Пособие по переводу международных документов для студентов III курса факультета мо москва, 2006

НазваниеПособие по переводу международных документов для студентов III курса факультета мо москва, 2006
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§8. Четкость построения официальных текстов находит свое отражение и в унифицированной схеме окончания текста.


This Treaty, the Russian, English, French …texts of which are equally authentic, shall be deposited in the archives of the Depositary governments. Duly certified copies of this Treaty shall be transmitted by the Depositary Governments to the governments of the signatory and acceding States.

Настоящий Договор, русский, английский, французский…тексты которого являются равно аутентичными, сдается на хранение в архивы правительств-депозитариев. Должным образом заверенные копии настоящего Договора препровождаются правительствами-депозитариями правительствам государств, подписавших Договор и присоединившихся к нему.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorised, have signed the Treaty.

Done in triplicate, at the cities of Moscow, Washington and London, the Ist day of July two thousand oh one.

В удостоверении чего нижеподписавшиеся, должным образом на то уполномоченные, подписали настоящий Договор.

Совершено в трех экземплярах в городах Москве, Вашингтоне и Лондоне июля месяца I дня две тысячи первого года.

Задание 1. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

a) The present Charter, of which the Chinese, French, Russian, English, and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall remain deposited in the archives of the government of the United States of America. Duly certified copies thereof shall be transmitted by that government to the governments of other signatory states.

In faith whereof the representatives of the governments of the United Nations have signed the present Charter.

Done in the city of San Francisco the twenty-sixth day of June, one thousand nine hundred and forty-five.

b) Each Party may propose amendments to this Treaty. Agreed amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the procedures governing the entry into force of this Treaty.

c) This Treaty shall be subject to ratification in accordance with the constitutional procedures of each Party. This Treaty shall enter into force on the day of the exchange of instruments of ratification and shall remain in force through December 31, 1985, unless replaced earlier by an agreement further limiting strategic offensive arms.

This Treaty shall be registered pursuant to Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations.

d) Each Party shall, in exercising its national sovereignty, have the right to withdraw from this Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events related to the subject matter of this Treaty have jeopardized its supreme interests. It shall give notice of its decision to the other Party six months prior to withdrawal from the Treaty. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events the notifying Party regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests.

Задание 2. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

а) Настоящий Договор подлежит ратификации и вступит в силу в день обмена ратификационными грамотами, который будет произведен в Праге в возможно короткий срок.

Настоящий Договор составлен в двух экземплярах, на русском и английском языках, причем все тексты имеют одинаковую силу.

Совершено в г. Москве 20 ноября 2003 г.

б) 1. Настоящий Договор открыт для подписания его всеми государствами. Любое государство, которое не подпишет Договор до вступления его в силу в соответствии с пунктом 3 данной статьи, может присоединиться к нему в любое время.

2. Настоящий Договор подлежит ратификации государствами, подписавшими его. Ратификационные грамоты и документы о присоединении сдаются на хранение правительствам Российской Федерации, Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии и Соединенных Штатов Америки, которые настоящим назначаются в качестве правительств-депозитариев.

3. Настоящий Договор вступает в силу после его ратификации государствами, правительства которых назначены в качестве депозитариев Договора, и 40 другими подписавшими настоящий Договор государствами и сдачи ими на хранение ратификационных грамот.

в) 1. Для государств, ратификационные грамоты или документы о присоединении которых будут сданы на хранение после вступления в силу настоящего Договора, он вступает в силу в день сдачи на хранение их ратификационных грамот или документов о присоединении.

2. Правительства-депозитарии незамедлительно уведомляют все подписавшие и присоединившиеся к настоящему Договору государства о дате каждого подписания, дате сдачи на хранение каждой ратификационной грамоты или документа о присоединении, дате вступления в силу настоящего Договора.

3. Настоящий Договор должен быть зарегистрирован правительствами-депозитариями в соответствии со статьей 102 Устава Организации Объединенных Наций.

г) Каждый Участник настоящего Договора в порядке осуществления своего государственного суверенитета имеет право выйти из Договора, если он решит, что связанные с содержанием настоящего Договора исключительные обстоятельства поставили под угрозу высшие интересы его страны. О таком выходе он уведомляет за три месяца всех Участников Договора.

