Министерства образования и науки российской федерации

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НазваниеМинистерства образования и науки российской федерации
Дата публикации26.09.2014
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ТипМетодическая разработка
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Федеральное Государственное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования



Дидактическое пособие по английскому языку

для студентов II курса

(Вводно-коррективный цикл)

СОСТАВИЛ: И.Л.Милютина

Одобрено на заседании предметной комиссии

Иностранных языков

Протокол №____ от ____ __________
г. Пермь, 200_7_ г.

Данное дидактическое пособие предназначено для студентов 2 курса, обучающихся на базе 11 классов, и имеет своей целью корректировку базовых знаний английского языка в преддверии работы с английским языком по специальности.

Дидактическое пособие представляет собой сборник тренировочных упражнений, сопровождающихся сводными правилами базовой грамматики, и может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы, так и для выполнения домашних заданий. Работа с пособием может осуществляться студентом самостоятельно (с самоконтролем по сводным правилам) или с консультацией преподавателя.

Для целостности дидактического обеспечения вводно-коррективного цикла занятий в пособие включены лексические тетради по устным темам 1 семестра: «Светская беседа» и «Мой колледж».

Данное пособие может использоваться и для занятий с группами второго года обучения. В этом случае объем самостоятельной работы студентов значительно увеличится.

Presentation 1.


  • Good morning. Could you help me? I need to speak to Mr Wood.

  • I am Mr Wood.

  • Let me introduce myself. I am Tom Robinson.

  • How do you do, Mr Robinson?

  • How do you do, sir? You are very busy, I’m afraid.

  • That’s all right…


  • Mr Brown, let me introduce you to Mr White. He is an expert in business.

  • How do you do, Mr White?

  • How do you do?

  • Pleased to meet you.

  • So am I.


  • I want to meet Miss Kate Smith. She is so pretty.

  • That’s not difficult… Good evening, Miss Smith. This is Mr Smile.

  • How do you do.

  • How do you do. I am so very much pleased to meet you.


  • Excuse me, you must be Tom.

  • Pardon?

  • You are Tom, aren’t you? From Stockholm?

  • Yes, right. I am Tom Anderson.

  • And I am Ted Royal. That’s my father.

  • Hello, Tom, happy to meet you.

  • I’m delighted, Mr Royal.

Presentation 2.


  • Good morning, sir.

  • Mr Robinson! How are you?

  • I am fine, thank you. And how are you?

  • Pretty well, thanks. Nice and warm today, isn’t it?

  • Yes, beautiful. And they say, it’s going to stay warm for the next couple days.

  • Let’s hope it keeps like this. It’s time we had some sun.


  • Marvellous weather today, isn’t it?

  • Yes, very nice.

  • Makes a change from all that rain we’ve had lately.

  • Lovely, but a bit cold, isn’t it?

  • Not for autumn. We have a colder October in Russia.

  • Are you from Russia?

  • Yes. I am on business here. My name’s Smirnov, Boris Smirnov.

  • Richard White. Nice to meet you.


  • Hello, Peggy. How are the things with you?

  • I’m O’K, thanks. And how are you getting on?

  • So so.

  • Anything wrong?

  • I’m not very well, cold… Oh, no! It looks like rain again, doesn’t it?

  • Yes, it does. Very cloudy and rather wet. Not very promising.

  • No sign of it changing. It’s going to stay like this until the weekend, they say.

  • I guess it’s time we had some sun.

How Are You?

  1. Распределите данные фразы по группам:

  1. introducing people

  2. speaking on health and business

How do you do?; Do you know Mr N.?; How is your mum?; Have you met my sister?; How are you feeling today?; Life is fine with me; Are you (not) well?; And you?; How is it going?; Thanks, pretty well; Say hello to my mum; It is nice to meet you; I am very well; So am I; I am so very much pleased to meet you.

