Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык»

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НазваниеМетодические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный (английский) язык»
Дата публикации09.11.2014
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ТипМетодические рекомендации
100-bal.ru > Экономика > Методические рекомендации
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Тема 2.1. Повседневная жизнь, условия жизни, учебный день,

выходной день

  1. Лексический материал (для повторения) по теме:

Everyday routine

routine-установленный порядок, рутина

timetable – расписание

weekday – будний день

working hours –рабочие часы, время

attend classes – посещать занятия

get to school –добираться до школы

get up early/late – вставать рано/поздно

go to bed – ложиться спать

go to school/college/work

go to the bathroom

go to the gym

have breakfast/lunch break

have/take a shower/bath

brush teeth

catch the bus

comb hair

do homework

do the shopping

do the washing up/ the ironing

fall asleep

feed the dog

leave home/work

listen to the radio

make breakfast/ dinner

put on clothes/get dressed

wash hands/hair

School activities
communicate/socialize – общаться

discuss - обсуждать

extra – class activity – внеклассная работа

have a break – иметь перерыв

go to the library – посещать библиотеку

learn – учить, учиться

rest/have a rest – отдыхать

study – учиться, заниматься

take part in – принимать участие

Задание: напишите рассказ от первого лица объемом не менее 200 слов на тему «День, который я не забуду никогда». Перед написанием прочтите раздел ‘First-person Narrative’ на странице 11 данных методических рекомендаций. При возникновении любого рода вопросов и затруднений проконсультируйтесь со своим преподавателем. Сдайте преподавателю учебно-контрольный файл или добавьте страницу в ваше портфолио.
Используйте в своем эссе некоторые из представленных слов и выражений:
I had always dreamt of; I deserved the chance; I could hardly believe; at first I felt very nervous; began to relax; to do something really well; to feel pleased with oneself; to have a very interesting experience; it was the day of; hundreds of eyes followed me; to walk across the stage; everyone clapped; I felt happy; they were very proud of me; I did something very special in …; a boat trip; a train/car accident; a warm summer day in the mountains; last year/month/week; before; finally; when; then, etc.
Придерживайтесь приведенного ниже плана:
The Day I’ll Never Forget’

(A Special Experience)


Paragraph 1

Set the scene

(Who – Where – When – What)
Main Body

Paragraphs 2 – 3

Develop the story

Detailed description of events in the order they happened

Final Paragraph

End the story: final feelings and comments, etc
Follow the example task and use linkers and sequencers from the box to make your story clear.

Useful expressions

At first… Then/Next… After/Before… During/Meanwhile…

As soon as… Suddenly…. By the time… Sadly…

Unfortunately… Luckily...

The Day I Will Never Forget’

I finally turned 15 years old! At first I wasn’t sure what the day would bring, so I rolled out of bed with more enthusiasm than usual to prepare for school and… my birthday party! Then I floated through my classes as if in dream and let my mind wander, thinking about all the possible birthday surprises. As soon as I came home, I was greeted by a brand new red motorbike. It was such a fantastic!

My dad and I have been riding mountain bikes and motorbikes together for as long as I can remember, but before this bike, I had never been able to ride beside my father as an equal. But getting my bike was that turning point. It was the coming of age gift, and my father’s acknowledgement that I was growing up.

That day my dad and I took our bikes to a place where we could ride. I can still remember the look on my dad’s face the first time I started on my bike. Since then we have shared something not many fathers and daughters are lucky enough to have. I will be forever grateful for the bond between my dad and me, and it is no surprise he feels the same way about me.
Discuss the following questions.

  • What are the most memorable days in your family? Why?

  • What kind of present or celebration is important to you?

  • What makes your birthday special?

Тема 2.2. Здоровье, спорт, правила здорового образа жизни

  1. Лексический материал (для повторения) по теме:


















be in poor/ no / critical condition

be unfit for something

be weakened / indisposed












heating pad



  • Pneumonia is a chest disease, which makes breathing very difficult.

  • Mark has broken his arm. His knee is also damaged.

  • You must take these tablets to reduce the inflammation.

  • You can only get this ointment on prescription.

  • The doctor protected the wound from the air by putting a bandage over it.


  • My throat is sore. It hurts to swallow.

  • I m allergic to odours.

  • I have a high blood pressure.

  • My ear aches.

  • It hurts me to move.

  • My eyes itch.

  • What shall I take for it?