1. Read the text and answer the check-up questions.

In international law and diplomatic practice the term "treaty" is used in two senses. In a generic sense, it refers to all agreements between stales which are of a binding character, and in a restricted sense it refers to a title given to instruments containing such international agreements. Instruments setting out agreements between states bear different titles, such as treaty, Agreement, Convention, Protocol, Act, Declaration, Statute, Regulations, Provisions, Pact, Covenant, Compromis, Accord, Arrangements, Modus Vivendi, Exchange of Notes and Concordat. It is, however, not obligatory to give a title to an international agreement, as agreements can be concluded even by exchange of letters or telegrams. Some of the agreements are highly formal in character whilst others are not. The titles given to international agreements have little significance from the legal point of view, as all international agreements, by whatever name called, are equally binding in nature. In diplomatic literature, the terms "treaty", "convention", and "protocol" are all applied more or less indiscriminately to international agreements. Sometimes the same instrument is designated in different places in its text by different terms. There is no obvious explanation for this diversity of terminology.

International law prescribes neither the form nor the procedure for the making of international engagements, and consequently their form depends upon the will and convenience of the parties. In practice it is governed also by usage and varies depending on whether agreement is reached between states, heads of states, governments (increasingly used), or particular ministers or departments.

It is not every international instrument, however formal it may be, that would be regarded as a treaty. Unless the instrument creates contractual obligations between two or more states, the essential requirements of a treaty are not fulfilled. The binding nature of treaty obligations is the oldest and doubtless the most fundamental rule of international law.

Of all international engagements which are intended to have an obligatory character the most important are "treaties", the term being derived from the French trailer [ L. tractare], which means "to negotiate".

The next most solemn type of international engagement is the "convention", derived from the Latin word conventio meaning "agreement". This term is frequently, though not necessarily, employed in connection with agreements to which a large number of countries are parties, and especially to agreements of the law-making type.

The treaty document covers the following parts:

1. The preamble containing:

(a) a list of the heads of state in whose names the treaty is concluded;

(b) a list of plenipotentiaries;

(c) usually a statement of the purposes and objectives of the treaty, sometimes accompanied by a recital of principles and circumstances;

(d) a declaration that the plenipotentiaries have the necessary powers.

2. The text .generally containing, in the form of numbered articles, the respective agreements of the signatories. It also indicates:

(a) the requirements for bringing the treaty into force;

(b) its duration;

(c) the place where the exchange of ratifications will take place.

3. The final clauses, specifying that the plenipotentiaries have signed the treaty and have affixed their seals thereto, and including information on:

(a) the number of signed copies;

(b) if in more than one language, the languages used, and that each is equally authentic;

(c) the place and date of the signature.

According to the importance of the treaty, the preamble can be more or less enlarged. The statements in the final clauses are, on the contrary, usually identical.

The provisions of the treaty determine the manner in which and the date on which the treaty enters into force. Where the treaty does not specify a date, there is a presumption that the treaty is intended to come into force as soon as all the negotiating states have consented to be bound by the treaty.

After a treaty is concluded, the written instruments, which provide formal evidence of consent to be bound by ratification, accession, and so on, and also reservations and other declarations, are placed in the custody of a depositary, who may be one or more states, or an international organization. The depositary has functions of considerable importance relating to matters of form, including provision of information as to the time at which the treaty enters into force. The United Nations Secretariat plays a significant role as depositary of multilateral treaties.

As regards treaties, conventions, etc., these, when concluded between two countries, are now ordinarily signed in two texts, viz., in the respective languages of the two countries, though exceptions occur. In the case of treaties of a general nature - multilateral treaties - concluded between many states, the usual practice was to use French, but now French and English. Those concluded under the auspices of the United Nations normally have texts in its official languages, all equally authentic.

The authenticity of the text is established by means of the signatures of the plenipotentiaries. It will depend on the circumstances whether signature alone is sufficient to bring the treaty into force or whether some further step, such as ratification, is necessary.