  1. speaking on good weather

  2. speaking on bad weather

Nice and sunny, isn’t it?; A bit hot today indeed; Very nice today, isn’t it?; Yes, very pleasant; It’s very cold, isn’t it?; Shocking day!; Not very nice; Some nice weather for a change; I will be happy when summer comes; Yes, terrible

  1. Дополните данные фразы подходящими по смыслу словами:

It’s nice …; … am I; How is …?; I am …; It’s very …; … weather, isn’t it?; …, aren’t you?; … to meet you; Let me …; This is …; …, thanks; How are …?; Lovely, but …

  1. Соотнесите данные фразы друг с другом:


  1. Hello, John. How is iy going?

  2. Sally, this is Jane.

  3. Do you know George?

  4. Miss Smith, I’d like to introduce Mr Brown to you.

  5. I am very well, thank you. And how are your children?

  6. Pamela, say hello to Pete.

  7. How do you do?

  8. You have not met Miss Baker, have you?

  1. Hello, Jane. Pleased to meet you.

  2. Hello, Pete. It’s nice to meet you.

  3. Fine, thanks, and you?

  4. No, I don’t believe I have.

  5. How do you do, Miss Smith?

  6. How do you do?

  7. They are fine, thank you.

  8. No, can’t say I do.


  1. Rather warm for autumn.

  2. Nice and bright this morning.

  3. It’s cold today.

  4. Nice and sunny, isn’t it?

  5. Beautiful, isn’t it?

  1. They say we are in for snow. It will be colder.

  2. Yes, not very nice, isn’t it?

  3. It’s good to have the sun.

  4. Yes, it’s makes a change.

  5. Yes, much better than yesterday.

4.Восстановите диалоги:

  • Господин Браун, позвольте мне представить вас господину Уайту.

  • How do you do?

  • Здравствуйте.

  • Pleased to meet you.

  • Я тоже.


  • Привет, Терри. Приятно видеть тебя. Как дела?

  • Fine, thanks, and you?

  • Все в порядке. Ты знаком с Салли?

  • No, I guess not.

  • Салли, познакомься с Терри.

  • Hello, how’s life?

  • Прекрасно, спасибо, а у тебя?

  • I am pretty well, thank you.


  • Yes, that’s right. I am Jack Fellows.

  • How do you do.

  • … This is Mrs Royal and our son. Liz, Alan, say hello to Jack.

  • I’m fine, thank you, Mrs Royal.

  • Hello, Alan, how is it going?


  • Привет, как дела?

  • Fine. What about you?

  • Неважно.

  • Oh, what’s wrong? Are you not well?

  • Я простужен. Сыро и холодно для весны.

  • It’s sunny today. It will be warm, I guess.

  • Да, погода меняется. Сегодня гораздо лучше, чем вчера.


  • Beautiful weather, isn’t it?

  • We’ve had a terrible week/ cold, cloudy and rather wet.

  • let’s hope it keeps like this.

5. Замените существительные на местоимения:

  1. How’s life going?

  2. I need to speak to Mrs Jolly.

  3. And let me introduce you to Uncle’s wife.

  4. Is Diane Professor’s relative? – No, our family’s.

  5. The lady over there must be your mother.

  6. The weather’s nice today.

  7. Hi, John! – Hello. This is Marion, John’s sister.

6. Замените местоимения на существительные:

  1. I want to meet her.

  2. They say it will stay warm for a while.

  3. How is he?

  4. It’s shocking – wind, rain!

  5. These are his friends.

  6. We will be happy when it comes.

  7. They are fine, thank you.

7. Запишите, поставив существительные во множественное число:

  1. Meet Mr and Mrs Wood.

  2. Say hello to my cousin brother, an expert in computers.

  3. Lady Durhamton is a very pretty woman. Will you introduce us?

  4. Makes a change from all that rain we’ve had lately.

  5. A too cold morning for autumn.

  6. We are in for the nice and bright day soon.

  7. How is the thing with you?

8. Запишите, поставив существительные в единственное число:

  1. Guys, those are my bosses.

  2. Rather wet autumns we are having.

  3. It would be good to have changes.

  4. Have you met these men?

  5. I’m very well, thanks.

  6. No signs of it changing.

  7. And how are your children?


Единственное число

Множественное число




+ S












+ ES


























Падежи существительного.





Кто? Что?

the mother

the parents



Кого? Чего?

of the mother,

for the mother

of the parents,

for the parents

of women,

for women


Кому? Чему?

to the mother

to the parents

to women


Кого? Что?

the mother

the parents



Кем? Чем?

by the mother,

with the mother

by the parents,

with the parents

by women,

with women


О ком? О чем?

about the mother

about the parents

about women



the mother’s (bag)

the parents’ (bags)

women's (bags)


  1. Запишите во множественном числе

Box, sheep, place, library, photo, mouse, lady, glass, bush, dress, county, bus, party, wife, day, knife, month, pen, goose, company, life, deer, tomato, city, man, play, child, fruit, shelf.

