Программа по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2

НазваниеПрограмма по формированию навыков безопасного поведения на дорогах и улицах «Добрая дорога детства» 2
Дата публикации24.02.2014
Размер1.43 Mb.
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Комплект заданий для учащихся 9 - 11 класса
Конкурс понимания устного текста Listening

Методические рекомендации

В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса понимания устного текста, входят:

  1. Методические рекомендации

  1. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса понимания устного текста

  1. Текст задания

  1. Ключи и транскрипция (для членов жюри)

  1. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)

Задания по аудированию состоят из трех частей (всего 20 заданий). На выполнение всех заданий отводится 30 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Первое задание – прослушивание шести коротких монологов о проблемах подростков. После прослушивания (текст прослушивается 2 раза) участникам предлагается из семи предложений выбрать шесть, которые передают основную мысль прозвучавших отрывков и соотнести их с соответствующими монологами (задание на перекрестный выбор).

Второе задание – прослушивание выступления эксперта по вопросам этикета (текст прослушивается 2 раза) и заполнение таблицы на соответствие девяти предложений фактическому содержанию беседы (True, False, Not given).

Третье задание – прослушивание советов психолога родителям (запись прослушивается 2 раза). Участникам предлагается из десяти советов выбрать пять, которые были даны психологом. При заполнении листа ответов буквы под номерами 16-20 могут располагаться в произвольном порядке. За каждую правильную букву дается 1 балл.

Сложность текстов соответствует уровню В2 по шкале Совета Европы.
Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл.

Listening Comprehension
Youll hear 6 teenagers talking about their worries. Match what you hear from each speaker 1-6 with the statements marked A-G. Use letters once only. There is an extra statement you don’t need to use. You’ll hear the recording twice. Fill the boxes in the table with your answers.

Speaker 1
I live in Cape Breton and grew up with Celtic music. I love it and it's always my music of choice.
Now that I'm in high school my friends laugh at me when I don't know anything about a band they are talking about, or some pop star they hear on the radio.
In our family we all play an instrument and when the larger family gets together we have great sessions. I just don't care for the music my friends listen to.
Any thoughts on how to handle their comments? I'm afraid I'm coming off like a snob, or worse still, a nerd.

Speaker 2
I work at the counter at a fast food restaurant to make some money while going to high school. My problem is that I love it!
I really enjoy meeting the public and try to make serving them as much fun as possible. My friends all think I'm nuts, that no one could actually enjoy a McJob. But, now get this, I'm thinking this could be my career.
I'm sure I have the smarts to work up to store manager and maybe down the road own my own franchise. Again, my friends think I'm crazy. They say that's not a career, it's a part-time job for teens.
The more I think about it the more I like the idea. Do you think university would help me achieve my goal, or should I finish my education after high school and go full-time into the fast food business?

Speaker 3
I have applied to attend a university fairly far from home and I'm petrified.
I have a large family and large circle of friends and I am really apprehensive about leaving them all behind in the fall. My chances of being accepted by the university are very good but I'm playing with the idea of staying home and finding a job.
It's not because I want a job, it's because I don't want to leave my family and friends. If I do stay I may end up regretting it later. I know that staying home is the easy way out, but right now it looks appealing.
How does a small-town girl deal with this dilemma?

Speaker 4
I hang with a group of guys at our high school and we have a lot of fun together, except for one thing.
Most of them are immature when it comes to girls and put them down when talking to the guys. I've also heard homophobic and outright racist comments from some of the guys. I said something once and the others jumped on me for it, so I'm reluctant to say anything.
Do you think they will grow out of it, or should I be looking for new friends with healthier attitudes towards other people?
Speaker 5
I am in my last year of high school and I am five feet, nine inches tall. I think that's average height for a guy but my friends all seem to be six-footers and taller. They call me the runt of the litter.

Is a guy's height such a big deal after high school? It sure seems to be now.
Speaker 6
My mom tells me when she was in high school her career choices were teacher, nurse or secretary. She says I have the whole world to choose from.

The trouble is that I'm already in 11th grade and I don't have a clue about what career is best for me. I love to write, but my mom says there's no money in that. I love to read, and she says the same about that.

Most of my friends seem to know what they want and it's surprising how many are sticking to nursing and teaching. Neither one interests me.

How do I find something I will enjoy and also make a living?
You have 15 seconds to complete the task. (Pause 15 seconds,) Now you will hear the text again.