Sometimes, however, when an appreciable interval occurs between the conclusion of the negotiations and the signature of a treaty, the plenipotentiaries append to it their initials ne varietur as a guarantee of the authenticity of the text.

(From "A Diplomat's Handbook of International Law and Practice" by B. Sen)

  1. What are the most typical forms of international agreement?

  2. What does the term "treaty" imply in a generic and a restricted sense?

  3. What is the compositional design of treaties and conventions?

  4. Which part of a treaty contains a statement of the purpose?

  5. And which part embodies the substantive commitments undertaken by the contracting parties?

  6. How is the authenticity of the text established?

  7. What languages are used in treaties and other international compacts?

2. Find in the text the words and phrases of foreign origin and comment on them.
3. Suggest the Russian for:


a) to accede to a ~; to adhere to a ~; to conclude a ~; to denounce a ~; to enter into a ~; to extend the validity of a ~; to initial a ~; to observe a ~; to prolong the validity of a ~; to ratify a ~; to register a ~; to render a ~ invalid; to renounce a ~; to sign a ~; to violate a ~; to withdraw from a ~; to terminate a ~.

b) a basic ~; a binding ~; a boundary ~; a collective ~; a commercial ~; a demarcation ~; an (in) equitable ~; an international ~, a non-aggression ~; a non-proliferation ~; an open ~; a peace ~; a restricted ~; a trade ~; a universal ~;

c) a ~ of alliance; a ~ of cession; a ~ of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance; a ~ of guarantee; a ~ of mutual security; a ~ of neutrality; a ~ of unlimited duration; breach of an international ~; the coming of a ~ into force; denunciation of a ~; prolongation of a ~; renunciation of a ~; the substantive articles of a ~; object of a ~; observance of a ~; scope of a ~.

5. Translate the sentences into English:

  1. В целях обеспечения интересов взаимной безопасности Франция и Германия заключили договор, положения которого являются обязательными для обеих сторон.

  2. На конференции был поднят вопрос о продлении срока действия данного договора, истекающего в следующем году.

  3. Все государства-участники Договора о взаимной безопасности, невзирая на свои национальные интересы, придерживаются его целей и принципов.

  4. Содержание настоящего Договора затрагивает вопросы, вызывающие взаимную обеспокоенность, поэтому его подписание ожидается в ближайшее время.

  5. Государство, нарушившее условия Договора о ненападении, будет подвергнуто санкциям за невыполнение своих обязательств.

  6. Если какое-либо государство объявит о своем выходе из Соглашения, оно должно разослать соответствующее уведомление о своём намерении в короткие сроки.

  7. В договор о дружбе, сотрудничестве и взаимопомощи были внесены определенные поправки, не затрагивающие предмет договора.

  8. Предполагается, что Договор будет ратифицирован национальными законодательными органами уже в следующем месяце, после чего он вступит в силу.

  9. Если одна из Сторон на основании конституционных процедур расторгнет соглашение, оно будет объявлено недействительным.

  10. Присоединение к Договору о коллективной обороне предполагает соблюдение военных обязательств под строгим и эффективным международным контролем.

II. Facing Challenges to Security

1. Read the report and answer the check-up questions. Consult the Active Vocabulary list.

Kofi Annan
Courage to fulfil our responsibilities

At the beginning of the 2ist century, we face a world of extraordinary challenges – and of extraordinary interconnectedness. We are all vulnerable to new security threats, and to old threats that are evolving in complex and unpredictable ways. Either we allow this array of threats, and our responses to them, to divide us, or we come together to take effective action to meet all of them on the basis of a shared commitment to collective security.

Late last year, convinced that the time had come for a fundamental review of our collective security system, I established a High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change1. I asked its 16 members-eminent people, representing many nations and points of view – to analyse the threats to peace and security our world faces; to evaluate how well our existing policies and institutions are meeting them; and to recommend changes to those policies and institutions, so as to ensure an effective collective response to those threats.

Their report, "A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility", which I received this week, follows a year of consultations around the world. It makes 101 far-sighted but realistic recommendations. If acted on, they would address the security concerns of all states, ensure that the UN works better, strengthen the international rule of law and make all people safer.
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