Человек дитя природы

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100-bal.ru > География > Урок
Дата проведения: 06.02.2014.

Класс: 10 а

Учебник: Английский язык: учебник для 10 класса школ с углубленным

изучением английского языка, лицеев и гимназий /О.В.Афанасьева,

И.В.Михеева. –М.: Просвещение,2012.

Учитель: Виноградова Тамара Васильевна

Тема урока: Человек – дитя природы

Тип урока: урок «открытия» нового знания.
Актуальность использования технологии деятельностного метода на уроках

английского языка – позволяет развивать умения ориентироваться в инфор -

мационном пространстве, быть способным ставить перед собой цель, дости-

гать её, не ущемляя прав окружающих людей, уметь адекватно себя оцени-

вать и прогнозировать развитие дальнейших событий; обеспечивает самооп-

ределение личности, создаёт условия для её самореализации.
Цели урока:

Ц 1: Учебный и социокультурный аспекты:

- активизировать лексику по видам речевой деятельности;

- продолжить развитие комплекса речевых умений ( говорить, читать, об –


Ц.2: Воспитательный аспект:

- формировать чувство ответственности за сопричастность к проблемам


- воспитывать чувство любви и бережного отношения к окружающей среде;

- формировать у учащихся потребности и способности к сотрудничеству,

воспитывать чувство ответственности за совместную работу.

Ц.3:Развивающий аспект:

развивать способности учащихся

- слушать друг друга,

- сравнивать,

- выделять главное,

- выражать собственную позицию,

- рефлексировать.

Методы: проблемно – поисковый, беседы, диалектический, логический,

методы дискуссии, аудио – визуальный.

Ход урока

Этап, ДМ




Действия и вопросы учителя

Возможные ответы


1.Самоопределение к учебной деятельности



Урок начинается с музыкальной заставки

(музыка звучит тихо)

The theme of today’s lesson is ‘’MAN IS THE CHILD OF NATURE’’..(Слайд 2)

The problem of our lesson is the global

situation in ecology and what we can do with it. We’ll try to discuss some environ -

mental problems in Mozhaisk.

Обучающиеся читают стихи под музыку.

P 1:The Earth is a garden.

It’s a beautiful place

For all living creatures,

For all human race.

P 2:Food is a treasure

From the soil and the seas.

Clean fresh air

From the plants and the heels.

P3: Helping mother Earth

We can peacefully roam.

We all deserve a place

We can call our home.

P4: The warmth of the sun

Turns water into rain

It’s nature way!

2. Актуализация знаний и фиксация затруднения в индивидуальной деятельности.



Выполнение задания на компьютере

The words:environment, ecology, pollution,

overcrowding, destruction, resources, exhaust, extinct, cause, habitat, littering,

living things.

The task is to read the meaning and guess the word:

1) The scientific study of the natural relations of plants, animals, people.

2) The act of making air, water, land

dangerously impure.

3)Too many people in one place.

4)The act of destroying, putting an end to the existence of something.

5)The act of throwing things away untidily.

6) Plants, animals, people.

7) The natural home of a plant or an animal.

8)Surroundings, circumstances and influences.

9)Something which can help in doing some-

thing, that can be turned to for support and help.

10)To use something up completely.

11)No longer in existence; having died out

12)That which produces an effect or event.

Fill in the blanks, please.

The Earth is our ------ . We must take care of it. The importance of this task is_--------

by the ecologists, scientists, who study the

relations between living things and their ---.

Each of us must do everything possible to

-----the land, air and water clean. Of course,

people undertake some measures to ----------

the environment, but this activity is compli-

cated by the economic difficulties.

Protect, home, keep, pointed out, environ-


Учащиеся подбирают слова

к описанию:


Living things,






pointed out


3.Постановка проблемы.

What should we discuss?(Слайд 3)


Why must we keep our environment clean?


Eco Problems in the World and in our home town.


How to solve ecological problems, what

steps are necessary to do in order to save

the nature( and in our home town)
Look at the apple . Imagine it’s our Earth. I’m cutting it into 4 pieces Three quarters (3/4) of the Earth surface is water and only

¼ is land.(Режется ¼ оставшаяся часть

пополам.) One half of it is habitable. The rest of the land is the deserts, mountains,

frozen ice-caps and other places that people

cannot live in. (Следующий кусочек реже

тся на 4 части.) Only1/32 gives us food and shelter. Less than 1% of water is drinkable.

Обучающиеся объединяются

в экспертные ( творческие) груп

пы по выбранным подтемам.

1.Why? 2.What? 3.How?

4.Проетирование и фиксация нового знания.5.Первичное закрепление (внешняя речь)







What would happen if this part of the

world was damaged?

So, why must we keep our environment


There is a nice saying on the board today. Will you read and translate?

‘’We do not own the Earth, we have

borrowed it from the future generation’’.