Задание 1. Напишите аргументированное эссе объемом не менее 200 слов на тему «Жизнь без наркотиков». Перед написанием прочтите раздел I пункт 1 (‘For and Against’) на странице 7 данных методических рекомендаций. При возникновении любого рода вопросов и затруднений проконсультируйтесь со своим преподавателем. Сдайте преподавателю учебно-контрольный файл или добавьте страницу в ваше портфолио.
Используйте в своем эссе некоторые из представленных слов и выражений:
Heroin addiction/addict; start taking the drug; to use to take a drug; hard to give up; drugs are illegal; anti-smoking campaign; to legalize drugs; medical use of such drugs as morphine (opium); to drink alcohol; an alcohol problem among young people; hangover; get full of yourself (=very self-confident); national helpline for people with drug/drink problems; dangers of alcohol were being overlooked (=miss, not to notice) because of concerns about drugs; drug addiction; drug abuse; concerns (=worries); contemporaries (people of the same age); to know the taste and effect of drugs/alcohol; limited experience.
Придерживайтесь приведенного ниже плана:
Addiction-free Lifestyle. Say No to Drugs’


Paragraph 1

Present topic (without stating your opinion)
Main Body


Paragraph 2

Arguments for, with justifications/examples
Paragraph 3

Arguments against, with justifications/examples


Final Paragraph

Your opinion/balanced summary
Задание 2. Подготовьте презентацию на любую из предложенных тем «День здоровья» (‘How To Live One Healthy Day’), «Здоровый образ жизни» (‘Healthy Lifestyle’); для правильного выполнения задания прочитайте рекомендации по составлению презентаций на странице 15 данных методических рекомендаций. Презентация должна включать 8 – 12 слайдов и сопровождаться речью.
Используйте модель высказывания по теме в качестве образца для составления своего текста к презентации.

Healthy Lifestyle’

Recently, more and more young people have been choosing to eat only vegetarian food because they think it is better for their heath. However, many nutritionists say that following a vegetarian diet exclusively is riot such a healthy option.

On the one hand, there are several advantages to being а vegetarian. Firstly, a vegetarian diet can provide more vitamins, minerals and fibre than a meat-based diet. In addition, vegetables contain fewer calories than meat. This means that vegetarians are often fitter and slimmer than meat-eaters. Furthermore, vegetables are much cheaper than meat. Lastly, as meat contains a lot of tat it is known to increase the risk of heart disease. On the other hand, being a vegetarian is not without its disadvantages. For a start, vegеtablеs contain less protein, which is important for building muscle and giving us energy. Also, some important nutrients are found in meat and fish. Therefore, sometimes vegetarians need to replace these by taking supplements, such as vitamin pins, which can be expensive.

To sum up, although there are some drawbacks to become a vegetarian, I feel that on the whole it is not an unhealthy way to live. However, eating meat ensures that a person gets all the proteins, vitamins and minerals they need.
Тема 2.3. Город, деревня, инфраструктура

  1. Лексический материал (для повторения) по теме:

capital (city) столица

town небольшой город

village/hamlet деревня/деревушка

district район

borough округ

settlement поселение

country страна

county графство, округ

ghetto район трущоб

quarter/ block квартал

suburb пригород

outskirts окраины

metropolitan area территория, относящаяся к столице

the surroundings окрестности

rural area малонаселенные территории

urban area густонаселенные территории

residential area жилой район

housing estate спальный район

industrial estate промышленная зона

car (by car) путешествовать на автобусе

bus автобус

double-decker двухэтажный автобус

single-decker одноэтажный

coach автобус на дальние расстояния

sports car спортивный автомобиль

van небольшой грузовик

underground/ metro / subway (Am.)

trolleybus троллейбус

tram трамвай

bicycle велосипед

lorry грузовик

Задание: разработайте виртуальную экскурсию на тему - «Мой город (Милан, Лондон и т.д.) – город шоппинга». «Маршрут экскурсии для зарубежных гостей». Рекомендуемый формат для выполнения данного задания – презентация. Выберите одну из предложенных тем и подготовьте презентацию. Презентация должна содержать 8 – 12 слайдов. Для правильного выполнения задания прочитайте требования к составлению презентаций на странице 15 данных методических рекомендаций. Сдайте преподавателю учебно-контрольный файл и приготовьте текст презентации, который вы сможете добавить в ваше портфолио.
Используйте в презентации некоторые из представленных слов и выражений:
Is situated/is located; the most fascinating/lively/interesting pert of the city is …; the most famous attraction is; there is plenty of…; the town centre has …; the nightlife in … is exciting, with …; the town is well-known for its sights; to go on a sightseeing tour; to keep company; to go to some historical museum; a collection of paintings, sculpture; go to suburbs, to Peterhof or Pavlovsk; to have tickets for an exposition in the Art Gallery; to admire something greatly; to go to see a monument; places of interest one should see first; to consider ‘a must’; a beautiful panorama (bridge, arch); a splendid (magnificent) building/structure; an impressive monument/memorial; a picturesque view; an unforgettable sight; a striking impression; a memorable experience; to be able to see some of the major shopping and entertainment centres, famous Royal Parks; to pass through the fashionable district of …; chance to walk through the history; a royal church – the scene of coronations for centuries; Coronation Chair; the final resting place of monarchs, statesmen; supermarkets/corner stores; the working hours of supermarkets/corner stores/department stores; the prices at supermarkets; to be crowded, noisy and busy; spendthrift; to spend too much money;
Задание 1.

