Урок по теме "Pets and animals" в 4 классе

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Открытый урок по теме "Pets and animals" в 4 классе.

Автор: учитель английского языка высшей категории Иванов А.Д.

1.Активизация  лексики по теме "Pets and animals".

 2.Развитие навыков чтения.

3.Развитие навыков монологической диалогической речи.

 4.Развитие навыков аудирования.

 5.Воспитание любви к животным и милосердия.

Начало урока.




            1.  Приветствие.

          -Good morning, children!

           I am glad to see you.


          2. Сообщение темы и целей урока.

  • Today we shall revise the words on the topic "Pets and animals", you will listen to the story "The animal shelter" and discuss it.

Фонетическая зарядка

A little cat.



Little mouse, little mouse,

Where is your house?

- Little cat, little cat,
I have no flat,

I’m a poor mouse,

I have no house!


- Little mouse, little mouse,

Come into my house!

- Little cat, little cat,

I cannot do that,

You want to eat me!

Речевая зарядка



1. A  bear  and  a  bunny.


A bear and a bunny had plenty of money

They went to the store

For carrots and honey.


When the bear and the bunny
Asked: “Carrots and honey!”

The man in the store
Cried: “Where is your money?”


How strange and how funny!
They really had money-

And that’s how they bought
Their carrots and honey!


Answer the questions!


1. What does the bear like?

2. What does the bunny like?

3. Did they have plenty of money?

4. Where did they go?

5. What did they want to buy?

6. Did they buy carrots and honey?  



A cat

  2. A cat.

Name the animals and Pets


            Name the animals and Pets.


Example:     This is a cat.

                   It is black.  

Use the words:   brown, grey,green,black, pink, white, dark,

            funny, nice, fat, thing, big, little                           


































Развитие навыков монологической речи.


        And now let's speak about Dogs! 

    Dogs are very good friends, intelligent, faithful and fun. But they take up a lot of time and energy, are quite expensive to look after and need plenty of space. 

                      Answer the questions!     

1.      Have you got a dog?

2.      What is its name?

3.      How old is your dog?

4.      What color is it?

5.      Is your dog big or little?

6.      What can your dog do?

7.      What does your dog like to eat?

8.      Do you take your dog for a walk?

9.      Do you like to play with your dog?

10.  Who looks after your dog?



      Remember! Dogs need:

  • A balanced diet.

  • Fresh, clean water.

  • A bed and blanket.

  • A garden to play and exercise in.  

  • Regular walks

  • Injections to prevent serious diseases.

  • Worming and regular treatments.

        Speak about your dogs!

Развитие навыков диалогичекой речи. Cats.



    Cats are very clean and may be good friends for many people. But they can damage carpets and furniture with their claws. They need: 

  • A balanced diet.

  • Constant  fresh, clean water.

  • A garden or safe place to play and exercise every day.   

  • To be taken to a vet if they are ill .

  • Injections to prevent certain serious diseases.

  • Regular treatments.  

              Let's speak about your cats.




                                Listen to the song.


                               I'm driving in a car.


I'm driving in a car
I'm driving in a car
I'm driving in a car
I'm driving in a car


Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas


I'm sailing on a ship
I'm sailing on a ship
I'm sailing on a ship
I'm sailing on a ship


I'm sailing on a ship
I'm driving in a car and
Over the mountains
Through the trees
Travel the world
And the seven seas



            Развитие навыков аудирования


            There are lots of animals at the animal shelter. The Good family wants to take home an animal and look after it. Which animal will they take? Read the story and find out!              

                   Текст "The animal shelter".

   This is the Animal Shelter. There are lots of pets to adopt here.Dogs,cats,rabbits, hamsters,guinea pigs and fish. This is the Good family. They want to adopt a pet.Which one will they choose?

«How about a dog? Dogs are great pets.They can go for walks. They can play games in the park. They can fetch and carry things.»

«Dogs are terrible pets. They can jump on your bed and bark all night.»

«How about a rabbit? Rabbits are fun pets. They can jump and hop. They can skip and run. They can stand on two legs and wiggle their ears!»

«Rabbits are terrible pets. They can go into the garden and eat your vegetables.»

«How about a snake? Snakes are cool pets. They can climb and slide.They can be very small or very tall.They can also scare your friend.»

«Snakes are terrible pets. They can bite and swallow you whole!»

«Help! Help! Stop that cat!»

«How about a cat? Cats are perfect pets. They can walk and run. They can jump and climb.They can play games and scare mice.»

«Cats are the best pets. Now, what name will we choose?»





   1.Play and learn.

   A mouse is a great animal to have as a pet. Read these sentences about mice. Can you put the right words in the gaps?

         Sentences about the mice.

    There are eight sentences in this activity. There is a word missing in each sentence. There are eight words above the sentences. Can you put the words in the right gaps? Use your mouse to move the words into the gaps.


    2. The cat's body.

There are eight words below the picture. Can you put the words in the right places? Click on the words.

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