Ключевые слова для высказывания:

Take care of…, think only about today…,

keep for your children…

Still the developing human civilization

harms the environment. What is important for animals, birds, fish,

flowers, trees and people?

We throw away so much glass, paper, metal and plastic.

What do we need to do to keep our planet

What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your


What can you say about the environmental situation in our town?

1 группа

Обучающиеся дают ответ в



What have they done to the seas, my friend?

What have they done to the seas?

What have they done to the rivers,

my friend?!

What have they done to the trees?


Well, they have turned all the seas

into mud, my friend!

And they have killed all the fishin those seas!

And they have poured out their oil

and their waste, my friend!

Cause they think they can do as

they please.


And they have built their cities,

And they have made their roads,

And they will test their bombs till

the world explodes

Into millions of little pieces.


What have they done to our land,

my friend!

This land which is ours from our


What have they done to our

forests, my friend?

What have they done to our



Well, they have turned our land

into a desert, my friend

A desert of concrete and stone.

And they have done it for profit

and gain

Till they have ruined the Earth that we own

And they have built their cities…


What have they done to the sky,

my friend?

The sky that is so clean and blue.

What have they done to the sky, my friend?

What have done to the air?


Well, they have poured out their smoke and their fumes, my friend

Till you can’t see the sun in

the sky.

And they have poisoned the air

that we breathe, my friend

Till we cough and we choke and

we die!

And they have built their cities….

Высказываются все обучаю-

щиеся. Выводы делают эксперты 1й группы.

Смотреть слайд 4.
Слайд 5.

Учащиеся читают пословицу,

осмысливают её,

высказываются своё мнение.

-People kill animals because they consider them dangerous.

- Animals are killed for fur and

trunks to make clothes and ornaments.

  • Just for sport.

  • Etc(и т.д.)

Выводы делают эксперты 2й группы.

Смотреть слайд 6.

-We need to save our water.

- Everybody can help stop the

greenhouse effect by using less

energy, protecting and planting trees.

-We can all help to stop the ozone layer from disappearing.

- If I were the leader of my country, I would stop logging

companies from destroying the

rainforest and make them plant


-I wouldn’t allow hunters to kill

endangered species

-I would make laws to protect

the air, water and soil.

-I would use new technologies

to protect the environment.


-The gasoline burnt inside car

engines produces gases that poison the air.

-Some factories produce

liquid wastes that run into the river.


Выводы делают эксперты

3-ей группы.

Смотреть слайд 7.

6.Самоконтроль с самопроверкой по эталону (внутренняя речь)

7.Включение нового знания в систему знаний и повторение.



Работа с текстом

Environmental Protection

( текст прилагается к плану)

Here is a little test – complete the sentences

using the right word, we’ll see how you

understand the text.

( тест прилагается к тексту)

Обучающиеся знакомятся с текстом.
Выполнение теста с целью

контроля понимания текста.

8.Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке.



What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy? What should be done to change the existing situation?

Please, complete the following sentences:

1) Try not to buy pre-packaged food because…

2)Use less washing up liquid because….

3)Use public transport because…

4)Never light fires in forests because..

5)Do not drop rubbish in the streets because

6) Do not throw plastic bottles into the sea because..

it creates a lot of rubbish.

it pollutes the seas and rivers.

cars pollute the air.

trees will burn.

it looks horrible, use rubbish bins.
fish will die.


If we do all these things, we’ll live in harmony with nature.

Смотреть слайд 5.

Домашнее задание

Написать сочинение на тему ‘’Some people believe that the Earth is damaged by people’s activity, others think that people’s activity makes the Earth a better place to live.
Оценка учебной деятельности класса.
Our lesson is over. See you tomorrow.


The poisoning of the world’s land, air and water is one of the most important

problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead;

the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the

lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Air pollution is also a very serious problem because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs

of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air.This causes

different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.

People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. There are

a lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and ‘’Green Peace’’ is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and

making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.
Complete the sentences using the right word:
1. Environmental protection is an-------- problem:

a) easy;

b) important;


2. Factories pour a lot of---------into air and water:

a)a shortage;


c) pollution.

3. What caused the-------of wildlife:

a) destruction;

b) poison;


4. Many rivers and lakes are--------:




5. Many scientists try ---------ecology problems:

a) to solve;

b)to know;

c)to protect.

What can we do to keep the Earth clean?
Please, complete the following sentences:
1) Try not to buy pre-packeged food because…
2)Use less washing up liquid because…
3)Use public transport because….
4)Never light fires in forests because…
5) Do not drop rubbish in the streets because …
6)Do not throw plastic bottles into the sea because …
…it creates a lot of rubbish, …cars pollute the air,…it pollutes the seas and rivers,

…trees will burn, …fish will die, …it looks horrible, use rubbish bins.

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