И. Б. Абрамова О. П. Кириченко

НазваниеИ. Б. Абрамова О. П. Кириченко
Дата публикации02.12.2014
Размер1.08 Mb.
ТипПрограмма курса
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New Energy from Old Sources

The resources of fossil fuel which made the industrial revolution possible and have added to the comfort and convenience of modern life were formed over a period of 600-million years. We will consume them in a few hundred years at current rates.

But energy is available to use in practically unlimited quantities from other sources. Large amounts of energy can be received from ocean tides and currents, from huge underground steam deposits, from the power of wind and from the heat of the Sun.

Most solar-heating systems coming on the market use a black surface to absorb the Sun’s heat. Engineers cover the surface with glass which lets in the rays, but holds heat. The heat is transferred to water that runs through small pipes. The hot water is then circulated through the house. It is estimated that 40 million new buildings will be heated by solar energy by the year 2000.

The solar cell is another way to produce power from the Sun. It converts sunlight directly into electricity. These cells are used with great success in the space program, but remain far too expensive for wide-spread application.

Putting the wind to work researchers are showing great interest in the age-old windmill. Several big companies are now studying windmills ranging from 100 to 2,000 kilowatts. The smallest would provide sufficient electricity to power several homes, the largest could provide electricity to a small village.

Japan Stores Sunlight in Crystals

Japan has managed to store the Sun’s energy for 61 days in an important development in the use of solar power. Scientists have produced a stable chemical compound to store the energy.

The new compound takes the form of a yellow crystal. It changes its molecular structure when exposed to sunshine. When a small catalyst of silver was applied to it the substance reverted to its original molecular structure, generating heat at any required moment.

If produced in liquid form, the compound would retain the energy for 61 days without a boost of sunshine.

The temperature of the compound does not rise when solar energy is stored. The energy takes the form of molecular change at normal temperatures. In this way energy is not lost through the dissipation of heat.

Initial tests showed that 2.2 lb of the substance would conserve 92,000 calories. The research team said a solar heater with a surface of a square metre could store 85 million calories of energy a year. The compound could also be transported while it stored energy.

If the compound was produced in solid form, it could store energy for indefinite periods if the silver catalyst was not applied. However, it would have to be produced in a more impure liquid for practical use.

The new compound could be used to store energy for heating, cooling and eventually the generation of electrical power. There was little wastage and no pollution.

Forms and Functions of Architecture

Architecture is the art and the science of building. Without consideration of structural principles, materials, and social and economic requirements a building cannot take form, but unless aesthetic quality also is inherent in its form the building cannot be considered as a work of architecture.

From the very beginnings of architecture many skills, systems, and theories have been evolved for the construction of the buildings that have housed nations and generations of men in all their essential activities, and writing on architecture is almost as old as writing itself. The oldest book we have that sets forth the principles upon which buildings should be designed and aims to guide the architect is the work of Marcus Virtruvius Pollio, [ ‘ma:k s vit’ruvi s p ‘liou] written in the first century B.C.

Architecture is an art, its contemporary expression must be creative and consequently new. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored, but it must be expressed in contemporary terminology.

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