Английский язык

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Words and Expressions

negotiations / talks

- переговоры

to hold / to conduct / to have negotiations (talks) / to negotiate

- вести переговоры

confidential / bilateral / multilateral / (un)official / round-table talks

- конфиденциальные / двусторонние / многосторонние / (не)официальные / за круглым столом переговоры

to initiate / to interrupt (break) / to resume (renew) / to complete talks

- начинать / прервать / возобновлять / завершить переговоры

Negotiations ended in a failure.

- Переговоры окончились неудачей.

The talks were a success.

- Переговоры прошли успешно.

a working / a consultative meeting

- рабочая / консультативная встреча

a new round in the Russian-British dialogue

- новый раунд российско-британских переговоров

a constructive / a frank, friendly and informal dialogue

- конструктивный диалог / откровенная, дружественная и неофициальная беседа

preliminary / regular consultations

- предварительные / регулярные консультации

to focus one’s attention on the way of normalizing the international situation

- сосредоточить внимание на путях нормализации международного положения

on the initiative of

- по инициативе

to come up with a new initiative

- выступить с новой инициативой

to express / to declare one’s readiness

- выражать / заявлять о готовности

in the atmosphere of respect and mutual understanding

- в атмосфере уважения и взаимопонимания

to make / to advance / to put forward a proposal

- внести (выдвинуть) предложение

to arrive at a solution

- приходить к решению

to give a new (strong) impulse (impetus) to smth.

- дать новый (сильный) толчок чему-л.

in the spirit of cooperation

- в духе сотрудничества

an approximation of view on matters concerned with the maintenance of international security

- сходство взглядов по вопросам, связанным с поддержанием международной безопасности

to reveal an identity or approximation (unanimity) of views on a wide range of international issues

- обнаружить идентичность или сходство (единодушие) во взглядах по широкому кругу международных вопросов

to conclude / to sign / to ratify / to violate a treaty

- заключать / подписывать / ратифицировать / нарушать договор

to come / to enter into force

- вступать в силу (о договоре, соглашении)

by virtue of a treaty

- в силу договора

intergovernmental / long-term / ten-year agreement

- межправительственное / долгосрочное соглашение / соглашение сроком на 10 лет

under the agreement

- по соглашению

to reach / to cancel an agreement

- достигнуть / аннулировать соглашение

according to / in accordance with / in conformity with the agreement

- согласно (в соответствии с) соглашению

I. Read the following international words and compare them with the Russian equivalents.

Dialogue, consultation, atmosphere, initiative, impulse, position, result, identity, normalize, confidential.
II. Give some information on the talks conducted of late.
1. The talks (1) on … (Subject) between … (Participants) were conducted (2) … (Place).




were held

round-table talks

were resumed


were renewed


2. The leaders (3) had confidential talks (4) on the most urgent problems of our time (5).




the participants in the round table

a frank discussion

the arms control questions

the partners in negotiations

friendly talks

the ways of improving

international situation

the ministers for foreign affairs

an informal dialogue

both sides

preliminary consultations

3. The friendly (6) talks ended in (7) signing an agreement (8) on cooperation (9).






completed with

a treaty


third round of summit

contributed to

a contract

exchange of experts


a protocol

research in the field

of …

Russian-British, etc.

III. Say the following in English. Use the model.

Необходимо, чтобы переговоры по разоружению в Женеве были успешными.

It is necessary that the Geneva disarmament talks should be a success.
1. Необходимо, чтобы участники переговоров за круглым столом имели идентичность взглядов по основным международным вопросам.

2. Важно, чтобы стороны возобновили конструктивный диалог.

3. Необходимо, чтобы переговоры о сотрудничестве закончились успешно.
IV. Give information on the coming talks.

1. The talks on … will soon be renewed. (научное сотрудничество, техническая помощь, экономические контакты, разоружение, ограничение вооружений, запрет ядерного оружия)

2. In the course of the … talks the sides will consider some important issues. (двусторонние, деловые)

3. The sides will … for mutual deliveries for the coming year. (заключить соглашение, подписывать контракт, подписывать протокол)
V. Speak on negotiations recently conducted.

1. The talks between … were conducted … …


Where? When?

2. Both sides discussed …

What problems?

3. The partners in negotiations focused their attention on …

What issues?

4. Both sides agreed upon …


5. In their speeches they exchanged their views on …

What problem(s)?

6. The two sides also expressed their intention …

What intention?

7. The talks resulted in signing … on …

What document?

What subject?

VI. Make up a story on some recent talks using the following words and word combinations.

a) The beginning of negotiations:

to hold (to conduct) negotiations (talks), (un)official bilateral (multilateral) talks, summit (top-level) talks, talks on the level of Foreign Ministers (heads of governments, Ministers of trade, etc.), talks on arms control, etc.
b) The course of negotiations:

The subject of negotiations was … (economic, scientific cooperation; disarmament problems, etc.)

In the course of negotiations (during the talks) the two sides (both sides) expressed deep concern over … (the tension in the world, international situation, etc.)

The two sides expressed their readiness (their will, identity of opinions …)

The leaders of the delegations (strongly) condemned (supported, welcomed …)

The sides did not come to any agreement.