Прочитайте текст о том, как совершать покупки в Лондоне. Используйте его в качестве образца для составления своего текста к презентации.
Going shopping in a strange city is a wonderful and instant way of participating in every day life there. What’s fun about shopping in London is that you can save time by shopping in the right area. Antiques shops, for example, cluster around Portobello Road and Notting Hill Gate. Shops selling audio and computer equipment have spread up and down Tottenham Court Road in central London and Edward Road, which starts at Marble Arch. The bookseller’s gathered around Charring Cross Road. Oxford Street, probably London’s most well-know shopping street, renowned for its fashion, shoe shops and large department stores such as Selfridges and John Lewis. The largest branch of the Marks & Spencer chain is situated near Marble Arch – well worth a visit.

Regent Street. Elegant buildings line this fashionable street noted for its high-class fashion shops and fine china and jewellery. Two particularly famous shops are Liberty, noted for its fine fabrics and silk scarfs, and Hamleys, one of the best known toy shops in the world. Bond Street is famous for its art galleries, antiques and jewellery shops as well as exclusive fashions and luxury goods. Visit Asprey’s, a treasure-house of rare and beautiful things from quality leather goods to fine jewellery and antiques, or Sotheby’s, the famous auction house.

Knightsbridge is the home of Harrods, London’s most famous department store.

Bustling, busy and full of life, the capital’s street markets are an integral part of the London shopping scene. They are great for bargains or for just browsing. All sorts of goods are on sale, from fresh fruit and vegetables to hand-made crafts and antiques. But a word of warning. Watch you wallet or purse in crowded places. Among the most popular of London’s markets are Covent Garden and Petticoat Lane, the most famous street market, crowded and full of character.
Задание 2. Разработайте «Маршрут экскурсии для зарубежных гостей».
The City Tour

Recommended tour route

  1. Пригласите зарубежного гостя по памятным места Москвы (Санкт-Петербурга и т.д.). Начните экскурсию с Красной площади.

  2. Подумайте над тем, что вы расскажете туристу о Кремле, его истории и архитектурных ансамблях?

  3. Воспользуйтесь предлагаемым текстом внизу как моделью создания вашей собственной экскурсии.

  4. Обратите внимание на связующие слова в тексте, выделенные жирным шрифтом.

Model: Welcome to Moscow

A brief history of Moscow

Moscow is the capital of Russia. It is situated on the bank of the Moskva-river. Moscow became the capital of Russia during the reign of Ivan III. It is built on the seven hills, one of which is enriched by a red wall.

Let us start our tour of Moscow with Red Square. The Red Square was laid out in the 15th century. It got its name in the 17th century. In old Russian the word red means beautiful. There are interesting landmarks in it.

First look at the Moscow Kremlin with its beautiful red walls and towers crowned with ruby stars, the Mausoleum and the History Museum.

Come up to the place which once called Lobnoye Mesto. It was a place of execution, and of the proclamation of various edicts.

Not far from it you will see a monument to Minin and Pozharsky. It was erected in memory of the Russian victory over the Polish invaders in 1612 and was designed by I. Martos in 1818.

Another ancient monument of Red Square, Pokrovsky cathedral, is more widely known by its folk name – the St. Basil’s (Vasili Blazhenny) as at the end of the 16th century a God’s fool of that name was buried in the church yard. There are eight smaller churches around the tallest ninth church. It is a masterpiece of Russian architecture.

If we walk back to the middle of Red Square we are in front of the Mausoleum. The Mausoleum was built in 1924 by special government decree and then it was wooden. Now the sarcophagus with Lenin’s body is in tomb built of dark – red granite and black labradorite in 1930 to the design of the architect A. Schusev.

When we have finished looking at the Mausoleum, and perhaps taken a picture of it, we can walk down to the History Museum. The main building of the State History Museum in Red Square, opened in 1833, is one of the major all-Russia scientific and educational institutions.

From Red Square let’s go to the Kremlin. Initially the walls were built of wood and thick oak logs. By the end of the 15th century new brick walls completed the roughly triangular shape of the present Kremlin.

The Saviour’s Tower (Spasskaya Bashnya) is the symbol of the Kremlin. It was built in 1491 and got its name from the icon of the Saviour (Spas). The tower is famous for its clock, the Kremlin clock, made in the 16th century. The clock strikes every hour, half hour and quarter hour.

Выполните следующие задания:

1). Read and underlined the correct word in sentences 1-4/ Then explain the words in bold.

1. Moscow/Red Square got its name in the 17 century.

2. The name Red Square means beautiful/large.

3. The Kremlin clock strikes three/four times per hour.

4. St. Basil’s Cathedral has eight/nine churches.

2). Нарисуйте карту центра города и устно опишите его, используя фразы и выражения из таблицы внизу.

In the centre of the square, you can see….

Next to that is….

The most famous place is…..

There is also…

1   2   3   4


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