  1. Запишите в единственном числе:

Feet, fishes, women, stars, mountains, trees, waiters, queens, businessmen, eyes, thieves, tosses, foxes, countries, boys, teeth, watches, oxen, classes, clays, lives, heroes, leaves.

  1. Запишите во множественном числе

Tea-cup, sportsman, egg, wall, picture, foot, window, house, street, story, policewoman, girl, schoolchild, room, farm-yard, cow, ox, table, thief, worker, name, office, logo

  1. Запишите в единственном числе:

Englishmen, stockings, suits, plates, towns, sisters, books, matches, desks, pupils, bags, students, poems, questions, wives, teachers, voices, letters, businesswomen, potatoes

  1. Запишите во множественном числе

Family, friend, diary, engineer, note, machine, word, idea, bench, hour, mass, toe, tooth

  1. Запишите в единственном числе:

Pies, mice, seas, representatives, bosses, ties, fathers, pencils, chairs, shoes, flags, lamps

7. Запишите словосочетания с существительными в притяжательном падеже:

  1. The handbags of these women – these women’s handbags

  2. The toy of the children

  3. The questions of the son

  4. The wife of the brother

  5. The table of the teacher

  6. The life of animals

  7. The voice of the girl

  8. The new book of the pupils

  9. The letter of Peter

  10. The car of the parents

  11. The room of the friend

  12. The flat of the sister

  13. The children of the foreigners

  1. Запишите по-английски, используя существительные в притяжательном падеже:

  1. ловушка (the trap) для мышей

  2. отец моего друга

  3. друг моего отца

  4. книги брата

  5. тетради студентов

  6. журнал (the register) группы

  7. сумка начальника (the boss)

  8. чемпион мира

  9. адреса обеих мисс Тафтс

  10. мужской клуб

1. Личные местоимения (Кто? Что?)

Единств. ч.

Множ. ч.

Им. п.








Ост. п.








2. Притяжательные местоимения (Чей?)

Единств. ч.

Множ. ч.

1 тип








2 тип








Examples: 1. This is my book.

2. This book is mine.
3. Указательные местоимения

этот / эти

тот / те

Единств. ч.



Множ. ч.




  1. Замените выделенные слова подходящими местоимениями:

  1. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text which they did not finish.

  2. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates.

  3. John’s friend writes letters to his sister.

  4. Jane took the sister’s book from the bag (there).

  5. The Browns’ cousins live in Moscow.

  6. Our grandparents will come to see their grandchildren tomorrow.

  7. Kate works in the shop we come.

  8. The builders constructed the house in December.

  9. We will miss the morning train!

  10. Look there! The man you see is the college’s Headmaster.

  11. They say the project I did is better than my fellow-students’.

  12. The travellers arrived to the village where we live at night.

  13. Do you enjoy your staying in Tri-Star hotel?

  14. We are looking for the singer.

  15. I declare the suitcase is lost by us..

  1. Замените выделенные слова подходящими местоимениями:

a. I will not do the work you started.

  1. When the project you are doing is over, we will send the project to the experts.

  2. The brother’s cribs are all right for the exam I am passing.

  3. In my bag (there) are no other people’s things, everything is put there by me.

  4. Could you make the ticket return, please?

  5. Mr and Mrs Smiths’ room is on the second floor, Mr Smith.

  6. My husband will see his wife off, sure.

  7. The students of the group we are inspecting are all bright.

  8. The bellman takes the suitcases and sees the guests to the guests’ rooms.

  9. Where is my project? – Look behind the far bookcase.

  10. The college we study was founded in 1930.

  11. Our department’s Head called my parents.

  12. Have you passed all of the exams in the winter set?

  13. His friends’ sympathy encouraged Walter.

  14. Who failed the exam? – I and the monitor.


college of constructions

to be established






building construction

water-supply systems construction

sanitary fittings

hotel service

road construction

concrete units production



Head of the department



academic year




to attend








to get stipend

to be charged for studies

course project

diploma project

строительный колледж

быть основанным






строительство зданий

строительство водопроводных систем

сантехнические устройства

гостиничный сервис

строительство автодорог

производство неметаллических изделий


заместитель директора

заведующий отделением

классный руководитель


учебный год



расписание занятий


занятие, «пара»


