Listen, watch and speak для студентов I курса

НазваниеListen, watch and speak для студентов I курса
Дата публикации26.08.2014
Размер1.03 Mb.
ТипДокументы > Право > Документы
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Intonation Drills

12. Read after the teacher.
a) Alternative questions – Rise + Fall:

  1. 'Are they from London or Leeds? – They are from Leeds.

  2. 'Would you 'like tea or coffee? – Coffee, please.

  3. 'Is he a student or a doctor? – He is a doctor already.

  4. 'Did she 'send a fax or an e-mail message? – She sent a fax.

  5. 'Will you have beef or fish? – I’ll have fish.

b) Disjunctive questions

A. Fall + Rise:

  1. 'Sandra is Spanish,isn’t she? – I’m 'not sure. She may be Italian.

  2. 'Ingrid 'comes from Berlin, doesn’t she? – No, she 'comes from Bern.

  3. The 'weather‘s 'going to be fine, isn’t it? – I’d say so.

  4. 'Max 'lives in Rome, doesn’t he? – I’m 'not sure.

  5. In 'Austria they 'speak Austrian, don’t they? – Oh, no! They 'speak German.

B. Fall + Fall:

  1. 'Oslo is in the 'North of Europe, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

  2. The 'earth 'goes 'round the sun, doesn’t it? – Yes, it does.

  3. 'London 'stands on the Thames, doesn’t it? – Yes, it does.

  4. The 'capital of 'Greece is Athens, isn’t it? – Yes, it is.

  5. This 'man is our Dean, isn’t he? – Yes, he is.


13. Ask and answer as in the models:

Model 1: St-1 – What is the capital of Russia?

St-2 – The capital of Russia is Moscow.
Model 2: St-1 – What language do they speak in France?

St-2 – In France they speak French.
14. Answer the questions, using in the north (south, east, west) of, to the south (north, east, west) of, in the middle (centre) of, on the coast of:


The Article
15. Insert the articles a/an or the where necessary.
A. 1. We couldn’t find anywhere to stay in the town. All ___ hotels were full. 2. All ___ cars have wheels. 3. All ___ books on the top shelf belong to my brother. 4. My favourite subject at school was ___ mathematics. 5. ___ Gymnastics is ___ beautiful sport. 6. Susan is not very good at ___ physics. 7. ___ Football is very popular in England and Scotland. 8. Norwegians are keen on ___ skiing.
B. 1. Richard has lived in New York ___ most of his life. 2. Old Mrs. Shaw doesn’t go out very often. She is at home most ___ days. 3. Judy wasn’t very well yesterday. She spent most of ___ day in bed. 4. Most ___ days Carol gets up at six o’clock. 5. Last weekend Cathy spent most of ___ time gardening. 6. Fred travels a lot. He has been to most of ___ European countries. 7. Some ___ people get upset very easily. 8. Some ___ cars can go faster than others. 9. Some of ___ books here are Linda’s and some are mine. 10. Many ___ accidents are caused by bad driving. 11. Many ___ people drive too fast.
C. hospital 1. The people injured in the accident were taken to ___ hospital. 2. ___ new hospital is being built in Park Street. 3. David has just had an operation, he is still in ___ hospital. 4. Dr. Clarence is not at home yet, he is still in ___ hospital.
prison 5. Nelson was put to ___ prison for his political beliefs. 6. The Governor of Texas visited ___ prison in one of the towns as part of his election campaign [kRm'peIn]. 7. Sing-Sing is ___ prison in the state of New York.
church 8. Steve’s Granny is very religious. She regularly goes to ___ church. 9. Which way is the bank? – Go along this street as far as ___ church and then turn right. 10. There is ___ church in Bradford-on-Avon which was built between the 7th and the 10th centuries.
university, school, college 11. When Sam graduated from ___ university he began to work in ___ hospital. 12. Tartu is only a small town but ___ university is the oldest in Estonia. 13. Mr. Kimble was invited to ___ school to meet his son’s teacher. 14. Rugby is ___ school for boys founded in 1567. 15. When Jeremy was little he hated ___ school. 16. The Forsters’ children are both at ___ college.
work, home, bed 17. Bret has been out of ___ work for several years. 18. When do you usually start ___ work? 19. The manager insists that ___ work must be done today. 20. Angela goes to the swiming pool after ___ work three times a week. 21. Although I enjoy travelling I always say that there is no place like ___ home. 22. It is difficult to feel at ___ home in a foreign language. 23. The jungle is ___ home of the elephant and the tiger. 24. Go to ___ bed if you feel tired. 25. ___ bed displayed in the local museum once belonged to King Henry VIII.

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