family celebration. You are given 4 options for discussion:

• A holiday celebration

• A wedding reception

• Christening

• A birthday party
Discuss all these options and choose one you both like most of all. Give reasons for your choice.

Remember to:

• Ask for your partner's point of view

• Give reasons for your choice

• Be active and polite

• Take turns

• Come to an agreement





New year party

It was the most joyful celebration of all.

We sang songs and danced and then we had

fireworks. The cake was delicious.

We had to stay with our relations all night long. It

was so boring. When we went out it was

unbearably cold. And we ate too much as usual.

Cousin's wedding

It impressed me greatly. The bride was so

beautiful in a long white dress and veil.

The church was very small and cozy and

they played the organ.

It was a real mess! I have never seen so many

relations before. The bridegroom was late and the

priest was talking too much. Everybody was

looking forward to the party.

Nephew's christening

I was really fascinated by the ceremony!

The baby was so cute and the marble font

was so beautiful. Remember, how the baby

cried when they put it into the water. And I

also liked the name he was given.

It was awful! They brought this poor little one

into that big church and then put it into the water.

He cried so piteously. And everybody was very

happy! It was really cruel.

Our birthday party in a disco bar

It was a wonderful idea to invite all our

friends to a disco. We had such fun! And

the DJ played one song in our honour.

Everybody was laughing and dancing. And

we didn't have to clear the house


This horrible disco was so crowded that I

couldn't see our guests. I didn't like the music

either. I think the DJ was very stupid. And how

expensive was Coke and sandwiches!

Discussion based on video "In Search of Happiness"

T: So , we've spoken about happy families , participating in social events, and we have one more issue "What is happiness?" Our next page of discussion is "In search of happiness". You're going to watch a short section of the video film and then answer some questions.
Discussion-cards (a group discussion)

• Which three things are mentioned as sources of happiness?

• Emma and Mark give examples of things that make people happy. Name the ones you hear.

  • Being with your family

  • Being with your friends

  • Being popular with the opposite sex

  • Walking in the countryside

  • Listening to music

( Key: Being popular with the opposite sex, Walking in the countryside, Listening to music)
3. Conclusion. Homework

Think of these two questions: ( a 1-minute talk on each question)

• What makes you happy? Give your reasons.

• Do you think people's levels of happiness remain more or less the same throughout their lives?

Урок-конференция “We and Our Environment” (11 класс)

Уровень: Upper-intermediate

Задачи урока:

Учебные: развивать разговорные навыки (монологической и диалогической речи), чтения и аудирования Развивающие: развивать умения начать, поддержать, развить и закончить дискуссию, развивать способность к обобщению, анализу, логичности; развивать умения выражать своё отношение к обсуждаемому вопросу, выяснить и обсудить мнение и отношение собеседника к обсуждаемому вопросу.

Воспитывающие: формировать ответственное и гуманное отношение к природе, к проблемам окружающей среды и к животным .

■ индивидуальная работа ( высказывание собственного мнения по проблеме)

■ парная ( разные типы диалогов)

■ групповая (работа в 2х рабочих группах)


  • Тематические буклеты

1. Planet Report

The Planet Earth Super Dossier reports on the health of the natural world:
Wildlife. By the year 2030, 25% of all animals, birds, fish and insects may be extinct. Why is this happening? Well, there are three main reasons. The first is pollution. Millions of animals die every year because man has polluted their natural home or habitat. The second is hunting. Man hunts and kills millions of animals every year. The third reason is the environment itself. It's becoming smaller. Every year man cuts down more trees, builds more roads, and uses more land for farming. This leaves fewer jungles, fields and forests for wildlife.
Pollution. Cars and factories are very dangerous for people, wildlife and environment. Two serious pollution problems are... (1) Acid rain- This happens when gases and chemicals mix with water in the air. The mixture travels for hundreds of miles and finally falls back to earth. Because acid rain contains a lot of chemicals, it kills fish and trees. (2) The Greenhouse Effect- Gases and chemicals are the reason for this problem, too. Some of them stay in the air like a blanket around the world. Because of this blanket, the Earth's climate is changing and getting hotter.
Health. People don't just pollute the atmosphere. They pollute themselves, too - for example with cigarettes, junk food, alcohol, illegal drugs (like heroin and cocaine). The question is - how can human beings become healthier?
Energy. 94% of the world's energy comes from oil, gas and coal. But these fossil fuels won't last for ever. There's only enough oil and gas for the next 50 years. Coal will last longer- perhaps another 300 years. Then what? Well, there are two possible answers.