(Text repeated)
This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds,)
You will hear a part of a radio programme about modern manners. Decide which of the statements (7-15) are true according to the text (1), which are false (2) and on which the information is not stated in the text (3). Circle the number of the answer you choose. Youll hear the recording twice.

And now, as you might have already guessed, is the time for our Modern Manners expert David Brown to answer some of your queries.

Well, today we'll start with a letter from Miss Nancy Follett. That’s what she writes: I should like to know the "paying etiquette" when invited at the last minute to a concert or the theatre replacing someone who has dropped out. On one occasion a colleague and I wanted to go to a play. I bought the tickets, but she cancelled as she was unwell and did not offer to pay. I invited another friend and did not ask to be reimbursed. Today I was asked to go to a concert instead of someone who has dropped out. When I accepted I asked whether I was to pay. I was surprised to hear that I should contribute. The tickets cost £10 and so I thought £5 would be appropriate; my friend agreed. However, I feel that either I should pay the £10 or nothing at all. I have decided to pay in full. The situation occurs frequently where someone cancels leaving a spare ticket. I should value your advice on "spare ticket etiquette". As you see, Miss Follett, S.T.E is often an excuse for sly naughtiness, as you have discovered. The protocol, however, is perfectly clear. On the first occasion that you list, your ill friend should have offered a suggestion for a replacement and if such a person was not found, either by you or her, then she should have offered to pay for the ticket. A second "stand-in" friend should have hinted gently at some sort of reimbursement saying, "May I pay for the ticket?", but not have pushed his or her offer too much. As far as the concert is concerned, I find the hostess's attitude decidedly charmless: your instincts about paying either the whole amount or nothing are absolutely right, and if it were me I would either press the whole amount on her or make sure I spent an equivalent sum in money on drinks etc.

The next letter comes from Mrs. Anne Vogel and that’s what she says: Coming from Germany 18 months ago, I am pleased to have wonderful new friends and neighbours who invite me and my husband occasionally as we invite them. Nevertheless, we often feel uncertain how long we may stay, for instance, when we arrive for coffee at 11am or for a drink at 6pm. As well, I would like to know if it is indicated to bring a present, i.e. a bottle of wine for the drink, but what for the coffee. Or for the rare case when we are invited to dinner? All right, Mrs. Vogel, the British, as I am sure you have already discovered, are much less pünktlich than their Teutonic cousins. However, there is a shared understanding that one should not overstay one's welcome. A shrewd friend says a visitor should leave while still in demand because people will want more of you. As far as the specific circumstances that you mention: an invitation to coffee at 11am is a short one (about 40 minutes) and in no way should you still be there at noon, the start of the pre-lunch drinks hour. If invited for drinks at 6pm you should certainly make yourself scarce by 7.30pm. A present is not appropriate for either occasion. If you are invited to dinner, then a small box of gorgeous German chocolates would go down well.
A gentleman who chose to withheld his name and address asks me this: We would appreciate your advice on the boiled egg. My wife uses a spoon to hammer the top gently and then removes the top with the spoon. By contrast, I slice off the top with my knife. My contention is that this is more logical as knives, not spoons, are for cutting. Moreover, we have now a further variation which involves the preliminary hammering followed by removal of the top of the egg with the flat handle of the spoon. Which of us is correct? Well, I certainly would not recommend the third method because it could result in your hands becoming unappealingly sticky after their contact with the handle: not something that nanny would approve of. Your wife's technique is one that is the most socially acceptable and I recommend that this is the one you adopt.
(Pause 15 seconds)

Now you will hear the text again. (Text repeated)

This is the end of the task. You now have 15 seconds to check your answers. (Pause 15 seconds)

You are going to hear a psychologist giving advice to parents. Decide which five out of the ten pieces of advice are given in the recording. For items 16-20 circle 5 letters in any order according to the answer option you choose. You will hear the recording twice.
Radio presenter

Good afternoon and welcome to our programme, 'Family Tips'. Today we're talking about the problems parents have in deciding when their children are old enough to stay at home by themselves for the three or four hours between school and the time mothers get back from work. We have with us in the studio, psychologist Alex Clarke.

Alex, at what age is it safe to give children the front door key and what sort of things should parents discuss with their children first to ensure their safety?