практическое занятие





получать стипендию

платить за обучение

курсовой проект

дипломный проект


Entrance exams

Set of exams

Qualification exams

To take exams

To pass exams

To fail exams

To resit exams

To read up for exams

To coach for

To write cribs

To use cribs

To be well-grounded in

To do well at

To have (the subject) at the fingers’ ends

To have a good command of

To cut with(out) a good excuse

To fall behind

To catch up with

Bright student

(First)-year student



Full-time student

Part-time student




Вступительные экзамены


Выпускные (государственные) экзамены

Сдавать экзамены

Сдать экзамены

Провалить экзамены

Пересдавать экзамены

Готовиться к

Заниматься с репетитором

Писать шпаргалки

Использовать шпаргалки

Быть хорошо подготовленным к

Хорошо учиться по

Знать (предмет) как свои пять пальцев

Хорошо знать

Пропускать с (без) уважительной причины

Отстать от



Студент (первого) курса

Студент последнего курса


Студент дневного обучения

Студент заочного или вечернего обучения






  1. постоянные, повторяющиеся, регулярные действия

  2. перечисление действий (однородные сказуемые)

Наречия, употребляемые с Simple: always, usually, often, rarely, seldom, never, every (year), on (weekends)




  1. единичные действия в прошлом

Наречия, употребляемые с Past Simple: (5 days) ago, in (1974), last (year)

3) планируемое будущее

3) возможные или единичные действия в будущем


S + V1ed / V2 + …

S + V1[] / V1 s + …

S + will + V1[] + …


S + did + not + V1[] + …

S + do / does + not + V1[] + ...

S + will + not + V1[] + …


(QW) + Did + S + V1[] + …?

(QW) + Do / Does + S + V1[] ?

(QW) + Will + S + V1[] + …?

Глагол TO BE (быть, являться, существовать)





S + was + …

S + were + …

S + am + …

S + is + …

S + are + …

S + will + be…


S + was + not + …

S + were + not + …

S + am + not +…

S + is + not +…

S + are + not +…

S + will + not + be…


(QW) + Was + S + …?

(QW) + Were + S + …?

(QW) + Am + S + …?

(QW) + Is + S + …?

(QW) + Are + S + …?

(QW) + Will + S + be +…?

1.Распределите следующие предложения по группам:
1) Present Simple 2) Past Simple 3) Future Simple

  1. How do you do, Mr Robinson?

  2. Are you very busy?

  3. Who did you meet at the party?

  4. It will stay cold for a week.

  5. And it kept like this for the whole month!

  6. I am so very much pleased to meet you, sir.

  7. We did not have much rain this autumn.

  8. Jimmy was not there, he was on business in Hull.

  9. It looks like snow!

  10. It does not make a change.

  11. John introduced us to the Foresters.

  12. Do you know George?

  13. I will say “hello” to Pamela.

  14. It is not very cold today.

  15. The summer will be nice and warm, they say.

  16. How is your mum?

  17. Life is fine with me.

  1. Распределите следующие предложения по группам:

1) Present Simple 2) Past Simple 3) Future Simple

  1. My mum is very well, thank you.

  2. It is not all right.

  3. Polly was not well, she felt dizzy.

  4. Are you well?

  5. It will keep like this all the winter.

  6. I am Alan Wizard

  7. How do you like the weather today, Peggy?

  8. I will be fine when it is warm and sunny.

  9. Do you want to meet my sister?

  10. We did not meet him anywhere.

  11. And it stayed warm for 2 days only!

  12. Where did you meet your wife?

  13. It looks marvellous!

  14. It does not rain at all in summer.

  15. John caught cold because of wet spring.

  16. Tomorrow will be beautiful.

  17. How is life?

3. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемое в следующих предложениях:

  1. Swedish inventors developed a lightweight and strong construction beam.

  2. The Wirewood construction beam consists of two parallel lengths of wood connected with steel rungs.

  3. The ladder-style beam is 75 per cent lighter than an all-wooden beam of equal strength.

  4. We will use the Wirewood beams for assembly of the elements at the construction site.

  5. The contractor did not require a lot of workers and equipment because of the beams’ light weight.

  6. According to the developers the beams also save costs in other ways.

  7. We will easily install wiring, plumbing and insulation materials through the open spaces in the beam.

  8. Thus we eliminated drilling.

4. Запишите предложения упражнения 3 в отрицательной и вопросительной форме. Предложение под буквой е) запишите в утвердительной и вопросительной форме.