(1) Nuclear Power -20 years ago this seemed to be the answer. But today, after Chernobyl, many people think it's too dangerous.

(2) Natural Energy - This means energy from the sun, sea, wind and under the ground. It's clean and natural, but there's a problem. It's also very expensive.
Land. 40% of the world's rainforests have disappeared in the last 80 years. Today in South America 50 hectares disappear every minute. This is happening because people need wood and paper, minerals and medicines, more room for farms and houses. But land isn't just disappearing in South America. It's an international crisis. In Africa, for example, the Sahara desert is growing bigger every year. Here the problem is erosion. That's what happens when farmers use the soil too much. It becomes poor and thin. Then, in the end, the wind blows it away or 'erodes' it.
2. Animals in Danger ( from Super Dossier ‘Modern Issues’)

Perhaps the most famous rare animal is the panda . Twenty years ago it was nearly extinct. Now, its numbers are growing again. It's even become a symbol for wildlife conservation. But many other species have been less lucky than the panda.
HABITAT  the problem
There is a serious habitat problem because.....

1) After pollution or destruction, habitats take many years (sometimes hundreds or even thousands) to grow again.

2) Pollution and destruction change the balance of nature . Each species in a habitat (for example, wood, jungle, marsh or forest) needs and helps the rest. If one animal , bird or insect disappears. All the others suffer too.

This is what's happening in the rainforests of South America, Africa and Asia. These are some of the world's oldest habitats. Or they were. Man is destroying an area of rainforest as big as Switzerland every year.

But the problem doesn't stop there. Habitats and animals are disappearing in Europe, too. Since 1947 in Britain, for example...

• 50% of the woods have disappeared

• 50% of the marshes have disappeared

• 95% of the meadows have disappeared

And what has taken the place of these green, natural places? Houses, farms, cities, streets, roads and factories. Because of this ( and pollution, too ) several British species are dying. In fact scientists believe that 30 British animals, fish and birds may become extinct by the year 2000.
There is only one way to save wild animals and wild habitats - conservation.

This means...

• protecting animals in danger by law

• opening more national parks

• building fewer new roads

• planting more new forests

• cutting ( reducing) pollution

If this doesn't happen, many wild animals will soon have just one habitat - the zoo.
HUNTING ® Poaching
Man has always been a hunter. He still is. But many modern hunters don't just kill for food - they kill for profit. That's why so many rare and protected animals are still dying. Hunters like these are called poachers.

Fact In 1981 there were 15,000 black rhinos in Africa. Today, because of illegal hunting, that number is 4,500.

In the 1970s there were 1.3 million African elephants. Today , because of poaching, there are under 85,000.
The Fur trade
In the 1940s, 90% of skins and furs came from wild animals. Today that number is 15%. That's because most modern skins come from fur farms.

Fact It takes 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat. But only one to wear it.
Fur Farm Facts
• There are more than 2,000 in Scandinavia and 340 in Russia.

• They don't keep rare or protected animals.

• Fur farmers kill and sell over 34 million mink every year. ( *mink -норка)

• Animals in fur farms live in good conditions and die without pain (the farmers give them an injection).

But what about the other 15% of furs? Well - these still come from wild animals. Hunters catch most of them in traps. These are made of metal and are very sharp. Most animals caught in traps die very slowly.
Fact The USA traps over 20 million animals every year.
3. The Greatest Threats to the World’s Environment





  1. 1.The extinction of plant and animal life.