Alex Clarke

It is generally accepted that kids between ten and thirteen are capable of taking care of themselves and their siblings, but what you really need to assess is their maturity. If you're confident they can follow instructions and handle emergencies, the next step is to establish some rules. First, have a plan of action for them to check in with you when they get home - it's important they ring you as soon as they get in. Then you should give them a call when you leave work to go home. You should agree what to do when the phone rings or if someone comes to the house. It is best to teach them never to open the door to anyone, regardless of whether they know them or not. Then, little by little, get your children used to a new situation where they are left alone - Initially for a very short time, say, about 20 minutes. Make sure that you have a trial period in which your kids can familiarise themselves with using the house key. Instruct them to always keep it in their school bag and attach a long key chain that will help them to find the key easily. Make emergency numbers available by leaving them near the phone. Leave snacks that they can eat straightaway without having to cook - using the cooker is the leading cause or accidents. Show your children where the medical kit and fire extinguishers are and teach your children how to use them. Lock away medicines and alcoholic drinks. And don't forget to talk frequently to your children about all sorts of situations that might happen. You could even use role play as a technique for showing them how to deal with such situations.
(Pause 15 seconds)
Now you will hear the text again. (Text repeated)

The Listening comprehension part is over. Transfer all your answers to the Answer Sheet.

You’ll hear 6 teenagers talking about their worries. Match what you hear from each speaker 1-6 with the statements marked A-G. Use letters once only. There is an extra statement you dont need to use. You’ll hear the recording twice. Fill the boxes in the table with your answers.

    1. This person is worried about the relations with friends.

    2. This person doesn’t want to have to go from the friends and family.

    3. This person is worried about having to change school.

    4. This person is worried about personal appearance.

    5. This person’s career plans seem to be strange to the friends.

    6. This person can’t get an idea about future career.

    7. This person’s music tastes differ from those of the friends.







You will hear a part of a radio programme about modern manners. Decide which of the statements (7-15) are true according to the text (1), which are false (2) and on which the information is not stated in the text (3). Circle the number of the answer you choose. You’ll hear the recording twice.

  1. In the first situation, the girl suggests that all spare tickets from friends should be for free.

  1. The MM expert has never been in situations like the first one.

  1. The MM expert in the first situation insists on paying for drinks instead of tickets.

  1. In the second situation, a lady from Germany is interested in visiting etiquette.

  1. The MM expert suggests that the guests should come on time or don’t come at all.

  1. According to the MM expert presents are not usual when visiting for a drink.

  1. In the third situation, the person is seeking advice on serving boiled eggs.

  1. The MM expert doesn’t eat eggs.

  1. In the third situation, the MM expert agrees with the man’s wife.

You are going to hear a psychologist giving advice to parents. Decide which five out of the ten pieces of advice are given in the recording. For items 16-20 circle 5 letters in any order according to the answer option you choose. You will hear the recording twice.

  1. Your decision should not only be based on your children's age.

  2. Tell your children not to answer telephone calls.

  3. Instruct your children to open the door only to people they know well.

  4. Don't leave your children alone for more than three hours.

  5. Teach your children to keep the house key in their schoolbag.

  6. Don't allow your children to use the cooker.

  7. Teach your children what to do in case of fire.

  8. Ask a neighbour to keep an eye on what's going on.

  9. Keep alcohol out of the reach of your children.

  10. Don't stress your children by talking about possible dangers.














































































Конкурс понимания письменного текста Reading

Методические рекомендации
В комплект материалов, необходимых для проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста, входят:

  1. Методические рекомендации

2. Описание процедуры проведения конкурса понимания письменного текста

  1. Текст задания

  1. Ключи (для членов жюри)

  1. Лист ответа (для каждого участника)

Задания по чтению состоят из двух частей (всего 20 заданий). На выполнение всех заданий отводится 45 минут , в которые входит и внесение ответов в ответные листы.

Первое задание – чтение текста познавательного характера о влиянии недостатка света на организм человека. Учащимся необходимо вставить пропущенные параграфы в нужные места текста.

Второе задание – чтение статьи из журнала о поездках на поезде. Участникам предлагается соотнести высказанные в статье мысли с человеком, который эти мысли высказал.

Сложность текстов соответствует уровню В2 по шкале Совета Европы. Жанр – научно- популярный и публицистический. По тематике тексты связаны с другими предметами школьной программы (биология).

Правильность выполнения заданий проверяется по ключам (см. Ключи).

Критерии оценивания : За каждый правильный ответ дается 1 балл.

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