Negotiations faced serious difficulties.

The main obstacle to an agreement was …
c) The completion of negotiations:

Negotiations were a success (a failure).

Negotiations ended in (resulted in) signing an agreement.

Both sides expressed satisfaction with the results of the talks.

The sides arrived at a solution to strengthen friendly contacts …

Negotiations gave a new impetus to cooperation between the two countries.
VII. Get ready to be interviewed on negotiations.

1. What negotiations were held in our country?

2. What problems were discussed in the course of negotiations?

3. What documents were signed as a result of these negotiations?

4. What do negotiations contribute to?

Words and Expressions

greenhouse gasses

- газы с тепличным эффектом, тепличный газ

Carbon Dioxide

- двуокись углерода, углекислый газ, углекислота

over the next decade

- в следующем десятилетии

the agreement

- согласие, соглашение, договор

carbon emission

- выделение / выброс углерода

to come into force

- вступить в силу

to be dealt a severe blow

- подвергнуться сильному удару

a scaled-down version

- взвешенный, заниженный вариант

at climate talks

- на переговорах по климату

the treaty

- договор, переговоры

to buy emission credits from others

- покупать у других квоты (допуски) на выброс

the revised treaty takes effect in 2008

- пересмотренный договор вступает в силу в 2008 году

industrialized countries

- страны с развитой промышленностью

the world’s biggest polluter

- самый большой загрязнитель в мире

the revised Kyoto [ki'outou] agreements

- пересмотренные Киотские соглашения

to exacerbate global warming

- усиливать глобальное потепление

watered down provisions

- смягченные/размытые пункты/предложения

to set a timetable

- устанавливать сроки/время

global warming

- глобальное потепление

to study the pros and cons

- изучить доводы «за» и «против»

Norway’s Environment Minister

- министр экологии Норвегии

European government figures

- европейские правительственные деятели, руководители правительств европейских стран

to work behind the scenes

- вести закулисную игру

to sabotage the treaty

- саботировать договор

to derail the entire process

- подорвать весь процесс, пустить под откос весь процесс

to urge Russia to immediately approve the agreement

- убедить Россию немедленно одобрить соглашение / договор

international observers are puzzled

- международные обозреватели озадачены

“spare” pollution allowances

- «дополнительные» («запасные») квоты (допуски) на загрязнение

a letter of intent

- протокол / письмо о намерениях

to yield benefit

- приносить / давать выгоду

under the invitation

- по приглашению

ties / relations

- связи, отношения

to open a summit

- открыть совещание на высшем уровне

to hand over power to an Iraqi government

- передавать власть правительству Ирака

two days ahead of schedule

- на два дня раньше запланированного срока

to surprise insurgents

- чтобы удивить повстанцев, преподнести сюрприз повстанцам

to pledge more help

- обещать больше помощи

fledgling armed forces

- зарождающиеся /формирующиеся вооруженные силы

the alliance

- содружество, союз

interim Prime Minister

- исполняющий обязанности премьер-министра

a military presence on the ground

- обоснованное военное присутствие

to join coalition forces

- присоединиться к силам коалиции

to use tear gas

- использовать слезоточивый газ

to throw fire-bombs

- бросать зажигательные бомбы

to be firmly resolved

- быть полным решимости

to confront risks and threats to our security

- противостоять риску и угрозе нашей безопасности

well beyond NATO’s tradition zone of operation

- далеко за пределами обычной зоны боевых действий НАТО

to confirm the decision

- утверждать/подтверждать решение

to assume a major military role

- взять на себя основную военную роль

to deploy large numbers of troops

- разворачивать большое количество войск

the implementation of the training program

- выполнение программы подготовки

I. Translate into Russian the expressions using the active vocabulary.

Long-term economic agreements, to come into force, the revised Kyoto agreement, the bill becomes a law, global warming, to sabotage the treaty, to approve the agreement, international observers, to urge Russia, to yield benefit, a letter of intent, to pay off one’s debt, to explore national resources, to impose sanctions, mutually beneficial ties, working behind the scenes, watered down provisions, to open a summit, interim Prime Minister, to be firmly resolved, to use tear gas, to deploy large numbers of troops, the alliance.
II. Translate into Russian the following sentences.

1. We are always ready to sign agreements on mutually acceptable conditions.

2. The delegations signed a treaty of friendship and mutual assistance.

3. The delegation headed by the State Secretary arrived in Tashkent.

4. France and Britain are expected to sign a trade agreement at the end of the talks.

5. It is reported in the press that the US delegation will be headed by the President.

6. The talks were held in an atmosphere of cordiality, mutual respect and understanding.

7. The British Defense Secretary held talks yesterday on military cooperation in the United Arab Emirates.

8. Long-term energy cooperation between Britain and Russia will result from an agreement signed by the British and Russian ministers in Moscow.

9. The agreement also envisages joint projects and technical exchanges, visits of specialists and organization of conferences.

10. Russian-French cooperation covers economic and scientific spheres of space exploration, electronic equipment and machinery.

III. News in Brief. Translate into Russian.
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