  • Pollution ( air, water, land, industrial)

  • Killing animals

( hunting, poaching, for food, for sport, for research, for profit)

  • Deforestation (it is caused by trees being burnt or cut down)

  • Birds and animals lose their homes and die

  • Changes in climate

  • Less and less oxygen is being produced

  • Drought or flooding

  • Famine

  • protecting animals in danger by law;

  • opening more national parks and planting more new forests;

  • protecting jungles and forests ;

  • more money for conservation ;

  • cutting pollution;

  • introduce harsher punishments for illegal hunters;

  • raise public awareness about endangered species

2. Air Pollution

  • cars, buses , trucks...(exhaust fumes)

  • smoke and fumes from factories

  • it can cause serious breathing problems and cancer

  • remove the harmful industrial enterprises over the city limits;

  • all of them should be fitted

with traps and dust-


  • encourage industries to use cleaner methods of production;

  • expand the green zone; build the dam with purification system;

  • install pollution control systems ;

  • freight traffic is banned in the historical centre of the city;

  • drive cars which run on unleaded petrol;

  • use bicycles instead of cars;

3. Water Pollution

  • human activities

( dirty rivers and canals, radioactive waste, chemical discharge and the dumping of dangerous toxins and raw


  • environment disasters (oil tankers are spilling thick black oil into our oceans)

  • acid rains ( it is caused by factories and cars releasing poisonous chemicals into the air )

  • trees, lakes and buildings are being damaged

  • sea life is threatened with extinction

  • water is not safe to drink or swim in

  • it can cause stomach illnesses

  • international and national laws of the coastal states;

  • to control the purity of water

( check points, purification units);

  • to preserve sea life ;

  • to organise rational fishing;

  • to prevent oil pollution ;

  • governments should fine factories which pollute the seas and rivers

4. Land Pollution

  • garbage and trash thrown by people ( the problem of litter is caused by the production of too much packaging and food waste;

  • using pesticides and fertilisers;

  • nuclear waste

  • streets are dirty

  • diseases are spreading more easily

  • throw away less rubbish ;

  • use litter bins;

  • turn rubbish into energy;

  • controls on use of pesticides and fertilisers;

  • use recycling;

  • provide more bottle-tanks /can-banks

5. Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect

  • deforestation;

  • using aerosols, freezers with CFC coolants;

  • burning fossil fuels

  • rising temperatures;

  • melting ice-caps in the polar regions;

  • droughts in hot countries;

  • floods (sea levels rise)

  • cutting down fewer trees;

  • building sea defences;

  • planting more trees;

  • using alternative sources of energy

6. World Population Growth

The world population is growing very quickly.

  • Growing cities gobble up precious natural resources;

  • destroy and poison huge areas of land, along with the plants and animals that live there.

  • The trouble is our planet’s riches are limited. A lot of people around the world do not have enough clean water. In many countries there is simply not enough food to feed the growing population. Each day 40,000 people die from malnutrition. Huge demands for food have forced farmers to overuse their land. When the land is replanted too often, nature has no time to replace the soil’s nutrients.

Some people say that the Chinese government is right: the population should be limited. Others say that no government should make rules about family size. What can we do about overpopulation?

7. Energy Problems

  1. 94% from fossil fuels

  2. nuclear power

  • Coal, oil and gas will not last for ever, and burning them is slowly harming the atmosphere.

  • Nuclear power leaves dangerous radioactive waste.

  • Solar power (the sun’s energy as heat or to make electricity )

  • Wind-power (to build modern windmills).

  • Water-power

  • geo-thermal power

8. Holes in the Ozone Layer

Ozone layer is a layer in the earth’s atmosphere in which ozone is formed, preventing harmful radiation from the sun reaching the earth. The release of CFCs and some other chemicals into the atmosphere is considered the cause of the thinning of the ozone layer.

As a result, more and more people are getting skin cancer.

Some companies now make aerosols that do not contain CFCs , and these are often marked ‘ozone-friendly’
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