5. Найдите подлежащее и сказуемое в следующих предложениях:

  1. The new prefabricated system will allow flexible building designs.

  2. The steel-wire reinforcement enables the constructors to use inferior grades of wood.

  3. Designers do not compromise load-bearing strengths.

  4. This was the basis of a prefabricated building system for 1- and 2-storeyed buildings.

  5. They say it will outperform the all-wooden beam.

  6. The plant manufactured rooftrusses, wall elements and floor joists on the basis of the Wirewood beam.

  7. The manufacturer does not deliver them to the construction site.

  8. The new beams invented by the Swedish cuts down costs considerably.

6. Запишите предложения упражнения 5 в отрицательной и вопросительной форме. Предложения под буквами c) и g) запишите в утвердительной и вопросительной форме.

7. Запишите следующие предложения в указанной форме:

  1. We study part-time. (-)

  2. I passed one exam. (-)

  3. Graduates make diploma projects. (?)

  4. I do not cut training. (+)

  5. We attend classes six days a week. (?)

  6. I will apply to the Headmaster! (-)

  7. He was at the top when he was a first-year student. (-)

  8. Undergraduates did not have training in the workshops. (?)

  9. They will finish with honours. (?)

  10. I am charged for studies. (?)

8. Запишите следующие предложения в указанном времени, сохраняя их форму:

  1. We have practices in laboratories. (F.S.)

  2. What specialities did your college have? (Pr.S)

  3. There are three departments: full-time, part-time and evening. (P.S.)

  4. You will not fail the set! (P.S.)

  5. Did you study at the architecture department? (Pr.S.)

  6. The first-year students do not make projects. (F.S.)

9. Запишите следующие предложения в указанном времени и форме:

  1. The academic year consists of three terms. (-, F.S.)

  2. The vocations will follow the set. (?, P.S.)

  3. They did not put the practices in chemistry into the time-table. (+, Pr.S.)

  4. In our college he is an undergraduate in the third course. (-, P.S.)

  5. We attended the Deputy’s lecture in August. (-, Pr.S.)

  6. The Head of the department does not control the monitors. (+, F.S.)

10. Запишите следующие предложения в указанной форме:

  1. We will get stipend. (?)

  2. I was at the bottom at the entrance exams. (-)

  3. The monitor will speak to the tutor. (-)

  4. I did not enter the college of constructions. (+)

  5. There are Deputies and the Head of the department at the meeting. (?)

  6. Students make course projects every term. (-)

  7. Bright students never fail exams. (?)

  8. The Ministry established the college in 1935. (-)

  9. It has eight columns on the façade. (?)

  10. Students had two lectures and two practices yesterday. (?)

11. Запишите следующие предложения в указанном времени, сохраняя их форму:

  1. They will take qualification exams in June. (Pr.S.)

  2. How many departments do you enter? (F.S)

  3. There are three departments: full-time, part-time and evening. (P.S.)

  4. You will not fail the set! (P.S.)

  5. Did you study at the architecture department? (Pr.S.)

  6. Bright students are never at the bottom! (F.S.)

12. Запишите следующие предложения в указанном времени и форме:

  1. The qualification training will not take long. (+, Pr.S.)

  2. The second-year students take winter set in December. (?, F.S.)

  3. We did not cut the practices in chemistry. (+, P.S.)

  4. In our college there was the evening department. (-, Pr.S.)

  5. We made the diploma project. (+, F.S.)

  6. Those who failed the set will be expelled. (?, P.S.)



[be] + V1 ing

  1. действия, совершаемые только в определенный период времени

(наречия, употребляемые с Continuous (Progressive) –

now, today, tonight, at this moment, this (summer), then, at that time, last (summer),

at (9) o’clock, from (9) till (10) и т.п.)




2) планируемое будущее


S +

was /


V1 ing + …

S +

am /

is /

are /

V1 ing + …

S + will + be + V1 ing + …


S +

was + not + /

were + not +

V1 ing + …

S +

am + not + /

is + not + /

are + not +

V1 ing + …

S + will + not + be + V1 ing + …


(QW) + Was + /

Were +

S +

V1 ing + …?

(QW) +

Am + /

Is + /

Are +

S +

V1 ing + …?

(QW) + Will + S + be + V1 ing + …?

  1   2   3

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